
華冠の姫―安部晴明恋語り -  Abe no Seimei Koi Monogatari 2
This volume consists of three short stories involving a different princess and a mysterious exorcist. All stories deal with a central theme of foregoing sorrow and the appreciation/affirmation of what one has in life: The Golden Phoenix, The Silver Phoenix - A princess longs for a lost love and almost loses her life until a mysterious exorcist opens her heart and mind to the truth and to what has been right in front of her all along. The Hime with the Flower Crown - A young princess learns with the help of a mysterious young boy that putting away childish things may ultimately lead to a fulfilling new world and to the fulfilment of her beloved father's wish. Memories of a Flower - While trying to solve the mystery behind the ghostly apparition of his beloved princess, a young man learns to ease his own sadness.
Hanako And The Teller Of Allegory
Folklore detective Asou Daisuke would rather deal with normal, everyday, things like cheating spouses, embezzling partners and the like. (That and his huge collection of ero-manga.) Because whenever he deals with the supernatural, he gets the hiccups. But no matter, an endless stream of desperate people come to him troubled by what he calls allegories. Those are stories, usually urban legends, that one believes to be true and if one believes strong enough can cause them to become true. His first case involves "The Man Under The Bed." Can he stop this creepy man with an axe before he chops up kawaii Hiranuma Kanae? Why does Asou count his hiccups, and just who is that strange girl in his bathroom?
はなしっぱなし, Myšlenky smyšlenky, Pitu pitu
A collection of short stories about supernatural occurrences that take place in our everyday…
When Lys was born, her heart did not beat at all. To save her, her mother made a contract with a devil: Lys can borrow his heart until the day she turns 16, but after that, he will eat her body. Together with her companion, Siva, someone she met by chance on the desert at night, she travels around as a dancer girl to find the devil who sealed her fate. One day, while they were traveling, they suddenly meet an egoistic prince and a ring spirit...A Thousand and One Nights romance between the devil and the young girl. 
花月姫, A Princess with a Flower, Das geliehene Herz, Hanatsuki Hime, Lys Lily, The Borrowed Heart
"There once was a girl with a splendid flower blooming upon her chest."When Lys was born, her heart did not beat at all. To save her, her mother made a contract with a devil: Lys can borrow his heart until the day she turns sixteen, but after that, he will eat her body. Together with her companion, Siva, someone whom she met by chance in the desert at night, she travels around as a dancer girl to find the devil who sealed her fate. One day, while they were traveling, they suddenly meet an egoistic prince and a ring spirit...
ハンド×レッド, HandxRed
Jim is a young boy bound by a curse which seals him in the darkness of purgatory for 100 years. Bound by a curse, half of his heart is held by his best friend Luca. Due to Luca’s betrayal, Jim lost both his “best friend” and his “heart”. Once every 100 years, Jim is allowed to roam free for only 10 days and search for Luca whom he must defeat! Hatred replaces friendship and friends become enemies, now, who will be the one left alive?
ハンド×レッド -  ハンドXレッド -  Hand x Red -  HandxRed
Summary from iskultrip Scans: Jim is a young boy bound by a curse which seals him in the darkness of purgatory for 100 years. Bound by a curse, half of his heart is held by his best friend Luca. Due to Luca’s betrayal, Jim lost both his “best friend” and his “heart”. Once every 100 years, Jim is allowed to roam free for only 10 days and search for Luca whom he must defeat! Hatred replaces friendship and friends become enemies, now, who will be the one left alive?
항아 籬 (리) -  Hang-Ah Li


Honey Rabbit! はにらび!
Fumiko lives together with her parents and her Rabbit. One day, when her parents aren't at home, her Rabbit is gone and instead there is a sweet boy with bunny ears.
はんな of the Z
A gag manga about an air-headed girl with a super regenerative body and a school club whose members also have special powers.
Hanyou no Yashahime : Sengoku Otogizoushi, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, 半妖の夜叉姫 -戦国御伽草子-
Hanyo no Yashahime est la suite d'Inuyasha. Les filles de Sesshomaru et d'Inuyasha se lancent dans un voyage transcendant le temps !Au Japon féodal, les jumelles Towa et Setsuna sont séparées après un incendie de forêt. En chérissant désespérément sa sœur, Towa erre dans un mystérieux tunnel qui la transporte dans le Japon actuel, où elle est trouvée et élevée par le frère de Kagome Higurashi, Sota, ainsi que sa famille. Dix ans plus tard, le mystérieux tunnel est de nouveau ouvert, permettant à Towa d'être réunie avec Setsuna qui est devenue une tueuse de démons travaillant pour Kohaku. Cependant, Towa est choquée d'apprendre que sa sœur a perdu tous ses souvenirs. Rejointes par Moroha, la fille d'Inuyasha et Kagome, elles vont toutes les trois voyager entre les deux époques pour retrouver les souvenirs de Setsuna.


ハピネス (押見修造)
Makoto Okazaki est le stéréotype du lycéen coincé, une cible parfaite pour les bizutages doublée d’un petit pervers. Un soir, il décide d’aller rendre un DVD à un ami et s’aventure dehors seul dans la nuit. Il remarque une personne sur un toit des environs. Cette dernière se précipite sur lui avant même qu’il n’ait été capable de réaliser la chose, et plante ses crocs dans son cou, buvant son sang. L’attaquant s’arrête de sucer. Makoto remarque alors qu’il a affaire à une magnifique femme. Elle lui demande : « Veux-tu mourir ou devenir comme moi? » Il décide de vivre…
ハピネス (押見修造)
玻璃月蜉蝣縁物語, 玻璃月蜻蛉縁物語, Hariduki Kagerou Enshimonogatari, Harizuki Kagerou Enishi no Monogatari, Harizuki Kagerou Enishino Monogatari, Harizuki Kagerou En
ハーレムビートは夜明けまで, Bình minh tình yêu, Harlem Beat Until Dawn, Harlem Beat Until Dawn: Mad Love Chase, Mad Love Chase
Meet Kujou Yamato, who on the outside is your average high school kid pursuing love and happiness. Except in truth he's the prince of hell, escaped to the human world to avoid a marriage he wants no part of. But hell wants him back, and picked a trio of their finest (?) to rope in him! Not to mention, his fiance isn't going to just wait around forever...
ハルハナ, 春情花开, Flower of Spring, HaruHana
Yamada Hana's just moved to Tokyo, and her perfect debut falls disastrously flat. Not only do things at school start off badly, but her demon sister's sold her off to work for Haru, who seems to spend way too much time touching girls. If that wasn't enough, Haru's gorgeous, and Hana has a strange condition where she breaks out in hives whenever cute guys touch her!
小春的绷带少女 -  春の包帯少女 -  Haru's Bandaged Girl -  Haru et la fille aux bandages
Haru, un garçon aimable, facile à vivre et amusant, a un problème, il a failli immoler sa petite amie avec son pouvoir. Pendant ce temps, un autre incendiaire en série est en cavale, et des rumeurs d'incidents étranges survenus avant circulent ! Pourrait-il y avoir plus de gens avec des pouvoirs inexpliqués ? Que va-t-il arriver à la torche humaine ?
Des enfants enjoués envahissent l'appartement paisible d'une jeune femme... dans quel but ?
Nana est morte mais sa meilleure amie fait le vœux de la revoir. C'est alors qu'elle l'aperçoit au loin ! Mais, qu'elle fût sa surprise quand elle découvrit que son amie décédée est devenue un fantôme...
Haru no Ongaeshi -  ハルの恩返し -  Haru's Repayment
ハル姉が僕に××する理由 -  Haru Nee ga Boku ni xx Suru Riyuu -  Haru-nee ga Boku ni Peke-Peke Suru Riyuu -  The Reason Haru-nee Did XX To Me -  Haru Ane ga Boku ni xx Su
はたらく魔王さま! ハイスクール!, 打工吧魔王大人校园篇, Hataraku Maou-sama! High School!
破天荒遊戯 -  Dazzle -  Unprecedented Game
Rahzel Jeune magicienne, est un jour chassée de chez elle par son père avec comme instruction de "découvrir le monde". Elle se retrouve donc seule et doit se débrouiller. Au détour d'une rue sombre, elle fait la rencontre d'un jeune garçon étrange, Alzeid. Celui-ci semble indifférent à tout ce qui l'entoure et n'a qu'un seul et unique objectif : retrouver le meurtrier de son père. Rahzel décide alors de s'associer avec Alzeid, de le suivre dans son voyage, et lui promet de lui rendre la vie beaucoup plus amusante et intéressante. Commence alors un périple parfois mouvementé, où Rahzel et Alzeid rencontreront de nombreuses personnes... parfois des amis, mais aussi beaucoup d'ennemis...
初恋の病 -  Sickness of the first Love
Six stories of love and sweetness. 1) Sickness of the First Love - After a car accident Ayase begins to see hallucinations of his first love,Haigo, who died as the young man he was. An operation is supposed to fix the problem, but doesn't. Seeing a young Haigo during the day, and a grown-up Haigo at night, has Ayase finally gone crazy? 2) The Mystery That Began on the Train - There are two kinds of customers that Soo, as an attendant on a sleeper railway has to deal with: honeymooning couples and weirdos. Teshirogi is definitely one of the latter. The overly dramatic older man seems to be making fun of Soo, but why does he think they've met before? 3) Kitsune Tsuki (Fox Moon) - Tada is the heir of his family and the last fox spirit handler. As a child he saved the spirit Shiro from being abandoned, and Shiro agreed to stay till Tada was an adult. With only two years left to go, Shiro needs to reconcile his feelings for the human boy. 4) Kikusa Yayoi Zukitan - 2nd year piano student Wachi is playing one day when he's suddenly accompanied by a violin. Enter genius violinist Meguriya. When Wachi confesses to Meguriya he doesn't receive a reply, but when two people are so aligned musically, are words really necessary? 5) A Happy Person - When Komiya disappears from school, Oosakaya is sure that Komiya will contact him. They're dating, after all. But four years go by before a dirty and tired Komiya crawls into his bed and promptly falls asleep. He's happy to have Komiya back, but Oosakaya can only wonder how long it will be before the person who says he loves him disappears again... 6) Speechless - A word game between two colleagues offers one a chance to make his feelings known.
ghost child
Jo Sungjae passe des nuits passionnées avec le fantôme qui lui rend visite tous les soirs un fantôme qui ressemble à Dohwi, la personne qu'il aime, et à mesure que la nuit passe, son état empire. Dowhi s'inquiète pour Sungjae et l'invite chez lui... Quel pourrait être le secret de naissance de Hong Dowhi ?Le charmant Jo Sungjae pourra-t-il survivre jusqu'à la fin ?

Haunted Dream

Woo Jae a été élevé par sa mère obsédée par le chamanisme. Le jour où Woojae s'est lassé de l'obsession de sa mère, il a refusé de prier pour la première fois. Sa mère, quant à elle, est décédée ce jour-là dans un accident de voiture. Souffrant de culpabilité, Woo Jae a commencé à souffrir d'étranges symptômes comme voir des choses futiles, de dormir et de faire des cauchemars de temps en temps, et se demande s'il devrait à nouveau rendre visite au chaman. À cette époque, un homme se fait appeler Imoogi et suggère qu'il peut guérir les symptômes de Woo Jae.
Meet Sabato Obiga, a hapless young teen trying to find himself in the world, which is made all but impossible by his frighteningly flamboyant family. Scaring away every girl he brings home, Sabato's family seems to revel in his misery--but could there be more to their torment than meets the eye? Rest assured, you'll keep guessing--and giggling--every step of the way! [taken verbatim from the blurb of the English novel]
Quelque chose peut exaucer vos souhaits... et il se trouve de "l'autre côté". Les élèves du lycée Hanti s'aventurent à la recherche de la vérité.Quelque chose peut réaliser votre souhait... et ça se trouve de "l'autre côté". Des élèves du lycée Hanti s'y aventurent pour trouver la vérité.
ハートキャッチいずみちゃん, ハート・キャッチいずみちゃんPERFECT, Heart Catch Izumi-chan Perfect
Harada Izumi has just transferred to a new high-school and is doing her best to fit in, which isn’t easy when you have a secret as big as hers – that she can read minds! And it doesn’t help when she is seated next to Akechi Kikumaru, a handsome young man she immediately takes an interest in who is more than a little bit of a pervert!