
きらきらひかれ -  Kira Kira Hikare -  Twinkle, twinkle and get hit
Mizuno Iruka is a high school girl who spends her every day perfectly peacefully and ordinarily. She has someone she likes, but she always looks at him only from afar. Then one day, Moriyama-kun, the one she’s always admired, asked her out surprisingly, and they’re suddenly getting closer!! But is there a deep reason behind it…?! - Divine Sanctuary
Look -  It Twinkles Down Tonight; きらきらと夜に降る
Suite à du harcèlement continu au collège, la jeune Chise Okuno n'a plus la force d'y aller. Souvent, elle observe à la fenêtre de sa chambre. Un soir, le livreur de journaux lui montre la première neige de l'année et grâce à cette rencontre, elle finit par s'inscrire à des cours du soir fréquentés par des adultes et des lycéens. Furuya est un lycéen obligé de travailler à cause de sa situation familiale. Chise et Furuya deviennent amis, il est son rayon de lumière dans cette obscurité...
Sparkly LION BOY
Miwa est s'est réfugiée dans les mangas romantiques depuis qu'elle a été harcelée à l'école il y a des années et s'immerge tellement dans les histoires qu'elle lit, qu'elle a perdu toute foi en l'amour dans la vie réelle.Mais cela pourrait changer alors qu'elle rencontre Kiriatsu, qui ressemble trait pour trait au héros de son manga préféré. Il n'y a pas que son apparence extérieure qu'elle trouve fascinante...
キララの星, 閃亮新星, 闪亮亮之星, 키라라의별, Kirara's Star
The story centers around a quiet high school girl who ends up inheriting a minor entertainment talent agency. To pay off her newly obtained debts, she sets out to discover new talent and stars on the rise.
きらりん☆レボリューション, きら☆レボ, 偶像宣言, A Sparkling Girl-Revolution, Kilari, Tôi là Idol
Kirari Tsukishima is a beautiful young 14 year old. One day, she encounters a turtle stuck in a tree. She saves the turtle, but then falls after saving it. An idol from a famous group called SHIPS saves Kirari. Kirari falls in love with him at first sight. Kirari now wants to become an idol like him. She discovers that being an idol is not all fun and games, and that in order to persevere in both her love and career, she must overcome any challenges that fortune has in store.Kirarin Revolution won the 2007 Shogakukan Manga Award for children's manga
桐岛、部活 -  桐島、部活やめるってよ -  聽說桐島要退部 -  Kirishima Is Going To Quit Club -  Kirishima Said He Will Quit Club Activities -  Kirishima -  Bukatsu Yamerutteyo
Kirishima est un garçon populaire et un athlète de son école. Pour une raison inconnue, il semble avoir disparu après avoir quitté l'équipe de volley-ball. Sa disparition est finalement devenue le centre de ce recueil d'histoires où diverses personnes, toutes connectées à lui d'une certaine manière, chacun ayant un point de vue unique sur les connexions, les relations, les frontières sociales et ces événements.
寄生兽 -  寄生獣 -  ปรสิตเดรฉาน -  Kiseiju -  Parasite (IWAAKI Hitoshi) -  Parasyte
They arrive in silence and darkness. They descend from the skies. They have a hunger for human flesh. They are everywhere. They are parasites, alien creatures who must invade- and take control of- a human host to survive. And once they have infected their victims, they can assume any deadly form they choose: monsters with giant teeth, winged demons, creatures with blades for hands. But most have chosen to conceal their lethal purpose behind ordinary human faces. So no one knows their secret- except for an ordinary high school student. Shinji is battling for control of his own body against an alien parasite, but can he find a way to warn humanity of the horrors to come?
Ryoko est étudiante au lycée privé Tsunushi, lycée spécial de part sa section artistique. Ryoko n'éprouve aucun intérêt pour cette section et pour ses élèves ! Un jour, Sei, le prince de la section art va lui voler son premier baiser....
Itami no Tetsu~
キッスでGO! -  Kiss de Go
Collection of oneshots. 1) Kiss de Go : a girl marries in order to be more free. 2) Tabetai Baby- Ayu has can only love her childhood friend Kuma. Realizing this while she's in bed with Motoharu is a bit strange though. But she's determined to give her first time to Kuma, and Motoharu who loves her, wants to help her?! Its sequel is Kanjite Go.
キスで目覚めてハッとして。 -  Kiss Me Awake
キスで誓約 -  Kisu de Seiyaku
From Winter Translations:Kotori Karaishi's family has a curse placed on them, of which they can only kiss one person their whole life. Kotori has tried her best to protect her lips...until a playboy became interested in her.

Kiss Friend

Emimi a déjà eu plusieurs petits amis. Mais pourtant, elle a toujours détesté et refusé d'avoir des contacts physiques avec eux. Un baiser ou ne serait-ce que se tenir la main la dégoûte et elle a toujours fini par rompre. Mais un jour, elle réalise que son ami de longue date, Shinji, ne la dégoûte pas, et elle lui demande de l'embrasser.
Hime était dans le pétrin quand un couple de touristes est venu lui demander son chemin ... dans une langue étrangère. Un inconnu l'a aidée à s'en sortir, mais en échange, il lui a volé un baiser. "Est-ce qu'il ... est tombé amoureux de moi!?" Le lendemain à l'école, Akane, le garçon qui l'a embrassée, se présente dans sa classe en tant que nouvelle élève. Son cœur bat la chamade, elle lui parle, mais tout ce qu'il dit, c'est : "Embrasser, c'est comme dire bonjour." Il commence alors à la poursuivre en disant qu'ils pourraient faire plus, et ...!
キス/はぐ, キス/ハグ, Kiss / Hug, Kiss Hagumi, Kiss Hug, KISS+擁抱, Kiss/Hug
Ryuu, a super-business-like transfer student from England with black hair and blue eyes just arrived! During the night of the Tanabata festival, Ryuu and Yukino became attracted to each other at first sight. He then declares, "You will be mine!" This brought confusion to Yukino, who has zero experience in love. But could she actually be falling in love?
キスじゃとまらない!; I can't stand only the kiss!; Kiss Ja Tomaranai
Wataru et Makoto sont amis depuis leur tendre enfance, et sont connus pour être le couple gay de leur école.Alors que Makoto semble satisfait de cette situation, Wataru quant à lui est très troublé par cette situation ainsi que par l'attitude de Makoto.Wataru décide alors de n'autoriser que de simples baisers, ce qui rend anxieux Makoto. Celui-ci, déstabilisé, va voir son professeur d'étude, mais ne semble pas conscient du danger qui l'attend.
キスからはじまる -  爱由KISS开始 -  It Started With a Kiss
From Be With You Scans: A girl takes a pencil left out by the sempai who she has a crush on, but she was unknowingly being watched by another boy while taking it. In order to keep her secret, he demands... that... she... kiss... him!
キス ・キス, Chu x Chu, Kiss x Kiss (YAGAMI Chitose), Kisu x Kisu
Nao, a first year in Middle School, decided to enter Seisei School in order to follow the person she fell in love with at first sight! Upon arrival, she discovered that her beloved, Wada Yoshikuni, is part of K.I.S.S....but what is K.I.S.S?
キスまでの距離 (YOSHINAGA Yuu) -  接吻的倒數距離
Yuzuha Enomoto, une jeune lycéenne de 15 ans, se retrouve nez à nez devant Kaji, le meilleur ami de son frère jumeau, qu'elle considérait également comme son frère. Mais les années sont passées, ils sont à présent tous deux au lycée, et elle se rend compte qu'ils ont tout les deux changé et qu'elle ne le voit plus comme avant... Une relation pourra-t-elle grandir entre ces deux-là ?
キスまでの距離 (YOSHINAGA Yuu) -  接吻的倒數距離
Kaji, Yuzuha's unrequited love, is a good friend of her younger twin brother Hayao. He's the same age but goes to a different school and since theyre in elementary, he's been going in and out of Yuzuha's home. She's been in love with him all the time, but can't make a serious face when around Kaji. Now they both change to the same high school and there's the chance to decrease the distance between Kaji and her...!?
A Second Away from a Kiss -  One seconds remaining until the kiss -  キスまで、あと1秒
Izuru said he'd stop one second before he kissed Rikka... So why are they really kissing right now!? Rikka's first kiss is on stage performing a play...! Rikka and Izuru have been friends since they were kids. Izuru's always bossing Rikka around. Rikka has to write the script for their school festival play, which is a relief because at least she can steer clear of Izuru, who's playing the leading role of the prince... But on performance day, the princess gets sick, and Rikka has to take her place! She's dreading the final kissing scene. They're just supposed to pretend, but now... their lips are... touching...! She knows it's Izuru... but he looks like a handsome prince, and... he's actually kinda hot...

Kiss Me Baby

Kiss me ベイビー
Natsu et Taichi sortent ensemble depuis un mois déjà, bien que tout ce passe parfaitement, ils ne se sont jamais embrassés. A chaque occasion un événement inattendu les en empêche. Comme ses amies semblent trouver cela bizarre, Natsu se donne comme but de provoquer ce premier baiser tant attendu. Mais les choses ne se passent vraiment comme elle le souhaiterait et ses manigances l'entraînent dans des situations compliquées. Va-t-elle réussir à embrasser le garçon de ses rêves ? Jusqu'où ira-t-elle pour arriver à ses fins ?
花美男之吻 -  Kiss me ホスト組 -  Kiss Me Host Club -  Kiss Me Host Gumi -  Kiss Me Host Kumi -  Kiss Me Host-Kumi
From Nevermore Scans: I'm Anzai Mako, 15 years old. This spring I'm going to start a wonderful life at high school... or at least I was supposed to! There's a Host club of young and good-looking rich men that do such odd jobs!! Suddenly I was snatched away by their leader?!
-キス マイ アス-
After defeating a demon, Yakushiji Teruki is bound by a demon that brings pain to humans, in the most unusual ways that demon is bound by Shiki-kun through.....hemorrhoids, which is an illness in his anus...yes anus. All of a sudden, a girl by the name of Miura confronts him, what does she, the unsociable classmate want from Shiki-kun and his....anus? Find out!
キスのむこう -  亲吻的彼方 -  The Other Side of the Kiss
Kirio, Shirou and Eita were childhood friends. Kirio had always liked Eita and fell into a state of depression when Eita got himself a girlfriend. Kirio thought that he and Shirou are in the same "heart-broken" state as he always assumed that Shirou are also in love with Eita. However, one day Shirou blurted out that it wasn't Eita that he likes, but Kirio himself. Since then, Kirio became more self-conscious whenever he's with Shirou...
キスの途中, In the Middle of Kissing, Kiss no Tsuchuu, kiss停看听, Kisu no Tochuu
Mine's first love ended when Setsu, her old playmate, transferred to another school. Before he went away, he left her a message that Mine should not have her hair cut. Four years have passed since then. Setsu came back, but he has changed a great deal. This is a collection of girls' pure love stories.1. Kiss no Tochuu2. Marshmellow Baby3. Sex? Friends4. Ohimesama no Kagai Jugyou5. Sora no Shizuku
キスの途中 -  In the Middle of Kissing -  Kiss no Tochuu -  Kisu no Tochuu
Mine's first love ended when Setsu, her old playmate, transferred to another school. Before he went away, he left her a message that Mine should not have her hair cut. Four years have passed since then. Setsu came back, but he has changed a great deal. This is a collection of girls' pure love stories. 1. Kiss no Tsuchuu 2. Marshmellow Baby 3. Sex? Friends 4. Ohimesama no Kagai Jugyou 5. Sora no Shizuku
KISS Jinzhi Ling; KISS禁止令 o--- Lire ce projet avant celui-ci ( FGXS )