
Kokuen no Ikusa Otome -  Kokuen no Valkyrie -  Valkyrie of the Black Flame -  黒焔の戦乙女 -  黒焔の戦乙女〈ヴァルキリー〉
Private Sumimoto school. In this school, the girls who manipulated the black flames fought every day and raised themselves.The main character, Suzushiro Rintarou, who has been transferred to the high school, has been involved in their fight from the first day !? A full-fledged school battle that everyone wants, shaking the chest filled with black flames and girls' dreams, Opening!
I won't give in to the black prince! -  黒王子の言いなりにならない!
Le nouvel étudiant transféré le tire soudainement…Hime Makoto, surnommé «le prince» - qui aspire à ressembler au héros d'un manga de shoujo - est l'une des personnes les plus populaires de son école. Cependant, lorsque Ouji Arata est transféré dans son école, les choses changent complètement. C’est parce que Ouji traite Hime comme une princesse ! Bien qu'il veuille devenir le héros, Hime a le visage levé par le menton, est épinglé au mur et porté dans le style de la mariée…. tout ce qui lui arrive est comme dans un manga shoujo !! Pour couronner le tout, il est exposé comme une vierge et ne fait pas le poids face aux techniques sexuelles de Ouji!
黒転校生 -  The Black Transfer Students -  The Grim Transfer Students
Two mysterious transfer students investigate a school where, in the past two months, three student have fallen to their deaths.


Hiroto Kurogane est au lycée, c'est un 1er de sa classe mais il est nul en sport. Né avec un corps faible, il n'a aucune endurance, vitesse, ou force. Mais le souhait d'Hiroto c'est de devenir un héros. Le destin le taquine en lui donnant une vue phénoménale, qui lui permetrait d'être bon dans certain sport, mais le problème c'est que son corps ne suit pas. Il apprend de son ami Tsubame Shiratori, qui veut le recruter dans l’équipe de Kendo, une rumeur qui parle d'un fantôme nommé Sayuri Tôjô, qui, armée d'un katana, hante une allée dans la ville. A demi curieux, Hiroto y va et constate que le fantôme est bien réel et que Sayuri cherche un successeur depuis 150 ans. Sayuri est un fantôme de l'époque Edo. Elle maitrise le style 'Sakura' à l'aide de son épée. Après un petit affrontement Sayuri décide de choisir Hiroto comme son successeur après qu'il est eu la capacité d'esquiver son attaque. Ensuite Sayuri le force a apprendre le style 'Sakura'. Mais même avec l'aide de la fine lame antique qu'est le fantôme, Hiroto doit surmonter ses faibles compétences de son corps pour être le héros qu'il a toujours voulu.
クロガネ -  迟到的黑铁 -  黑鐵 -  黑铁 -  Kurogane (IKEZAWA Haruto)
Kurogane Hiroto is in high school, where he is academically the top of his class but literally the worst in physical activity. Born with a weak body, he has no endurance, speed nor strength and Hiroto wants nothing more than to be a hero. Fate teases him by giving him phenomenal eye sight, which allows him to see well beyond anyone else in sports, but his body is not able to react to any of it. He learns from his friend Shiratori, who wants to recruit him for the Kendo team, about a rumor about a ghost named Tojo Sayuri, who wields a katana and haunts an ally in the city. Half curious, Hiroto goes there only to find that the ghost is real and that Tojo Sayuri has been looking for a successor to her Sakura sword style for 150 years. Sayuri chooses him as the successor after being able to dodge her attack and forces him to learn the Sakura style. Even with the help of the ancient swordsman ghost, Hiroto has to overcome his poor motor skills in order to be the hero he always wanted to be.

Kurogane Hime

くろがね姫 -  铁姬 -  Iron Princess
Le gouvernement japonais a développé un projet militaire où ils ont créé les Tekki, écolières qui ont été modifiées pour renforcer leur corps en remplaçant leurs os avec de l’acier et des muscles artificiels. Les Tekki sont des expertes au katana et sont autorisées à se battre dans les rues afin de déterminer la crème de la crème. Ceux qui réparent les Tekki sont des experts médicaux appelés Toui et ils travaillent pour maintenir et améliorer les filles.
Kuroha & Nijisuke: Black Witch’s Divertimento -  クロハと虹介 黒き魔女の嬉遊曲
Meeting the super unlucky boy, Murokawa Nijisuke, the life of the black-haired beauty Yoitsuji Kuroha who is a captive of the underworld changes. For the two who have begun to walk on a fresh path, a new evil has begun to move with Kuroha as their target...Note:This "sequel" is just a slight title change as the series was originally intended to end at one volume. The story follows up the events of the original volume.[b]Links:[/b]Author's Twitter: [url=]@ryohgo_narita[/url]Artist's Twitter: [url=]@siraume_nazuna[/url]
Black Panther & Sixteen -  Black Panther and Sweet 16
Taïga, une adolescente au complexe agressif, vient d'emménager à Tokyo lorsqu'elle croise un garçon qui s'est évanoui de faim. Elle lui prête à boire, mais il finit par voler un baiser ! Puis, le premier jour de son entrée à sa nouvelle école, ce garçon, Anri Iseya, s'approche d'elle et déclare qu'il est son animal de compagnie ?! Cette dangereuse mission entre une bête noire et une jeune fille de 16 ans de bonne volonté commence maintenant !
Kuroko no Basuke
Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as -The Generation of Miracles-, and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player. When he joins the high school basketball team, everyone is surprised to find out that he is small, weak, and easy to miss. What is the secret that makes him so strong, and how will he help his high school team?
Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as -The Generation of Miracles-, and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player. When he joins the high school basketball team, everyone is surprised to find out that he is small, weak, and easy to miss. What is the secret that makes him so strong, and how will he help his high school team?
黒子のバスケ EXTRA GAME -  Kuroko no Basket - Extra Game -  Kuroko's Basketball - Extra Game -  The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays - Extra Game
Kuroko no Basket dj - Kimi o Suki ni Naru Boku e -  Kuroko no Basket dj - To the Me that Came to Love You
Pairing : Takao x Midorima
Kuroko no Basket dj - コイノリズムKuroko no Basket dj - Koi no RizumuKuroko no Basuke dj - コイノリズム
Takao x Midorima
Kuromori-san wa Sumaho ga Tsukaenai黒森さんはスマホが使えない
Une fille tombe du ciel !? Le lycéen Suzuki Oji a saisi l'occasion de lancer une comédie d'amour ressemblant de près à un animé, la fille qui est tombée était une de ses camarades, Kuromori Kisaki, une fille qui porte toujours un balai. La jeunesse d'une fille qui ne sait pas utiliser la technologie et d'un garçon qui s'en préoccupe commence !Monnaies.......
我才不会对黑崎君说的话言听计从 -  黒崎くんの言いなりになんてならない
Yuu est une fille simple qui veut changer lors de son entrée au lycée. Elle tombe amoureuse du gars sexy que l'on surnomme "Le prince blanc", mais d'une certaine façon, elle garde un œil sur le gars super sadique connu en tant que "Démon noir" ?!
Kuroyuri Academy Ooku Department -  クロユリ学園大奥学科
くるりくる! -  Kururi from the Sea! -  Kururi of the Sea!
From the Central Park Media catalog: "Sexy fantasy jam-packed with beautiful maidens! Kururi is a beautiful girl who lives in a mystical undersea kingdom who comes to the surface world in search of thrills and adventure. It's one sexy, hilarious adventure after another in this fast-paced epic!"
Kururun Rieru Change! -  Kururun Real Change! -  Kururun? Rieru Change! -  Lieru's Love Power -  くるるんっ☆りえるチェンジ!
Je suis Kasuga Lieru !J'ai changé d'école pour aller dans une école de riches, le collège Outou, mais peut-être que je ne ressemble pas aux élèves de là-bas avec ma force surhumaine ?! Mais si j'utilise le "Kururun Heart Touch" qu'un (Chat ?) salarié nomméNyakamura-san venu d'un autre monde m'a donné, je pourrais me transformer en n'importe quoi !Peut-être qu'avec ça, Tsubaki-kun, le président du conseil des élèves,me remarquera ?
Kusanagi sensei wa Tamesa Rete Iru -  Kusanagi-sensei ha Tamesa Rete Iru -  草薙先生は試されている
15 years ago, Kusanagi-sensei gave up her love (♀). Now, her lost love's daughter is her student?! As she wavers under the pressure of her student's relentless attacks, Kusanagi-sensei's (♀/36) era of trial begins!
亲吻爱的枷锁 -  鎖にキス -  Chain of Kisses
The give & take relationship. Hellsing (Dhampir) gives his body to Tayuu, while Tayuu gives Hellsing his body fluid. When Tayuu and Hellsing meet, all they do are to argue, and to have very kinky sex... "I want to touch" "I want to dominate"... Tayuu doesn't understand the reason why he wants more. And Hellsing can't create a "beloved person" because of what he is....
腐った教師の方程式 -  Bad Teacher's Equation (English) -  Equation of a Degenerate Teacher -  Kiss me, Teacher (German) -  Kusatta -  Rotten Teacher's Equation (English)
A boy changes schools to be near his childhood crush. Mistaken identities and numerous love triangles ensue. Atsushi Arisawa enrolls at Jougaouka High School to be near Masami Shibata (Ma-chan) who was his childhood crush. Unbeknownst to Atsushi, however, Masami no longer works at the school and his brother, Masayoshi is now the nurse. Atsushi mistakes Masayoshi for Masami and is horrified because to him, it appears that Masami's personality has done a complete 180. Add to the fact that Atsushi's friend, Kouji Inagaki is totally in love and constantly trying to make-out with him, Atsushi's life at Jougaoka is hell until he starts thinking that maybe the new Ma-chan isn't so bad after all and that, maybe he actually likes the way Ma-chan is now. Until of course, he finds out that Masayoshi isn't Masami.
Kush is actually the incarnation of Atum Ra. The ninja world is in a very dark place, and now everyone needs a hero. Anput informs the Raioumono that Anubis will reincarnate Atum in the form of a baby. Publisher: Tiger World Enterprises. Website:
Kuso Zako Choroine Nishiga Hachi -  クソザコチョロイン西賀蜂
Kuzumi can't you read the atmosphere? (English) , 久住くん 空気読めてますか? (Japanese)
(Manga 4-koma) RÉSERVÉ PAR LA 4-koma Team et la APScan ( Manga fini en 8 tome )
くすりゆびひめ, 戒指中的王子, Kusuri Yubi Hime, Kusuriyubihime, Ring Finger Princess
Houjou Hinaki is a young girl who has in her possesion a ring, a gift from her father. Anyway, this ring is not an usual one. When she kisses it, a young noble man named Sae appears in front of her and grants all her wishes. However, Sae is trapped in the ring and can't tolerate much time outside and together with Hinaki and her freaky schoolmate Yume-senpai, tries to find out a way of how he can escape from the ring's prison.
Kuuden no Himegimi Princess Static Noise Rocky Princess 天电杂音的公主 空電ノイズの姫君
Nitou Saya, une fille effrayée de 15 ans avec une faible présence, se retrouve soudainement embusquée par l’infâme délinquant Kasai Arata. Pour aggraver les choses, elle finit par l’embrasser accidentellement et ils échangent malencontreusement leurs corps! Est-ce que sa vie se transformera en un terrible désastre ou … ?
The story is set in a world where humanity, driven off the land by the threat of magical armored insects, now live in aerial floating cities. Thus wizards - aerial combat mages who fight the insects with magical powers - came into being. Kanata Age is a young man who lives on the floating wizard academy city of "Misutogan." He was once celebrated as the "Black Master Swordsman," the elite ace of the S128 special team. However, he is now despised as the "traitor of the special team." One day, he is assigned as the instructor of E601, a team that has suffered 10 consecutive defeats. E601 has three girls - Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach, and Rico Flamel - with one or two peculiar quirks.
空想画廊, Art gallery of imagination
The spring when Minori passed her middle-school entrance exams, her granny called her to her atelier and drew a good-luck charm on Minori's back to protect her. But then, her granny passed away without telling her from what she had to be protected from. She only said that when Minori enters high-school she must never ever enter the art-gallery at night. But now Minori is in the art-club. Will she be able to stay away from the Art Gallery as she promised?
幻想万花筒 -  空想スピンフラワー
Nous recherchons membres du club jeunesse pour nos activités mystérieuses de club!A cause des aventures de son père, Miku est entrée à l’école avec trois mois de retard. En tant que tel, elle est pétrifiée d’être exclus et de ne pas avoir d’amis. Lui, parascolaire « finder » de la classe spéciale de l’école, a donné l’occasion à Miku de se faire des amis. Et donc, en quelque sorte, Miku a réussi à rejoindre un club …