
こいのうた, Love Poems, Love Song
“Love Song” - those are the three love stories of three young girls who find their own feelings reflected in beautiful songs. The scribbles on a bench, memories of childish days, feelings echoing in the classroom but cannot reach that person…
恋を教えて, Koi wo Oshiete, Practice Husband, Practise Husband
Addy Edson was looking for a husband, and she knew just the guy to help her with her search. But what she hadn't expected were the warm, sensuous "practice kisses" that her childhood friend Joe Barrington was bent on giving her--or the way they made her feel ....Joe was more than happy to help Addy find a groom, especially since it meant the redheaded beauty would be practicing her sexy charms on him! But how could he convince her that a lifetime of happiness--and nighttimes of passion--could be found in his arms?
恋*音 -  Koi*Oto -  Sign of Love -  Sound of Love
From Rebellious Love: During her summer break before entering high school, Mimori Ichigo goes to her grandmother's house near the ocean. There, she helps out at her grandmother's shop. One day while walking her grandmother's dog in the evening, she meets a boy named Kouki. They meet again, but this time she also meets Kouki's cousin named Taika. For some odd reason Kouki has no memory of when they met and Taika begs her to not tell him either. Later, she and Kouki sneak out to watch the fireworks, but they separate dramatically. When Ichigo goes to high school, coincidentally, Kouki and Taiga are also there, but they have no memory of her. Is it true or are they just faking it? If so, why lie?
恋した相手はAVマニア!? -  恋爱的对象是AV爱好者!?
假装恋爱的忧郁 -  恋したがりのブルー -  Beloved Blue Wishes -  Kohishi Tagari no Blue
C’est la question qu’Ao se voit poser le jour de la rentrée des classes par Riku, un mec qu'elle vient tout juste de rencontrer. Mais ce qu'il entend par là, c’est devenir sa fausse petit amie. Ao fut d'abord surprise par cette demande soudaine mais après être avoir eu connaissance des vrais sentiments de Riku, elle décide d'accepter de devenir sa fausse petite amie...
恋と軍艦, Love and a Warship
Endou Kana is a cheerful school girl who has a secret crush on... the mayor, Minato Kouichi, a perfect gentleman and well-liked leader of the post-war town. With the help of her friend Akira, she investigates him, until the trail leads her to an abandoned-looking house where a strange and scary foreigner lives. He and Kouichi seem to have some kind of relationship, but what is it? Kana's and Akira's take on that question are completely different and there's still a chance both of them are wrong!
恋とカラダは背中から -  Koi to Karada wa Senaka
From Nakama: Shijo Kei has no interest in men younger than 40! Because of this fetish, he had gotten into numerous indecent relationship and heartbreaks. His kohai, Hiro, can always be counted on to comfort Kei as his “cushion”. Until one day, facing yet another Kei’s self-inflicted anguish, Hiro finally snapped and declared, “Try me!” before he crushed a totally stunned Kei into the bed with his pent-up passion!! Can Kei’s broken heart be mended by the sweet pain of a younger man’s vigorous embrace…
恋と怪モノと生徒会 -  恋爱的学生会妖怪
Sakura, n'aspire qu'à une chose en arrivant en 1ère année de lycée : se faire des amis. Tâche qui se révèle difficile pour elle puisqu'elle voit des étranges créatures que personne d'autre ne peut voir. Tout le monde la prend pour une folle excepté cette bande de bishos. Qui sont-ils et pourquoi arrivent-ils à voir les mêmes choses étranges... ?
Sakura retrouve Kenshou, un homme de 9 ans son cadet qu'elle a rejeté par le passé.Maintenant que Kenshou a grandit, Sakura parviendra-t-elle à mettre de côté ses aprioris sur le fait de sortir avec un homme plus jeune ?
恋と選挙とチョコレート, 恋爱与选举与巧克力
Oojima Yuuki is a normal student looking for romance to spice up his inactive lovelife. A member of the Food Research Club, he spends his idyllic days with seven other members, including his childhood friend, Sumiyoshi Chisato, who also happens to be the club president. As the upcoming student council president election arrives, the favored candidate, Shinonome Satsuki proposes that clubs with no merit to the school be disbanded. Worried about what could happen to the club, the Food Club members consult with their former president, who proposes that Yuuki run against Satsuki as an opposing candidate. As he learns about the various problems that the school faces, he decides to run in the election.
Kamio Shuuji, the heir to a rich organization, has just transferred to Hazuki's average public high school. When Kamio catches Hazuki's eye with an intense gaze Hazuki begins to wonder over his attentions. Especially when Akira, his lover, warns him to stay away from him. He intends to do just that, that is until Kamio claims to have fallen in love at first sight with Hazuki, giving him a kiss to seal the deal. But what exactly are Kamio's intentions? And why has Akira warned him against the heir in the first place?

Koi to Wana

恋と罠; Love & Trap
Mochida durant son enfance a été victime de persécution, depuis ces jours sombres de sa vie, il refuse de revivre un jour la violence gratuite et il fera tout, jusqu'à offrir son corps au garçon le plus respecté du lycée pour être protégé par ce dernier. Sa vie avançait, et il s'était habitué à donner son corps pour cette faveur, jusqu'à ce qu'il fasse la rencontre de Aihara. Car depuis qu'il l'a croisé par hasard dans le train, sa vie prend un tout autre tournant.
こいとかあいとか -  喜欢还是爱 -  恋とか愛とか
My class’s boys made some sort of group called O.P.D. (Mew Mew Group) and that stupid idiot “Shou”. Why do I always care about him? Why does he make my heart beat so fast? This sort of emotion is definitely not friendship… probably very special…Then that means I like–?!
Friends Like a Lover -  Koitomo -  Lovers or Friends -  恋友
1-4) Friends Like a Lover (Koi Tomo)Childhood friends Yukie and Kogawa are both in love with their other friend, Yamato.They relieve their unfulfilled sexual desire for Yamato by jerking each other off, but lately it seems they're progressing to something more serious... what will happen when Yamato finds out? Later on, a new guy enters the scene and he's also interested in one of the 3 friends. Will he be able to win his heart?5) Love Plot (Rabu Purotto)Kichii, Akira and Akira's older brother are models for Boyfriend Grand Prix magazine. Kichii made an unfortunate bet with Akira- if Kichii can outrank Akira's brother in the magazine boyfriend ranking, Akira will be his slave. Until then Kichii will be Akira's slave. Who will win? And why is Akira so determined to see his big brother beaten?6)LovingTamura Chisato sleeps with just about anyone if they say they like him. Even though Masashi is straight, he finds himself irritated with the way Tamura acts and tries to change his ways.
恋弔い, Love Burial
Asahi, desperate after the loss of her best friend and boyfriend, came to the abandoned elementary school above the hill. It has been said that it's a cursed place that it will be the last place you will tread in. Those who live will not be able to return. And there, Asahi meets...!?A series of oneshots.
Koi to wa Donna Mono Kashira (NATSUMIZU Ritsu) -  Koitowa Donna Monokashira -  Интересно -  любовь - это что? -  恋とはどんなものかしら
Dômeki emménage en colocation dans une pension aux côtés de Ninomiya, Saiga et d'un gérant toujours absent. Très vite, le fait de se retrouver très souvent seul avec le timide Ninomiya développe dans son coeur d'étranges sentiments... Pourtant, Ninomiya semble encore amoureux de Saiga, alors qu'ils ont rompu. La vie en colocation va les mettre dans des situations embarrassantes, mais cela suffira-t-il à les rapprocher ? Dômeki parviendra-t-il à s'immiscer dans le coeur de Ninomiya ?
Sora, est un jeune acteur qui connaît une grande augmentation de popularité grace à son charisme et son grand talent d'acteur. Mais en réalité Sora, est un simple lycéen, du nom d'Hishino Rikuto. Un jour Kamizaka Kakeru, un de ses camarade de classe, découvre sa double identité et pour que le garçon se taise, il l'embrasse de force. Kakeru était innocent, contrairement à Rikuto qui était plus qu'habitué à embrasser pour son travail. Ce qui rend Kakeru bouleversé et confus. Mais c'est cette innocence qui a finalement attiré l'attention de Rikuto. Un amour secret que personne d'autre ne devrait savoir. Que le jeu commence !
恋はGOGO!, Koi wa GoGo, Koi wa GoGo!
Chapter 1 & 2: Rui, a university student, is secretly falling in love with Takuya, his cool neighbor guy. Once, Rui saw Takuya was semi-nude when he was changing clothes carelessly. He wishes he "could hold that body" and started to do indecent things but was unexpectedly seen by Takuya in bad scene...Chapter 3: How should you react when you find yourself in bed with a co worker - with no memory of how you got there or what you did? Natsukawa finds himself in this impossible situation - what did he do and why is Suzuki suddenly offering to 'take responsibility' ?!Chapter 4: Yuge is an aspiring actor whom Tatsuta has admired since high school - so he makes the decision to go to Tokyo in order to be closer. Through a series of minor events he ends up living with Yuge as a house keeper - how will things develop?Chapter 5 & 6
Forget About Love, I Want to Sleep! -  恋はいいから眠りたい! -  恋爱就算了我只想睡觉!
A story about a guy who just wants to sleep and an annoying kouhai who won't let him.Serialised in Comic RexWork info: [url][/url][url=][img][/img] Mangaka's Twitter[/url]
Histoires successives de plusieurs couples. Entre autres l'un des couples Azuma/Mizuki qui s'est formé d'une manière assez... spéciale : Alors qu'il est dans le train qui le conduit au lycée, Mizuki se fait "agresser" sexuellement par son Sempai Azuma, Président du conseil des élèves...
Love Is Always Like A Storm -  Love Is Like A Hurricane
From 801 Media: Mizuki gets molested on a train bound for school, and the perpetrator is none other than the school president, Azuma! Mizuki gets called to the student council room, where Azuma confesses his love for him. So begins the tale of this wacky school story. Poor Mizuki has the worst luck. Gifted with beauty that rivals most females, he finds himself defending his honor in more ways than one. When he gets molested on board a train for school one day, he starts to think things can't get any worse. That is until he is called into the student council office by the president, Azuma. Turns out the perpetrator of that morning's foray is none other than the student council president himself! Azuma is not one for one night stands and begins his campaign to make Mizuki his own.
Love Is Always Unfinished / 恋はいつも食べかけ / 恋爱是美味的诱惑 / 戀愛是美味的誘惑 / 爱情总是吃到一半
One-Shot 1 ~ Koi wa Itsumo Tabekake : Kyomatsu Aguri est vraiment très belle. Elle a le don pour attirer tous les garçons, y compris ceux ayant déjà une petite amie. Ce pouvoir d'attraction, si admirable selon les garçons, ne plaît pas aux autres filles de son école et elles le lui font bien sentir. Toutefois, Kyomatsu s'en moque et décide que sa prochaine cible sera Niki sensei, leur nouveau professeur...
I Fell in Love with Him at First Sight -  恋は語るに、落ちるもの。
Socially inept college student Natsume Ise falls in love at first sight with the cute and popular Haru Tsuda. Natsume's friend catches him staring obsessively at Haru and warns him about his promiscuous ways. Natsume doesn't want to believe it, but Haru comes to his apartment and asks to stay over after being caught cheating with two other girls. Natsume pounces on Haru without thinking, and Haru lets Natsume have his way with him. The two become friends with benefits, but Natsume wants to be more than that. Natsume confronts Haru about it, but... This is a story about how an innocent and inexperienced hottie and a promiscuous cutie go from friends with benefits to boyfriends!
恋は舞い降りた; Love Came Dancing Down
Chapitre 01: Bien avant sa naissance il a été décidé que l'héritier de la famille Haku, Reion, serait fiancé à l'enfant le plus jeune de la famille Koku, Kaen. Pour sa venue à l'âge adulte et la cérémonie de mariage, Reion visite la maison de la famille Koku. Toutefois, Reion n'est plus le garçon qu'il avait d'abord vu en images, mais un homme débordant de confiance. En outre, Reion laisse échapper ces mots: «Je suis aussi épouvanté que vous l'êtes, de ce mariage entre deux hommes."Une Romance Orientale par Sakufu Ajimine.Chapitre 02: La Fabuleuse légende orientale - partie 1.Alors qu'il part chercher des fleurs dans Un lieu interdit qui sert de frontière, Renju découvre un Jeune homme blessé, Katsuragi, venu de l'autre côté. Ils se donnent par la suite rendez-vous tous les jours au même endroit.Chapitre 03: La Fabuleuse légende orientale - partie 2Renju est malade et Katsuragi, connaissant la raison de l'état du jeune homme, décide de se rendre chez lui et d'affronter le grand-père de Renju. De plus, il a une autre mission à accomplir…Chapitre 04 : Histoire d'amourShion, successeur de la province de Koku, vient chercher Gii après trois ans de séparation, alors qu’ils devaient s'enfuir ensemble. Mais Gii ne compte pas pardonner si facilement.Chapitre 05: La faille au paradisUne révolution s'est produite au pays de Fusou, sous la directive de Nacchi, garde du prince, Suou. Séquestré par Nacchi, Suou ne sait plus comment se comporter face à un cet homme dont il était amoureux, mais qui a tué sont père.
Love After World Domination -  Love Is After the World Conquest -  恋は世界征服のあとで
IT'S EXPLANATION TIME!Leader of hero squadron "Gerato 5 (Five)" aiming for world peace, Aikawa Fudou and fight leader of secret society "Gecko" aiming to conquer the world, Magahara Desumi ... there was a deep “fate” between the two that belong to opposite organizations... !! The leader of the Heroic Force Sentai has fallen in love with the commander of the evil team. A very funny romance story where the protagonists try to hide their feelings from their respective team!
和我談場戀愛吧, Let's Make Love, 恋をしましょう
A collection of salarymen men's love stories.1) Koi wo Shimashou (Let's make Love)Management consultant Kobayashi uses his work to pick up younger men who catch his eye. Unfortunately, on his latest project he finds himself stuck with morose middle-aged manager Chief Araki. Kobayashi's initial horror develops into a professional respect that inspires him to use his easygoing charm to strike up an unlikely friendship.2) Koi wo KanjiteContinuation of chapter one.3) DirtCaught up in a bank robbery, middle-aged branch manager Nishio is engaged in a battle of wills with lead robber Kazuya: a laidback macho thug who knows his personal details and has a weakness for older men.4) Ano Koro ni Modorenai (No Going Back to the Past)Nanbu discovers his new manager is Hirose - a former work colleague he once found oddly appealing despite his sullen, brooding manner.5) Mune Ippai no (Wholehearted)Section Chief Shingo's stress at work is spilling over into his private life. A cheerful security guard enters his life, but even he finds Shingo's violent mood swings too much to handle.6 Tsurete Itte Kure (Take Me With You)Shimizu takes care of his former boss Chiba, who is struggling to cope with a marriage breakdown, unemployment and a drinking problem. But are his motives purely altruistic?7) Memorial DayA widowed assistant director is desperate to find a birthday gift for a favourite employee.8) Manga Lesson
恋をするつもりはなかった -  Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta
Yoshino est gay, il a trente ans, et n'est certainement pas coquin - il n'est même jamais sorti avec personne.Il semble avoir accepté le fait qu'il mourra seul, jusqu'à ce qu'un soir, dans un bar gay pour la première fois de sa vie, il rencontre le jeune et charmant Rou aux cheveux argentés et prend quelques verres avec lui.Yoshino est attiré par le charme mystérieux de Rou et ils passent la nuit ensemble à parler... une chose en entraînant une autre, tout à coup, ce n'est plus la seule chose qu'il se retrouve à faire ce soir là...Une histoire d'amour calme et joyeuse entre un bel étudiant jouant au jeu de l'amour en toute simplicité et un adulte qui travaille et qui n'a encore jamais su ce qu'est l'amour.

Koi, Hirari

恋、ひらり; 恋爱华舞曲; 戀愛華舞曲; 戀花翩翩; Addicted to You (MITSUKI Miko); Koi Hirari; Love Me Sweet; Love -  Lightly
La famille de Sumire (qui aime par dessus tout la nourriture et les sucreries!) retourne dans le village de jeunesse des parents, là où ils se sont rencontrés et tombés amoureux. Sumire arrive donc dans un nouveau lycée où à son tour elle espère tomber amoureuse. Alors qu´elle se ballade dans les rues enneigées de la ville, Kaduki lui tombe littéralement dessus en sautant par dessus un mur. Pour échapper à ses poursuivants, il attire Sumire dans un quartier commerçant où il lui offre une superbe broche à cheveux. Alors que Sumire se sent tomber amoureuse, elle découvre qu´il s´agit d´un playboy qui fait succomber toutes les femmes en leur offrant des broches à cheveux. Sumire s´en va lui rendre la broche le soir du nouvel an et aperçoit Kaduki en train de danser...
戀。 [いとしい いとしい というこころ。]
During the entrance ceremony of high school, while looking at the rainbow after the rain, the main character Haru met, an unusual girl with an aura of 「air」-?

Koibana Onsen

Fraîchement largué par sa copine, Akiyama ne veut pas annuler un séjour dans un fameux onsen, qui est populaire pour les couples. Donc il décide d'y aller seul et là-bas, il rencontre les trois sœurs qui tiennent l'hôtel... Les sœurs appellent l'ex pour venir, histoire d'essayer de rabibocher notre couple séparé. Mais Akiyama le veut-il vraiment ?