Collection d'histoires:1. Vampire de la forêt endormiUn groupe de vampires dort dans son cercueil à un endroit dans une forêt enchantée. Le sommeil d'Alexandre est perturbé par Miharu, qui ne cesse de rentrer dans son cercueil lorsqu'il est ivre. Qu'adviendra-t-il d'eux deux ce soir ? 2. Aide-moi, Alice ! Kazushi est en train de trier ses affaires avant d'aller à l'université. Soudain, il trouve son livre préféré "Alice au pays des merveilles" et s'endort en le lisant. Il rêve du scénario du livre et rencontre le Lapin, qui lui propose quelque chose que les enfants ne devraient pas lire.3. L'objet fétiche de Sasakawa-kunSasakawa Yukinari, malgré son nom, continue à avoir des accidents dangereux. En trouvant la carte Fortune Club, il décide de prendre son avenir en main et de suivre les conseils de la diseuse de bonne aventure. Mais pourquoi ses objets porte-bonheur sont-ils toujours aussi embarrassants ? 4. Fall from grace ~From the world you fell~Un membre du populaire groupe d'idoles "Sirius" a créé un scandale. Comme punition, il a dû changer d'école et a pris Mishina-sensei comme chien de garde. Il agit toujours de façon frivole jusqu'à ce que Mishina commence à poursuivre son propre agenda. Akira peut-il gagner avec sensei ? 5. Kabukichou no HanayomeUn hôte nommé Touya s'est soudainement fait confesser dans la rue par un autre homme avec les mots "S'il te plaît, sois ma femme".6. Sentimental High HeelYuzuki ne supporte pas le bruit que fait son voisin. Il monte à l'étage pour le confronter et découvre que... son voisin masculin porte des talons hauts !7. S'il te plaît, regarde-moi, Makihara-kun.Un garçon à l'air doux continue de poursuivre un Yankee Makihara après une séance d'amour au zoo.8. Extra du vampire de la forêt endormie
Grey, est un démon de la nuit qui entre dans les rêves des humains pour se nourrir de leur âme, et rend visite à Ethan un humain, client régulier du café où Grey travaille. Bien qu'il endorme Ethan et le borde chaque soir, il n'a aucune envie de se plonger dans ses rêves. Cependant, lorsque les Lamiens se présentent devant eux, le destin commence à prendre une tournure funeste...
Seiji Sawamura is the toughest seventeen-year-old in town, feared by all for his fighting prowess and his deadly "devil's right hand." But at heart, Seiji is a softy, and all he wants is an end to his seventeen-year history of being a lonely single guy. Unfortunately his tough-guy reputation only serves to decrease his popularity with the ladies. However, what happens when Midori, the only girl who actually has a crush on him, replaces his "devil's right hand?"
In a world where people with green eyes are despised and named as bringer of plagues and destruction, Sue seeks a cure for her ailing friend. A holy nun comes into town one day to cure the sick and drive out the plagues. Due to desperation and lack of money, Sue decides to kidnap the nun to plead with her to heal her friend. What she didn’t bargain for what suddenly facing a green-eyed devil!
Kashiwagi a une capacité spéciale. Quand elle touche quelqu'un, elle peut voir leur avenir de l'amour. Mais, elle ne sais rien de l'amour et ne peut déterminer si les scènes qu'elle voit sont une fin heureuse ou triste. Elle travaille dans un café, que gère Sano, avec Konno qui y travaille comme vendeur. Le café est connu comme le "café rupture".
Un jour, une fille se met soudain à voir des créatures hétéromorphes à l'aspect "bavard" qui ne peuvent être vues par aucune personne ordinaire. Elle n'essaie pas de leur échapper, ni de les affronter... Elle s'efforce plutôt de garder une apparence normale et de vivre comme d'habitude.
From BH007: Mika's sister gives her a mirror that supposedly grants her any wish she deisres, so she wishes for a world where boys don't get perverted thoughts when looking at a girl. The result? Mika is thrown into a world where girls happily walk around topless! What's more, wearing panties is considered perverted and girls who walk around with a top without good reason are chased down and punished! Now that's only the first of Mika's many bizzare adventures, thanks to her sister inventions!
A story based on the super popular song series from NND. Eruna Ichinomiya, a freshman who dreamed of a school life filled with cuteness, entered a boarding school – Mikagura Private School. In this school, each of the cultural club representatives have to battle each other, with unique powers…!! What will happen to Eruna, who somehow ended up becoming the representative of a certain club!?
Consists of six stories: 1) Incomplete Body - Masaki-chan breaks up with older lover Kyouji so he can date a woman. But he keeps coming back for Kyouji's cooking! Can they really stop seeing each other? 2) Incurable Love - A pop teen idol, Kawaguchi Kou, is stopped by his agent Nagano from seeing his high school friend and crush Gariyou. What does Nagano have planned for Kou? Gariyou's story is told in the oneshot One Sweet Night from Amaiyo Maiyo. 3) The Resting Snake - Shitsuke is a guy who likes older men. But when straitlaced student Tagawa chastises Shitsuke's lifestyle, Shitsuke decides to teach him a lesson. 4) Voiceless Night. 5) Spiritual Apartment - Narazaki wanted to confess his love to Takemoto. But on that fateful day, an accident happened and both fell into the spiritual apartment. 6) Shameless Night + Omake (Between Hearts) - Takatou and Moriyama are enjoying each other's company on a regular basis, but Takatou convinces himself that it is all due to drinking and the bad economy. When he decides that the relationship needs to end, how will Moriyama react? Will Takatou be able to abide by his decision?
Milk Crown is a story about a 15-year old girl named Tachibana Oto who leaves all her brothers and sisters at the orphanage to go work as a maid in a high school with a dorm (naturally, she will also be taking classes at this school, like everyone else). At this new high school dorm she's staying at, there are some pretty crazy people.
From AtoZ: Aoi is a snow fairy. Akira is a human. Aoi falls in love with Akira. Story ends...? Not likely! Aoi needs a kiss from Akira in order for her to turn into a human. Will she succeed in capturing Akira's heart? Or will Akira be repulsed by her inhumanness? - by lusceil
From Viz: Seventeen-year-old Chiyuki Matsuoka was born with heart problems, and her doctors say she won't live to see the next snow. Touya is an 18-year-old vampire who hates blood and refuses to make the traditional partnership with a human, whose life-giving blood would keep them both alive for a thousand years.
MinMin was a witch who lived in the Magic World and studied magic under Balma-sensei. Because of her stupidity, MinMin was cursed into a doll and exiled to the Human World. As a mini-sized doll, MinMin was able to live and do many things just like normal human, but she can't use magic when she was still that form. One day, MinMin was found by a poor college student named Ichiya who lived in a poor apartment. When he kissed MinMin in her doll form, she changed back into a witch girl. However, every time she went to sleep, she will returned back to her form as a doll, and Ichiya will have to kiss her again.
La comédie psychique suit un lycéen ordinaire (puceau) nommé Yoshirō "Yocchan" Kamogawa. Sa vie change du jour au lendemain lorsqu'il se réveille avec la capacité de lire dans l'esprit des autres. Yoshirō n'est pas le seul à gagner des pouvoirs dans sa ville. Teru-oichan, un travailleur (apparemment puceau) dans un café près de l'école de Yoshirō, acquiert de la télékinésie mais l'utilise pour ses jouets sexuels.Yōsuke Enomoto, un joueur de basket-ball senior (probablement puceau) et ancien joueur de l'école secondaire Yoshirō, se téléporte, mais seulement à poil.
) Mint de Kiss MeThere is a legend that if you kiss the man you like with a mint candy in your mouth, you can become one with your love. Misono is a rather superstitious girl who decides to test this out on Tohno-sensei, a young teacher she has a crush on. Unfortunately for her, she makes a mistake in the attempt to surprise him and instead kisses her fellow classmate Shindou. Of course this would be the time for the legend to work quite literally as Misono’s spirit enters Shindou’s body.2) GenseikaChiya goes to school with her friends and witnesses one of them die suddenly as a flower bursts out of him. The three friends had been together since elementary school, the death hitting Chiya and Yutaka hard. When other people begin dying from the flowers, they investigate possible reasons for such usual deaths. To her surprise, she finds answers close to home.3) Furimuke Romance!The hero of girls targeted by guys peeking into the locker room, Taka has quite the violent tomboy reputation. But all she wants is for some handsome guy to ask her out. A cheerful street vendor, Ryouta gives her a special ring with a heart locket pendent to hold pictures. When two photos are enclosed, romance is in the air.4) Hang in there NakagoInvolves the scenario where Fushigi Yuugi was actually done by real actors. Unfortunately, Nakago (stage name) is a lot more unconfident than the character he plays. At least his one main fan, an unnamed woman with flowers, is there to support him through his worries.
C'est l'histoire du "Saint Héros" qui a scellé le Roi Démon avec ses pouvoirs divins et son épée sacrée.Cependant, le protagoniste est en vérité un gars boiteux qui manque souvent de chance, et le scellement du roi démon n'a pas fait exception.Maintenant, notre malheureux héros et ses deux compagnons fidèles (et beaucoup plus cool) doivent le sortir de la merde profonde dans laquelle il s'est mis.
parts melodrama, historical romance, and supernatural fantasy. Japanese history predominates a heavily structured plot, which mainly involves the continued aggression between magic using guardians, or "possessors," and the denizens of a "feudal underworld," or the restless souls of long-dead samurai attempting to re-ignite ancient war on the modern plane.
Find out more about the other characters from Mirai Nikki - Future Diary. These stories start out a few days prior to them receiving their own diary and give us some insight as to how they think and their personal reasons for using the diary they've been chosen to have. In the process learn a little more about Deus ex Macchina, the 'God' of Space and Time, and what his goal really is.
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Mirror Does Not Lie :Teng Yu reçoit un jour un mirroir comme cadeau de la part de son père... Un mirroir dont le verre est brisé... Un jour, elle se blesse et son sang coule sur le mirroir. Le mirroir se met alors à absorber le sang et change de forme... Apparaît alors un magnifique démon qui dit à Teng Yu qu'il répondra à trois questions...- 02 - Coucou ! L'amour arrive,- 03 - Sweet Love Curse :Gui Fang Yan est amoureuse de Gao Sheng Wen mais n'ose pas lui avouer ses sentiments. En effet, ce dernier rejette toutes les filles qui se déclarent à lui. Un jour, Gui Fang reçoit des "poupées d'amour" par la poste et décide de les essayer sur elle et Gao Sheng Wen...- 04 - Papillon béat (Coucou ! L'amour arrive - Extra).
Doppelgangers créature qui prennent la forme d’humains. Après un événement ambigu dans leur vie, la vie amoureuse de Jin-Uk et So-Hee a été brisée. En essayant de se réconcilier avec elle, Ji-Suk rencontre son Doppelgangers, et c’est ainsi que commence cette histoire. Que fera-t-il quand, lui aussi, il aura un Doppelgangers destiné à le tuer ?