
100% Very Sweet Boyfriends! -  100%極甘彼氏!
Recueil de One Shots.
Akuma no Keiyaku -  Devil's Contract -  Kontrak Iblis -  Сделка с Дьяволом -  悪魔のケイヤク
They say don't make a deal with the devil ...
Yuuma Hirose travaille en tant que mascotte dans le parc d'attractions Dream Park. Un jour, il sauve un enfant des mains d'un ravisseur avec l'aide de Kazuha Shikiori, un technicien du parc qui passait par là.Peu de temps après, Yuuma, qui jusqu'à présent vivait seul dans son logement de fonction, se voit attribuer un colocataire ; celui-ci n'est autre que Kazuha.Les deux hommes font connaissance le soir même dans leur logement, autour d'un apéritif bien arrosé pour fêter leur nouvelle cohabitation. Yuuma est affable envers Kazuha qui semble être quelqu'un de doux et bienveillant.Mais le lendemain matin au réveil, Kazuha semble avoir changé de personnalité...
Koi ga Wakaranu Otona-domo -  恋がわからぬ大人共
Suiya Kitamura (Massu) confessed to his in-game friend he has known for a long time, Sayo Kitamura (Jaja). While they easily realized how they feel about each other, both of them have no idea what lovers do! This is a short love-comedy of two adults who know nothing about romance![url=][img][/img] Author's Twitter[/url]
Love Me Or I'll Kick Your Ass!!! -  愛してくれなきゃブッ殺す!!!
Shota, a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, has one dream : to be the cool, bad guy. Ever since he was a young boy, he has looked up to the strongest, worst delinquent in the area, Soushi. But because of his upbringing, he was never able to even pretend to be like him. Now he is finally in university and will start going out at night in order to become a delinquent himself...or at least he was supposed to. Instead, he ends up working part-time at a bar that belongs to his mom's friend, the strong delinquent Soushi! Soushi is divorced, has no kids and has settled down now when he's nearing 40. He's the complete opposite of the guy Shota looked up to! Shota takes it upon himself to make sure Soushi remembers his true self, and he starts by giving Soushi his body, even though Soushi doesn't seem to show much interest at all. This is a comedic and explosive love story between a middle-aged, retired delinquent and a rich and pure delinquent-admiring university student! (From Renta!)

baby star

Il s'agit d'un volume de 4 one-shots :Story 01 - Baby Star - Xiao Zi sort avec Yamato, un garçon assez impopulaire. Par un concours de circonstance, ce dernier se retrouve mannequin et la nouvelle idole des filles. Leur relation résistera-t-elle a ce changement ?Story 02 - English Garden - Jiao Ren va partir à l'étranger dans un mois. Il demande à Shi Xu d'être sa petite amie jusqu'à son départ.?Story 03 - Romantic Vacation - Xiao Zhô part en vacances pour la première fois avec son petit ami Xiao Yang.Story 04 - Love Sign's - Une diseuse de bonne aventure dit à Xiao Quan qu'elle va rencontrer son prince charmant. Alors cette dernière décide de partir à sa recherche.
Akari is drawn into the exciting world of kabuki theatre, She then spends her time after school assisting the famous actor, Shonosuke Ichimura. In the real world, however, this prince of kabuki is actually a high school cutie named Ryusei. The pair's relationship gets off on the wrong foot but eventually, with the help of a cat known as Mr. Ken, might start to fall in love.


C'est l'histoire d'un garçon qui rencontre chaque nuit une fille dans son rêve, ce qui lui permet de pouvoir vivre dans ce monde et de le supporter.

Bitter Virgin

Véritable tombeur, Daisuke Suwa est un lycéen sans histoire qui passe son temps à séduire les filles de son entourage. Il n’éprouve donc aucun intérêt pour Hinako Aikawa, une jeune fille calme et réservée, terrifiée à l’idée du moindre contact avec la gent masculine. Les sentiments de Daisuke vont finalement changer quand il entendra par accident la confession de Hinako dans une chapelle abandonnée…Attention, malgré son design shôjo, Bitter Virgin est une œuvre résolument adulte qui s'adresse à un public averti !

Black Bird

Pas facile de vivre comme les autres quand on possède la capacité de voir les esprits et que ces derniers ont décidé de s'amuser à vos dépens. Misao Harada a appris à supporter cet étrange quotidien en se remémorant Kyô, un petit garçon qui voilà dix ans la protégeait de ces créatures. Un premier amour qui réapparait dans sa vie sans crier gare la veille de ses 16 ans ! Le jour de son anniversaire, un yôkai lui fait une révélation surprenante : à partir de ce jour, si un monstre boit son sang, il prolonge sa durée de vie ; s'il mange sa chair, il devient immortel et s'il fait d'elle sa femme, il assure la prospérité de son clan !
Entre le lycée déserté et l'appartement familial qu'elle fuit, Yu-mi s'ennuie dans son village de bord de mer. Au coeur de cet été torride, l'adolescente est secrètement attirée par Wan-woo, un garçon qu'elle redécouvre. Mais comment avouer son émoi, elle qui se veut si fière et si secrète ?
Candyman -  캔디맨
Kyuyeon has an alternate persona in an online game, he pretends to be a female player with a character named “Yorong” only to rip off items from other clueless users. One of “her” diehard fans named “Yeommin” showers Kyuyeon with gifts day and night. He’s happy but at the same time, Kyuyeon feels a bit pressured about Yeommin because he’s always asking “Yorong” for a date. To top it all off, Kyuyeon finds out that Yeommin is his handsome classmate called Kimin Yeom. How is he going to get out of trouble?
コッペリオン, 核爆默示录
In 2016 a meltdown of a nuclear power plant creates a big catastrophe in Tokyo. 20 years later, the city has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation. From that area a distress signal is received. The Self Defence forces dispatch 3 girls from the special unit Coppelion to search for survivors. But why aren't they wearing any protection against radiation? 
Nabi, a girl, ever since a near-death experience (being hit by a truck), has the ability to see supernatural things that no one else could see called Reapers. Reapers feast off negative energy, and now it is Nabi's goal to destroy them. With the help of a childhood friend from the past Mu-Hyun, and a mysterious guy who had saved Nabi from being hit by a truck - Nabi tries to make sense of her abilities and fend off evil creatures around her.[hr]Official English : [url=]Manta[/url], [url=]Pocket Comics[/url], [url=]WeComics[/url], [url=]Copin Comics[/url]Official Translation: [url=]Japanese[/url], [url=]Chinese[/url]
Daria is a relatively normal girl, despite the fact that she always seems to be the recipient of miracles. But when a strange character appears suddenly, with the intention of keeping his promise to kill her, her average high school life becomes anything but...
Daigaku-chan x SMA -  ダイガクちゃん×はいすくーる!
Tokyo Daigaku Yuriver City High School. ---also known as Daigaku High School. Here lies a group of high school girls with rich personalities.There's Chuou-chan, who wants to make a splash (her hobby: acquiring qualifications). Mage, who works as a model and has lots of friends. Tsukuba, a smart but eccentric girl. Waseda, who's passionate about both literature and arts. Keio, who's excellent in every direction.Take a look at the yuri-scented student life of the JKs~!
A young girl's nightmare becomes the search for the truth, a search that leads her to the secret and extremely dangerous world of Contractors and the Hells Gate. Hei and Mao try to protect Kana from the Contractors who are trying to silence her forever, while Kana clings to the hope of finding her father and piecing her life together again.
"When the sinister Dark Guy and his evil army, Black Pierrot decide to take over the world, they decide to start from the Japanese countryside. Luckily, however, the great hero Blue Hunter is there to thwart him. But when Blue Hunter saves the young maiden Tachibana Honoka, he finds himself assaulted on another front... By her affection. Now he must juggle defending the earth, dating Honoka, and simultaneously trying to get her to take notice of his homely true identity, Fuwa Shinpei."
What does a high school boy have to do in order to make the love of his life remember you in *this* lifetime? Cosplay? Host a "this is your previous life" audition? Show her all your good points? Just because she is a manga otaku in love with Blue-Sama. It's not like falling in love with manga characters is based on real life?
Is Dorothy in a Bad Temper? ;ドロシーはご機嫌ななめ?
En punition de son professeur, la sorcière égoïste Dorothy a perdu son beau corps et ses pouvoirs magiques. Afin de retrouver sa véritable apparence et ses pouvoirs, elle doit embrasser quelqu'un ayant une grande aptitude en magie et lui faire signer un contrat pour qu'il devienne son serviteur. Les options qui se présentent à elle sont : Trot, le chaud lapin au cœur tendre, Brave, le chien qui a un secret, Hearts, qui est distant et porte des lunettes, et Shinku, la femme canon qui parle peu. Que ce soit sur les lèvres, sur la main, sur la cuisse, ou sur les cheveux... les baisers sont ce qui déclenche le contrat ! ? En augmentant le nombre de serviteurs qu'elle possède, Dorothy pourra-t-elle réaliser son aspiration à se venger de son professeur ?
ダクションマン, 超偶经纪人, Dakushonman, Dulion Man, In the World of Entertainment Duction Man
"Ogi Juugo has forsaken the entertainment industry ever since it caused the death of his family. However, fate had different plans. After proposing to his girlfriend and being shot down, he realizes that his girlfriend is actually a model. Acting on his love for her he decides that it is time to return to the industry."
Quatre histoires différentes :1. Eikoku Kizoku Goyoutashi2. Senya Ichiya (A Thousand And One Nights)3. Mitsuboshi School Days4. Love Bite

En Passant

In Passing
Verde, une organisation puissante et secrète qui contrôle le monde, a un nouveau leader. La seule chose qui se dresse sur son chemin est un personnage improbable, Kujou Shin, le roi des pessimistes. Il n'a aucun attachement à rien ni à personne et n'hésite pas à mourir. Il est involontairement entraîné dans une lutte pour la position la plus puissante du monde, celle du leader de Verde. Quel sera son destin ?
フェイト/エクストラ CCC Foxtail -  Fate/Extra CCC Fox Tail -  Fate/Extra: Miko-n! Kyasuko-chan!?
Fudanshi High School Life
a venir ...
My Brother the Shut-In -  ふつつか者の兄ですが
Every family has its share of problems, be they big or small. Shino Tadakoro has the perfect high school life, full of romance and friendship. Her biggest problem is her shut-in brother Tamotsu. She stubbornly keeps his existence a secret, telling even her closest friends that she is an only child. Oblivious to Shino's concerns, Tamotsu suddenly declares that he is giving up the shut-in lifestyle. Is there still time? The curtain rises on a tale of family reconstruction! [Kodansha]
Gajuu -  餓獣
Satsuki, a high school boy and his childhood friend are riding in an underground train until it suddenly stops. Upon closer inspection the denizens of the train discover a mysterious beast! Panic sets in as the passengers struggle to survive the beast and escape to the surface.
School Investigation Court
The education system has changed its way of punishing students. If there is a problem now, the students go to court. But its not a normal court, its made out of students and preschoolers. Attorneys , prosecutors and judges are all students. Follow the case of Tento Nanahoshi as he and his attorney Abaku Inugami try to prevail the accusations of murdering the pet fish of the class. It will be a tough process as the prosecutor is the cute and rich Pine Hanzuki.