A Story About Getting a Haircut After Hearing Your Crush Prefers Short Hair
好きな人がショートカット好きと知って髪切る話- Cutting Her Hair After Finding out That the Person She Likes, Likes Short Cuts- Cắt tóc sau khi biết gu cậu bạn mình thầm thích là tóc ngắn- Suki na Hito ga Short-cut Suki to Shitte Kami Kiru Hanashi- Sukina Hito ga Sho-tokattosuki to Shitte Kami Kiru Hanashi- Una historia sobre cortarse el pelo después de oír que su crush prefiere el pelo corto.- Potong Rambut Setelah Tau Kalau Mas Crush Bilang Suka Rambut Pendek- 割????婁欺別所慼倘伴命啿慼羅????短 (Nom Script)- Historia o tym jak obcięłam w Ajouter aux Favoris
A Story About Getting a Haircut After Hearing Your Crush Prefers Short Hair
好きな人がショートカット好きと知って髪切る話- Cutting Her Hair After Finding out That the Person She Likes, Likes Short Cuts- Cắt tóc sau khi biết gu cậu bạn mình thầm thích là tóc ngắn- Suki na Hito ga Short-cut Suki to Shitte Kami Kiru Hanashi- Sukina Hito ga Sho-tokattosuki to Shitte Kami Kiru Hanashi- Una historia sobre cortarse el pelo después de oír que su crush prefiere el pelo corto.- Potong Rambut Setelah Tau Kalau Mas Crush Bilang Suka Rambut Pendek- 割????婁欺別所慼倘伴命啿慼羅????短 (Nom Script)- Historia o tym jak obcięłam w- Description
- **Links:**- Alternative Official Raw - [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/114158543)
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