
Mayonaka no Warutsu -  Midnight Waltz
Une fille nommée Colie fait la connaissance d’une créature monstrueuse, qu’elle nomme Gula, qui se croit tout à fait humain. Ensemble, ils dansent et parlent des plus belles choses de la vie, mais Gula lui-même commence à douter de son existence.
Une fille et un chat se sont glissés hors de la maison dans une aventure guidée par le clair de lune, vers un monde mystérieux qui prend vie dans la nuit.
めにはさやかに -  My Eyes are Clear
Nonoshima can see fairies, spirits and ghosts. He's quite eager to share these experiences with his best friend, and said friend is equally eager to comply...but what are the true reasons behind his being so accommodating towards the eccentric "Nono"?
目にはさやかに見えねども -  눈에는 선명하게 보이지 않아도 -  Beyond My Touch
At his classmate Mamoru Takayama's funeral, Mizuno runs into boy of the hour--Takayama! Takayama is apparently unable to rest in peace because he has a lingering attachment to this world. His unfinished business is to steal Mizuno's lips! Will ghost Takayama's wish be fulfilled!? Also featured in this volume is an epilogue of the story plus a bonus romance story entitled "Gift."
Medusa-chan Realised She Has a Bad Case of Communication Disorder
女神異聞録ペルソナ, Megami Ibunroku - Persona - Be Your True Mind, Megami Inbun Roku Persona, Persona Be Your True Mind, Persona: Be Your True Mind, Shin Megam
While playing a ritual-like children's game called "Persona", students are knocked unconscious. While asleep, they encounter a man named Philemon who bestows several Personas upon them. When they wake up, the youths discover they can summon Personas.

Megu Miruku

Avant d'entrer au lycée, les garçons Meguru et Shou se lamentent sur le fait qu'aucun d'entre eux n'a de petite amie. Une étrange femme aux gros seins se présente, affirmant qu'elle va régler leur problème, et embrasse Meguru. Cet incident étrange est sorti de l’esprit des garçons quand ils ont rencontré Souko, un ami de l’école élémentaire, qui sera dans leur lycée. Elle a grandi dans une jolie jeune fille, et il semble que les garçons pourraient avoir une chance avec elle! Ce soir-là, Meguru réalise que l'étrange baiser a peut-être eu plus de sens qu'il ne le pensait: il est devenu une fille! Il convainc Shou et sa mère de son identité, mais personne ne sait comment le repousser. Maintenant, il va devoir apprendre à être une fille et renoncer à son espoir de sortir avec son ami d'enfance Souko. Qu'adviendra-t-il de ses espoirs d'une vie de lycée populaire?
めぐる架空亭 -  夢游架空亭 -  999 Banme No Hana -  Overhead Cottage -  The Phantom Guesthouse
Sasafune Koyama est un jeune écrivain qui a décidé de rendre visite à ses grands-parents pour un changement. Alors qu'il attendait leur retour, il a trébuché sur une boîte en bois étrange contenant un manuscrit intitulé Kakutei. Ce qui était en fait le travail inachevé de l'ancien écrivain Chidori Yukimura décédé de la maladie à l'âge de 29 ans...
メイのないしょ make miracle, Mei no Naisho Make Miracle, Mei no Naisho: Make Miracle
Mei no Naisho revolves around the life of the title character Mei Haruna, an effeminate young boy who was raised by his witch mother as a girl, and always thought of himself as female. His mother was the only family he had, so after she died, he transfers to an all-girls high school and comes to reside in the school's dormitory with his talking familiar cat Abel, and his roommate Fuuka Honjou, who is also a member of the public morals committee. Shortly after arriving at the school, his new friends discover after a magical display in the dormitory community bath that he is actually male, though this comes as quite a shock to him despite him being aware of the physical differences between him and normal girls. Despite him being found out, and after some helpful intervening of the perverted student council president, the principal of the school decides that he can stay at the school. The next day, Mei comes to school with Fuuka and apologizes for hiding the fact that he was a witch, and informs the others how he is apparently male. The other students quickly accept him as one of their own, and are impressed how he can use magic
Arisawa Kei’s life seems rather bleak until she notices a strange man staring at her on the way to school. Hakamada Ryuuhei, an En specialist who can see and tie or cut threads of fate, tells her that she has “death-bringer” threads on her hands. But what does that mean to Kei, who doesn’t believe in En or luck?
Mein Ritter~私の騎士~ -  My Knight
目隠しの国 ; 当现在遇到未来
Kanade Outsuka possède l'étrange pouvoir de voir l'avenir des personnes qu'elle touche. Elle va finir par rencontrer Arou Naitou, qui lui a la capacité de voir le passé d'un individu. De plus, Mashiro Namiki, un autre garçon qui a exactement le même pouvoir que Kanade, va rejoindre le duo par la suite. Ces trois jeunes gens vont devoir affronter la tristesse de la dure réalité, chacun avec leurs caractères différents. Mais peut-on changer le cours des choses sans conséquences ?
忘却の旋律 -  Boukyaku no Senritsu -  MoO
"The 20th Century saw a massive conflict between humans and Monsters, with the Monsters winning the hard-fought struggle. As a new century dawns, memories of those times have utterly faded from the minds of men." Monsters rule from the shadows, while humans continue life with a semblance of normalcy, all the while in secret fear. Some try to win favor with the Monsters, offering sacrifices of children. Most turn a blind eye and pretend they don't exist. But there are a few, the Melos Warriors, who continue to fight the Monsters and seek the Melody of Oblivion, a mysterious girl said to hold the key to salvation. Young Serina Bocca awakens as a Melos Warrior and begins his journey in search of the Melody of Oblivion.
The story is one of two side-story sequels that occurs approximately a year after the good ending story of Arcueid's from the original Type-Moon game, Tsukihime.One year has pass since the 'Serial Vampire Homicide case' was solved with both the deaths of Nero (Nrvnqsr) Chaos and Roa/Shiki Tohno. But now the rumors of the serial murder are happening again and so once again Shiki Tohno patrols the city to find this phantom killer. While patrolling he meets and fights a mysterious woman by the name of Sion Eltnam Atlasia, member of the church group 'Alchemist of Atlas', whom is in search of curing vampirism. But to do so she needs data from Arcueid, the last True Ancestor, to help her in her research. But this wont be easy as Ciel is also patrolling the city looking for the rumor killer, while Akiha has been acting strangely the past few days and also Arcueid hasn't been seen for awhile, could she be the killer...? 
Melty Blood Act 2
Miyako has a horrible premonition about her brother Shiki and sets off to rescue him
Leez are outcasts of society, living in the alley, hidden from society. Satsuki and Sion are both vampires and together with Leez, they have been living aimlessly after the events of Tatari. Sion decides to use her alchemy powers to construct decent living quarters for them, but something goes horribly wrong and she ends up making a 100 meter pyramid in the middle of the city. Thinking there might be foul play, the trio investigate the pyramid and get things under control. Based on the Tsukihime and Melty Blood games, you will be introduced to other familiar characters like Kohaku and Akiha.
めまい -  Dizzy
Series of 4 oneshots, the last 2 were found as extra of volume 3 of Menkui : 1) Dizzy (Menkui) Koutarou's childhood friend Te-chan invites him to his home. Koutarou thinks it's weird since they haven't hung out together in years, but the carnage at Te-chan's home sends the boys running away together. Is Te-chan really bad? If so, why doesn't Koutarou leave him? 2) Slow Starter 3) Endless Gaze (Gyoshi no Hate) (first extra of volume 3 of Menkui) 4) Muddy Stream (second extra of volume 3 of Menkui) Enji's dad beats him, and his friend Kogari wants to help him. When Enji meets a strange violent guy who wants to go to the Borderlands, a strange place rumored to be full of monsters, will Enji go with him?
Keepsake Memory Memento Memory Remember that you must die メメントメモリ
Aucun synopsis disponible.
A mysterious event ties a strange girl and boy together! Their meeting once again cause time to move, the story of the two ability users' crime action!!
君思故乡明, 君思故鄉明, Junsi Guxiang Ming
Niu Qingqing is a regular 14-year old girl with a close cousin who is obsessed over Hanfu, or Han Chinese traditional clothing. Qingqing encounters a 'cute' mysterious young boy in early 17th century garb in her cousin's university campus one day, and decides to join the Hanfu club to find him...


mise à jour
Un homme qui avait tout perdu.Un pouvoir tout-puissant, le [Code Zéro] tenu dans sa main."Joueur Kim Su Hyun, souhaitez-vous vraiment revenir à l'époque de Hall Plain ?"Je veux revenir 10 ans en arrière. À la période où je suis arrivé ici."
Huang Liang et sa sœur Nan Ke sont des orphelins aux origines floues et obscures. Depuis leur enfance, ils sont en proie à d'étranges cauchemars. Après une expérience secrète menée avec son professeur, Nan Ke est devenue un légume humain. La disparition soudaine de sa sœur, les espaces et les dimensions qui se répètent et s'étendent interminablement, les monstres dérangés, chaotiques et tordus...En enquêtant sur les circonstances de l'expérience, Huang Liang a rencontré une série de sujets dépassant les limites de la compréhension. Et derrière ces choses étranges se cache... Plus...
メンクイ! -  Menkui -  Menkui !
From Blu: It’s hard to be in high school, especially when you live in the shadow of your stunningly attractive older brother. It only gets worse when the really cute guy from the class next to yours starts hanging around your house, presumably to catch a glimpse of said older brother. But things are not always as they seem! Kotori is often teased for being superficial, and with a brother like Kujaku, you can’t really blame him for thinking that looks are everything. However, once Akaiwa steps into his life, Kotori is heading for a lesson in deep trust and abiding love. There’s a lot more under the surface that he’s finally about to get a chance to see! (Menkui means to be attracted by physical looks only.)
It's about a woman(Alma) who is born a witch after her father makes a deal with the demon Mephisto. She seems to be able to travel through time and goes back to the middle ages in Europe, the Mayan/Aztecian time as well as the Roman ancient time and Nazi Germany. Contains sex, torture, and rape.
Tears of a Mericlone / Merikuron no Namida / メリクロンの涙
Quelles circonstances pourraient conduire quelqu'un à créer un clone qui copie même ses souvenirs ? Un remplacement si parfait que même le clone ne réalisera pas qu'il est un clone ? Nanako a un jour accepté l'offre de Louie et lui a demandé de créer la réplique parfaite d'elle-même; maintenant elle reste à ses côtés, témoin des mericlones qu'il crée. Au-delà des histoires des individus qu'il "sauve", qui est-ce que cet homme joue exactement à Dieu, et pourquoi le fait-il ?
Mericlone no Namida -  Tears of a Mericlone -  メリクロンの涙
Quelles circonstances pourraient pousser quelqu'un à créer un clone ? Un remplacement si parfait que même le clone ne réalisera pas qu'il est un clone ? Nanako a accepté l'offre de Louie. Ainsi, il a créé une parfaite réplique d'elle-même. Et maintenant, elle reste à ses côtés, témoin des mericlones qu'il crée. Au-delà des histoires et des individus qu'il "sauve", qui est cet homme qui joue Dieu, et pourquoi le fait-il ?