
What would be your first thought if someone killed your parents?Certainly REVENGE...That being the case for yoshi, who is a thief that wanders from place to placesearching to find his parent's murderer, that were killedin a bloody attack his village was under years ago.His only companions.. His instict and two big loads,his memories and a rose which was given by his father shortly before he died.Follow yoshi as he searches for his parent's murderer full of hate and rage!.But who said that rage and revenge are the right choises?
블루버드 -  파랑새훔치기 -  Stealing Blue Bird
From NOIR: When the blue bird sings, it brings its owner happiness. However, when the blue bird dies... It can only be resurrected when the owner sacrifices something that they cherish... The cycle repeats until the owner has nothing left to offer as sacrifice, leaving the owners with nothing to cherish and no blue bird to sing to them. Yuria is the owner of a blue bird... a blue bird someone wants to steal away from her. Will Yuria be able to protect her blue bird and find her own happiness?
Seiketsu no Haguruma
Fils du roi de la nation au sang bleu, Kodo a inventé une technologie nomme Haguruma. Mais son père l’utilise dans la guerre contre Hizoku, la nation au sang rouge, menaçant de l’anéantir. Ignorant que son invention tue des gens tous les jours, Kodo se lie d’amitié avec Suzuna, une sang rouge. Mais une offensive de son père se termine par la mort du frère de Suzuna. Kodo découvre l’horrible vérité et décide de détruire le Haguruma, devenant un traitre à sa patrie et à sa famille...
Why Blue Carp Town sank? Was there anything to do with The Lord of the River? Why Cait Ching strayed into the underwater city? Is it a coincident or fate? When crisis strikes, should we be satisfied with the existing state as they are? Caiting Ching found the question. Hope she can find the answers as well.
ブルードラゴン ラルΩグラド, ラルΩグラド, 蓝龙, BLUE DRAGONラルΩグラド, Blue Dragon - Ral Grado, Blue Dragon: Ral Grad, Blue Dragon: RalΩGrad, BLUE DRAGON ラル・グラド, Ral & Grad,
In the days of war, a baby fused together with a "shadow" called Blue Dragon, a legend among the "shadows". Because of that, he was locked in darkness from birth until recently, 15 years later, to prevent his shadow from activating. From the beginning, the only person he knew was his tutor who would come see him everyday. But "shadows" have begun to run rampant as they escape from "Noir" through living beings. Humnas call for the release of Blue Dragon in order to help mankind; thus their journey begins to seal the "shadows" along with the strongest: their queen.
In “Blue Dragon”, “shadows” can fuse with their "hosts". This is the history of the teenager, Ral, and his "shadow", the Blue Dragon "Grado", that his father, a king, imprisoned together in the dungeon of the castle when Ral was a young baby. One day, when the "shadows" besieges the castle, his personal educator, Mio, releases him to protect the castle and repel the “shadows”.
Aoi Hitomi
Another take on the little mermai...merman?
lovely poetic oneshot
Dancing In The Middle Of The Night -  Azure Night the Waltz Oh Rapture -  푸른 밤 황홀의 윤무

Blue Ramun

Blue of Blood
L'histoire raconte la vie d'une jeune fille qui peut soigner les gens grâce à son sang

Blue Seed

Une jeune fille de 15 ans, Momiji, apprend le même jour qu'elle avait une soeur jumelle et que cette soeur vient de disparaitre. Elles descendent toutes les deux de la lignée des Kushinada, dont la mort peut endormir les aragami, des genres de monstres qui naissent de graines bleues qui ont la forme du symbole du Yin ou du Yang. Et justement les aragami sont sur le point de se réveiller. Momiji est prise en charge par la division du gouvernement combattant les aragami. Il y a également un jeune homme semi-aragami, Kusanagi, dont on ne connait pas les intentions.
Almost two years have passed since Ryousuke made his wish to become a beautiful girl. Although he continuously and faithfully tended the plant that was supposed to make this seemingly impossible transformation a reality, the miracle has yet to happen! To what lengths will Ryousuke go in order to make Gunma fall in love with him? Is it possible that Gunma might actually return Ryousuke’s feelings…!?
푸른 늑대의 밤
A contemporary story where fairy tales (Wizard of Oz, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, etc.) suddenly gets mixed up with reality.
少爺與女僕; 도련님과 메이드; Young Master and Maid
Dans la ville d'Orihen nous allons suivre les aventures d'une Servante qui fait tout pour s'entendre avec le Jeune Maître de la famille qui vient de l'embaucher. Pas facile.... Car le Jeune Maître décrit comme timide, ne se laisse pas approcher facilement. Notre jeune Servante va t-elle réussir son objectif ?
Botchi Tenseiki -  The Reincarnation Record of Bocchi -  ぼっち転生記
I don't trust any human being.An unemployed, virgin 29-years-old Loner man who has a very deep distrust toward humans was trying to save a woman who was almost raped. He is stabbed in the chest by the assaulter and left to die alone while cursing the humans. When he came to, he realized that he had reincarnated in another world as the second son of a lower noble family where magic and spirit exist as a human baby named Ash Hawkwood.Without talent for [True Magic] or [Swordmanship] this the story about how he build his own empire from scratch by using his own power.
보살님이 캐리해!
Bodhisattva s'est réincarné à travers Jiyoung plus tôt que prévu...Par conséquent, les démons appelés Yaksha le traquent sans relâche avant qu'il ne gagne et cultive ses pouvoirs.Comment le jeune Jiyoung va t-il se défendre alors qu'il ne commence qu'à peine à se rappeler de son lui d'autrefois ?
Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu -  I hate being in pain -  so I think I'll make a full defense build -  痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。
Un nouveau gros joueur est apparu sur le fameux VRMMO NewWorld Online ! Aucune attaque ne peut l'atteindre, et grâce à son talent de poison létal, les monstres comme les autres joueurs se font tous démolir ! Qui se cache derrière ce personnage qui, de par son style de combat original, se fait surnommer " la forteresse vivante " ou encore " le boss final " ? Une jeune fille débutante ! Maple commence à peine le jeu, sur les conseils de son amie Sally. N'y connaissant pas grand-chose, elle a mis tous ses premiers points de compétence en VIT (défense). Dès qu'elle a rencontré des petits monstres de base, elle s'est fait ridiculiser... mais ça ne lui a pas fait le moindre mal ? Ils ont beau l'envoyer valser, elle ne reçoit aucun dégât ! En plus, elle a eu la chance de tomber sur une compétence de contre qui tue l'ennemi en un coup. Et grâce à l'aide de camarades aux mêmes préférences qu'elle, Maple ne va cesser de progresser. Que l'aventure à zéro dégât commence !
I Will Sing And You Will Smile -  Because You Smile When I Sing
Consists of a collection of short stories. [From Shoujo Magic]: Story 1 - Because You Smile When I Sing The pop band vocalist, Atsushi, has always been thought of by others as a "scary person" because of the facial expression he was born with and his disinclination to speak. For Atsushi, Anzu is the only one who ever smiled wholeheartedly upon meeting him, but now that they have met again in high school, Anzu has changed completely. Why doesn't she smile? What can a boy--a singer--with a frightful expression and no speech do to bring her beautiful smile back...? Story 2 - Ding Dong Happiness resounds, ding dong. Though the sound of it may be short-lived, the echo only dies if we allow it to. Chisato wonders if her father ever loved her. He died in a car accident, leaving Chisato behind with her stepmother. He never gave her anything--no gifts on holidays, and he didn't even have the decency to go on living for her. It might be the case that even Chisato's stepmother feels no love for her and will leave. But one question from Chisato's childhood friend, Takahiro, brings the past echoing back with more clarity than ever before. Story 3 - Voice of Mine Inagaki Shuu is a musical genius, the son of musical geniuses, and so the eyes that watch him as he plays the violin are not the eyes of attentive listeners, but the eyes of scrutinizing customers. People are cold to him and the technical perfection he picked up from his parents...except for Futaba, that strange girl who ran into the music room to hide while he was there and then escaped out the window. She's straight and honest in her actions--and in her music. You can hear her voice when she plays, a voice that's uniquely hers. Can she help a genius to find his own voice...? Story 4 - Double Flower Suguru is a little strange for an 18 year-old boy. As a hobby and by profession, he's a seamstress. His rude little grade schooler step-niece, Aya, has run away from home and is staying with him now, and she lets him know everything that's on her mind without hesitation. It hurts to hear from her why women don't look on him as a man, but it also helps him understand what he needs to do to win the woman he loves... Story 5 - Dark Princess A hilarious fairytale side story of "Those Who Have Wings". Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Princess Shoka. She was so lovely that she was called "Snow White," but she was also called "Storm Black" because she was a sadistic slave driver! King Hiruto, Queen Phia, and General Tooya knew they had to do something about her behavior, so they hired Hunter Yang to kill her!? But she escaped, with Hunter Yang as her hostage, and went on an adventurous journey to find a hot knight to be her ultimate love!
I Am the Hero, and the Demon King Is Also Me -  I'm the Hero, But the Demon Lord's Also Me -  ボクが勇者で魔王もボクで, ボクが勇者で 魔王もボクで
The story will combine the legend of a demon king with a hero who crosses over time and other things. The comedy will involve traveling between a Japanese living room and another world.[hr][url=]Alternative raw[/url]
My Hero Academia Smash!! -  僕のヒーローアカデミアすまっしゅ -  Boku no Hīrō Academia Sumasshu
About My Room Leads to Dungeon -  My Room Has Become a Dungeon's Rest Area -  僕の部屋がダンジョンの休憩所になってしまった件
Tooru Suzuki, un étudiant universitaire, réussit à trouver un appartement à louer dans la zone métropolitaine de Tokyo pour seulement 30 000 yens par mois. Comme il pouvait s'y attendre, un prix si bas cache forcément quelque chose. En effet, lorsqu'il arrive pour la première fois dans son nouvel appartement, il réalise qu'une fois ouverte depuis l'intérieur, sa porte d'entrée mène à un donjon. Ce donjon se trouvant dans un autre monde, Suzuki va pouvoir rencontrer diverses personnes et ainsi explorer cet endroit grouillant de monstres.
僕のかわいい娘は双子の賢者 ~特技がデバフの底辺黒魔導士、育てた双子の娘がSランクの大賢者になってしまう~
Elcan, a dark magician, is fired from his party due to his lack of talent with offensive magic. As he wandered the streets he came across twins, who were abandoned by their parents. "I couldn't be a good dark magician, but I want to make their lives better!" He decided to retire from being an adventurer and raise these two girls as his own. And so, he raised his daughters, Corona and Selena. Teaching them black magic and enrolling them in a prestigious magician’s academy. After learning more about magic, the girls return to see their father with some important news… They are S-rank Sages?! And they want to form a party with him?! A new adventure between a father and his daughters begin!
My Lucky Star -  僕のラッキースター - 
My Lucky Star -  僕のラッキースター - 
My Lucky Star -  僕のラッキースター - 
My Lucky Star -  僕のラッキースター -