TM Academy

TM Academy

Ther Melian Academy
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TM Academy

Ther Melian Academy
Ther Melian Academy is an elite school for students who are chosen. So how can Vrey, the street girl who likes to steal got chosen? Not only that, she ... got full scholarship from the headmaster! There is no explanation about it, but whatever happens, Vrey's school life is about to begin. Indonesian Desc :Ther Melian Academy sekolah elit untuk murid-murid terpilih. Jadi kenapa Vrey seorang copet jalanan bisa bersekolah di sana? Tak hanya itu, dia mendapat beasiswa penuh dari kepala sekolah! Tak ada penjelasan apa pun tentang itu, tapi pokoknya, kehidupan sekolah Vrey akan segera dimulai.
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