

L'homme a l'épé noire
La légende raconte que pour lutter contre une terrifiante armée des ténèbres, l’empereur missionna 14 vaillants guerriers à qui il confia 14 lances sacrées. 3 d’entre eux, les glorieux guerriers sans retour, périrent au combat. 4 autres, surnommés les lances de la trahison, furent exécutés par leurs compagnons pour félonie. Les 7 derniers accomplirent leur mission et furent accueillis en héros à leur retour.
姑獲鳥の夏 -  The Summer of the Ubume
うちの魔王かみませんよ -  我家的魔王不会咬人的 -  Our Satan Doesn't Bite -  Uchi No Maou Kamimasenyo
Il existe un monde dans lequel les gens ont des créatures surnaturelles comme animaux de compagnie. Voici l'histoire de Yuuuhei et de son animal de compagnie, le roi démon, Satan.
うちのポチの言うことには -  我家波奇这么说 -  Uchi no Pochi no Iu Koto ni ha
Pochi always helps Takatsuki Kaori whenever she is in trouble. Actually Pochi's real name is Inui Haruka, the third son of if Inui family who have served Takatsuki's family as a loyal guard since a long time ago. It is a story about a master and her "dog".
宇宙のSPARROW, Space Sparrow
Like a typical teenager, there is nothing Tsubaki Ryuuta wants more than to not stand out from the people around him. Unfortunately, on his way to school one day, he is run over by an alien. The alien promptly resurrects him, but now he has superpowers that he can't control. The alien, now in sparrow form, attempts to help guide him, but there's no way for a kid who's constantly breaking things and has an alien sparrow perched on his shoulder to blend in at school. For his part, the alien is completely bewildered at Ryuuta's continuing refusal to use his superpowers to fight crime and evil. Will Ryuuta be able to get over his self-consciousness and embrace his new life?
うえきの法則, Law of Ueki, Peraturan Ueki, The Law of Ueki
A group of powerful beings called tenkaijin are holding a special tournament. The rules of the game--each tenkaijin selects a kid in junior high to be his champion and grants him a special power. The kids take each other on in heated battle, but if they hurt innocent bystanders, then they lose one of their natural-given abilities. Every time they win a battle, they gain a new ability. The ultimate winner of the tournament is granted any power of his choosing, and the tenkajin who he represents succeeds in becoming the next god. Kosuke Ueki has been chosen to fight in the tournament. His special power--the ability to turn garbage into trees.
雨月物語, Tales of Moonlight and Rain, Tales of the Pale and Silvery Moon After the Rain
“Tales of Moonlight and Rain” is a collection of classical Japanese horror/suspense stories. The stories are simple, but abundant with traditional fictional Japanese characters, such as the half-man half-bird Tengu, white serpents, fantastic carps, goblins and restless ghosts, driven by love or hatred.
미운오리 백조되기 -  An Ugly Duckling Turns Into A Swan -  Cô Nàng Xinh Đẹp -  Miunohri To Swan
La revanche du vilain petit canard a commencé! Elle est grosse, petite et moche!!!! Et il suffit de faire "abracadabra" pour qu'elle se transforme en princesse?! Elle est une perdante et les perdants sont toujours haïs et n'ont plus d'amis. Elle est amoureuse d'un super beau mec... Elle ne peux pas l'embrasser et aller sous la pluie. NON~!!! Marraine la bonne fée, AIDE-MOI~!!!!
Ugly hood 어글리후드 어글리후드 Uglyhood


Carlos, un canard ordinaire vivant dans la grande ville de Featherbay, vient de se faire plaquer par sa petite amie. Sa vie en tant que freelance ne va nulle part et doit prendre une grande décision : GRANDIR. Afin d’obtenir un vrai travail, reconquérir sa petite amie et arrêter la picole.
海の闇、月の影, 海之闇月之影, 바다의 어둠 달의 그림자, Ánh trăng bí ẩn, Darkness of the Sea, Shadow of the Moon, Moon 's Shadow on a Dark Sea, Umi no Yami Tsuki no Kage
Now that Beatrice has become a shadow of her former self, Battler has to fight against Lamdbadelta, Bernkastel and Bernkastel's piece called Erika to save her. 
Now that Battler's found the truth, he's become the next game master. In order to prove to Bernkastel and Lambdadelta that he understands all of Beatrice's previous tricks, he's built a game board of his own and now has to face off against Erika once again. 
Umineko When They Cry Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch
Battler a enfin compris le cœur de Béatrice et atteint la vérité de son jeu, devenant le nouveau Sorcier de l'Infini. Mais il lui reste une dernière tâche à accomplir pour le prouver : élaborer une dernière partie en tant que Maître du Jeu sous la supervision de Lambdadelta, en affrontant une nouvelle fois Bernkastel et sa pièce Furudo Erika. Dans le même temps, rongé par la culpabilité d'avoir compris la vérité trop tard, Battler tente de ressusciter Béatrice. Mais la jeune femme qui réapparaît devant lui n'a que l'apparence de celle dont il s'était épris... En 1998, Ange se réveille en vie pour une raison qu'elle ignore, dans une maison inconnue, celle de la dénommée Hachijô Tooya. Cette mystérieuse romancière a publié trois "contrefaçons" s'inspirant des deux manuscrits de la bouteille de Béatrice, intitulées Banquet, Alliance et End... Tooya prétend avoir découvert la vérité de Rokkenjima, et propose à Ange de lire sa nouvelle contrefaçon : Dawn.
うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode7:Requiem of the golden witch -  海猫鸣泣之时·散EP7 -  Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch -  Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru EP7 -  When Seagulls
From Yen Press: Each year, the Ushiromiya family gathers at the secluded mansion of its patriarch, the elderly Kinzo. It has been six years since Battler joined his cousins at the annual event, but their happy reunion is overshadowed by worsening weather and an eerie premonition from his youngest cousin. When their parents’ conversation turns to the division of the inheritance upon Kinzo’s imminent death, Battler and his cousins reminisce about the stories their parents teased them with as children-tales of the witch, Beatrice, who haunts the island’s forest. But when people start dying unnatural deaths, Battler can’t help but wonder…
When They Cry 3 - Legend of the Golden Witch, When the Seagulls Cry
In 1986, between October 4th and 5th, members of the Ushiromiya family gather on the secluded island of Rokkenjima to discuss the division of the family's massive fortune upon the impending death of the family's head, Kinzo.However, when a typhoon traps the eighteen people present on the island, six people are mysteriously murdered. The remaining people struggle to survive as the murders continue, supposedly by the will of the legendary Golden Witch, Beatrice. 
In Fall 1986, Battler Ushiromiya and eleven of his family members are reunited on Rokkenjima for the purpose of discussing how the head of the family's fortune will be divided upon his impending death. When a typhoon hits the island, everyone is trapped and murdered supposedly by the Golden Witch in her efforts to revive herself.
In 1986, eleven members of the Ushiromiya family and several of their servants were trapped and mysteriously murdered on Rokkenjima, which the Golden Witch Beatrice claims to be responsible for. While Battler Ushiromiya is unable to defeat her and explain how the murders occurred without magic, he refuses to acknowledge Beatrice, forcing their game to continue with higher stakes.As the events on Rokkenjima are begin again, Eva Ushiromiya succeeds in solving the Epitaph of the Golden Witch in order to become the head of the Ushiromiya family and inherit the family's massive fortune. However, a phantom of Eva's dark side emerges and uncontrollably begins to wreck havoc on the island as Beatrice's successor. 
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4: Alliance of the Golden Witch, When They Cry 3 Episode 4: Alliance of the golden witch
In 1998, Battler Ushiromiya's younger sister Ange has lived a miserable life being raised by her Aunt Eva, the only survivor of the murders on Rokkenjima. Bullied and unhappy, Ange finds solace in the diary of her cousin Maria and the world of magic until she rejects its existence. However, with Eva's death and the inheritance of Beatrice's titles, Ange receives an offer from the witch Bernkastel on how to bring back her lost family.Meanwhile, in 1986, Battler Ushiromiya and the Golden Witch Beatrice continue their game, with Battler aided by Ange, hailing from twelve years in the future, in hopes of saving their family at last.
Legend Of The Golden Witch -  When Seagulls Cry Episode 1: Legend Of The Golden
Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4.Nous sommes le 4 octobre 1986. Le leader actuel de l'une des plus riches familles du Japon, Ushiromiya Kinzo, n'a plus que quelques mois à vivre. Afin de décider du prochain héritier, la famille Ushiromiya organise une réunion sur l'île Rokkenjima. Mais, une mystérieuse lettre d'une prétendue sorcière plonge l'île entière dans le chaos.
Turn Of The Golden Witch -  うみねこのなく頃に Episode 2: Turn Of The Golden Witch -  Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Episode 2
Histoire antérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4.« Nous sommes des meubles ". Quelle est la signification de ces mots ? Le début de cet Épisode 2 nous fait explorer le dilemme amoureux des domestiques Shannon et Kanon, et leur rencontre avec la Sorcière Béatrice. Avant de revenir bientôt au 4 octobre 1986. Cette fois, Battler devra affronter la Sorcière en face à face pour démêler le mystère des meurtres sur l'île.
A cross-over manga featuring characters from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. 
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch -  うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode7:Requiem of the golden witch -  海猫鸣泣之时散EP7
A Manga About a Stereotypical PE Teacher Who Dies at the Start of a School Horror Movie -  Gori-sen ~The type of PE teacher to die first during a panic~
青春無敵, Tuổi mộng mơ
XIANG Wei-er, who has exceptional grades and a sense of justice, upon transferring to a new school and class, got named by the teacher as a little teacher dedicated to guiding the "special students" in the class... Gosh! Before she can even adjust to the unfamiliar new environment, she has to first deal with a bunch of difficult people... a serious girl meets a strange handsome guy, and together act out a surreal campus love comedy!

Uncanny charm

Uncanny Charm, 驯虎的要领, 범을 길들이는 요령
Yoon-Jae est un étudiant normal qui vit seul... jusqu'à ce que son nouveau voisin, Beom-jin, emménage dans l'appartement en dessous de lui. Ensuite, les choses deviennent bizarres. En effet, Yoon-Jae commence à voir des fantômes partout et ceux-ci se mettent à le traquer. Il s'avère qu'une cloche mystérieuse appartenant à Beom-jin est maintenant attachée au poignet de Yoon-Jae et qu'elle appelle les fantômes partout où il va. Incapable d'enlever la chose maudite, Beom-jin suggère à Yoon-Jae de l'aider dans son travail jusqu'à ce qu'ils trouvent un moyen de l'enlever. Oh, quel genre de travail ? Envoyer des fantômes dans l'au-delà, bien sûr.
A group of people who are running away from the masses of infected corpses, aka zombies, are trying to fight back. Will they succeed? Or will they die and become zombies themselves?

Undead Unluck

アンデッドアンラック - 
Alors qu'une jeune fille malchanceuse se prépare à affronter la mort, un mort qui veut désespérément mourir apparaît devant elle ! Vicieux, violent et à poil ! Un héros picaresque sans précédent apparaît dans le Shonen Jump ! À lire gratuitement sur Manga Plus.