
Haikyu !!

Haikyû!! -  Haikyû!!-Les AS du volley -  / ハイキュー!! -  Haikyuu!!
Malgré son pauvre mètre 63, Shôyô se donne à fond dans le sport qu'il aime : le volley-ball ! Son secret pour compenser sa petite taille : une détente phénoménale ! En intégrant la section volley du lycée Karasuno, notre recrue est déterminée à prendre sa revanche sur Tobio, un passeur aussi arrogant que talentueux, qui l'avait humilié au collège. Mais en ouvrant les portes du gymnase, il découvre que son ennemi juré est son futur coéquipier ! Les deux jeunes recrues devront néanmoins jouer en combinaison pour espérer redorer le blason d'un club de légende, déchu de son rang de champion...
ハイキュー!! dj - 嘘つきカノン; Haikyuu!! dj - Canon of Lies
Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shoyo
ジグソーパズルの愛と夢 -  Haikyuu!! dj - Jigsaw Puzzle Love and Dreams
はじめの一歩 -  Hajime no Ippo. The Fighting!
Lycéen timide et souffre-douleur rêvé pour les bourreaux qui lui servent de camarades de classe, Ippo Makunouchi a pris l'habitude de subir chaque jour diverses humiliations physiques et morales. Le jeune homme, qui occupe tout son temps libre à venir en aide à sa mère au magasin de pêche familial, n'a guère le temps de se faire des amis. Le jour où il rencontre un boxeur du nom de Mamoru Takamura qui le sauve des poings d'une bande de voyous, il se prend d'admiration pour son sauveur et ses aptitudes au combat. Consumé par son désir de devenir fort et de pouvoir enfin faire face à un quotidien qui lui échappe, Ippo se lance corps et âme dans sa nouvelle raison de vivre : la boxe.
はじめの一歩 レボリューション
はじめてだってば!, Hajimete Datte ba!
There is first time at everything, and you don't know anything about it. Not about your partner, not about yourself and even how to advance in love. In a certain port city, energetic high schooler Kana, and firm high schooler Kouki live. Two of them experiencing first time at every thing they do. Author of "Smash!", Saki Kaori presents, Hajimete Datte ba!. A heartful love story has now begun
Noritaka Sawamura is a teenager; until this day, everybody has been making fun of him. Now he enters the high school which is an opportunity for him to restart a new life! He loves a girl of his school, but he needs to be a little bit stronger to be recognized by everybody. So he joins the Thai boxing section. His entertainment is very special, due to his master who seems to be a little mad. Noritaka will make you laugh, for sure! Note: My favorite passage is when Sawamura spins through a window with a helmet, his trousers missing, with crap coming out of his ass, and everybody looking at him. He is the most ridiculous man in the world at this moment!
Chinmi, an orphan who lost his parents in a tidal wave, is a promising sumo wrestler. Even though he did very well in the junior championships, none of the sumo scouts were interested in signing him because of his body, which is unsuitable for sumo wrestling, and also because of his weird sumo style. But luck comes his way when a small sumo school owner shows an interest in him and decides to take Chinmi into his school. There Chinmi begins his training to become a yokozuna...

Hana Kimi

偷偷爱着你 -  花ざかりの君たちへ -  花样少年少女(Chinese) -  For You in Full Blossom -  Hana Kimi -  Hana-Kimi -  Hanakimi -  Hanazakari no Kimitachi e -  Parmi eux (French) -  Thirsty Moo
At age thirteen, Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese girl growing up in America, saw Izumi Sano high jump on TV for the first time. Amazed by his grace, Mizuki quickly became a huge fan of Sano's. Three years later, high-school age Mizuki decides to return to Japan so that a dream of hers might come true: to see Sano jump in person. Mizuki even goes so far as to transfer into Sano's school, in hopes of being closer to him. Mizuki's wish is granted, and she becomes Sano's roommate. There are two problems, however: Sano has quit the high jump, and he attends an all-boys school, meaning Mizuki now has to disguise herself as a boy morning, noon and night, even in her own room! Unknown to Mizuki, however, Sano finds out her secret fairly quickly, and now a strange feeling has come over the two of them...
The series focuses on the members of the aikido club in a school that settles disputes among students with combat.
Shinyaku Kyojin No Hoshi Hanagata, Shinyaku [kyojin No Hoshi] Hanagata
Hyuma Hoshi is an aspiring pitcher who wants to be a star like his father. The commitment of the pair to their sport and to one another is almost unbearable in its intensity. The down-to-earth realism of this series with its insights into baseball strategy has delighted generations of adults and children alike.
Hana Maru Go ! Go ! -  花まるGO!GO! -  花まる ゴー! ゴー!
Bien que petite, Sakura a toujours voulu jouer au basket-ball, malheureusement au collège les gens ne lui faisaient pas assez confiance pour la laisser faire et elle a dû s'entraîner seule.Alors avec l'entrée au lycée, elle compte bien entrer dans l'équipe féminine et montrer le dur fruit de son labeur.Le seul hic, c'est que l'équipe a été dissoute car il n'y avait pas assez de joueurs.Cependant notre héroïne va trouver une alternative dans le street basket. Les règles sont légèrement différentes mais le plaisir de jouer est là, elle va donc faire équipe avec deux frères jumeaux aux caractères totalement opposés.Ces deux-là jouent super bien et ensemble ils vont tenter de gagner quelques tournois.Sakura semble enfin avoir trouvé sa place, mais le souvenir d'une autre joueuse qui l'aurait précédée plane sur les jumeaux.
The main character wants to be a hero, but his father is a bum that loses all of their money in gambling, but he was once the ace of the japanese team in handball. He goes to a coach and asks him to take care of his son, because he got into a debt and is running from the yakuza. The coach thinks he's an outstanding talent that has been given to him to coach, and he sends his daughter to pick him. Daigo (the main character) then ends up living with them. The series was based off the oneshot that Weekly Shonen Jump liked so much that they made it into a series
Hanebado! - The Badminton Play of Ayano Hanesaki! はねバド! はねバド!Hane Bado! 轻羽飞扬
Hallim Gymnasium ; Young FC P.V.P ; 한림체육관
Fatigué d'être harcelé, Yeongha, le nouvel étudiant transféré, décide de riposter... et découvre qu'il peut emballer un coup de poing. Il devient bientôt le sommet de la chaîne alimentaire, savourant son nouveau titre de gars le plus dur de l'école. Mais il rencontre son match lorsque Suho Kang, le champion des jeux PVP, l'abat à lui seul, lui et son équipage. Pour regagner son honneur, Yeongha décide de rejoindre les jeux PVP. Aura-t-il enfin la satisfaction de battre Suho ? Ou gagnera-t-il quelque chose de plus ?
Hanshin Tigers 80th Anniversary Memorial
Une anthologie pour le 80e anniversaire des Hanshin Tigers.01. "Tora" par Takahashi Rumiko02. "Tigers Rhapsody" par Takai Kenichirou03. "Fujinami Toushu to Ore" par Koji Joukura04. "Torafuusou : Boku to Kanojo to Tigers" par Nakahara Yuuu05. "Juuhan Deki ! Bijitaaa-hen Toratora no Maki" par Matsuda Naoko06. "Hagiwara Akiko no 1997-nen" par Sasou Akira07. "Abikyoukan ! Yuru Fuwa Jigoku Hanshin Zoukan Zoukan Tokubetsu-hen" par Hori Nobuyuki08. "Akumu no 1992" par Takahashi Tsutomu09. "Torako Ni Ai Tiger" par Takahashi Noboru10. "Rokkouzan Himitsu no Kenkyuujo !" par Shiriagari Kotobuki11. "Fushi Tora" de Tsunomaru12. "Tora-bou, Ai no Sakebi" par Yamaaki Douton13. "Sairyou no Hi" par Kikuni Masahiko14. "Nani ga Nandemo Hanshin Fan 2015" par Oshikawa Untarou15. "Hanshin Hangi" par Hayashida Q[Scanlated]16. "Tora-kata Rakugo Rakugo Enmoku Uwaba mi Taiji" par Matsui Shinsuke17. "Pinch Hitter Torataro" de Mizuguchi Naoki18. "Ashita wa Katsu !" par Watanabe Yasuhiro19. "Honmamon" par Nakayama Ramada20. "1992 Moratorium Kazuyuki" par Samukawa Kazuyuki21. "Jitsuroku ! Watashi wa Hanshin Koshien Kyuujou no o Hizamoto de Umareta" par Kumichou
ハンツー×トラッシュ, Hantsu x Trash, Hantsu- x Torasshu, Hantsuu x Trash
Jeff has been called the 'future star of tennis' from when he was young. However, after a traumatic loss in his childhood, it seems impossible for him to win ever since.Even though he has mastered all of the techniques- serve, smash, volley, footwork- the goal of victory always seems distant. Tennis is supposed to be about the enjoying the game, not the result. But will Jeff ever overcome his habit of losing at the crucial moment, and achieve victory?
ハーレムビート -  少年篮球梦 -  할렘비트 -  Bóng rổ đường phố -  Basketball Dream -  Rebound
From Tokyopop: Some athletes dream of the bling-bling, others dream of the women. But real hoop dreams reflect the desire to be the best. The dream of being able to take the rock, drive the lane, and take it to the hole. That's Nate Torres, branded as the team benchwarmer, just trying to get that shot at high school fame and glory. When he blows his chance to try and make his high school team, he takes his dream to the only place he has left ... the streets. Away from the spotlight and glory of organized basketball, Nate Torres discovers himself on a back alley half-court.
守望春天的我们 -  春待つ僕ら -  봄을 기다리는 우리 -  We Are Waiting for Spring
Mitsuki a toujours rêvé de trouver de vrais amis alors qu'elle entre au lycée. Elle rencontre un groupe de quatre beaux garçons faisant partie de l'équipe de basket qui vont changer sa perception des années lycée... ?
ハルポリッシュ, 春刃光华, Haru-Polish
Similar to Bamboo Blade, the new series will be a "hyper comedy of bishōjo x Japanese swords!!" The story will center around a high school girl named Haru Okamoto. However, whereas Bamboo Blade depicted the tournament sport of kendō with bamboo swords, Haru Polish will deal with the practice of iai (the drawing and wielding of actual swords).
初恋アステリズム, 初恋星空
Minako entered in the same high school as her friend Shuu. And then she figured out that one of her classmate is the guy she loves: Takuma. She will have to make a choice between love and friendship.
First Love Koshien
Junko Tachibana, a manager of the baseball club of Wakaba High School, is the Madonna of the team. Sawamura, her first love, is an ace batter.Happy and sound love story.
へ~ん・しん!! そなたバーディ・ラッシュ, へ~ん○しん!!-そなたバーディ・ラッシュ, 变~身!!○其方的小鸟要入洞, 激萌变身!!最强高尔夫少女, He~nshin!!, He~nshin!! Sonata Birdie Rush
ハートのエース, ハートのA, ハートのA(エース), Ace of Hearts, Heart no A (Ace)
A collection of three short stories.- Ace of HeartsAkizuki Akira is the Jaguars' ace, but even he can't beat the Elephants' star player Edajima. When Sakura Misao joins the team it seems like they might have a chance, but Akira can't stand to be shown up by a girl and quits the team. Not one to disturb the peace, Misao leaves the Jaguars to find a new team, but when she finds a spot with the Elephants, who will win the final showdown?- TeensThe morning of his first day at a new school, Wakamatsu Jirou accidentally helps capture a dangerous criminal, and rumours spread like wildfire. Now a living legend, he's the first and only line of defense against the delinquents that make everyone's lives miserable. Only problem is, he doesn't know the first thing about fighting!- Fresh Leaves in the WindClass 5 wants to win the upcoming girls' softball tournament, but with school idol Yamazaki Misa on class 2's lineup, not even their own male classmates want to cheer for them. When an unathletic yet perceptive student by the name of Mizutani Hiroshi offers his aid as their coach, he might just be the perfect secret weapon.
ハートのプレゼント -  Present of the heart
The second story of the 5 short stories in the volume work Kakattekinasai! Iida is one of the best basketball players. He even has his own cheering section. Tsubaki finds herself staring at him while she practices her shoots. But her team is not even good. And if they don't find a way to win the next basketball game, their team might get canceled!
H-ero逆境の斗牌, Hero (MAEDA Jiro), Hero (MAEDA Jirou), HERO -逆境の闘牌, HERO -逆境の闘牌-, HERO -Gyakkyou no Touhai-
Set in 2002, three years after the death of Akagi Shigeru, this sequel to Ten - Tenna Toori no Kaidanjichronicles Hiroyuki's quest to follow the late Akagi's advice and live life freely even if it means complete failure.