
ネイキッド -  ネイキッドDX
From Tsuzuku Jinsei o...: Naked is a one-volume manga containing three stories that revolve around two boys, Ayumu and Chihiro. The first two stories are set when they are in 5th grade, and revolve about them becoming friends and making a new friend. The final story is set several years later in high school and is about Ayumu's first love. For those of you hoping this is shounen-ai or yaoi, Naked isn't. For those of you fearing it is one of those two, relax, it isn't.
愛哭鬼的初戀 -  泣き顔にKISS -  爱哭鬼的初恋 -  우는 얼굴에 KISS
I'm Narazaki Eori who is famous as a crybaby. I'm 17. This is the first time I fall in love and I'm being stuck with it. When I look at my beloved Yuusuke, sometimes I daydream(?!) cry and smile. Eori is too busy for love. Lovey-dovey but in this love which is full of unpredictable things, you have risked your life, Eori!
Nanashi - Nakushita Nanika no Sagashikata -  ナナシ ~ナくしたナにかのさがシかた~
The manga will adapt Harumi Fujino's "Nanashi Series" online occult horror stories. The stories center on the protagonist Haru (a pseudonym for the author), and his friend Kyousuke "Nanashi" Nanashima, who possesses strange powers.
I Don't Even Know Your Name -  名前も知らない
Kobayashi Hina a toujours eu qu'un seul objectif : travailler dur et entrer dans une bonne université. Pendant ses études à la bibliothèque, elle remarque un joueur de football dans la cour, et le regarder commence à devenir une habitude pour elle. Elle ne sait pas qui il est, mais sa présence constante près de l'endroit où elle étudie commence à devenir une distraction.Trouver l'amour ne signifierait-il pas renoncer aux études ?
名前はまだない -  As of Yet Unnamed -  Namae wa Madanai -  The name is not yet
Nameraretakunai Namekawa-san -  Намэкава не потерпит насмешек! -  ナメカワさん -  ナメられたくないナメカワさん
A delinquent x discipline committee president back-and-forth comedy.[hr]
Terminer en 3 chapitres~
When Momoka, a very shy girl who loves rabbits, is forced to change her seats, she finds herself at sitting at the back of the class, next to a boy she has never spoken to before, Narumi. Everyone thinks that he is strange and all of the girls are afraid of him. Why? There is a rumor that he is cursed and that the girls sitting next to him will never find love. Momoka believes in the rumor and fears him, but she gradually discovers the true Narumi and eventually new feelings are taking a hold on her. Is it friendship or... love?
なみいろ, 泪色, Nami Iro
Based on a mobile dating sim game. A guy and 4 chicks. It all aims onto the after party of the cultural festival, where the MC will have to dance with the girl of his choice. Inviting someone to the after party dance is the same as confession his/her love.
Nan Hao & Shang Feng the Odd Couple -  南号尚风
Une comédie sur deux lycéens ordinaires.
ナナマルサンバツ~7○3×~ -  703X -  7O3X -  Nana Maru San Batsu - 7O3X- -  Nana Maru San Batsu -7O3X- -  Nanamaru Sanbatsu, 703x, 7O3x
ななみくす! nana_mix!, ななみくす!nanamix!, ななみくす!, ななみくす! nana_mix!, 七海大作战, nana_mix!, Nana Mix! nana_mix!, nana_mix!
Nanami transfers to St. Marivel (Mary Bell) High School from America as she looks for her childhood friend, Kotaro. In a school where the ratio of male students to female students is 1:20 respectively, Nanami gets involved in a conflict with a male student who is almost twice her size. As Nanami was about to engage in battle, she catches a glimpse of Kotaro and stops, allowing the male student to grab hold of her! How will she get out of this situation?
Nana to Kaoru - High Schoolers' SM Play
L'histoire se déroule en troisième année du lycée, après la fin du manga, mais avant Black Label (alias Arashi).
Nana to Kaoru - Kokosei no SM gokko Attache-moi - Jeux SM entre lycéens, Nana to Kaoru - High Schoolers' SM Play, ナナとカオル ~高校生のSMごっこ~
La suite de la série Nana to Kaoru (attache-moi) !L'histoire se déroule pendant la dernière année de lycée de nos personnages. Elle commence juste après la fin de Nana to Kaoru, avec le spin-off Black Label se déroulant entre les chapitres 7 et 8.
菜々ちゃんは俺のもの, Nana-chan is Mine!
Akiyama Youichi adores the cute Nana-chan from afar but he's clueless about girls and terrified of asking her out on a date. He discovers in a very peculiar manner that he has a love rival for Nana-chan's affections in the curvy and sexy shape of Natsuhara Yuri, a classmate and best friend of Nana-chan. The battle for Nana-chan's affections is joined with Youichi trapped in Yuri's body and Yuri using Youichi's body to ask Nana-chan out on a date. May the best, umm, person win!
ナナコロビン, 戀愛七顛八倒, Nanacorobin, Nanako Robin, Nanakorobin
Yoshino Nako has a saying. "If I'm happy, I can do anything!" In her sister's place, Nako-chan steals the groom of an arranged (political) marriage and helps them elope. But when the Hayami group starts failing, she must pay the consequence by housing the delinquent brother...
Nana's Revolution -  Rainbow Revolution -  Seven Coloured Revolution -  なないろ革命
Depuis l’école primaire, Nana n’a jamais refusé aucune des demandes de son amie Yuyu, même lorsqu’il s’agissait de souhaits ridicules, comme d’avoir la même tenue ou coupe de cheveux… Mais maintenant, elle veut changer !
ななか6/17 -  6/17秀逗美眉 -  Nanaka Juu-nanabun no Roku
Seventeen-year-old Nanaka Kirisato is a high school student serious about her studies and goals in life. She frequently criticizes her best friend, Nenji Nagihara, for being a childish delinquent who spends his time fighting other boys. Then one day, after a heated argument with Nenji, she falls off a flight of stairs and suffers a brain injury, resulting in her mind reverting to that of a six-year-old. With this in mind, Nanaka's father and Nenji must keep her injury a secret as she struggles to live a normal life and grow up all over again.
ナナキ, ナ*ナ*キ!!, ナ*ナ*キ!!, Na*Na*Ki!!
The youngest of seven sisters, Nanaki's goal is to "grow another 20cm and become an adult." Now she's a senior in high school and still baffles her friends with her childish ways. But simple sincerity is Nanaki's greatest power, and friendship is the most important thing in the world to her. Problems like volunteering to be class president won't stand in her way...
南波と海鈴, Nanami and Misuzu
A funny ongoing collection of shorts about two girls named--you got it--Nanami and Misuzu.
ななついろ★ドロップス -  ななついろ☆ドロップス -  Seven-Colored Drops
Based on the Eroge by UNiSONSHIFT. We've got our main character, Tsuwabaki, a normal student, but one day he bumps into a weird guy with "not cosplay ears" who gives him a drink. It transforms Tsuwabaki into a chibi lamb! The teacher explains everything, and the teacher tells him the only way he can get back to normal is to find a chosen girl and have her catch the 7 Stardrops. The only thing is, is he can't tell his true identity.

Nanba MG5

Number MG5 -  ナンバMG5 (エム·ジー·ファイブ)
Nanba Tsuyoshi vient d'une famille de Furyo. Son père, sa mère, son grand frère et sa petite soeur sont des délinquants. Il va commencer une nouvelle vie en allant au lycée, en classe de seconde et toute sa famille est derrière lui afin qu'il en prenne la tête en devenant le délinquant le plus puissant de tous les temps. Malheureusement Tsuyoshi ne veut plus de cette vie, il veut être dans un lycée normal et avoir une vie de lycéen modèle. Mais Tsuyoshi était une star au collège et les ennemis ne vont pas tarder à le démasquer et engendrer des conflits plus sanglants les uns que les autres....
Why are you here Sensei!? -  Why the hell are you here -  Teacher!?
Ichirou Satou, 17 ans, se trouve toujours dans des situations perverses avec son professeur, Kana Kojima. Suivez cette comédie d'amour érotique sur la façon dont les élèves et les enseignants gèrent leurs mésaventures.Notes :Nande koko ni sensei ga ga !? a commencé comme une série de 4 chapitres à un coup de titre "Golden Times".Les préquels sont inclus dans les chapitres 1 à 4 du volume 1 du tankobon. Après les chapitres tournés un par un, la série continue avec le chapitre 5.Chaque volume de manga s'adresse à différents binômes élèves-enseignants.Traduit avec
なにかもちがってますか, 有什么措了吗, 有木有搞错, Nanika Mochigatte masu ka, Nanika Mochigatte Masuka
In the casual days of the spring of his third year in middle school, Mitsuru Hibino meets transfer student Kouzou Issha, who develops his special power. Issha commands Hibino to use his lethal “power” to “correct the errors of this world”.Their first step is to “kill those who drive while using their cell phones”.While getting their hands dirty with what society considers “crime”, these boys use their “power” for their “ideal justice”!
Nanji Chikai no Kuchizuke wo -  Rena's Love Diary -  مذكرة حب رينا -  汝、誓いの口づけを・・・ -  甜蜜的誓約
Personne ne sait ce que la 1ère année Rena et son sempai Kyôta (18) sont en fait mariés. Ce manga les suit dans leur vie pour en savoir plus sur eux et garder le fait qu'ils sont mariés, un secret que personne ne doit savoir dans l'école. Ils vont être testés par la jalousie, l'amour, les déclarations d'amour, les examens,les belles mères, les situations embarrassantes, par des voisins bruyants et par les enseignants...
菜の花の彼; Na no Hana no Kare; Nanoka no Kare -  Le copain de Nanoka
Nanoka Ayase se sent laissée pour compte par ses amies car elles sont obnubilées par les garçons. En réalité, Nanoka a une déception amoureuse. Lorsqu'elle était au collège, elle sortait avec un garçon mais elle a mis fin à sa relation à cause des mensonges qu'il racontait à tout le monde. Le cœur brisé, elle décide alors de ne plus avoir aucune relation amoureuse. Mais un jour, elle va faire sa déclaration à un garçon qu'elle croise dans la rue à cause d'une conversation...
ナルキッス, 亲吻自恋狂, 那喀索斯之吻, Naru Kissu
Honjou Naru is an 18-year-old young man who study in Libre University. For his entire lifetime, he never once had a girlfriend. The reason for this is because of his abnormality, his narcissism, which only happens if he sees a reflection of himself. To prevent that, he needs to wear contacts all the time. One day his contacts fell off and was step on by the most handsome guy in the school, Takashina Mamoru! This chance encounter would change his life forever...
並ぶなキケン!! -  恋爱距离
From Intercross: Miku and Natsume have always been fighting with each other until Natsume suddenly asks Miku to pretend to be his girlfriend!!! At first, Miku is quite opposed to the idea, but slowly…