.hack//4 koma

.hack//4 koma

ドットハックヨンコマ, 骇客时空//4koma+趣味短篇集, .hack//4koma, .hack//4koma+ギャグ選手権, .hack//4koma+ギャグ 選手権, .hack//4koma+趣味短篇集, .hack//yonkoma, dotto hakku yonkoma
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.hack//4 koma

ドットハックヨンコマ, 骇客时空//4koma+趣味短篇集, .hack//4koma, .hack//4koma+ギャグ選手権, .hack//4koma+ギャグ 選手権, .hack//4koma+趣味短篇集, .hack//yonkoma, dotto hakku yonkoma
Hack//4 Koma" is a four-panel (a.k.a. Yonkoma) manga series set in the popular multimedia world of .Hack. Most of the 4 Koma are filled with gags and ...parodies centering mostly around the main characters of the first (Kite, BlackRose, Helba, etc) and second (Haseo, Atoli, etc) series of ".Hack" videogame Related Series .hack//G.U.+ (Main Story)
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