It's all about contrast here!The most handsome boy at school, who seems cold and arrogant, is actually afraid of talking to girls! The gentle and talented top student is really the cold-blooded prince of a gang! The carefree and unkept girl, is, in fact, a young lady from a billionaire family! The sharp and sexy senior is a girl who can’t resist cute things! Their so-called ‘super stern’ teacher is, in reality, a fujoshi who ships her own students! Jiang Zhiling just wanted to find a part-time job and make some pocket money to support her father’s pursuit of invention. By accident, she discovered who all these people really were underneath their masks. Soon, she began to think she was attending a school filled with fakers!
High schooler Torii plans to get the girl, even if she is his teacher. The teacher plans to grow up and leave behind her basketball-playing youth. In basketball, planning and strategy can win the game, but is that also true for real life? -Baka Updates
1) How about a boyfriend ? (Chapitre 1 et 2)Après avoir été traumatisé par toutes les femmes qu’il aimait, Ayukawa perd sa confiance en les femmes et devient professeur dans une école pour garçons uniquement. Quand l’élève qu’il apprécie bien commence à lui retourner ses sentiments, Ayukawa se demande s’il a enfin trouver quelqu’un en qui il peut faire confiance ou si c’est juste un jeu.2) I want to seduce you even more! (Chapitre 3, 4, 5 et Extra)Nous poursuivons le manga avec l’histoire du meilleur ami d’Hino, Tsuchiya. Voyant son ami être heureux en amour avec quelqu’un qui était pourtant inaccessible, Tsuchiya commence à penser à la personne qu’il aime depuis longtemps. Serait-il capable de le séduire, après tout Mikuni est un coureur de jupon sans pareil !
A girl takes a pencil left out by the sempai who she has a crush on, but she was unknowingly being watched by another boy while taking it. In order to keep her secret, he demands... that... she... kiss... him!
Akoko and Mitsuki have always been together. However, their friendship is not as strong as it might seem. And when it comes to boys, everything gets even messier. Best friends forever or rivals for love?
Kaburagi Aya, a highschool student who is at the bottom of the school caste, and Kurosaki Sei, a teacher who was oppressed by a trauma from the past, get to know each other through a dating app. With ulterior motives from both sides, the relationship between them gets gradually distorted...
When the orphaned Sera was taken in by the Lady of the Choi household, her dreams of having a family were fulfilled. However, Sera found herself rejected by the Lady's three handsome sons, and it was made very clear to her that she was nothing more than an orphan who would would never become part of their family. At 16, Sera still finds herself bullied by the three brothers, and soon it becomes evident that there is more than just her background that makes the boys reluctant to officially adopt her into the family.
Third-year high school student Makoto Koga decides to confess to his crush, the school's most beautiful girl, second-year Saki Meguro. To his surprise, she agrees to date him. But what surprises him even more is her following words: "I'm not a virgin."Unbeknownst to Koga, the surprisingly passive Meguro has the reputation of being the lascivious "easy girl" at school, not rejecting any boy that approaches her and having gone through multiple boyfriends. Will Koga persevere? Will he fare any differently than the rest? How will Meguro react to Koga, a boy who, for once, actually approached her before he knew of her reputation?[hr]
สาวมืดมน อลวนหารัก - 私の友達がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い。 - It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Unpopular! - No Matter How I Think About It, It's Because of You All T
不管我怎么去想我不受欢迎这件事都是你们的错! - 丧女 - 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! - It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! - Watashi ga Mote Nai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! -
Tateyama Sukai has just transferred into a high school filled with "princesses" from wealthy and influential families. In her search for club activites that appeal to her love of physical activity, she comes across a mountain climbing club, and finds herself drawn into the world steep ascents under the open sky.
Tateyama Sukai has just transferred into a high school filled with "princesses" from wealthy and influential families. In her search for club activites that appeal to her love of physical activity, she comes across a mountain climbing club, and finds herself drawn into the world steep ascents under the open sky.
Yankee cooking manga. MC is a yankee boy who cooks delicious food - his friends and rivals can’t get enough of it, so they fight then they eat and they bond over it.
Ayase Michiya est un playboy qui a toujours une nouvelle fille à portée de main, mais l'attention dont il a besoin et de manière inattendue est celle de son meilleur ami, Satori Kouta.
Itonaga a été victime d'intimidation au collège parce qu'il avait des yeux exceptionnellement petits, ce qui le rendait progressivement maladroit socialementEN PAUSE
7 years ago she received a goldfish at a summer festival. The goldfish is named after her beloved Jin. But Jin, her childhood friend, will be leaving home. At the time, those words were uttered unexpectedly...
Kurozawa Konomi aime tellement son petit-ami qu'elle est est prête à tout faire pour lui, mais il semblerait que hiro ne ferait pas de même pour Konomi, en fait il est plutôt froid avec elle et lui ordonne de faire certaines choses. Les gens trouvent que leur relation est plus celle d'un chien et de son maître! Est-ce vrai ? Est-ce qu'Hiro ne fait que la manipuler ?
Kurozawa Konomi is deeply in love with her boyfriend Hiro, and she's willing to do everything for him! But Hiro seems rather cold towards Konomi, which makes everyone say that their relationship is just like one of a puppy and his master! So are they really 'lovey dovey' as Konomi wants to believe?
One afternoon, Atsushi's best friend from childhood, Masa, informs him, "I kidnapped Niina Aota." Niina, whose popular nickname is "Nina", is the girl Masa fell in love with at first sight on the train attending school. Atsushi found it unexpected and hard to believe, until he heads over to Masa's apartment and discovers that Nina has really been kidnapped....
From Blissful Sin: Super handsome and charismatic Naruse Fuuta, who harbors feelings for honor student, Akiyoshi Tooru, advances to the same university. However, due to their different majors, they begin seeing less of each other. What happens when Akiyoshi becomes acquainted with Naruse’s old friend, Hiyama Chiaki, and goes along to his mixer party?
The new transfer student, Itou Kazuki, comes with a secret, hidden behind his bandage...When Itou-kun, clueless in love, meets Yoshiuchi Aika, clumsy romantic, what will become of this unconventional couple?
いつか天魔の黒ウサギ高校編 紅月光の生徒会室 - Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Koukou-hen: Kurenai Gekkou no Seitokaishitsu - Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Koukouhen: Kurenai Gekkou