Bokura no Kawaii Asahi-kun

Bokura no Kawaii Asahi-kun

Our Adorable Asahi- ぼくらのかわいい朝日くん
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Bokura no Kawaii Asahi-kun

Our Adorable Asahi- ぼくらのかわいい朝日くん
Pop idol Asahi is suddenly told that his agency's going bankrupt and that he no longer has a contract with them. As he's wandering the streets trying get his life back on track, the person who saves him is veteran actor Akiomi Satake. After being invited over, Asahi starts living with Akiomi. Then, that night, while he's trying to sleep, Asahi notices that a guy's touching him. Even though he was half-hoping it was Akiomi, it turns out to be a handsome college student, Hayato, whom he's never met before...!! That's when Akiomi enters the room and the rest of the night is filled with shameful acts of love... Let this comedic love story about three guys living under the same roof begin! (Renta)
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