Shinkuu Yuusetsu

Shinkuu Yuusetsu

真空融接- Hollow Fusion
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Shinkuu Yuusetsu

真空融接- Hollow Fusion
From amber love pj: In this country, every person has to be matched up with a partner. Partnerships are made around when you turn three or four. The d ...octors decide who gets paired together. One person acts as the 'supplier.' The other as the 'receiver.' It is impossible for a 'receiver' to continue to live without periodically being given power from the 'supplier.' And in the same way, it is imperative for a 'supplier' that a 'receiver' accept some of the power generated within their body. This 'power' can't be made anywhere other than inside a 'supplier's own body… So for the 'receivers,' we 'suppliers' are completely indispensable.... Note: The doujinshi for this series have now (as of April 2009) been collected into an officially published volume (volume 3).
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