
Akira Fudo, who has become the Devilman, the only being who can fight demons; a being possessing the powers of a demon and a soul of a man.A long time ago, the Earth was ruled by demons. The demons constantly fought each other for survival, but soon found themselves fighting a new race of beings: The first humans. The demons then became imprisoned in ice after a great cataclysm. They would remain there until the ice melted, after which it was said Satan would rise and lead them in Armageddon. That time has come in Go Nagai's Devilman.source wikipedia
デビルマン黙示録STRANGE DAYS, Devil Man Mokushiroku, Devil Man Mokushiroku - Strange Days, Strange Days - The Apocalypse of Devilman
Some more stuff to add to the Devilman mythos. This is Kinutani Yuu's second story about Nagai Gou's work.
デビルズライン -  魔性之线 -  Devil's Line
The story takes place in modern day and follows two brothers Alkade and Isaac, the sons of the first Vampire ever. Their father was murdered by a secret Clan of Vampires called the Clan of Genesis. The leader is a Vampire named Sethos and he hid in the shadows of history and turned the greatest warriors and tyrants into powerful Vampire Lords. Achilles, Lancelot, Genghis Khan, Cleopatra, and even Morgana are generals in his Clan. Once he had sufficient military might Sethos attacked and killed their Father becoming the rulers of the Shadow World. The World that exists alongside the human one, it is split in half and ruled by a Vampire Clan and a Werewolf Clan. The brothers are no ordinary vampires, they share something very special. Alkade is a BloodWolf, a hybrid creature of a Vampire and a Werewolf. Isaac is a Dhampyr, a hybrid creature of a Vampire and a Human. This is a tale of monsters and their journey to become Kings.

Dia Game

Diamond Game, Daiya Game
The beautiful vampire with long, silver hair Daia never attacked a human. He is constantly being watched by Kuro, a vampire hunter, and, because of this, he is always trying to run away. He eventually ends up in Japan and meet a merchant named Shishou, who then gives him a job and a place to stay. Daia is charmed by Shishou's kindness... Daia, who was always alone, starts to think about to drink Shishou's blood and make him a vampire as well.
In the corner of a certain town, there is a teashop where the master, Tsukasa, obtains and cares for plants from the depths of hell.
Diabolik Lovers: Prequel -  Дьявольские возлюбленные
Yui Komori est une jeune fille qui vient dans une école de célébrités dont les cours se déroulent la nuit. Mais parmi les élèves de cette école se trouve en plus une famille de vampires. Ces mêmes vampires avec qui Yui devra à présent vivre avec chaque jour ! Et, comme si elle n'était pas assez malchanceuse, ces six vampires sont horriblement sadiques, et tous attirés par le sang de la jeune fille ...
Yui est une adolescente normale en deuxième année au lycée. Un jour son père, qui est prêtre, doit se rendre en Europe de l'Est pour son travail. Yui n'a pas d'autres choix que d'aller vivre chez des connaissances de son père, sur ordre de ce dernier. C'est ainsi que Yui va faire la rencontre des frères Sakamaki... mais ces six frères se révèlent être des vampires. Comment Yui, une simple humaine, va-t-elle s'en sortir avec des vampires qui ne cessent de tourner autour d'elle ?
ディアボロ -  悪魔 -  Diabolo-
From Tokyopop: Protagonists Ren and Rai fell prey to the Diabolo in an attempt to save the soul of Ren's cousin, 7-year-old Mio...although they failed in their attempt, they were 'rewarded' with powers they would each gladly trade for the life of the young girl. Just who--or what--is the Diabolo? What enticements does he offer the kids at school? And, if they accept his 'bargains,' what foul fate awaits them on their 18th birthdays?
ダイヤモンド カット ダイヤモンド -  異能殺機 -  DCD
When he was young, Kurosu Keisuke was in a special TV program showcasing children with supernatural powers, called "Esper Shounen". Seven years after the termination of the program, a murderer appears to be targeting the Esper kids, whom he/she considers to be monsters. Will Keisuke and his old friends be able to discover the murderer and avoid becoming the next victims?!
Diamond is Unbreakable, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Higashikata Josuke
Diamond is Unbreakable follows Josuke Higashikata and his good friend Koichi Hirose as they protect their town from the influx of Stand users. Jotaro Kujo arrives to warn Josuke about the Bow and Arrow a mysterious man is using to bring out a person's Stand abilities, but it is up to Josuke, Koichi and their allies to defeat those who would use their Stand abilities for evil - most notably Yoshikage Kira.
Otogi Grimm, le descendant des frères Grimm, les auteurs des célèbres recueils de contes, découvre un mystérieux ouvrage dans le manoir familial dans lequel il vient d’emménager. Il ne se doute pas qu’en l’ouvrant, les personnages célèbres du recueil de contes vont alors surgir sous forme de magnifiques entités démoniaques. Cendrillon, Blanche-neige, le Petit Chaperon rouge... ils ne sont pas tout à fait comme vous les imaginiez !
통하였느냐 -  Understand? -  Did it work?
餌食のゲーム -  Ejiki no Game
A short full-color oneshot by a Singaporean mangaka about people making a video game, then entering that very same game and struggling to exit.
di(e)ce -  diece -  di[e]ce ~Dice~ -  di[e]ce-ダイス- -  di[e]ce
Naruse Kazuki and Koutake Haruki are on the advanced track of Seitoukou Academy.Though they are not connected by blood, these two whose faces are so similar coincidentally have their 16th birthdays on November 11th. However, on that fateful anniversary, the cogs of fate have begun to turn. A game involving both their destinies has now begun! (Source: Entropy)
ディエンビエンフー -  Điện Biên Phủ
地府代理人 -  Hell's Agents
Ghosts want to be reincarnated, but in order to do so, they’ll have to rebel against Hell’s rules… Upsetting the balance of Yin and Yang, ghosts begin to band together and form groups, in an attempt to return to the realm of the living. The leaders of Hell must find these ghosts and return them to the realm they belong to, but there’s a problem… There aren’t enough people for the job! So now, who will take on the role of catching these increasingly powerful and intelligent ghosts?!
Tsurugi Tatsuno is a boy who competes in Virtual Digimon Battle tournaments. When a Kuwagamon appeared in the Real World, his Greymon came to life and protected him. Tsurugi is summoned to the Digital World by Piximon to save the Digital World from the evil Barbamon. Since his Digimon has a hexagon shape on him, it's an Illegal Digimon, meaning that Digimon bearing such symbols can help save the Digital World. Tsurugi's Greymon later De-Digivolves to Agumon and they meet other characters destined to save the Digital World from the forces of Barbamon. Now they must stop Barbamon and his minions before they get all the DigiMemories and take over both worlds.
Akiko Chirubi (明子 智流美) is a boy who studies at highschool in Tokyo. When he turns to 17, his life suddenly changes. He starts to hear strange parasyte voice on his mind and gets confused and mad. Moreover a digital virus occupies smarts phones world wide and very strange situations occur everyday. His best friend Tsukide Akari (月出 光 ) tries to calm down and help Chirubi but she has a secret. There is one thing clear. The world is changing strangely. Is going to Chirubi get rid off the sounds on his mind? What is the secret of Akari? What is going to be to the world after all?
Jinwoo a vécu de nombreuses vies différentes, mais il est tombé amoureux de la même personne encore et encore. Dans cette vie particulière, il est employé de bureau en Corée et son amant a pris la forme de Yoosung, une bonne amie de sa petite sœur. Le destin fera-t-il jouer sa magie pour les réunir ?
차원이동전문 환상부동산
Our local real estate agency has a secret?!A dimensional travel, fantasy romance about a suspicious owner and a girl who used to be normal.
Bat and Meal -  박쥐와 식사
Pris dans les griffes d'une relation abusive, Sooin désire y échapper. Chi-hwan, un vampire qui trouve le sang humain repoussant, ne boit que le sang des autres vampires. Lorsque le hasard réunit ces deux-là, Chi-hwan fait à Sooin une proposition séduisante. Il aidera Sooin à sortir de son enfer, et en échange… ce dernier devra laisser Chi-hwan boire son sang. Cette proposition changera-t-elle leur vie pour le mieux ?Certaines scènes (notamment dans les premiers chapitres) de ce yaoi peuvent être légèrement choquantes. Vous êtes prévenus !!
Dinghai Fusheng Lu -  定海浮生录
Afin d'empêcher la destruction de la Terre Sainte et de sauver tout le monde, Chen Xing, le dernier exorciste, se lance dans un voyage pour libérer le qi spirituel scellé du ciel et de la terre - il ne lui reste que quatre ans. La route qui s'ouvre devant lui est pleine d'embuche. Regardez ce mignon petit koi Chen Xing et son protecteur lunatique et grincheux, Xiang Shu, travailler ensemble pour inverser la donne encore et encore !
Отужинай в моем саркофаге -  عشاء بتابوتي -  僕の棺で晩餐を -  Boku No Hitsugi De Bansan Wo -  Boku No Hitsugi De Bansan O -  Hoshi Ha Akatsuki No Kage -  Hoshi Wa
Un vampire mourant partage ses derniers moments avec une jeune demoiselle à l'air maussade.
Agent of the Gods' LoveDiotimanual / Gods act on love affair.でぃおてぃまにゅある ~神様たちの恋愛代行~必然性指南~神明们的恋爱代理~
Nous suivons Shishibara Miko, Atou Mutsuki, et leurs amis dans leur vie quotidienne en essayant de comprendre le vrai sens de la vie humaine.