
Count Cain

Earl Cain -  Hakushaku Cain -  The Cain Saga
From Viz: Delve into the tortured past of Earl Cain C. Hargreaves, charismatic heir to a wealthy family full of secrets, lies and unthinkable crimes. The prequel to the Godchild series, The Cain Saga follows the young Cain as he attempts to unravel the secrets of his birth, all the while solving each new mystery that comes his way.
Delve into the tortured past of Earl Cain C. Hargreaves, charismatic heir to a wealthy family full of secrets, lies and unthinkable crimes. The prequel to the Godchild series, The Cain Saga follows the young Cain as he attempts to unravel the secrets of his birth, all the while solving each new mystery that comes his way. 
カウントダウン! -  Count Down -  Countdown! -  Time to Count Down
Koyori, an ordinary girl who is afraid to change herself, encounters Yuuki during a magic show that she had participated in. Yuuki, in fact, is Koyori's English teacher and a former singer in disguise! With Yuuki's help, he will act as Koyori's manager and help Koyori change herself as he helps her made a debut in the spotlight. [From Strawberry Vanilla]: One day a girl named Koyori FUJIMOTO is pulled out of a crowd watching a magic act on the street and is forced to participate by getting into the 'Miracle box' and being made to 'disappear'. What really happens to her is she suddenly finds herself being carried over the shoulder by someone, down a ladder into the sewer below the street. The guy is part of the magical act. When Koyori gets a good look at the guy, she is stunned at how good looking he is, and by his brilliant green eyes. Koyori is fascinated by him and asks his name, and he tells her it's 'Yuki' and then he rides off on his motorcycle. At school the next day, Koyori is preoccupied by thoughts of Yuki, but she also catches a few glimpses of the classmate guy she likes, Shuu-kun. We see that Koyori's class is taught by a very geeky looking guy with glasses named Nagase-sensei, but turns out he is Yuki!! Now Koyori is caught in the middle between her feelings for her classmate Shuu-kun, and her new feelings towards her surprisingly handsome teacher.
Koyori, an ordinary girl who is afraid to change herself, encounters Yuuki during a magic show that she had participated in. Yuuki, in fact, is Koyori's English teacher and a former singer in disguise! With Yuuki's help, he will act as Koyori's manager and help Koyori change herself as he helps her made a debut in the spotlight.
Lonely Mitamura may be a teacher at the exclusive Sheol Soul School – an academy dedicated to the afterlife – but he has a lot to learn about human emotions and helping others. In fact, his star pupil Tsuru thinks she’ll teach him a little lesson by running off during a field trip in the living world. Now, Mitamura has only seven days to track Tsuru down with the help of a brand-new (deceased) sidekick. Will the clock run out before they find her?
The forth entry in the 2020 Golden Future Cup


カウントラブル -  Count-Trouble
Un ange autoproclamé décide d'intervenir dans la vie amoureuse d'un garçon. Celle-ci lui injecte une minuterie dans son bras, le compte à rebours démarre de 10 et descend jusqu'à 0 à chaque fois que le cœur du garçon pense à sa bien-aimée.À 0, le garçon avouera au monde entier ce qu'il ressent pour cette fille.Mais ce n'est que le commencement ! "L'ange" a des pouvoirs basés sur le nombre 10, et le jeune homme se trouvera doté de nombreuses capacités dont le contrôle du temps, le contrôle des sentiments d'autrui et d'autres compétences plus extraordinaires.Un manga bourré de comédie, de romance et de drame, Countrouble n'est pas une série shônen typique et se doit d'être lue à tout prix.L'auteur de Countrouble NAO Akinari est connu pour son manga Psycho Busters.
Jahy-sama Won't Be Discouraged! -  ジャヒー様はくじけない! -  쟈히님은 굴하지 않아!
Jahy-sama, la numéro deux du royaume des démons, à la beauté sans pareille, crainte et adorée par tous. Enfin... ça, c'était avant...Vaincue par une mystérieuse Magical Girl, elle a vu sa gemme détruite et, avec elle, ses pouvoirs décliner. Et depuis, elle vit sous l'apparence d'une petite fille dans le monde des humains, en tentant de rassembler des gemmes pour restaurer son pouvoir. Mais il va falloir qu'elle fasse avec le peu qu'il lui reste, et il y a de quoi se décourager !
Isekai de Kyuutei Kenshi Hajimemasu -  異世界で宮廷剣士はじめます
"I want you."Lily, the daughter of a fallen aristocrat has never held a sword in her life. But Charles, the new king of Ryslim wants to hire her as his personal swordswoman?! Charles, a man with many enemies, was attacked at his coronation party. Lily, who drew his sword and rescued him in one fell swoop, impressed Charles with her swift reflexes and was forced to become his swordswoman exclusively. Little by little, Lily begins to recall memories from her previous life, in which sword-wielding was...A refreshing, other-worldly court story depicting incredible sword techniques and characters falling into clumsy love![hr]Official English translation on Comico's [url=]Pocket Comics app[/url]
カズン, Kazun
Tsubomi Shirakawa, 18 years old, has graduated from high school, but while her circle of friends have already found jobs or started college, she has decided to become a -Freeter-, and begins part-timing at a local rental video store. Meanwhile, she finds out that her cousin Noni, whom she has not met from as long as she can remember, has debuted in show business. Tsubomi may have a chubby figure but was uninterested in beauty of figure or form. However that is about to change when, a coworker, Shiro, brings her to visit a bar where she falls in love with the owner, Nasukawa.
Version noire de Cendrillon.
Ezra, um poderoso exorcista sem fé em Deus, é encarregado de proteger um humano aparentemente normal das crescentes forças demoníacas. Com sua igreja sob escrutínio e a ameaça de guerra no horizonte, Ezra encontrará sua convicção a tempo? Ou Sunny sofrerá as consequências?
灰かぶり, Hai Kaburi
The darker version of Cinderella.
こわ! -  Cowa
From Viz: A contagious Monster Flu is spreading around town like wildfire. Can the town's troublemaker and his friends get the medicine in time to save everyone?! Paifu, a half-vampire half-werekoala, is always getting into trouble. With his trusty sidekick, Jose the ghost, he's out stealing watermelons, befriending murderers and causing a ruckus. But not everything is fun and games when the contagious Monster Flu sweeps through town. If the sick monsters don't get some medicine within a month, everyone will die! But only the one who has the medicine is the Witch who lives high atop Horned-Owl Mountain...750 miles away! With the help of a former sumo wrestler, Paifu, Jose and tagalong Arpon are off on an adventure! But, will they get the medicine in time or will they become victims themselves?!

Cowboy bebop

Dans un futur proche où l'homme a colonisé Mars, Cowboy Bebop nous conte les aventures d'une équipe de chasseurs de primes pas tout à fait comme les autres, sillonnant l'espace à bord de leur vaisseau spatial... Spike, expert en arts martiaux flegmatique, est ici entouré de plusieurs personnages atypiques, de Jet, l'ex-flic devenu capitaine de vaisseau, à Faye, ancienne joueuse professionnelle toujours obnubilée par l'argent, sans oublier Ed, jeune génie de l'informatique, ou encore Ein, le chien savant... Ce quintette hétéroclite, avec son amour de l'investigation et ses nombreux contacts, est toujours au courant des infos de dernière minute concernant les criminels les plus recherchés. Dans l'espoir d'empocher de rondelettes récompenses, Spike et ses acolytes se transforment donc en justiciers intéressés dès qu'une occasion se présente et mettent sur pied des plans plus ou moins tordus afin d'attraper leurs proies, souvent retorses.
シューティングスタービバップ カウボーイビバップ -  Shooting Start Bebop Cowboy Bebop
魍魎の揺りかご, 魍魎的摇篮曲, Cradle of Monsters, Le berceau des esprits, Mouryou no Yurikago
A group of students finds themselves on a sinking capsized ship. Together with some zombies. What happened to the ship and why are there zombies aboard? It's a battle against time and the zombies, to save themselves.
クラッシュ (桜沢エリカ)
A romantic story set in the show business and modeling world, CRASH reveals the influence played and the links joining the publicity, cinema, and TV worlds: as a vector to the image manipulation, that tends too often to dehumanize the top model or actor, reducing him to a simple image in 2-dimension.


Le sang n'est plus uniquement une histoire de vampire...... c'est aussi ce qui permet à la jeune Hana Shiraboshi de repérer les futures idoles ! Lorsqu'elle se trouve face à un talent en herbe, elle se met subitement à saigner du nez. Elle met alors cette capacité extraordinaire au service de sa mère qui lui demande de recruter le plus grand talent encore jamais vu pour fêter les dix ans de son agence artistique. À la grande surprise de tout le monde, Hana ne découvrira pas un mais bien cinq jeunes garçons qui formeront le boys band CRASH. L'heure du travail a sonné pour la lycéenne prend en charge de la promotion du groupe et de son entrée dans le monde du show business !
Neta Furi Shitetara Gouin Ecchi - Honki ni Naru made Daite Ii? -  寝たふりしてたら強引エッチ~本気になるまで抱いてイイ? -  한밤중 내 안으로 무단침입
After moving to Tokyo, Tatsuka Azusa's daily life had changed into nothing. For her, people left company because of marriage or due to their own circumstances. After dinner, she felt a presence of someone beside her on the bed... It was the guy next door!

Crayon Days

Ichinose Shima n'a que 16 ans lorsqu'elle entre dans la célèbre école d'art Aoba à Tôkyô.Fraîchement débarquée de sa campagne natale, elle se retrouve complètement dépassée face au niveau qu'offre la capitale. On ne peut qu'imaginer sa détresse face à ce changement radical. Les professeurs d'art à Tôkyô sont probablement dix fois plus exigeants que ne le sont ceux qui vivent à la campagne (tout comme c'est probablement le cas à Paris, ou dans toutes les grandes villes du monde).Notre héroïne passe au début par une phase de découragement mais reprend vite confiance en elle et décide de tout faire pour réussir.
크레이지 커피 캣
Du café ! De la passion ! Et de l'amour !Plongez dans le monde du café !
Gordon est un homme d'âge moyen peu sociable qui conduit son Food Truck à travers un monde enfoui dans le sable. Un jour, il rencontre une fille nommée Arisa qui dort nue au milieu du désert. Alors qu'Arisa engloutit toute la nourriture qu'elle peut mettre dans sa bouche, un mystérieux groupe armé semble la poursuivre elle aussi.

Crazy for You

クレイジーフォーユー -  为你疯狂
Sachi est une jeune fille de 17 ans réservée est assez naïve. C''est normal, dans un sens, quand on étudie dans une école de filles, difficile d'avoir une vue d'ensemble ! Notamment sur la gente masculine... D'ailleurs, ses amies sont bien déterminées à changer la donne et organise un goukon !Et alors, elle le rencontre, Yuki, un gars qui se joue facilement des filles, justement, Sachi parviendra-t-elle à le faire changer ?
あなたにムチュウ -  为你疯狂 (新也美樹) -  Anata ni Muchuu (Araya Miki)
From Beautiful Soup: Takami has an 'eye power' that causes guys to fall in love with him by looking them in the eye and Ninomiya has a 'pheromone power' that gets both men and women fall in love with him. What happens when these two characters clash together?
クレイジーフォーユー -  为你疯狂 -  Без ума от тебя (Russian)
Sachi goes to an all-girls high school, and is quite the clueless one. At her first goukoun, she meets a boy called Yuki-chan, which finally ends 17 years of a boyfriend-less life, and!? -- Manga Updates
Crazy Kouzu Basketball Club, Crazy Kouzu BC, I'll Special Edition Package
When they were little, three friends, Kaya, Takashi and Hiroshi spent time with each other before fate separated them. Now two years later, they meet each other once again during one summer day.
クレイジー LOVE ゲーム -  لعبة الحب المجنونة -  Permainan Cinta Gila
Non pas que les filles aient le malheur de voir le garçon qu’elles aiment se confesser à la plus jolie fille de l’équipe de tennis ou de le voir se faire prendre un rateau ! Malheureusement pour Kazusa, son bien-aimé Kurosaki n’a absolument pas envie de sortir avec elle, même après qu’il se soit fait rejeté par la plus jolie fille de l’équipe de tennis. C’est alors à ce moment-là que commence un « jeu de l’amour » complètement fou !
クレイジーマニアックス, 安西信行短編集 CRAZY MANIAX
Nobuyuki Anzai's debut work "D・FUCKER," second work "A STRAY SHEEP~KARATE-JUNKIE 1994~," "CRAZY MANIAX," "VALKYRIE+♂," "FAIRY SNOW," and "ENTERTAINMENT PON" are collected.

Crazy People

Si vous touchez au fil du destin, la chance viendra.