
Yuma, un estudiante universitario, se encuentra con su hermano gemelo Touma en el campus de la escuela. Los dos, que se habían separado debido al divorcio de sus padres, se regocijan en su reencuentro por primera vez en siete años. "No hubo día en que no pensara en mi Touma favorito", "Estemos juntos de nuevo". Los siete años de caminar, a pesar de tener la misma cara y la misma sangre, fueron completamente diferentes. Yuma y Touma son una mezcla de sentimientos de amor y lujuria, compasión y celos. ¿Qué tipo de destino les espera a los gemelos que están a merced del instinto de Omegaverse? ¡La octava serie del proyecto de distribución de una sola historia "serie de pendientes perforados" de Genet, una obra pervertida de Omegaverse del nuevo escritor Satomi Chi!
And So, They Were Both Bottoms -  Neko to Neko no Owaranai Yoru -  The Endless Night of Two Bottoms -  ネコとネコの終わらない夜
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
猫耳メイドさんとお嬢様 -  Nekomimi maid-san to ojou-sama
nekokei kanojoni aisaseresugite komatteimasu -  ねこ系彼女に愛されすぎて困っています
This is a creative girls love manga that is serialized irregularly on instagram☺️.@nekokano_yuriI drew the girls love I wanted to see!I will cry and be happy if you follow me on Instagram ????
Neko to Shugapotto -  猫とシュガーポット
A collection of different oneshots from Yukiko with different themes. The tagline was "not your everyday yuri stories".
This Yandere boy is going to Kill me
A Centaur's Life -  Centaur's Worries
Être un adolescent n'est jamais facile. Surtout pour un centaure ! Himeno est une fille douce et timide qui, comme beaucoup d'adolescentes de son âge, se débat avec les épreuves et les tribulations de l'école secondaire. La différence, c'est que c'est une centaure, mais elle n'est pas seule. En fait, tous ses camarades de classe sont des créatures surnaturelles, portant soit des cornes, des ailes, des queues, des halos, ou un autre appendice du corps surnaturel. Pourtant, malgré leur nature fantastique, Himeno et ses meilleurs amis - Nozomi aux ailes de dragon et Kyoko aux cornes en spirale - sont des adolescents terre-à-terre qui aiment s'amuser et s'attaquer à des questions de vie et d'amour dans un milieu scolaire quotidien généralement normal.
La Editorial de Chie
Novela:La historia gira en torno a una timida y reservada chica llamada Sukuriyaki Chie, quien desde adolescente quiso ser escritora. Con el tiempo fue escribiendo su obra que al final con un poco de valor y voluntad pudo presentar a una editorial: Genki Bunko.std. Lamentablemente, ¡el negocio de las novelas ligeras no podia estar peor! Por lo tanto, es deber de Chie y su novela revivir el negocio de lo destrozado que quedo luego de la Crisis Literaria, siendo ayudada por sus dos amigas y compañeras de casa: Karie Yamashi y Ryuko Mineshima.
A Girl Whose Breasts are a Little Big and is Kinda Pretty -  Una chica cuyas tetas son un poco grandes y es algo linda
Morishima decides to confront a couple of girls that are gossiping about her.(Source: Mangadex)
Class Rep and Delinquent -  Iinchou-chan to Furyou-chan -  委員長ちゃんと不良ちゃん
A challenge at an empty classroom, late afternoon. Prez and delinquent girl face-off, but much to the latter's surprise, Prez hits first![url=][img][/img] Creator's Pixiv[/url]
Dès son plus jeune âge, Claudine se considère comme un garçon et la plupart de son entourage la voit comme telle. Excepté peut-être sa mère qui l'emmène rapidement chez un docteur avec qui la jeune fille gardera contact toute sa vie. Elle lui raconte son histoire, ses rencontres et surtout ses amours, la plupart du temps tragiques...
Motto Chikaku de -  もっと近くで


Chapters 1-2: Cocytus- A girl who cares very much about fitting in, and the girl she falls in love with, who wants to be honest about everything -- including their relationship. How will this work out...?Chapters 3-5: MoratoriumItsuki and Mao are aware of each other's feelings. However, both of them are waiting for the other to confess.
Kolektor -  コレクターズ
Nishi Uko's Collectors is about two women in a relationship who disapprove of each other's spending habits - they both collect their favorite items...
Joshidaisei to OL-san -  女子大生とOLさん
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][img][/img]
Ame Demo Hare Demo -  雨でも晴れでも
Country-born Mikoto and student council member Ren have always spent their time after school together. But one day, that ordinary routine suddenly comes to an end… With Uchouten High School as the stage, the love and youth of these impressionable young girls is about to begin!
Shuang Jing -  双镜 -  雙鏡
In the Republic of China, famous Shanghainese author Xu Youyi has everything anyone could want-- until the day an anonymous letter arrives, revealing the truth behind her perfect life. Betrayed by both her best friend and her husband, she meets Yan Wei, the outwardly cold but inwardly warm owner of a photography studio. They click instantly, both independent yet in harmony with one another. Growing closer in the turbulent dangers that surround them, the two different women soothe the scars within each other's heart. Will they be able to save each other?
Cunni ~Noroi no Les Play~ -  クンニ ~呪いのレズプレイ~
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Fanbox[/url]
cylcia=code -  シルシア=コード
Kanata and his friends must find a way to return to their original bodies after they're trapped in the real world as their game avatars.
Collection OneShot yuri de Cutlet Warrior.
Good Morning, Lin Qing -  早上好,林清同学 -  茑萝物语短篇集
Cutlet Warrior's yuri oneshot collection.
Daigaku-chan x SMA -  ダイガクちゃん×はいすくーる!
Tokyo Daigaku Yuriver City High School. ---also known as Daigaku High School. Here lies a group of high school girls with rich personalities.There's Chuou-chan, who wants to make a splash (her hobby: acquiring qualifications). Mage, who works as a model and has lots of friends. Tsukuba, a smart but eccentric girl. Waseda, who's passionate about both literature and arts. Keio, who's excellent in every direction.Take a look at the yuri-scented student life of the JKs~!
In the mountains of M prefecture, villagers are disappearing.“Something is slicing people apart” was the final message desperate police managed to yell through the radio, before disappearing.Specialized in hunting monsters, two highschool girls begin their hunt!This bloody occult, action-packed Yuri is for sale in Young Jump 2!
Dark Arts MasterDarkArtsMaster - Kuroki MahoutsukaiDarkArtsMaster - The Dark MageDarkArtsMaster
Bella, une fille avec de faibles compétences en magie, fréquente l'académie de magie Anziffollon. Désespérément sur les traces du rêve d'une certaine personne, elle finit par mettre la main sur une magie interdite...
惑わせる女たち -  Madowaseru Onna-tachi -  Les femmes trompeuses -  Madowaseru Onnatachi


Deux idiotes assises en diagonale l'une par rapport à l'autre.
We are polar opposites, and we attract. Qi Fei finally became the leader of the school girls basketball team, and once again met the senior she'd been admiring all this time! The tsundere fangirl tries her best to hide it, but the senior seems to know everything? Will Qi Fei help her senior find back her basketball dream, or will she confess her feelings towards the senior first? I thought this would be clear enough but yes this is shoujo ai.