
Wet Dream

Un étrange démon apparaît tout à coup dans mon rêve. Qu'est-ce que je devrais faire ?

Wet Moon

Japon, années 1960. Dans la moiteur d’une station balnéaire aux accents de Las Vegas, royaume des faux-semblants et de la corruption, le jeune et irréprochable inspecteur Sata enquête sur le meurtre d’un ingénieur. Lorsque ses pas le mènent sur le lieu de travail de la victime, une entreprise fabriquant des modules pour un mystérieux programme spatial, une secrétaire prend la fuite, attirant sur elle tous les soupçons. Alors que Sata la poursuit, il perd subitement connaissance. À son réveil, un éclat métallique est logé dans son crâne, provoquant pertes de mémoire et hallucinations. Pour Sata, qui brûle de découvrir ce qui lui est arrivé, la traque de la suspecte prend bientôt la forme d'une obsession amoureuse.
火鞔歌 -  A Song To Harness Fire -  Fire Harnessing Song
Aucun synopsis disponible.
Turan Cheng Xianle Zenme Ban Túrán Chéng Xiānle Zěnme Bàn What to Do When Suddenly Becoming the Immortal 突然成仙了怎么办

What Was Lost

Nakushita Mono wa Nandesuka -  なくしたものはなんですか - 
Une courte histoire dans une ville ou tout ce qui est et qui sera perdu reviendra toujours.
꿈자리가 이상한데요?!
Sato-kun ga shinde kara -  佐藤くんが死んでから
Hé, tu veux devenir "fleuriste", non ? Ne l'oublie pas lorsque tu seras grand(e)...
A girl wakes up in an unknown world all alone. In this world she sees another girl who is her exact twin. Their names: 328 and 329. There is only running water; no food anywhere. In their search for food, they find a raft to take them beyond this unknown place, but it becomes evident that only one person will be able to board this raft. The annoying buzzing sounds and voices of a winged insect, the craving for food, and the desire to leave will push them to the brink. One of them will snap...
Chunbai De Mingyun Zhi Lun Pure White Wheel Of Fate Судьбоносная ночь 纯白的命运之轮
Il y a des milliers d'années, la sorcière blanche, Hillis, qui avait un contrat de mariage avec le roi du pays blanc, a soudainement disparu. Après un millénaire de recherches, la réincarnation de Hillis, la fille humaine Xia Li, apparaît devant le roi dans un rêve romantique. Forcés de se lancer dans un voyage pour trouver 22 cartes de tarot pour sauver le roi Solent et son pays, les deux réalisent rapidement qu'il y a des conspirateurs cachés qui feraient tout pour les arrêter.
Une diseuse de bonne aventure dit que je suis né avec la malchance… Qui essaie-t-elle de tromper ? Mon fils est un bébé biracial avec des super pouvoirs, qui peut utiliser les rêves pour prédire l’avenir ! Mais alors un PDG tyrannique sort de Dieu sait où et dit qu’il est le père de mon petit trésor ?! C’est quoi ça, un feuilleton télé ?
超能力労働隊(スーパーナチュラルパワーズ)WILD COM., Chounouryoku roudoutai Wild com, Super Natural Power Wild Com., Supernatural Powers Wild Com. Wild Com
A suspenseful trio of short stories.Psychic Squad Wild Com. finds its lead character struggling with the denial of her psychic abilities--powers that could spell life or death for those around her.The Beasts of June is a poetic tale of urban violence, of two free spirits caught in corruption's heartless grasp.The Eye of the Needle provides a shocking thriller wrapped in the guise of a fame-twisted romance.Tough, intense, and thrilling, WILD COM. offers three distinctly different tales from the master of shôjo action.
 This is a shounen manga about a senior named Taketo Iwase and a dog named Salsa. As they set off early on to resolve a problem with a criminal that Toshifumi (Taketo's brother) is having, Taketo sees that there is more to the dog (that can communicate in the human language) than meets the eye. Together they solve a number of troubles and also meet other different species (cat girls, dogs, birds, etc). The author clearly shows that she is capable of drawing dynamic illustrations, especially in the fighting scenes although it make look somewhat shoujo at times. Wild Half has some very funny gag lines, some moving plots, helpful morals, in short, a little bit of everything packaged into one. (Shortened review written by Si)
팀 조무래김 -  Luvloo
Dans une zone de protection définie par l'homme pour les animaux sauvages contre leurs prédateurs et la providenceUne histoire d'amour en streaming commence.
ワイルドカード -  Wairudokādo
Can the world change through the power of imagination!? Daisuke Yamomoto is an 8th grader who has a Chuunibyou Syndrome, but things get little bit out of hand as he was bullied and almost forced to commit suicide but didn't do so and discovered an app called "Arcana", afterwards the mysterious figure from his imagination appears and his imaginary world turns into reality.
Willow is a young, blind girl, who is born with telekinetic and psychic powers. Her parents tell her to hide her abilities and never use them in an attempt to keep her from hurting herself, or others. But when her parents are killed by home invaders, while Willow and her sister hide, she vows to become stronger so she never feels helpless again. 8 years later, and Willow had made only a little progress with her powers...but her world is quickly turned upside down when a mysterious boy with similar powers suddenly joins her class.

Wind Sword

Клинок ветра 품검
ウイングマン, 夢戦士ウイングマン, Dream Soldier Wingman, Uinguman, Wing-man, Yume Senshi Uinguman
Kenta is a young boy who dreams about being a super hero called Wingman. All his classmates love it when he disturbs the courses to apply his holy judgment, as much as the teacher hates that. One day while coming home he finds a beautifull girl in a bikini. Aoi Yume, she gives him a wonderful item, the book of dream which can make anything written on it true, and so began the life of the real super hero for our dear Hirono. 
Yuudai, being a son of a family that makes fireworks really wanted to turn eighteen so that he could finally be able to help out in thier family business. His childhood friend Hana, also wanted the same thing to make Yuudai happy. Little did Hana know, that for Yuudai, being with her again is the most happiest thing that could ever happen to him. And she also doesn't know how much he is suffering to after a tragic incident that separated their paths. --from sakurakisses
Dans l'Antiquité, il y avait un petit terrain appartenant à quelques nobles qui se trouvait dans la province d'Anyang : "Terre des aigles d'hiver" était son nom. Le propriétaire de la terre s'appelait Dong Bo Lie. Il est allé là-bas après avoir eu une relation amoureuse avec Mo Yang Yu de la famille Mo Yang. Dong Bo Lie et Mo Yang Yu ont eu deux enfants, Dong Bo Xue Ying, et Dong Bo Qing Shi. Quand Xue Ying avait huit ans, les mauvaises actions de sa famille ont été révélées et leur oncle a emmené Bo Lie. Mo Yang Yu et sa femme ont été capturés et mis dans la prison de la famille Mo Yang. Afin de sauver ses parents, Xue Ying s'est entraîné au tir toute la journée, tous les jours, et a été récompensé par l'Ordre de fer du bâtiment du Mont du dragon. Il a rencontré Yu Jing Qiu et lui a ouvert la porte de sa vie légendaire...
wish-마녀의 시간
We have dreams from time to time. Dreams of being able to use magic... Magic! If witches were to listen to everyone's wishes, who would listen to the witch's wishes?
杖と剣のウィストリア -  Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria
Majo to Minarai Sister -  魔女と見習いシスター - 
L'apprentie soeur veut que le chef de la sorcière Casablanca devienne une soeur à part entière. Casablanca a évidemment d'autres projets.
La personne qui a été maudite. La personne qui a jeté la malédiction. Et la personne qui garde la malédiction. Ceci est l'histoire de trois clans sur l'étrange malédiction.
ウィッチブレイド, ウィッチブレイド丈流, Witchblade Takeru
This story introduces Takeru who is an average Japanese highschool girl raised in a Buddhist convent by nuns. She has been experiencing reoccurring nightmares about the Witchblade calling out to her. This is due to the secret that the temple houses within, the Witchblade sealed inside a box. Furthermore, her lineage keeps an unknown connection with the mystic artifact and the folklore of the Oni, hence explaining Takeru's strong attraction to the gauntlet which is locally called Oni no te (鬼の手, "Hand of Oni"). Ultimately, Takeru's life suffers a drastic change when she becomes the next bearer of the Witchblade due to some circumstances that force her to randomly encounter it.
Some kind of global catastrophe results in magic working. So now there are wizards, rangers (shape changers), and elf looking people. A remotely posted squad must fight mercenaries equipped with sci-fi technology and magic to find their missing commander.