Samayoeru Tensei-sha-tachi no Relive Game

Samayoeru Tensei-sha-tachi no Relive Game

ReLive Game of Wandering Reincarnations- Revival Game of Wandering Reincarnations- Samayoeru Tenseisha-tachi no Revival Game- Возрождение: Игра блуждающих реинкарнаций- さまよえる転生者たちのリライブルゲーム
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Samayoeru Tensei-sha-tachi no Relive Game

ReLive Game of Wandering Reincarnations- Revival Game of Wandering Reincarnations- Samayoeru Tenseisha-tachi no Revival Game- Возрождение: Игра блуждающих реинкарнаций- さまよえる転生者たちのリライブルゲーム
When "Nice Guy" Asai Manatsu's marriage proposal gets rejected, he thinks his day can't get any worse, until a Knight in Skull helmet tries to kill hi ...m! He's saved by a beautiful, silver-haired swords-woman and told to flee, but his nice guy impulses are too strong and he saves her from an attack, getting himself killed in the process. As he dies he wishes to be reborn in a world where people won't judge him for taking care of others...