
A comet passing close to the Earth flooded it with cosmic radiation. The radiation mutated male genitalia and sperm, killing approximately 70% of the males on Earth. Finding that there would be long term damage on females, they take 200 fertile women, and send them off on a 2 year journey to another planet.
Sam is a young boy in Thailand. Not like other kids who can play happily, Sam has to train everyday at a Thai Boxing gym because when he was small his parents sold him to that gym for money. Everyday Sam undergoes a tough training. But Sam also has a wish. To become a champion so he can taste a happy life. It sounds impossible but a few years later due to an accident he finally gets the chance to meet the champion, who also happens to be his idol !!


Leepark ne souhaitait rien d'autre que de vivre une vie ordinaire et paisible, tout comme les autres. Cependant, son rêve est brisé lorsqu'il rencontre à nouveau Mok, un ancien ami complètement hors du commun, qui va l'aider à avoir des pouvoirs surnaturels qu'il devra désormais maîtriser. La vie de Leepark devient alors tout sauf ordinaire...
ReLive Game of Wandering Reincarnations -  Revival Game of Wandering Reincarnations -  Samayoeru Tenseisha-tachi no Revival Game -  Возрождение: Игра блуждающих реинкарнаций -  さまよえる転生者たちのリライブルゲーム
When "Nice Guy" Asai Manatsu's marriage proposal gets rejected, he thinks his day can't get any worse, until a Knight in Skull helmet tries to kill him! He's saved by a beautiful, silver-haired swords-woman and told to flee, but his nice guy impulses are too strong and he saves her from an attack, getting himself killed in the process. As he dies he wishes to be reborn in a world where people won't judge him for taking care of others...
Revival Game of Wandering Reincarnations -  さまよえる転生者たちのリライブルゲーム
Notre personnage principal, Asai Manatsu, se fait transporter dans un endroit inconnu après s'être fait larguer par sa copine lors de sa demande. Dans cet endroit, en essayant de sauver une fille mystérieuse,il meurt. Lors de son réveil, il se retrouve à l'intérieur du corps de la fille.L'histoire reprend le principe de Dark Souls avec des Waifus.
HA Il-gwon's debut work (2006). The "beauty" virus is spreading around the nation, targetting ugly girls and driving them to madness. Park Jangmi wonders - why must life be so unfair? As she ponders, she stumbles upon a mysterious barber shop, with a mysterious barber...
Samejima-kun And Sasahara-kun -  鮫島くんと笹原くん
Samejima and Sasahara are friends. They go to college together; they're in the same year and they even work at the same place! But when Samejima confesses that his feelings run deeper, their relationship explodes in passion... and irritation!
Kaname a perdu son grand-frère, décédé à l’âge de 17 ans par accident. Ils étaient différents dans tous les domaines mais avaient un point commun : Un respect et amour pour un certain livre. Que va-t-il se passer lorsque Kaname va rencontrer son auteur, Tsujiura Ryousuke ? Samenai Yume fait partie d’une série de OneShot sortis simultanément en un tome.
Jump Giga 2021 Winter mini one-shot. It seems like forever ago that Kuro was captured by scientists for examination. No matter how much he pleads to them that he's human, they simply see him as another test subject...
サムライ8 八丸伝 -  Samurai 8: Tales of Hachimaru
Le garçon qui a fait un vœu au météore...Espérant pouvoir manger de la nourriture et de l'eau ordinaire. Espérant ne pas être allergique à l'une de ces choses. Espérant ne pas avoir peur des seringues. Espérant pouvoir marcher avec ses béquilles. Espérant qu'un jour il puisse voyager dans l'univers... Mais à la fin, il ne fit qu'un vœux: celui de devenir Samurai.
Samurai 8: Tales of Hachimaru Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru サムライ8 八丸伝
サムライ ベイビー, Samurai Beibii
The two high school girls, Hanazono Mito and Tatsuda Seshiru, have been friends since kindergarten. But while Seshiru is an honour role student, Mito is constantly breaking school rules. One day, Mito helps Seshiru evade the advances of the arrogant Ran, a rich boy and model who mistakes Mito's interference for jealousy (because of course every woman wants Ran for herself! Yeah, right). This lands Mito in hot water with Ran's fangirls, who later gang up to kick her ass! A new transfer student with wild hair is the one who saves her, but he won't tell Mito his name...!?
侍父 -  Samurai Papa
From Fried Squid Scans: 32-year-old Bushido-sama considers himself to be a modern-day Samurai. When his wife passed away due to illness, he promised to raise their daughter into a fine woman. But, for an adult male, raising a child is not an easy task. The tasks range from teaching proper table etiquette to sex education... Welcome to the life of a Samurai father.
サムライディーパーキョウ, サムライディーパーKYO, 鬼眼狂刀, SDK

Samurai Drive

Dans le Japon moderne, seuls les descendants directs de samouraï sont autorisés à porter des épées. Dans la ville, des rumeurs se sont répandues parlant d'un épéiste mystérieux qui a attaqué d'autres escrimeurs, attirant ainsi de nombreux escrimeurs qualifiés pour la ville. Sur le chemin du retour, Ibuki est témoins d'un combat impliquant un de ces camarades de classe, kokonoe, qui est la plus forte épée de son école. Intrigué par son maniement et sa compétence de l'épée, Ibuki entend en savoir plus sur cet élève mystérieux...
The story is set in the Edo period of feudal Japan. It revolves around Yamada Asaemon, nicknamed Kubikiri Asa (literally "Neck-chopper Asa", often transliterated as "Decapitator Asaemon"), a ronin who is responsible for testing new swords for the shogun. The character is based on a real-life line of sword-testers who served the Tokugawa Shogunate up to the early 19th century. -- Wikipedia
Dans un pays moderne où le pouvoir appartient au Shogun Martial et aux samouraïs très respectés vivent les vrais jumeaux de la famille Sakakido. Kou, le garçon, est plutôt efféminé et est très fort en cuisine, aux tâches ménagères et en art. Tsukiko, la fille, est un vrai garçon manqué, adore les combats où elle excelle. Les jumeaux apprennent qu'il existe une école, le lycée Samouraï, où les hommes testent leur force et les femmes leur féminité. Si les jumeaux veulent y entrer, ils doivent se faire passer pour l'autre, donc changer de places. Si leur supercherie est découverte, c'est la mort assurée pour nos jumeaux. Tout en surmontant les difficultés causés par cet échange, ils doivent aussi le maintenir secret...
Crónicas del viento (Spanish) -  Kaze no shō -  Kniha větru -  Księga Wiatru -  O Livro do Vento - Os Manuscritos Secretos da Família Yagyu -  Yagyū hichō - Kaze no shō -  Yagyuu Hichou -  Yagyuu Hichou - Kaze no Shou -  柳生秘帖 風の抄 -  柳生秘帖・風の抄 -  柳生秘帖~柳生十兵衛 風の抄~
From the pages of history comes the legend of the Samurai Jubei and the book he was pledged to protect. Now that book has been stolen and Jubei must retrieve it before Japan descends into bloody civil war.
A short and sketchy one-shot that is mostly improvised to practice my manga skills. This one is about a samurai battle.
サムライ・ラガッツィ 戦国少年西方見聞録, Samurai Ragazzi
サムライうさぎ, 武士兔精神
The main character Udagawa Gosuke has received his father's dojo, mainly because his father and older brother were made to commit hara-kiri. He wasn't really supposed to get it simply because he's a second son. But due to the way his pops and brother died, he doesn't have a whole lot of self confidence, so he practices fencing day-by-day at a nearby dojo. However, because the people at that dojo are asses, he soon tries to invent a dojo and a style for people who just enjoy it.However what really sets this aside from most shounen is that the main male and female characters are actually married. (At age 15 no less!)The girl Utagawa Shino is the younger sister of his senpai, and is a bit...weird, to say the least. She makes rabbit masks to help bring in a bit of money, although to say that she's obsessed with rabbits would be an understatement. She claims it's because "the rabbits will someday reach the moon." When Gosuke invents his new dojo, he decides to make a style of swordsmanship known as "Rabbit Style Fencing."
サムライたちの明治維新 -  The Samurai of the Meiji Restoration
Sunadokei -  砂时计 -  砂時計 -  La Clessidra (Italian) -  Le Sablier (French) -  Reloj de Arena (Spanish) -  Sand Chronicle -  Sand Chronicles -  Suna Dokei -  The Hour Glas
After her parents divorce, An Uekusa and her mother move from Tokyo to rural Shimane. Used to the anonymity of city living, An can't get used to the almost overbearing kindness of the people in her mother's hometown. But when personal tragedy strikes, An discovers how much she needs that kindness. In 2005 Sand Chronicles was awarded the 50th Shogakukan Manga Award for shōjo manga.
Asafuji Taisei was in a car crash that killed both of his parents and left him severely injured. Despite a miraculous recovery, the prospect of a long rehabilitation process has Taisei feeling hopeless about returning to baseball. However, one day he turns on an old CRT TV that his parents had given him, and while watching the static he remembers that he promised to take his parents to Koushien. It's the spark that finally motivates him, but can Taisei really make it to Koushien after being out of baseball for two years?


サンドランド, Sand Land
In the far future, war has destroyed the entire Earth, leaving only a barren wasteland called Sand Land where the supply of water is controlled by the greedy king. In search of a long-lost lake, Sheriff Rao asked the king of the demons for help... and got the king's son, Beelzebub, and his assistant, Thief. Together the unlikely trio sets off across the desert, facing dragons, bandits, and the deadliest foe of all... the King's Army itself! It's travel adventure and tank action in this new story from the creator of Dragon Ball!
The story revolves around Percival Ovoyle, a young boy who has long left his hometown in order to etch himself a better life. His travels take him through the harsh desert environment of Gamma, otherwise also known as Sandlands.During his story, bonds are made, obstacles are overcome, governments overthrown and Gamma is thrown into chaos.First side-story installation of the greater Sandlands world!
三月的狮子 -  三月的獅子 -  ตราบวันฟ้าใส -  3 Gatsu no Lion -  3月のライオン -  3月的狮子 -  3月的獅子 -  3gatsu no Lion -  Lion of March -  March Comes in Like a Lion -  3-gatsu no Lion -  The Li
Sangatsu wa Ore-sama ni Narimasu
Sumire Sangatsu est une lycéenne qui n'a pas confiance en elle et qui n'arrive pas à confesser ses sentiments au garçon qu'elle aime.Un jour, elle trouve Nanami, qui déborde de confiance en soi et décide d'être son disciple. Tout le monde s'y retrouve mais est-ce vraiment bien?!