
災厄は僕を好きすぎる, 災難過於寵倖我, 灾难太过喜欢我, Saiyaku wa Boku wo Suki Sugiru, Saiyaku wa Boku wo Suki-sugiru, Saiyaku wa Boku wo Sukisugiru
Gensomaden Saiyuki, Saiyuuki
Having been assigned by the human elders the mission of stopping a mystical plague that has afflicted the Youkai with madness, Genjyo Sanzo assembles his team of Youkai warriors, desperately hoping that the disease will not affect them. He sets up qualifying tests that will help him determine the loyalty and worth of Cho Hakkai, Son Goku and Sha Gojyo. The team then journeys west to rid the land of madness.
最遊記RELOAD, Saiyuuki Reload
The fearsome foursome continue their journey west towards Shangri-La, encountering new challenges and new adventures along the way. Their legend precedes them, but not always in the way one might expect. The Minus Wave that apparently drove all the youkai in the land mad looks like it might have missed one, as Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai and Goku meet a lone guardian and the band of children he cares for. Fear and misunderstanding run throughout this particular leg of the journey, including between the members of the Sanzo group!
兔には特別なこと -  Saki dj - Important Things for a Rabbit -  Saki dj - Special Things for a Rabbit -  Saki dj - Things Special to a Bunny
This ones a lot longer and there’s bunny-eared Mihoko in it. I expecially liked Hisa’s explanation of Snow white in the middle…
Sakura Hime Kaden, Sakura Princess Legend, Sakura-hime Kaden, Prinzessin Sakura (german), Princess Sakura Legend, The Legend Of Princess Sakura (loose
Sakura is a princess who lives alone with a few maids in a mansion deep in the mountains. She's been engaged to the prince of the country since she was born. She doesn't like that fact, as she wants to decide her fate on her own. However, one day, a messenger from the prince suddenly came to take her to the capital...
桜の花咲くころ, 桜の花咲くころ 北条司短編集, Ciliegi in fiore
Collection of four stories.1. Sakura no Hanasaki Kukoro Prequel to Komorebi no Moto de...2. Family Plot Losing your memory is not only painful for themselves, but also for people who love you. Hideyuki, a photographer, tries to find the memories that bind him to his son and the woman he loved.3. Taxi Driver A story about a vampire who works as a night taxi driver. His victims are his clients...or so it should be, for his good heart often remains with dry mouth, and when a young girl asks for his help, the real trouble begins.4. Shoujo no Kisetsu - Summer Dream Misako was always afraid of water, a distant memory that resurfaces in her dreams, until she finds herself trapped in a strange realm, somewhere between her dream and her past....

Sakura Omoi

Sakiko Amamiya, jeune orpheline de 16 ans est chargée par sa grand-mère, décédée, de s'occuper d'un cerisier agonisant...Et, bien sûr, de l'esprit qui y réside !
Sakura Wars
De Tokyopop : Nous sommes en 1921, et c'est un Tokyo où de monstrueux robots à vapeur s'écrasent lors d'une fête d'observation de fleurs pour se faire couper le souffle par une jeune fille en kimono et pantalon hakama traditionnel. 8 ans après la terrible guerre du démon, le Japon est un endroit prospère et pacifique. Voici l'enseigne Ogami Ichiro, qui vient d'obtenir son diplôme de l'Académie navale. Il est affecté à une base à Tokyo, mais découvre bientôt que son quartier général est le Théâtre Impérial et que sa première mission est de collecter des billets à la porte. Il fait ses petits boulots au théâtre, entouré de belles filles qui semblent en savoir beaucoup plus que lui sur ce qui se passe, mais il est sur le point d'être entraîné dans un monde de robots, de démons et de filles sexy en uniforme.
桜雪, 桜雪 ichtys作品集, Sakura Snow
1) No One Can Do ItHajime is a wandering samurai, who carries a musori sword and is aiming for the top. His goal is to have a fight with the famous Muichi, but upon his arrival in a village his sword gets stolen. And to top it all Muichi turns out to be… 2) ShenziThe year is 2007 A.D. The advance of civilization has led to remarkable achievements. Those achievements have paved a way for a project which successfully used neural energy to evoke the latent abilities in humans. Those who gained powers beyond the average humans are called Shenzi. 3) Snow-like Cherry BlossomsOne day problem student Karukami gets off on the wrong train station. There he meets Sakura Kisaragi, a cheerful girl that is waiting for her lost dog. A heartwarming story about trust and life. 4) Tower of BabelIn the Tower of Babel people live while they are served by robots. But something goes wrong and the robots turn against humans, it is now up to violent princess Reiche and the swordsman Farose to make things right.
"Love" will be in full bloom !
サクラダリセット CAT, GHOST and REVOLUTION SUNDAY, Sakurada Reset
Nearly half the population of Sakurada, a small town near the Pacific Ocean, has some sort of unique power. These powers range from being able to enter the mind of a cat to resetting the world back to a certain point in time in the past. There is a group known as the "Kanrikyoku" that controls and monitors the use of these powers. Asai Kei and Haruki Misora work for their school's club called "Houshi" club, which execute any missions received from the Kanrikyoku. Misora has the ability to reset the world three days. This means that all events and any memory of the past three days that "could have" happened, never happened. Kei has the ability to "remember" the past. Even after Misora uses her powers to reset the world back three days, Kei will retain those three days in his memory. Combining their powers, these two solve missions issued by the Kanrikyoku.
桜姫華伝 -  櫻華姬傳 -  Sakura Hime Kaden -  Sakura Princess Legend -  Sakura-hime Kaden -  Prinzessin Sakura (German) -  Princess Sakura Legend -  The Legend of Princess S
Ryuuko and Sakurai Mei were childhood friends. After being separated for several years, Ryuuko returns with the intention of confessing to Sakurai. To his surprise, Sakurai is changed from a cheerful girl to a gloomy loner. Fortunately, a miracle happens; they body swap! Now, it's his chance to help Sakurai regain her shining smile.Nakamura Ryuuko y Sakurai Mei son amigos de la infancia. Después de varios años alejados uno de otro, Ryuuko regresa con la intención de confesar su amor por ella. Pero cuando se reencuentran Sakurai Mei no es la misma chica alegre y brillante que solía ser sino una solitaria y sombría. Luego de un hecho inesperado Ryuuko se propone a volver hacerla sonreír como en los viejos tiempos pero ¿Un cambio del destino de encargará de lograrlo?
Sakuran (Kari) -  Sakuran (tentative)さくらん(仮)
Eita, 15 ans, est habité par une espèce venue de l'espace qui le met au défi de deviner son nom d'ici cinq ans, sinon il sera ramené en captivité sur sa planète natale pour être examiné et étudié comme une espèce biologique de la planète Terre.
[From Aku-Tenshi]: In the center on a metropolis city lies a small, shaky-looking house. A normal... Okay... Not so normal high school student, Sakura Tetsu (and his family), who works day and night relentlessly to support his family's living expenses, lives there. All is normal until one day, people from the future, alien pirates from outer space, appear. The underground kingdom claims Tetsu's land. Will he prevail in protecting his own land? Or will he surrender his land into many more invaders to come? Yes... Weirdness and insanity ensues!
Salome, moves around a lot with her mother. She's learned not to get too close to anyone at each new school, or to let them find out her secret: she's a witch! When the sunny Hikari tries to make friends with her, Salome thinks she's just being nice out of obligation, so she decides to find out what Hikari really thinks of her...
A Coffee Shop in the Unwaking Town -  Samenai Machi no Kissa-ten -  さめない街の喫茶店
Un jour, Suzume se trouve incapable de se réveiller, perdue dans la ville Lutetia, connue de "la ville qui ne se réveille pas".Là, elle travaille dans un café nommé "Quatre".
サムライディーパーキョウ, サムライディーパーKYO, 鬼眼狂刀, SDK
三眼哮天录 -  In three eyes the deified.
サンドランド, Sand Land
In the far future, war has destroyed the entire Earth, leaving only a barren wasteland called Sand Land where the supply of water is controlled by the greedy king. In search of a long-lost lake, Sheriff Rao asked the king of the demons for help... and got the king's son, Beelzebub, and his assistant, Thief. Together the unlikely trio sets off across the desert, facing dragons, bandits, and the deadliest foe of all... the King's Army itself! It's travel adventure and tank action in this new story from the creator of Dragon Ball!


San Du
Puis-je te mordre ?
3 gatsu no yume, 3月の夢, 3-gatsu no Yume, Kitto Kagayakeru, March Dream
Yayoi is an energetic girl who is living happily with her single dad. All her life, she's always blamed herself for the death of her mom, and also she believes that her most important things always disappear on her birthday. This changes when a substitute teacher comes along...In this volume:1) Sangatsu no Yume2) Kitto Kagayakeru -Because of some conditions with her body, Rei is always spending her school time in the school's infirmary, watching the various teams prepare for the school's Athletics Festival coming up. When sneaking out of the infirmary one day, she's found by one of the Cheer Group leaders, asking her to join their group! Rei intends to participate with all her power, without leaving any regrets behind...3) Midori no Kakehashi4) Harmony5) Harukaze Fuku Shima
Five years ago, a mysterious Akuma appeared... However, one man stopped the Akuma in its tracks: his name is Alalakit. The story starts off with Jikeina and Santa. Jikeina is Santa's older brother, and they made a living by getting rid of monsters or stopping monsters from invading a village. However, Santa has a mark on his left hand; it is the mark of the Akuma. Actually, it's the mark of "Mahou's Power." There are 108 of the Akuma's powers, and they are passed down to "successors." Each animal who has the blood of the Akuma is changed into a youkai, but only the most powerful of the lot are given one of the Akuma's powers, and they will have a mark on a part of their body as evidence that they inherited the power of the Akuma. Santa has the symbol of a star on his hand, and on it is the number 0. In a battle with a youkai who has the Mahou's Power of fire, Jikeina is separated from Santa, and Santa had just discovered what is his Mahou power... it's something to do with the mouth on his stomach... Alone, Santa travels to all kinds of places, making new friends, defeating new enemies, and learning the secret of the Akuma, whilst seeking Jikeina.
サファイア リボンの騎士 -  サファイアリボンの騎士 -  Sapphire: Princess Knight -  Sapphire: Ribbon Knight
Description [Edit] summary by Divine Sanctuary Sapphire was supposed to be a tomboyish junior high school girl who's not interested in boys, but it all changed on her 14th birthday. Not only did she find out that she's princess Sapphire, the Ribbon Knight, but she also has to protect a country called Silver Land!? Based on the original work by Tezuka Osamu. Rad thia manga from right to left

Sarashi Asobi

さらしあそび -  晒し遊び -  Exposing Game -  Lunch
Ai, le Shinigami, s'ennuie dans son travail. Il retrouve un peu de joie en s'intéressant à une lycéenne, Ren, dont il reste peu de jours à vivre. Elle est présidente du conseil des élèves et une personne au grand cœur. Toutefois, tout le lycée en est effrayé à cause de sa façon rude de s'exprimer. Ai décide de posséder son corps et d'exposer au grand jour toute sa gentillesse et son vrai caractère. Mais, petit à petit, il ressent plus que de l'intérêt en étant auprès elle...
砂礫王国, Gravel Kingdom
A kingdom in the middle of the desert is the last city of humans that were against the Sand People. However, their next king, Kirameki, didn't want to fulfil the throne. The Sand People took the chance to kidnap the prince and replace him with an imposter, Kirameki's half-brother, Saga, who is a half human and half Sand Person. Kirameki was made to do hard labour then. However, he came back on the day of the Water Festival to get back his kingdom with Serafita (Water Goddess)'s help.
From Intercross: Riko's dream is to write picture books for children. However, she has no confidence in her drawings, so she never shows them to anyone, especially because then children said they suck in her dreams. One day, she happens to meet Akane, a spirit from a sakura tree. With the help of him, Riko remembers her first intentions of wanting to write picture books and starts to have more confidence in her drawings.
Sasaki-kun ga Juudan Tometa -  Sasaki-kun Has Stopped the Bullet -  佐々木くんが銃弾止めた
Pour Sasaki, son professeur Kawaguchi est un Dieu. Elle lui a appris à ne pas avoir honte de ses propres rêves et l'a fait se sentir pleinement capable d'aller de l'avant et de les réaliser, quelles que soient les chances de réussite. Pourtant, un jour, des problèmes du passé de Kawaguchi la suivent dans la classe. Alors que son dieu risque d'être totalement humilié, Sasaki entreprend de protéger son professeur en se servant de ses propres enseignements : se battre pour l'impossible.
サトリくんとツンデレくん -  Was sich neckt, das liebt sich (allemand)