The Boy and the Beast

The Boy and the Beast

Dziecię Bestii- El niño y la bestia- Poika ja peto- Бакэмоно но ко- Дитя Чудовища- バケモノの子- 怪物之子 - 怪物的小孩
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The Boy and the Beast

Dziecię Bestii- El niño y la bestia- Poika ja peto- Бакэмоно но ко- Дитя Чудовища- バケモノの子- 怪物之子 - 怪物的小孩
set in the human realm (Tokyo's Shibuya ward) and the bakemono realm ("Juutengai"). In these two worlds which must not intersect, there lives a lonely ... boy and a lonely bakemono. One day, the boy gets lost in the bakemono world, becomes the disciple of the bakemono Kumatetsu, and is renamed Kyuuta.
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