
苍蓝钢铁战舰 -  Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Dû au réchauffement planétaire et à la montée des océans au 21ème siècle, la plupart de la masse planétaire a été perdue.Au même moment, des flottes de puissants vaisseaux doués de sensation et d'une origine inconnue armés de technologies et d'armes avancées, connus sous le nom de "Flotte du Brouillard", ont facilement vaincu les forces navales mondiales.La Flotte du Brouillard impose un blocus marin et aérien et prévient ainsi l'humanité de voyages à travers les mers.Dix-sept ans après la bataille, pour quelques raisons, Gunzou Chihaya et son équipe, à bord du I-401 et de sa personnification (modèle mental), Iona, ont engagés un combat contre la Flotte du Brouillard.
Au coeur d'un pays neutre nommé Kourozen, également connu en tant que Pays de Dieu, la Princesse Matsurika est troublée par la demande en mariage du Prince Orland de Cantabria, un pays très puissant.Mais la nuit suivant la visite du Prince, Matsurika est kidnappée par un pirate qui l'emmène en mer. Romantique pensez-vous ? Et bien pas vraiment puisque Raju, le pirate en question, affirme qu'il va sacrifier Matsurika sur l'Autel Légendaire afin de réaliser son souhait le plus cher...Ainsi commence notre histoire avec la Princesse du Pays de Dieu, et un pirate entouré de mystère, où se mêleront savoirs anciens et légendes.Que la bataille commence !
Au coeur d'un pays neutre nommé Kourozen, également connu en tant que Pays de Dieu, la Princesse Matsurika est troublée par la demande en mariage du Prince Orland de Cantabria, un pays très puissant.Mais la nuit suivant la visite du Prince, Matsurika est kidnappée par un pirate qui l'emmène en mer. Romantique pensez-vous ? Et bien pas vraiment puisque Raju, le pirate en question, affirme qu'il va sacrifier Matsurika sur l'Autel Légendaire afin de réaliser son souhait le plus cher...Ainsi commence notre histoire avec la Princesse du Pays de Dieu, et un pirate entouré de mystère, où se mêleront savoirs anciens et légendes.Que la bataille commence !


Oneshot from "Raiku Makoto" festival, a series of manga works running in lots of different magazines through the months of September and October 2009.
Aoyama Tsukiko a toujours été mal comprise à cause de son visage inexpressif. Devant redoublé sa première année de lycée à cause de sa malchance habituelle, elle décide de vivre une vie de lycéenne joyeuse et enjouée. Elle rencontre alors un camarade de classe qui est délibérément solitaire. Malgré cela, elle vise à sympathiser avec lui, au plus grand désappointement du solitaire. Est-ce qu'une amitié peut grandir entre une fille enjouée au visage inexpressif et un solitaire ? Pourra-t-elle le convaincre de se lier d'amitié avec elle ?
青空嫌いの嘘つきセミ子 -  The Lying Cicada who Hated the Blue Sky
This is a manga based on the fourth chapter of Karate's novel, The Story of a Macaron-Loving Girl who Lived a Thousand Years Somehow. It all started when a little girl claiming to be from the Cicada Kingdom appeared on his doorstep... This story is a little bit warm, and a little bit painful. But most of all, it is a wonderful story.
青空の澄んだ色は -  The Color of the Clear Blue Sky
Aiming to become a sensei like his former sensei, Sugiura Sakae came to an elementary school as a contract teacher. Coincidently, his former sensei, Fukada Ryuuji, is currently teaching here. Ryuu sensei is Sakae’s idol as well as his pillar of support. However, the “Ryuu sensei” he once so admired, is totally different now. Feeling bothered, Sakae slowly realizes that his feelings for sensei have become love. But what about Ryuu sensei?
Blue-sky Yell, Yell For The Blue Sky
Aozora Yell centers on Tsubasa, a girl who saw an inspirational brass band performance at the finals of the Japanese high school baseball championships one summer. Tsubasa vows to join the band when she enters high school, and she happens to meet a certain boy there.
青空、紙ヒコーキ, Aozora Kami Hikokki, Aozora Kami Hikouki, Aozora, Kami Hikokki
Sankaku is going to graduate from junior high soon, and she is a girl who treats many things with cold cynicism because of a disappointing romance during elementary school. She now does not have the courage to love and decides to bury her feelings for her long-time crush, Yokosuka, and graduate without telling him about how she feels. One day, she happens to run into Yokosuka and his friends, plotting to do something stupid on graduation day. Soon, Sankaku is caught in their crazy plan!
青空、紙ヒコーキ -  Aozora Kami Hikokki -  Aozora, Kami Hikoki
Sankaku is going to graduate from junior high soon, and she is a girl who treats many things with cold cynicism because of a disappointing romance during elementary school. She now does not have the courage to love and decides to bury her feelings for her long-time crush, Yokosuka, and graduate without telling him about how she feels. One day, she happens to run into Yokosuka and his friends, plotting to do something stupid on graduation day. Soon, Sankaku is caught in their crazy plan!
Aoki Ume's C82 doujinshi. Features various sketches and illustrations by Aoki Ume.
100 x 200 -  Apartmate -  Apartmeito -  Nagame no Ii Heya -  アパルトめいと
A domestic comedy about couples in apartments.
Naraka High School, is a seemingly normal school. However, unknown to the public is the cruel truth of what really goes on in the school's halls. Rather than studying, students are forced to struggle for their very survival. And the strong bonds of friendship may be the only difference between life and death.
Influenced by two of their friends, a pair of female high school students, Natsu and Kumiko, begin playing the popular MMORPG Apocalypse Online. When they log in for the first time, they find they have been given a rare item, a pair of marriage rings, which gives the two of them special bonuses when they are near each other. But while their relationship is a funny quirk of the game to Natsu, Kumiko secretly longs for it to become a reality...
Inside the jungles of Vietnam, a courageous Special Ops. Unit is fighting the most infamous war of decades past the Vietnam War. This bold account follows the brave exploits of Sergeant Perky? Perkins and his unit?of rabbits! Join Rats, Perky and Botaski as they fight against the cats of the Viet Cong. From the Tet Offensive to the My Canh bombing, watch these commando-style bunnies through an anthropomorphic lens as events unfold and violence erupts. On-human cast of characters notwithstanding, this compelling and painstakingly-researched work places an emphasis on factualism in order to accurately portray the events of the Vietnam War. With a fresh perspective on one of history's greatest calamities, Apocalypse Meow is a daring new take on a conflict that won't soon be forgotten especially after these young rabbits are done!
Bonjour Monsieur “c'est pas moi j'ai rien fait, je ne suis pas un meurtrier”.Ici en maison de correction, tous les zonards du Kantō marchent à la baguette.Grosso modo, il n'y a pas pire comme situation que d'être ici. Sauf peut-être de se retrouver en plein milieu d'une invasion de zombies…On vous souhaite un agréable séjour.
"The star, fallen from celestial, built a kingdom in the abyss. He cultivates rusted souls fallen into the abyss. The star was trying to build a beautiful land. And then, hundreds of million nights had gone. The king of the abyss was laid up. He tried with his last power, and gave birth to two hopes. The red prince was born from his right eye, and the blue prince was another one. The future is always only one." Apocripha/0 takes place in a "devil's point of view," in a world known as "Naraku." Since devils live here, in vice versa, angels from 'heaven' are their enemies. In this world, there was a powerful king of Hell who ruled under the absolute rule that "only the strongest will survive." He spent a long time trying to create a peaceful world, but his time was almost up, and therefore, his hopes lie in the fates of his twin princes - Alex and Platina. The king ordered Alex and Platina to fight each other in the "battle/war of succession." They were raised and trained by their own staff officers - Sapphirus takes care of Alex, and Jade trains Platina. Aside from having the same blood flowing in them, the two princes are actually strangers to each other. Alex does not want to fight Platina, but Platina does not seem to hesitate. Does Platina really want to fight? Will they have the strength to fight each other? Only the strongest will survive... Who will win? Aside from the "war of succession," a young boy named Beryl seemed to know a lot about the two princes, but in the midst he remains a mystery to them.. Sapphirus and Jade seemed to know something also. The princes both also saw visions of different events and even voices in their dreams. What do they all mean? --Taken from Diadeem Project
アプローズ ー喝采, ブルーヅュ -アプローズ-, A San Francisco Story, Applause applause, Apurōzu - Kassai, Bruges, Burges -Applause-
A love story between two dancers: Junaque, a relative of the Belgian royal family and Shara, a Japanese transfer student. The story begins at St. Maria's, a private Catholic school in Belgium, but later the action switches to the show business life in New York.In "Bruges," the prequel to Ariyoshi Kyouko's Applause, a mystery game gets out of hand. Bruges can be found in Princess Supplement 1991.
Selon un théoricien, la planète possède une vie et une volonté propre. Un jour, elle sentit une grande menace approcher et créa le pouvoir ultime, nommé Apple, pour la protéger. L'immense pouvoir de la planète s'est incarné dans un jeune garçon du nom de Satoshi Ariyama. Il vit à l'écart de toute civilisation et se bat chaque matin contre les hommes envoyés par l'armée, en attendant le jour où il devrait finalement accomplir son destin.
The main character (the blond ponytailed guy - yeah, guy) is Aramiya Satoshi, who main ability is shapeshifting into any animal ...though at a few points he has plants growing out of him, so my guess is he can shapeshift into any living thing (including an elephant and a lion) I'm not sure if he was naturally born that way or if he was a biological experiment. Anyway, he's a pretty easygoing guy who just wants to be left alone to enjoy his solitary life in the middle of a junkyard, but apparently some army or another is always after him because of his ability, though he is able to fight off entire tank battalions before breakfast. (Source: Mangahelpers)
"A woman is like a split apple on the side of the road. An apple that can be eaten by anyone and thrown away on the side of the road." With this thought about the world, can the 17-year-old high school girl, Kim Moon-young, really change?
Apple Tea Fairy Lip-Tan
Oneshot about a Tea Fairy with the mission of giving a better taste to the tea.
りんごほっぺの恋 -  苹果脸之恋 -  24個のクリスマス -  Apple-Cheek Love -  Blushing Love
A mix of 3 one-shots [From ShoujoMagic]: Tamaki has a HUGE problem! She blushes at the drop of a hat, so everyone knows what she is thinking! She finally makes a decision to stop letting her fear of embarrassment control her -- she gets a job where her crush is working so that she can confess her feelings to him... but then things go awry in an unexpected way! Daisuke's always had a habit of sneaking into Tomo's room and curling up in the sun to hide from his problems. One day Tomo "attacks" him and things seemingly take a turn for the worse right before both of their birthdays. Rio and Ian have always been together since childhood and every Christmas Ian would have one prank or another for her. Until one winter when Ian moves away. On Rio's 17th winter Ian suddenly returns to a very lonely Rio.
4月4日。 -  4gatsu 4kka -  April 4 -  Shigatsu Yokka
Iori always liked Naoto, even though Naoto cannot accept the fact that someone from the same sex is in love with him. But seeing the sad expression on Iori´s face, he can no longer refuse Iori´s feelings... This is the continuation of the younger brother story from Self Portrait...
After 150 years of terraforming, Aqua, the planet formerly known as Mars, now has over 90% of its surface covered by water. A young girl named Akari Mizunashi arrives at the city of Neo-Venezia, an exact replica of the old Italian city of Venice, hoping to become an Undine, the most coveted job on Aqua. Follow Akari's adventures as she discovers the wonders of Aria in this prequel to the popular Aria anime and manga series.
水中騎士 -  Leviathan Saga Aqua Knight
Inspired by a beautiful woman in armor - the Aqua Knight - young Ashika, living near the World's Edge, vows to become a knight himself. When a twisted aristocrat threatens the lighthouse he calls home, the boy gets his chance.
The "Abductors", invaders from Altair, come to the planet of Vega with only one purpose: to harvest humans. Neo-DEAVA, a military academy based near the city of Neo-Kowloon, exists to train men and women to use technologically-advanced fighter planes known as "Vectors" in order to fight back against the Abductors, but members of opposite genders are forbidden from merging because of certain "Guize stones" that block such so-called "unholy unions". The story follows Amata's and Mikono's enrollment into Neo-DEAVA, their fight against the Abductors, and the discovery of their link with their counterparts from 12,000 years ago.Based on the anime that aired from January to June 2012.
Consists of three stories: I. Aquarium (summary below); II. The Flying Stewardess; III. The Heart is Your Kingdom. From CPM: Three tales of love, loss, and longing. A trio of girls tackle the trials of adolescence and try to find happiness.
La mémoire dans la fenêtre, le balancement de verdure. C'est l'été dernier, déjà perdu ---Une larme qui déplace le cœur, les petites lèvres et doux murmure. Ce monde est beau--- Doux parfum, la chaleur douce, douce comme la garde, vous vous dormez avec votre sourire innocent. Ici, l'attente... Parce que je vous ai, et ce souvenir... gardé en moi.
Nuestra salvaje juventudO Maidens in Your Savage SeasonСезон беспокойных дев灾厄季节的少女们。荒ぶる季節の乙女どもよ。骚动时节的少女们啊거친 계절의 처녀들이여
Nous suivons le quotidien de 5 lycéennes membres du club de littérature de leur établissement. Elles ne sont pas du même milieu social et n'ont pas la même personnalité, mais elles ont toutes une chose en commun avec l'entrée dans le monde des adultes qui les tourmentent.