

Un prince à l'école et à la maison nommé Yama est le parfait élève. Il montre sa vraie personnalité seulement lorsqu'il est seul. Mais, un jour, une jeune fille nommée Saku le suit dans sa villa et elle découvre en quelque sorte sa vraie personnalité. Que va-t-il alors se passer ?


Après avoir été acceptée par le Conservatoire de musique Melite, Taki Ren se rend à Vienne pour réaliser son rêve de devenir compositrice. Cependant, il y a un problème : Melite est une école de garçons ! Ses camarades de classe sont tous des génies de la musique, mais ils ont aussi des problèmes !
クラスメート、上村ユウカはこう言った。 -  同班同学 上村由香如是说 -  Kuras
Shirasaki est incroyablement ennuyé par sa vie scolaire, quotidienne et immuable. Il finit par rencontrer son étrange camarade de classe, Kamimura Yuuka qui essaye de changer le monde de ses camarades indifférents. Cependant, quand elle lui révèle la vérité sur la nature de son monde à lui, tout va vite devenir plus étrange à un niveau qu'il n'aurait jamais soupçonné !


Kunisada Haruichi s'est spécialisé dans la danse japonaise dans le département de danse de son lycée. Un jour, il rencontre Yuri Arbatov, un célèbre et jeune danseur étoile qui est venu étudier à l'étranger pour une courte période. Mais lorsque Yuri apprend le secret de la faiblesse d'Haruichi, Haruichi est contraint de se travestir sur scène...
Colette Decides to DieColette Ölmeye Karar VerdiColette se décide mourirColette's DecisionКолетта решает умереть콜레트는 죽기로 했다コレットは死ぬことにした选择死亡的柯莱特
Colette est le seul médecin de son village, elle est vraiment, mais alors vraiment débordée ! Les gens viennent la voir à toute heure de la journée, pour un oui ou pour un non, sans lui laisser un instant de répit. Colette n'en peut vraiment plus... Au bout du rouleau, elle décide de mettre fin à sa vie en sautant dans un puits (elle espère ainsi en finir avec ses malheurs et arriver dans un monde meilleur) Quelle n'est pas sa surprise quand elle découvre qu'elle a atterri tout droit... dans le royaume d'Hadès !
A war rages through the city, where battles are fought with music. Theo is disappointed by his brother Will’s refusal to take part in the war, despite his talent for composing battle music, and decides to take matters into his own hands by using the music Will has composed.
About a boy of thirteen years who always tries to be a hero and for various reasons are involved with monsters, ending in his death, but it revived with the help a little thing (one might say that is the predecessor of innocence) and now must fight the Count ancient.
コペルニクスの呼吸 -  Copernicus Breathing -  Copernicus no Kokyuu -  Copernicus' Breath -  La Respiration de Copernic -  The Breath of Copernicus -  The Respiration of Co
From Aestheticism: The story happens in a circus in Paris in the 1970's. (...) Much is made of the romance of the circus atmosphere, of flying through the air on a trapeze, etc etc. Think cirque here, not circus. We're doing Old World riffs on the romance and tawdriness of the ring. There are no elephants in tutus walking on their hind legs; it's slit-eyed jugglers and daring death-loving trapeze artists and sad Pierrot clowns, even if the Pierrot clown - our hero, Torinosu, 'Bird's Nest' - has a false red nose. The tawdriness comes from the circus master pimping out his performers to anyone willing to pay. (...) And there's tanbi decadence - ghosts who wander into the action looking like teenaged girls even if they're the hero's brother, and abandoned neurotic women with a thing for inflicting pain, and buracon and possible murder and unspoken pining and a hero who looks about to perish at any moment from terminal angst.
コップと泥棒、その妻と愛人, Cops and Robbers, Their Wives and Mistresses
A petty robber learns of the existence of the "Village of Honesty", where they only tell the truth, and he goes with the purpose of rip off all the townfolk.At the entrance of the village he finds a fork with two beautiful women, one who tells the truth and one who tells lies, and he could make only one question to find the right way.
コゼットの肖像, Cossette no Shozou, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Le Portrait de petite Cosette, Le Portrait de Petite Cossette
Eiri Kurahashi is an art school student, with a job at a local antique store. It's there that he develops a strange obsession. He finds himself entranced by a portrait of a Victorian-era girl named Cossette. It's a portrait with a strange history--everyone who has owned it has been murdered in a bizarre fashion. But the story runs much deeper than that. Cossette was savagely murdered by her lover, who also happens to be the artist who painted the portrait. When the new owner of the portrait nearly kills himself, Eiri decides to get involved. And that's when Cossette begins speaking to him...
The forth entry in the 2020 Golden Future Cup
クラッシュ (桜沢エリカ)
A romantic story set in the show business and modeling world, CRASH reveals the influence played and the links joining the publicity, cinema, and TV worlds: as a vector to the image manipulation, that tends too often to dehumanize the top model or actor, reducing him to a simple image in 2-dimension.
A collection of oneshots. Impossibility only scanlated the first volume. 1. ABC Aki is in her first relationship with Yousuke, but he doesn't seem like such a great guy... 2. Nako's Love Letter Suki's boyfriend, Tooya, is scary looking and always treats her like his servant. How does he really feel? 3. Snow Upon You, Flowers On My Heart Yu has been asked to take care of his cousin, Sakura, who hasn't talked since she witnessed a car accident 4 years ago.
A battle takes place during the 25th hour of each day. There are only a chosen few that can fight. Two sides: those that fight to preserve yesterday and those that fight to ensure that tomorrow comes. Which side will win? (guess that'll do for now. you get the general idea...)
クラウン・クレイズ -  王冠狂熱
In a room lie the two real brothers, the 17-year-old Kuruto and the 15 year old Enishi. —This is the good night kiss— They have been together since they were small. It was a natural thing for them to spend time together but that is slowly starting to change. The day the relationship between the two of them becomes awkward is when Kuruto returns home after a long time. The brothers attitude towards each other are so different and suddenly Kuruto tells the younger brother “Don’t think of saying you love me again”…?
Noriko is caught up in an accident while she is going to her running tracks competition. When she opens her eyes, there is the young doctor Shinoda who seems very concerned about her. She is attracted to his child-like smile, but from his lips, she learns a shocking truth - in the accident, Noriko has lost her physical body and what remains is only a brain, stuck in a little black box?!
Some guy stuck in a boring class.
Fushou no Musuko -  Shimura Takako Sakuhinshuu: Kawaii Akuma -  The Devil is So Cute -  Unworthy Son -  ابن غير جدير -  不肖の息子
A collection of short stories.1-5. Kawaii Akuma6. Atashi no Natsuyasumi7. Suteki na Ano Ko8. Chuugakusei9. Toaru Hi10. Henshin11. Fushou no Musuko / Unworthy SonShinichi works as a mangaka's assistant while trying to get published himself, but his determination falters when his father gets remarried…to a teacher Shinichi had a crush on years ago and who was the inspiration for his first manga. If he gives up on his hopeless crush, will he still find inspiration for drawing?
A popular idol, Haruki, is the star of a commercial for an immersive virtual reality game called “Yellow Brick Road”. To help with the promotion of the game, his manager persuades him to enter the game as a “guardian” and defeat a band of thieves. However, Haruki encounters an adventure he never could have imagined!
Dジェネシス ダンジョンが出来て3年
It has been 3 years since the first dungeon, a giant cave filled with monsters, was born. In a world where dungeon raiders are common, Yoshimura, who lives his life as company livestock, unexpectedly (and unfortunately?) ranks first in the world rankings! Wishing for a more laidback lifestyle, he retires and decides to enter the dungeon. Wielding unknown skills that he has gotten, he joins the the frontline of the dungeon raiders. What will be the future of his laidback life?[url=]Author's Twitter[/url][url=]Artist's Twitter[/url][*][url=]Alternative Raw Source[/url][*][url=]Alternative Raw Source 2[/url]


Le monde est sous la coupe d'entités maléfiques, issues des expériences scientifiques d'un génie malfaisant, le comte millénaire. Seule une lignée d'exorcistes spécialement entrainés semblent être en mesure de combattre ces créatures qui s'attaquent aux humains. Allen Walker est l'un d'entre eux et fait partie des plus jeunes recrues. Mais ses extraordinaires pouvoirs trahissent aussi un terrible secret, pourquoi sa main gauche est-elle celle d'un démon ? Quelle est cette cicatrice qui le défigure, et quel lien possède-t-il avec le comte ?
Miyu, whose mom was chosen to be an astronaut, was sent to live with Kanata, a boy she just met. Soon after, Kanata's father leave the two to live alone. Amidst the panic, a mysterious UFO came... and out popped Ruu and his babysitter-pet Wannya. For the sake of Ruu, the four of them start living together...... 
Ce manga prend place un an après la fin de la saison 1 diffusée en anime en 2007 : Darker Than Black Kuro no keiyakusha. Hei et Yin se trouvent toujours à Tokyo et continuent de traquer des entrepreneurs. De son côté Misaki travaille toujours dans la police tout en gardant l'espoir de retrouver Hei. Ils se retrouvent tous les deux à poursuivre un même entrepreneur ayant commis des meurtres.
Daten no Inugami -SLASHDØG- -  Daten no Inugami SLASHDOG -  Daten no Inugami: Slash Døg -  Fallen Dog God - SLASHDOG- -  SLASH/DOG -  堕天の狗神-SLASHDOG- -  堕天的狗神 -SLASHDØG - 
Pris d'une forte fièvre, Tobio Ikuse, un lycéen de deuxième année, a été contraint de manquer son voyage scolaire sur un luxueux paquebot avec ses camarades de classe. Quatre jours plus tard, Tobio entend la nouvelle de la disparition des professeurs et des élèves de deuxième année de son école, et cela le dévaste. Quelques mois après l'incident, Tobio, qui s'est lentement remis de la perte soudaine de ses amis, rencontre à nouveau l'un d'eux par hasard. Poursuivant son ami disparu Sasaki, Tobio parvient finalement à le rattraper, mais il est choqué de voir Sasaki aux côtés d'un monstre lézard qui l'attaque en même temps que le monstre. Coincé par le monstre, Tobio est secouru par un autre survivant du paquebot de luxe disparu, Natsume Minagawa, qui lui tend alors un œuf avant de se séparer. Plus tard dans la nuit, Tobio se retrouve à nouveau attaqué, cette fois par deux personnes avec des monstres. Au milieu du chaos qui s'ensuit, de l'ombre de Tobio, sort un chiot qui le sauve. Après avoir repoussé les deux monstres, Natsume s'approche à nouveau de Tobio avant de décider finalement de l'emmener dans leur cachette.
ディア グリーン
From Intercross: Aoi has always been the delinquent kind of girl, not taking her future seriously. She's always being compared to her talented older sister, and she's already so fed up with it. As a child, she has always loved the flute, but even then, she gave up because of her lack of self-confidence. While in her secret quiet place, she runs into genius photographer Yohsuke who can hopefully give her the confidence to move on in life.
でぃえっちえぃ, でぃ・えっち・えぃ, D.H.A, DHA
Ai Shiratori is your average junior high school student with a crush on a boy, Hikaru Kamishiro. With a love so rampant and true, and an imagination as wild as any girl's Ai sometimes has rather... ecchi dreams. But none of those dreams could ever prepare her for the reality that came to her in the form of the Archangel Raphael.You see, Hikaru Kamishiro is not your average boy. Hell has plans for him and Heaven isn't about to let those plans come to fruit. While Hell sends their Hell's Apostles to get Hikaru to commit the seven deadly sins and drag him into hell, Heaven sends their secret weapon: Ai. What is Ai's mission? Nothing short of consummating her love with her beloved Hikaru... but wait by consummating you mean... sex?! Can Ai handle the Archangel's request and save her true love?
Pokémon - Le Cadeau de Cadoiseau
Todoke kono omoi -  届けこの想い
ひあいもうそう -  被爱妄想 -  被愛妄想 -  Hiai Mousou
A teacher named Kadomae Kazuma has the principal's daughter Noeda Kanade for his class in a new school semester. At first glance, she appears to be a quiet girl, but she's awakening her aberrant love towards Kazuma!? This is a psycho love story that accelerates thoughts and actions!