
赤の世界, The Red World
This volume is a collection of short stories. The title story "Aka no Sekai" features a boys' summer camp out in the country. The main character, Regulus, is reluctantly attending the summer camp, where he shares a room with a cheerful boy named Miran. Soon after arrival, though, some of the other boys begin acting strange, while claiming they want to see the color red. Will Regulus and Miran be able to figure out what is happening before it is too late? 
あめのちはれ (びっけ), 雨过天晴, Clear Up After Rain, Rendez-vous sous la pluie
A long time ago…there was a disease that would cause nightmares and kill people. Doctors and wizards threw in the towel, unable to find a cure. All of a sudden, mysterious magicians appeared. These magicians ate the nightmares of those who suffered from them. It was said that those who had their dreams eaten were able to sleep peacefully.This is the story of “Baku”.
あめのちはれ (びっけ) -  Ame Nochi Hare (BIKKE)


Français :En mémoire de son grand-père, Frants a reçu une poupée mécanique aussi appelée "Gemme".C'est un travail artistique magnifique qui peut chanter, danser, cependant, elle ne bouge pas, comme si elle était endormie.Il se demande comment il peut faire bouger cette Gemme... Et commence à chercher des indices.Mais une autre personne est à la recherche de cette Gemme et... !?Anglais :Avant de mourir, Cornelius détruit sa maison et son atelier, ne laissant derrière lui, au nom de son petit-fils Frants, qu'un journal, une clé, et une GEM élégante nommée "Jade".Mais comme Frants va bientôt le découvrir, le travail d'un artisan n'est jamais à l'abri de ceux qui le convoitent...
壁の中の天使, The Angel in the Wall
Lorentz Dinkel, a local artist, was commissioned to paint on a store's wall. Little did he know the angels, Julius and Marion, come alive at night. Julius and Marion have fun traveling about until then Julius meets the artist and...Beautifully told, a dazzling love story!


Rencontre entre un garçon qui a perdu son petit-ami dans un accident et un autre garçon qui ressemble beaucoup physiquement à ce petit-ami mais qui a la personnalité complètement opposée.
真空融接 -  Hollow Fusion
From amber love pj: In this country, every person has to be matched up with a partner. Partnerships are made around when you turn three or four. The doctors decide who gets paired together. One person acts as the 'supplier.' The other as the 'receiver.' It is impossible for a 'receiver' to continue to live without periodically being given power from the 'supplier.' And in the same way, it is imperative for a 'supplier' that a 'receiver' accept some of the power generated within their body. This 'power' can't be made anywhere other than inside a 'supplier's own body… So for the 'receivers,' we 'suppliers' are completely indispensable.... Note: The doujinshi for this series have now (as of April 2009) been collected into an officially published volume (volume 3).
真空融接, 真空融接 春, Hollow Fusion
In this country, every person has to be matched up with a partner. Partnerships are made around when you turn three or four. The doctors decide who gets paired together. One person acts as the 'supplier.' The other as the 'receiver.' It is impossible for a 'receiver' to continue to live without periodically being given power from the 'supplier.' And in the same way, it is imperative for a 'supplier' that a 'receiver' accept some of the power generated within their body. This 'power' can't be made anywhere other than inside a 'supplier's own body… So for the 'receivers,' we 'suppliers' are completely indispensable...