Oshigoto no Jikan!?

Oshigoto no Jikan!?

Working Time?- おシゴトの時間!?
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Oshigoto no Jikan!?

Working Time?- おシゴトの時間!?
From Fantasyshrine:Kenshiro and Ryoma are two different polarity types of president! Which one of them is the befitting heir to the Ichinomori Gro ...up? I, Kitayama Eita, must infiltrate their respective companies to determine just that! Even if it means I am subjected to sexual harassment, cosplay, and more. What I didn’t expect was for my treacherous body to actually respond to both of them! “Oh, you’re extremely sensitive,” Ryoma said gleefully. “I’ll train you thoroughly to my ideal type,” promised Kenshiro.
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