
サトリくんとツンデレくん, Satori and Tsundere, Satori ve Tsundere
Satori Shin, dokunduğu kişinin düşüncelerini okuyabilen bir öğrenci. Şimdiye kadar yanlışlıkla sınıf arkadaşlarının düşüncelerini okumuş olsa da bu gücü kötü amaçla hiç kullanmadı. Bir gün her zaman dibinde biten sınıf arkadaşı Asaba Yoshiki'nin düşüncelerini okuduğunda aslında kendisinden hoşlandığını öğrenir. Dışarıdan bakıldığında sadece Satori'yle uğraşmasına rağmen içinden "çok sevimli", "onu seviyorum" gibi şeyler düşünen Asaba, Satori'nin ilgisini çeker.
Satou-kun's Supple Life(style)
Satou Ichirou vient de perdre sa mère et un homme se présente à lui comme étant son père... sauf que c'est un démon ! Autant dire que Satou se pose des questions sur cette soi-disant filiation. D'autant plus qu'il doit aller dans le monde des démons avec son paternel et qu'il est inscrit dans un lycée pour monstres. Nous suivrons donc les aventures loufoques et déjantées de notre héros dans le monde des démons.
Mr. Sato And Miss Tanaka, Mr. Sato And Miss Tanaka – The Blood Highschool, Satou And Tanaka, Satou And Tanaka – The Blood High School, Satou-kun To Ta
Satou is a vampire who fell in love with a human, Kumiko. But his love was spurned so he vowed to come back in 50 years. Years later, Kumiko is now an old lady with a granddaughter, Tanaka, a high school-er who is a splitting image of her in her youth. Satou has now infiltrated Tanaka's high school in a mission to make her grandmother fall in love with him.
杀意的战鬼 -  殺意の戦鬼 -  Demon Assassins -  The Murderous Demons of War
Mikoto Rikudou, your average Secondary School kid, lives an ordinary life and doesn't think much about the unexplained appearances of figures called "demons" in the city. This is all turned upside-down when he finds the most timid girl in class is one of them, he is caught in the middle of a battle between these creatures and ends up becoming one himself… only to be told he will have to kill other people using his new powers or lose his own life instead.
サバンナゲーム The Comic, Savanna Game: The Comic, Savannah Game - The Comic
サバンナゲーム The Comic -  Savanna Game -  Savannah Game - The Comic
サヤビト, 兵器少女
This is a post-war world where human-shaped weapons called scabbards exists.Cuifer and Livia are traveling government agents looking after the declining scabbard population, checking on their living condition, potential abuses and the worthiness of their masters.
Scape God
Midori is a high-school-aged lesbian who has just been rejected, driving away one of her few friends. In the world right now, there are creatures called "Extraneous" that appear out of nowhere, kill people, and disappear again. No one remembers when they started appearing, but the chance of being killed by one is about the same as the chance of dying in a car accident. Midori's mother was killed by one a year ago, and not only is her father rarely around, he's also deeply in debt. She gets attacked by an Extraneous on her way home, but is saved by a mysterious girl who claims that she's a god. Midori names her Hitsuji (sheep) because of her horns, and takes the girl in. They start a website, Hitsujiya, an Extraneous-fighting service provided by Hitsuji.
緋色の花 - 
Tina, une jeune fille sans abri, est maltraitée par son village et est laissée en sacrifice à un vampire qui se lamente.


Gaon est un garçon qui s'est transformé en vampire après avoir hérité de la maladie de sa mère. Il a découvert que son seul et unique ami, Dong-yi, aime son grand frère.Gaon perd tout contrôle lorsqu'il sent le parfum du sang. Conscient de son instabilité, il demanda son aide à Dongyi afin d'obtenir son diplôme universitaire en toute sécurité et promit en retour de l'aider à se rapprocher de son frère. Cependant, contrairement à ses plans, Yohan, possessif et au cœur froid, s’intéressa de près à Dongyi et la relation naissante entre les deux commence lentement à l’énerver.
scissor sisters, think of sailor moon who are also hair dressers
絶叫学級, 绝叫学级, Scary Lessons, Screaming Class, Screaming Lessons, Zekkyou Gakkyuu
Rayet, codenamed Scuro, works as an assassin for the infamous group Scarlet. His sole job is to assassinate other assassins as part of the "clean up team". Sick of taking lives, Rayet attempts to leave Scarlet. With the help of a fortune teller named Junki and his assistant Ritsuna, Rayet may just succeed. However, Scarlet doesn't intend to let him leave alive.
41 ans, Oh Joong Seok. Un homme qui a commis toutes sortes de méfaits et a mis sa vie en danger pour que son organisation atteigne le sommet. Mais qui savait que la fin de sa vie serait si misérable... Son projet de "vie saine" commence maintenant, petit à petit.
天下第一宠, Tianxia di yi chong, The Best Love In The World

Secret lady

시크릿 레이디
Yoon Seol-Woo, l'enfant qui pouvait voir les fantômes. Une princesse qui voit les fantômes, réincarnée en Rosentine ! J'ai prétendu ne pas voir les fantômes dans cette vie, mais... "Sors du corps de ma soeur !" J'ai crié cela pour libérer l'esprit du corps possédé de ma seule soeur. Cependant, la punition pour avoir été pris avec cette capacité est la mort. Mais il y a un moyen. "Le Prince Chartus va mourir ?" -Sauver Chartus, le Second Prince de l'Empire avec ce pouvoir ! "Je vais parier ma vie sur toi."

section 459

L'histoire d'un jeune garçon bagarreur qui rêve de devenir un démon
圣剑锻造师, 聖剣の刀鍛冶, Seiken no Blacksmith, Seiken no Swordsmith, The Sacred Blacksmith, The Sword Blacksmith
The story takes place after an abominable war that foisted a "devil's contract" upon a land. Cecily Campbell, a former noble's daughter who joined a knighthood, encounters a man who dispatches some hoodlums with one sweep of a mysterious sword. The man possesses the power of the same "devil's contract" that has become taboo, now that peace has been restored. Cecily has been searching for a blacksmith who can repair an old sword she inherited from her father, and that mysterious young man happens to be blacksmith named Luke. This encounter launches their adventures together.
End of the Century Angel -  Seikimatsu no Angel (End of the Century Angel) -  Seikimatsu no Enjeru -  世纪末天使
Suzuka got a tarot card reading from her friend Miyabi that she will meet her love. Could that be Konno, the guy in class D who confessed to her a year ago when they were in the same homeroom class? But before Suzuka could realize her feelings, Konno...?!
世紀末オカルト学院 -  Occult Academy
It is the year 1999. In Nagano Matsushiro stands the pyramid of Japan, the private Voltstein Academy. This place is famous for repeated occurrences of occult phenomena within its premises. Hence, it is also called the Occult Academy. The dean is committed to studying the occult, while the students are zealous in their everyday schoolwork. One day, the dean passes away and his occult-hating daughter, Kumashiro Maya, visits the academy. There, she meets a self-proclaimed spoon-bending "time agent" from the year 2012, Uchida Fumiaki. As the two encounter various bizarre phenomena within the academy, the reason for Fumiaki's timeslip to 1999 becomes clear.
圣痕炼金士, 聖痕のクェイサー, 聖痕鍊金士, 성흔의 퀘이서, Seikon no Kueisa, The Qwaser of Stigmata
The St. Mikhailov Academy student Oribe Mafuyu comes across a mysterious silver haired boy. He is called a Qwaser, a being that draws power from Soma and is able to manipulate a specific element. And now, in the 21st century, the mystery revolving around an Icon turns the academy into the battlegrounds for the fight between the Qwaser!
ゼーレサクリファイス -  聖魂サクリファイス -  Zere Sacrifice
Losing her parents and being supported by her childhood friend Chikage, Yuiko is living a modest life with her grandfather. But one day, a man with black clothes, white hair, and red eyes that hold a terrifying beauty appears before her. He says..."I've found you. My sacrifice..." Is there a way for Yuiko to resist her unfolding fate?
The Tall Tale of the Demon Prince
From CMX: How far will one man go for love? Find out in SEIMADEN, the tale of Laures, who agreed to become a demon in order to free his one true love Erise from a demon king! Laures became the next Demon King, and Alice was freed — with death. Laures, however, realized that his new inhuman status gave him a rare opportunity: by being the cruelest and best Demon King, he survived long enough to see Alice reincarnated, and then he would effectively be reunited with her. Laures, after living through the centuries, has finally found his beloved reincarnated as Hilda, a dancer who has no memories of her own past or identity. Now he must see if she will accept him as a creature of the underworld…
清明ですがなにか? -  I'm Seimei. What of it?
As a descendent of the famous exorcist, Abe no Seimei, Yuuichirou has always been able to see ghosts. Yuuichirou, as a child, was proud to be a son of the Seimei Shrine and wanted to follow in his father's shoes and become an exorcist until he's bullied by Ishida in elementary school. Now, as a teenager, Yuuichirou has lost his faith in Seimei. Can a visit from Abe no Seimei, himself, restore Yuuichirou's faith and close the rift between father and son?
精霊学者綺談 れいきょうかでん; 精霊学者綺談 黎鏡花伝; Fairy Doctor Tale Reikyou Kaden; Reikyou Kaden
Yuika Aoi fait un cauchemar récurrent dans lequel elle n'est pas en mesure de sauver un homme aux mystérieux yeux verts appelé Rei. Sa grand-mère, qui est née dans l'ère Taisho, vit très traditionnellement, et semble parfois avoir des pouvoirs magiques. En dehors de tout cela, elle est une lycéenne normale jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe d'un toit et se retrouve dans l'ère Taisho, au milieu d'une bataille entre Rei et une fée. Peut-être qu'elle sera en mesure de le sauver cette fois ?
精灵制造, 精霊プロデュース, Ghost Production, Spirit Produce
Momose Shiina is a down to earth girl who holds a disdain for anything supernatural. One day as she is walking down the road, a strange boy claiming to be a god tells her -If you worship no other god, then, from now on, believe in me!- After that strange things begin to happen. Could there be more to this strange boy than meets the eye, and perhaps more to herself than she ever knew?
Seirei Tsukai No Blade Dance -  Seirei Tsukai No Kenbu -  Blade Dance of Elementalers
L'histoire se situe dans un monde où seul les jeunes filles pures peuvent conclure un "Contrat avec des esprits". Au sein de l'académie Areishia Spirit, les filles issues de la noblesse sont rassemblées pour former des classes d'élites afin de devenir des "Esprits élémentaires". Un garçon nommé Kamito conclut accidentellement un contrat avec un esprit à la place d'une étudiante nommée Claire. Kamito a désormais accompli quelque chose qu'il était normalement impossible à accomplir, il est devenu un "Esprit élémentaire".
精霊使いの剣舞 (氷樹一世), 精霊使いの剣舞(ブレイドダンス) (氷樹一世), Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance (HYOUJU Issei), Seirei Tsukai no Kembu (HYOUJU Issei)
This is a manga based on a popular light novel series of the same name.Kazehaya Kamito has been summoned to the girl's school Alessia Spiritual Academy, which teaches noble young ladies how to make contracts with powerful spirits. On his way, he has the misfortune of catching sight of one of these lady spirit contractors bathing. She is Claire Rouge, and she is contracted to a spirit named Scarlet, though she has her sights set on a more powerful spirit. Kamito convinces her to lead him to the school, but she stops on the way to make a contract with this powerful spirit. When Kamito ends up 'stealing' the powerful spirit, it is revealed that he is actually an unheard-of male spirit contractor! What could be the origin of his power? Now Claire is determined that he's going to have to support her, since she believes that the spirit he now has power over what should rightly be hers...