
Original story used as a base to create the well known popular manga series- Horimiya.People say that the youthful days are always bittersweet, but maybe it's just bitter? Kyouko Hori is a flashy high school girl, who, despite her ostentatious appearance, excels in academics and has a family-loving character. Izumi Miyamura is a bland high school boy, who, despite not wanting to stand out in class, secretly wears piercings outside of school and has a large body tattoo. One day, Miyamura finds Hori's little brother injured and helps him back to Hori's house, where the relationship between Hori and Miyamura begins with Hori's discovery of Miyamura's secret.
Boukyaku no Hate: 16-sai no Jibun e no Tegami -  忘却の涯て 16歳の自分への手紙
The manga centers on a 16-year old high school student and amateur manga creator named Tatsuya Egawa, who perceives himself as unpopular and hated by the girls in his school. He tries to submit a manga manuscript to Shonen Sunday but is turned down. In despair, he turns to the Internet for advice, finding out that there is a manga creator with whom he shares the exact same name and birthday (the real-life Tatsuya Egawa).From Egawa's manga, the 16-year old Egawa takes away that he must draw from experience, and that he must learn how to draw cute girls. Since he has no experience talking to cute girls, he resolves to get to know one at his school.
星に、眩暈を。 -  Hoshi ni Memai wo
After the president of the Astronomy club graduated from high school, Shiose Kanako was appointed as the president. However, no one really takes her seriously, and most of the other female members are only interested in Azumi Seiya, a handsome and popular guy who’s also a member of the Astronomy club. Trying to gain more knowledge about Astronomy so that she could get more people interested in the club, Kanako goes to the rooftop one night, and she’s surprised to find…
When You Wish Upon a Star (INOYA Kotoba)
Shinonome Nozomi, en première année, se joint au Club d'astronomie de son école afin de surveiller les étoiles filantes et de réaliser son souhait. Son confrère, Musashi Shouta, ne veut cependant pas qu'elle soit là parce qu'elle a perturbé son projet de vivre une vie paisible et privée dans le Club d'Astronomie. Nozomi, cependant, insiste pour rester. Peu de temps après, Shouta découvre qu'il a la capacité d'invoquer des étoiles filantes à volonté en claquant des doigts. Que feront les deux membres du Club d'Astronomie en faisant cette découverte ? Et quel est exactement le souhait de Nozomi.... ?
Shogo s'est intéressé à la peinture dès son plus jeune âge grâce à son père, qui possède une galerie d'art. Issu d'une famille d'artistes, son frère aîné est un prodige, et Shogo est souvent appelé « le frère cadet du prodige ». En conséquence, son amour pour la peinture commence à s'estomper. Pensant qu'un changement de décor serait pour le mieux, le frère de Shogo contacte un ami vivant sur une petite île et organise le déménagement de Shogo. Là, il rencontre Ryosei, un garçon aux « mains bénies de Dieu ». Choqué par l'énorme fossé de talent entre eux, Shogo fait un pas, et Ryosei... C'est une romance compliquée mais pure qui prend vie avec un pinceau sous les étoiles.
"The stars that don't shine in Tokyo surely do shine in a different town..."
星のハーモニー; Star Harmony
Une collection de 6 histoires en deux arcs de deux et quatre chapitres respectivement. Le premier tourne autour du couple Yukiko/Wada, le second autour de Mayiko et Sugikake.
My Lovely Bunny -  星のうさぎ
The ever cool and manly Uito has a sweet, cutesy side he shows only to Sei...! They don't miss an opportunity to smooch whenever their parents are out, and work hard on their finals and part-time jobs so they can live together one day. It's no surprise they go wild on their graduation trip...! Who fell in love first? This story follows two childhood friends who spend their school days totally besotted with each other! Enjoy this super-sweet, warm and fuzzy, extra-naughty series from Sakana Tohjo, all in one volume!
After I Win -  Hoshigarimasen Katsu Made wa -  Hoshigarimasen -  ほしがりません!勝つまでは
Hiyori voit emménager dans sa chambre Kasumi, un nouvel élève d'un an son cadet. Cependant, Hiyori tombe amoureux de lui, et est tellement nerveux qu'il lui déclare de but en blanc qu'il l'aime. Kasumi semble penser qu'il s'agit d''amitié', ce qui pose bien des problèmes pour faire comprendre clairement à son camarade de chambre que ses sentiments sont plus forts que cela. Ajouté à cela un grand frère qui aligne les conquêtes (masculines) et semble avoir jeté son dévolu sur Kasumi...
Hoshihime Mura no Naisho Hanashi -  星姫村のないしょ話
Kanzaki Hajime, overwhelmed by urban girls. He then change his mind, come back to his hometown Hoshihime village, but, the girls in that village also...?!
Hoshiiro no Okurimono, Antique Wish e Youkoso, Glanz der Sterne (German), Hoshi Iro no Okurimono, Hoshi-iro no Okurimono, Sleeping Beauty wa Nemurenai, Star Colored Gift, The Star-Color Present, ลิขิตชะตาฟ้าพร่างดาว (Thai), 星光灿烂, 星夜的礼物, 星色のおくりもの
J'ai toujours cru que cette rencontre était due au destin. Je pensais que ton sourire, le plus beau de tous, et nos moments heureux continuaientaient. Nous priions aux étoiles filantes, croyant que nous serions ensemble pour toujours. En pensant que notre souhait deviendrait réalité.......
星川銀座四丁目, Ginza 4-chome Hoshikawa, Hoshikawa Ginza District 4, Hotokawa Ginza Yonchoume, Seisen Ginza Yonchoume
This story lets us look into the relationship of Matsuda Otome (a home schooled girl) and Nakagawa Minato (a high school teacher). Otome has been through a difficult past and is now under the care of Minato-sensei. Otome becomes suspicious of Minato's day-to-day routines and investigates. What will Minato tell Otome when she confronts her?
星川銀座四丁目 -  Ginza 4-chome Hoshikawa -  Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 -  Hotokawa Ginza Yonchoume -  Seisen Ginza Yonchoume
Summary by Ressey101: This story lets us look into the relationship of Matsuda Otome (a homeschooled girl) and Nakagawa Minato (a high-school teacher). Otome has went through a difficult past and is now under the care of Minato sensei. Otome becomes suspicious of Minato's day-to-day routines and investigates. What will Minato tell Otome when she confronts her?
星野くん、したがって! -  Hoshino-kun, Please Follow My Lead! -  Хосино-кун, следуй за мной! -  !هوشينو-كن، رجاءً اتبع توجيهاتي
星野、目をつぶって。 -  호시노, 눈을 감아 -  Hoshino, Me o Tsubutte -  Hoshino, Me wo Tsubutte -  Hoshino, Me wo Tsubutte.
Crow in the Starry Sky -  星空のカラス -  星空之鸦
Waka is a 13 year-old Go-lover! Learning from her grandfather, a pro go player, she comes to enjoy connecting with the people around her, regardless of age or gender. One day, she meets the young genius go player, Sagisaka Souji, in a match that tore at both body and soul, and so she decides to become a pro go player herself!

Hosik's story

호식이 이야기
Une comédie, tranche de vie romance entre un populaire senior Sungyeon et un étudiant universitaire normal Hosik! Que fera Hosik après avoir rencontré son côté pervers caché?
From Delish Scans: Come and get them! Ice pops to cool down your blazing cheeks.
ホットミルク (小村あゆみ), Hot Milk熱牛奶
Waiting 300 years for a fateful meeting, living positively with crazy delusions, striving for many lovers, and drinking milk every day to get bigger breasts…Girls do all of this for boys! A collection of four stories to help out with your love.
Hey ! Il y aura une grande fête à l'hôtel Ojakgyo ! Ce n'est pas une fête, c'est une orgie ! Enfin, le grand événement pour les alphas et les omégas se tiendra à l'hôtel Ojakgyo, où la relation entre les meilleurs amis Kang Dohun et Lim Yejoon, passe du flirt à la romance, mais le frère de Kang Dohun souhaite l'oméga dominant Lim Yejoon, alors il effectue un complot à l'hôtel Ojakgyo pour l'avoir, que va-t-il se passer ?
Why am I in a place like this...... kissing HIM......?'' Awkward class loner Mitsuo Hanaori has a pet peeve - the handsome and popular Hachiya, who's always at the center of the class. He has soft hair and clear skin, everything comes easy to him, and his voice is easy on the ears - it's all just so irritating...... But Mitsuo can't take his eyes off Hachiya, who scores perfect shots in basketball class, and he twists his ankle as a result. After helping walk Mitsuo to the nurse's office, for some reason Hachiya suddenly brings his face close as if to kiss him!! Mitsuo's freaking out and his heart's pounding like crazy, and to his mortification, his JUNK is responding......! To make things worse, ever since that day, Hachiya's started coming onto him on a daily basis...... Just what the hell is going on!?
放課後Love Age, After School Love Age
Akabane loses a game of bridge and thus his feelings for their classmate, Satsuki is revealed by his friends. He denies it immediately but somehow she's attracted to him too?Also contains:Half a yYear - Kimi to 6-gatsuKirai Kirai Mo?Kimi ni Yell wo!Kirai Kirai Mo? - Extra
放學後的秘密花園 -  放課後メンズハレム -  After School Men's Harem -  Houkago Mens Harem
Sequel to: SUKI DAKEDO! Nagato Aoba enters the student council after much effort and heartache (Suki Dakedo!) but at what cost? Not liked by the rest of the council, incessantly pursued by Yura, and a hidden relationship with Maki, seems like enough trouble, but... is there more looming his way? You bet it is! Watch out Aoba!! Enter After School Men's Harem survival of the fittest!
放課後のカリスマ, After School Charisma, Afterschool Charisma, Hokago no Charisma
St. Kleio Academy is a very exclusive school: all of the students are clones of famous historical figures such as Beethoven, Queen Elizabeth I, Napoleon, Mozart, and Freud. All of them, that is, except for Shiro Kamiya. As Shiro struggles to adapt to this unusual campus, St. Kleio's first graduate, a clone of John F. Kennedy, is killed. Are the clones doomed to repeat the fate of their genetic progenitors, or can they create their own destinies? And how does a normal boy like Shiro fit in?
Torture Club Girls After School 放課後の拷問少女 방과 후의 고문소녀
Hiroko at After School, 放課後のヒロコ
Flowers and guns...With a gun in their hands, the girls will seize their days.
放學後的愛情信號; 放課後のラブコール
Wataru Ueda, un professeur au lycée, avait été rejeté par une personne qu’il aimait lorsqu’il était lui-même lycéen. Depuis lors, il est craintif en ce qui concerne les choses de l'amour. Pourtant, il est à présent tombé sous le charme du père de l’un de ses élèves, Kazushi Ippongi, un yakuza. Bien qu’Ueda sache qu’il ne devrait pas l’être, il est fasciné par les douces paroles du séduisant Ippongi…
放課後の王子様 -  Hōkago no Ōji-sama -  Hôkago no Ôjisama -  Prince of After School -  The Prince of Afterschool -  Le Prince après l'école (french)
Our Prince of Tennis is back! This is just a few 'one-shots' or comic strips and not the sequel, but enjoy it!
Salome After School -  放課後のサロメ
"Can you help me paint after school?" asks my classmate Naomi. Our feet carry us to the art storage room that no one goes to. I quietly become her assistant in producing artworks. Naomi suddenly arrived at an Osaka art high school. The pride of the gifted, hardworking Renji gets torn to shreds by her ominous talent. Renji bluffs "I can come up with something like that too." But, he gradually finds himself enthralled by her talent. He writhes in-between his self-consciousness and inferiority complex. Is she his rival or is she...?!They produce eccentric, sensual works after school.A striking story of art and youth released by a brilliant newcomer.