
谎言Swing, Lying Swing, Ohuso Swing, Ouso Swing
Shirose Sayo has always been mildly interested in Saeki Aoi, mainly because he's different from the other guys in her class. However, upon graduating middle school, Sayo's image of Saeki is destroyed and she finds he is not the mature young man she thought he was. A year later, they meet again by chance through a group blind date. They clear up their misunderstanding and become friends... but there's one uncomfortable issue. Saeki is in love with Mina, the girlfriend of Daichi, Sayo's older brother!
天使向前走 -  P☆えんじぇる -  Mirai ni Kiss
* Contains a oneshot called Mirai ni Kiss - Meiko, a 14 year old Robotics genius, travels a hundred years forward in time. However, the future is completely different from her sweet daydreams.
When Touya’s sister decides to give up her 4 year old daughter during her divorce, Touya steps in to adopt Mei. Michio, his long time friend, steps in to help raise Mei.
Quand la soeur de Touya décide d'abandonner sa petite fille de 4 ans durant son divorce, Touya décide d'adopter Mei. Michio, son ami de longue date, décide de l'aider à élever Mei.
プラチナガーデン, 貧窮未婚妻, 贫穷未婚妻
When Kazura Enomoto’s grandfather dies, he leaves her to the son of a rich family, Mizuki Magahara, as payment for his debts. After she goes to live with him, Kazura learns that she’s not going to be working off the debts as a servant—she’s going to be Mizuki’s fiancée! Unless Kazura can repay her debt, she’s got no choice but to learn to live with her new lot in life. But no sooner has Kazura begun to adjust to living with Mizuki and going to his snotty rich school than the dark secret of the Magahara family comes to light. The head of the family has the unique power to bring back the souls of the dead—and right now the head of the family is Mizuki!
ろまんす五段活用 -  我家小妹 -  Four Steps to Romance -  Romance Godan Katsuyou
From Stage Storm: Adopted by middle classed parents, Mugiko has always dreamed to be an heiress. Who knew that one day this dream would come true. Mugiko's biological grandfather is the head of a prestigous family and after many years of searching, he finally finds his long lost granddaughter. As she starts her life as an heiress, everyday is filled with excitement, however, everything seems a bit different from what she had imagined, especially when her grandfather plans her engagement with Yoshiki, his previous heir, a cool boy who doesn't aknowledge her as the true heiress.
るったとこだま, 琉太與小玉, Rutta & Kodama, Rutta and Kodama
Rutta changed from a delinquent to a nice guy because of his new roommate, Miyagi Kodama. Kodama was unsure of his own feelings after Rutta's confession. After seeing Rutta's injuries caused from excessive fighting, Kodama finally decided to face the truth and accepted him.
るったとこだま -  不良室友是戀人 -  琉太與小玉 -  Rutta & Kodama -  Rutta and Kodama
Rutta changed from a delinquent to a nice guy because of his new roommate, Miyagi Kodama. Kodama was unsure of his own feelings after Rutta’s confession. After seeing Rutta’s injuries caused from excessive fighting, Kodama finally decided to face the truth and accepted him.
A Seductive Relationship -  Incitant Porno -  煽惑ポルノ
The top star in the adult movie industry, Takumi, is proud of the fact he's a professional and can get it up no matter who he his partner is. Lately, the movie producers' requests have become very hardcore, and his new video is an all-boys' night of fun with the top model and a cross-dresser. Takumi isn't sure about filming the video... but doing it with the model Kai actually feels pretty good. Just as Takumi is filled with regret when he loses himself while filming, Kai asks him if he would be willing to pretend to be his boyfriend... (Source: Renta!)
From Nakama: Two men who are endowed with different phermones - coworkers Miyake and Koshikawa. Once enticed by that scent, soon these two are drawn close together in a relationship... are these newly born emotions love? Or lust?
シャッフル!, Shuffle, Shuffle!, Shuffle! Days in the Bloom
The world as we know it was suddenly altered forever when the door for the dimension of the gods and the door of the dimension of the demons suddenly opened up. Ten years later, a boy named Tsuchimi Rin was entrusted with two princesses from those dimensions. Will he be able to keep his sanity while living with his childhood friend Kaede, trying to live a normal school life, and also being a neighbor to both of princesses and their fathers, the mighty dimension Lords? The hearts of those girls are at stake and only Rin has the key to unlock them.
Double-Dead Mansion Shall Be Destroyed -  Hall of the Doubly Dying Should Be Demolished -  Perishing-Pair Pavilion Must Be Purged -  SOU-BOU-TEI -  Souboutei Kowasubeshi -  Souboutei Must Be Destroyed -  双亡亭壊すべし -  破坏双亡亭 - 
A mysterious mansion has towered proudly over the Tokyo district of Numanakarai since the Taisho period. Those who enter either never escape, or leave having experienced horrors untold, and with the desire to take revenge.
Moratorium of Addiction -  Una indulgencia inmadura. -  耽溺モラトリアム
“Entrégate a mí… y seré yo quien te enseñe cómo olvidar todo aquello que te desagrade.”A pesar de ir en contra de las reglas de su escuela, Aki tiene un trabajo de medio tiempo. Y es ahí donde conoce a Masami, un joven profesor de piano. Al no tener un lugar al cual volver, Aki comienza a frecuentar más y más la casa de Masami, tomando a su vez lecciones de piano bajo su tutela. Masami es una persona amable, y es alguien quien lo acepta por quien es. Volviéndose así, todavía más dependiente de él. Pero una noche, tras una fuerte discusión con su padre que terminó cen golpes, Aki huye de casa para irse a esconder directamente a casa de Masami.“Yo… La única persona que entiende cómo te sientes y que por ende, puede consolarte, soy yo...” “Fui drogado y privado de mi libertad… Mi cuerpo fue forzosamente penetrado por él al punto del orgasmo…¿Este… es el verdadero él? No puedo creerlo, no quiero creerlo. Tengo miedo, pero me veo incapaz de abandonar su lado…”Una historia de un amor obsesivo de un maestro de piano X un joven delincuente.
Jagan wa Gachirin ni Tobu
Le Japon est terrorisé après l'apparition de Minerve, une terrible chouette meurtrière. Uhei, un célèbre chasseur, va partir à la recherche de la bête pour la tuer. Cependant, l'armée américaine ne semble pas vouloir laisser l'oiseau mourir et capturer Minerve avant que Uhei ait pu lui asséner le coup final.Treize ans plus tard, un navire de guerre américain s'écrase dans un port de Tokyo. Tous les hommes à son bord sont retrouvés morts, les yeux remplis de sang. La chouette a été libérée, et elle saccage maintenant tout Tokyo, tuant au hasard et en masse. Le gouvernement américain envoie alors les Forces Delta et la CIA tuer l'oiseau, allant chercher au passage l'aide du seul homme ayant jamais pu blesser l'oiseau 13 ans plus tôt, Uhei.
エデンのトリル -  乐园的心机 -  楽園のトリル -  樂園的心機 -  Rakuen no Trill -  Song of Love -  Trill of Paradise -  Eden no Trill
Taken from Serenus-Dreamers: Realizing she is a super unlucky person, Ritsu, freshman in high school, tries to get out of unluckiness and disasters by living in the school dorms and starting fresh. However, with her destined meeting with school's famous genius as well as problematic student Eiri, Ritsu starts to get unluckier everyday....!?
ティンクル★ティアラ 前編
This is a story by the author of Kero Kero Chime, and you can tell. The characters look similar, though the plot seems different. Rupika lives on a far off planet called Rakariina and has a growth on her head that looks like a tiara(called the Twinkle Tiara). Her grandfather tells her that her destiny begins when she meets a man with the Twinkle Crown. Every so often on this planet, a lot of meteors fall and a lot of new aliens land on the planet. Rupika goes out to see this and maybe find 'her prince'(the Twinkle Crown) and is captured by a boy named Alpha, who then mentions something about someone named Rozeus. Rupika wants to see Rozeus and leaves Alphas's spaceship, which is actually a big turtle. The new aliens seem to know something about her tiara and start harassing her, and though Alpha tries to control them he gets knocked out. Rupika's situation turns desperate but suddenly a man with the Twinkle Crown appears.
Ushio & Tora -  Ushio and Tora -  Ushio Dan Sang Harimau -  Ushio Dan Tora -  Ushio e Tora -  うしおととら - 
Il est centré sur les voyages et les combats d'un certain Aotsuki Ushio, qui est constamment traqué et aidé par un tigre gigantesque, surnaturel et parfois invisible (certains le décrivent comme un peu comme Calvin et Hobbes sous acide).La famille d'Ushio entretient un temple shinto au Japon, où, il y a 500 ans, son ancêtre samouraï a combattu ce même tigre jusqu'à l'immobiliser, et a fini par le piéger contre un rocher à l'aide d'une lance bénie appelée "Beast Spear", qui, en plus de sa formidable arme intrinsèque, peut également renforcer les pouvoirs physiques de son utilisateur. En nettoyant les réserves du temple, Ushio ouvre accidentellement la chambre dans laquelle Tora était piégé. Au départ, Ushio refuse sagement d'enlever la lance qui cloue Tora (とら, tigre en japonais) au sol, car Tora fait la gaffe stratégique de mentionner que la première chose qu'il ferait une fois libéré serait de dévorer Ushio ; mais la présence non scellée de Tora attire divers démons sur les lieux, et Ushio est obligé de libérer Tora en échange de son aide. La série se concentre sur leur relation, entrecoupée de batailles contre des ennemis mythologiques, et sur les tentatives de Tora d'affronter la vie moderne et de dévorer Ushio.A remporté le prix Seiun de la meilleure bande dessinée de l'année en 1997. Il a également reçu le Shogakukan Manga Award for shounen en 1992.
Laugh Lady Kanoko, The Secret Notes of Lady Kanoko, Warau Kanoko sama
Although she doesn't get along with people very well Kanoko considers herself a perfect "observer". Her hobby is observing the students in her third year junior high class and keeping a journal of the classroom drama. But what will happen when Kanoko becomes involved with some of her classmates? 
It's Difficult to Love an Otaku -  WotaKoi -  Love is Hard for Otaku -  Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii -  Wotaku ni Koi ha Muzukashii -  ヲタクに恋は難しい -  Wotakoi: L’Amour -  C’est Complique Pour Un Otaku -  Otaku Otaku
Notre histoire commence quand Narumi, une adorable fujoshi en puissance qui ne s'assume pas retrouve sur son nouveau lieu de travail Hirotaka, gros geek qui n'en a pas l'air le moins du monde, en plus d'être un beau gosse à lunettes. Et accessoirement, son ami d'enfance perdu de vue il y a voilà tant d'années ! Face à cette situation imprévue, Narumi devra choisir entre l'attaquer, utiliser un objet, appeler un ami à l'aide ou prendre la fuite ! Et si c'est cette dernière option qu'elle préfère généralement et qu'elle l'emploie à tort et à travers, Hirotaka ne semble pas disposé à la laisser faire, cette fois-ci....
Kimi ha kawaii Koi no Dorei