
向死神許下最後的願望 -  向死神许下最后的愿望 -  死神様に最期のお願いを -  Last Wish to the Shinigami -  Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai o -  Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo -  Shinigamis
Oneshot: Takeshi wakes up one day to a cute shinigami, asking him to name his dying wish. Luckily for him, she's new at the job, and messes things up. Now, instead of being dead, he makes a team with the shinigami Kiriko and helps grant the last wishes of people who are dying. Serialization: Aida Shizuka is three days from being executed for cruelly murdering his family when a shinigami comes to visit him. It's his little sister Hibiki, who has come to make sure his soul goes to hell! Hibiki has another job on this trip as well, granting the final wish of a girl with heart disease, and she drags her condemned brother along with her. Soon, it becomes apparent that people are not as simple as they may seem, and even Shizuka's guilt is uncertain. Hibiki and Shizuka promise to search together for the truth about their family's death, and they won't let life, death, or trouble in the afterlife get in their way!
Shin is a popular high school boy. All the girls love him, and Yukka Chisa likes him too. One day she was lucky enough to be alone with him... What will happen between the two?
Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess Shinja Zero no Megami-sama to Hajimeru Isekai Kouryaku ~Classmate Saijaku no Mahou Tsukai The Weake
Nectar of Dharani
Sakra, la dernière princesse survivante du royaume déchu d'Adaar, est traquée par l'Empire Dhala pour le pouvoir d'Ambrosia qu'elle possède - la capacité d'accorder la force divine, mais seulement à un humain. Sans compagnon humain, elle décide d'en convoquer un d'un autre monde dans une tentative désespérée de trouver un marebito, un guerrier, pour la protéger, mais l'homme qui répond à son appel n'est pas tout à fait ce qu'elle avait espéré.entrer Kai, un humain parfaitement ordinaire du Japon. En tant qu'humain, il est capable d'être béni par la malédiction de Sakra et de combattre toute personne qui se met sur son chemin. Cependant, il devient rapidement évident que sa compréhension générale de la technologie est beaucoup plus précieuse. Dans ce nouveau monde, qui s'industrialise lentement, il en sait assez pour aider à faire progresser la technologie.
新宿ラッキーホール -  Shinjuku Lucky Hall
新宿スワン -  Shin Yado Suwan
Venus de la mer profonde -  深海のヴィーナス
Toma and Miyako, who are living life on the run, and Itsuki, a wealthy idler who shows abnormal interests. Is what lies beyond the abnormal sex unfolding day and night light or darkness...!? Love is a labyrinth, the other side of which is desire polluted with blood and semen. The concluding volume of Mika Sadahiro's full-spirited SM love that will change the world!!
新婚(仮)中 -  วิวาห์ (กำมะลอ) ว้าวุ่น (Thai) -  Shinkon (Kari) Chuu -  Shinkon Kakko Kari Chuu -  Shinkon Kakko Karichuu
Himari looks like an elementary school student. How did she find suddenly a husband!? Plus, he’s the prince of the school, the famous Kaname-sempai. After the consent of their parents, they start living together… But how a wife is supposed to be? How will be their life as new couple? Hiwari doesn’t know anything about it! Also, that guy is maybe popular because Of his face but his a real devil! But it seems like little by little their new Life begins to be more comfortable
新婚(仮)中 -  Shinkon Kakko Karichuu
Himari ressemble à une élève de primaire, alors comment s'est-elle retrouver soudainement mariée ?! De plus, c'est avec le Prince de l'école, le célèbre Kaname-sempai.Après le consentement de leurs parents, ils commencent à vivre ensemble...Mais comment une femme est supposéeêtre ?Comment sera leur vie comme nouveau couple ? Himari n'en sait rien! En plus, ce type est peut-être populaireà cause de son visage, mais c'est un vrai diable !
真空融接 -  Hollow Fusion
From amber love pj: In this country, every person has to be matched up with a partner. Partnerships are made around when you turn three or four. The doctors decide who gets paired together. One person acts as the 'supplier.' The other as the 'receiver.' It is impossible for a 'receiver' to continue to live without periodically being given power from the 'supplier.' And in the same way, it is imperative for a 'supplier' that a 'receiver' accept some of the power generated within their body. This 'power' can't be made anywhere other than inside a 'supplier's own body… So for the 'receivers,' we 'suppliers' are completely indispensable.... Note: The doujinshi for this series have now (as of April 2009) been collected into an officially published volume (volume 3).
真空融接, 真空融接 春, Hollow Fusion
In this country, every person has to be matched up with a partner. Partnerships are made around when you turn three or four. The doctors decide who gets paired together. One person acts as the 'supplier.' The other as the 'receiver.' It is impossible for a 'receiver' to continue to live without periodically being given power from the 'supplier.' And in the same way, it is imperative for a 'supplier' that a 'receiver' accept some of the power generated within their body. This 'power' can't be made anywhere other than inside a 'supplier's own body… So for the 'receivers,' we 'suppliers' are completely indispensable...
神曲奏界, 神曲奏界ポリフォニカ エターナル・ホワイト, Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica - Eternal White
Venez visiter le petit poste de police, composé de Kanjuurou, le chef de police sarcastique, d'Haruki l'officier pervers, ainsi que de la nouvelle recrue Kiruko, se trouvant être une ancienne mercenaire aux capacités sur développées.
新妹魔王的契約者; Shinmai Mao no Keiyakusha
"Hé, tu disais vouloir une soeur, non ?" C'est la question que lui pose son père à Tôjo Basara, un lycéen de première année. Il lui annonce également qu'il va se remarier. Basara qui n'avait jamais vécu avec des filles se retrouve soudainement entouré par deux nouvelles demi-soeurs, Mio et Maria. C'est une vie paisible qui l'attend, réveillé le matin par la magnifique Mio et entretenu par la petite Maria... Enfin, c'est ce qu'il aurait aimé croire. Il semblerait que les deux soeurs ne soient pas de simples humaines, bien loin de là ! L'une étant la nouvelle reine des démons et l'autre succube. Mais Basara révèle également son vrai visage, il fait partie du clan des héros, qui est l'ennemi naturel des démons. Très vite, un ennemi attaque le groupe, c'est alors que débute l'histoire d'une petite famille qui ne vit pas si paisiblement finalement...
The Middle-Aged Newbie Adventurer, Trained to the Brink of Death by the Strongest Party, Became Unbeatable -  大叔新人冒险者 被最强小队拼死锻炼后无敌了 -  新米オッサン冒険者、最強パーティに死ぬほど鍛えられて無敵になる。
It is common knowledge that it is best to become an adventurer when you are as young as possible, because the magical power that is the basis of an adventurer's strength will hardly grow if you don't train it while you are young. But this man, Rick Gladiator, who became an adventurer when he was over thirty years old, had the combat power of an S-rank adventurer, the highest rank in the world. In fact, Rick has lived an unimaginable life with the members of the legendary Orihalcon Fist, a party of the continent's strongest adventurers. From dragons to vampires, Rick's fighting prowess, trained by his literally "monster" mentors, allows him to defeat elite adventurers one after another who try to underestimate him.
Après le remariage de son père, Sachi se retrouve soudainement seule avec sa nouvelle demi-sœur, Ayari, pendant que leurs parents sont partis en voyage de noces autour du monde. Leurs interactions sont gênantes au début, mais une fois que Sachi découvre la passion d'Ayari pour la cuisine, ils commencent rapidement à s'entendre sur leur amour commun de la bonne nourriture.
Après le décès de sa grand-mère, Tsuji Ayame se retrouve seule au monde. Un ami proche de la famille lui propose de venir vivre chez lui... Cependant, peu de temps après, d’étranges choses se produisent…
Energetic and strong-willed, Beni doesn't care if she lives or dies as long as her death will result in embarassing her arrogant father! But one day, she suddenly encounters Kagetora, a ninja who's fallen from the sky and swears complete loyalty to her -- as her bodyguard. Kagetora has time traveled from a long, long time ago, and has devoted his life to protecting Princess Beni. Little does Kagetora know that this Beni is not the real princess... Can true love and honor survive after a centuries-long time warp -- in a crazy modern world?
忍ナイズ。 -  SHINOBIナイズ。 -  Shinobi-nize -  Shinobu Naizu
Taken from Iskultrip Scans: Nishiori style ninjutsu user Nishiori Koto unexpectedly became the bodyguard for the boarders of a specialty boy's dorm for performers, popularly named "Prince's house". Her first duty is to be the bodyguard of the popular movie actor Kanae, but....!? A kunoichi and a top model's ninjutsu action and a little love comedy takes the stage!
La princesse Shéhérazade, pour éviter que son pays soit détruit, est promise en mariage à l’ignoble Zama en tant que 12 ème épouse et cela malgré qu’elle ne soit âgée que de 16 ans. Cependant elle se fait enlever par un inconnu avant même d’avoir atteint le palais et se fait déflorer. Le jeune homme découvre alors que comme le veut la légende, les filles de cette famille possèdent une phéromone qui attirent les papillons. C’est en voulant le sauver par la suite qu’elle apprendra à mieux connaître cet homme qui ne peut vivre à la lumière du jour sous peine d'être sévèrement brûlé.
Shinobi Shijuusou
Surprotégée par son père, Chôko va-t-elle vraiment découvrir la vie d'une lycéenne normale ? Rien n'est moins sûr puisque le lycée Mizonoo compte de nombreux shinobi dans ses rangs qui vont presque tous tomber sous le charme de la jeune fille aussi rebelle que déterminée à trouver un bras droit d'exception !
忍びよる恋はくせもの, 忍者之戀千萬當心
Since long ago, a bitter rivalry and feud has long existed between two clans, the Toujo and Toyoda families. Because of this feud, it has long been Kanade's job as a shinobi to ensure the safety of Keigo, a member of the Toujo family, ever since childhood. Her devotion to her duty as a guard is a source of contention for Keigo, who would rather have her as a childhood friend than as a protector.Of course, this protection extends all the way to school, so when kanade comes across the Eishi Toyoda in class, the heir to the Toyoda family, she is initially hostile. After an attack, Kanade soon discovers Eishi is not exactly who she expected, and that threats to Keigo's safety do not just exist from the Toyoda family but within the Toujo family itself. 
しのびごと, Whispered Things
High school student, Chiya, encounters a tragic ghost in a pond.
Bien que Yutaka entretienne une relation occasionnelle avec son meilleur ami Daisuke, il est amoureux de Shuukei qui le considère comme un sex-friend. Il ne peut pas révéler ses véritables sentiments à Shuukei car il sait que celui-ci est amoureux de son demi-frère.
宅女是如何炼成的!, 篠崎さん気をオタしかに!, Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni!
心霊学園恋変化 -  Spirit Academy Love Ghost
From Operation Boredom : Maiko Hananokouji, a descendant of an Onmyouji (a priestly occupation that involves demon warding), has the ability to chase away evil spirits known as the Jureiki. The Jureiki eats the souls of humans who commit crime after crime. As she continues to fight the Jureiki, she stumbles into a schoolmate, Ryou, who she saves from the Jureiki at one point. The two of them then begin to work together to ward off the Jureiki, but... !?
Haruka veut aider son amie qui a subit... quelque chose d'étrange. Elle demande alors l'aide de Saitou Yakumo, persuadée qu'il a des pouvoirs psychiques. Qu'en est il vraiment? Pourra-t-il l'aider?
心霊探偵 八雲 -  心霊探偵 八雲 ~赤い瞳は知っている~ -  Psychic Detective Yakumo - The red eyes know -  Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (MIYAKO Ritsu)
Fateful Encounters: Based on novel by Kaminaga Manabu. Shinrei tantei yakumo aka psychic detective yakumo tells a story about a college student, Saitou Yakumo who born with different eye colors. His red left eye gave him a special ability to see ghosts and spirits. He believes ghosts and spirits are bound to earth because of a certain 'cause' and simply by eliminating that 'cause' will those spirits rest in peace. Being asked for help by Ozawa Haruka, together they began the investigation.
Canine Evangelion
Une parodie d'Evangelion par Karasawa Nawoki, l'auteur de Super Cruel and Terrible Tales of Mangaka.