
- Hito Ni Yasashiku- Shoujo wa sore wo gaman dekinai- Shoujo wa sore wo gaman dekinai -rewrite-
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha dj - Kiss x Kiss x Kiss -  Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha dj - Stand By Your Side -  Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - Kiss x Kiss x Kiss -  Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - St
Nanoha and Fate take a day off and share some sweet moments together in the morning.
Magical Girl SPEC-OPS ASUKA -  Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka -  Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka -  魔法少女特殊战明日香 -  魔法少女特殊戦あすか
Due to the invasion of Disas—enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead—mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power...Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviours of humanity, those magical girls called "The Magical Five" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
Mai Z-HiME Zwei -  Mai-Otome Zwei -  Mai-Otsu Hime Zwei -  My-Otome Zwei -  My-ZHiME Zwei
My-Otome Zwei a lieu un an après les événements de My-Otome. Arika est maintenant un Otome à part entière (bien que toujours sous la tutelle de Mlle Maria, car elle a reçu suffisamment de crédits pour obtenir son diplôme) et Nagi est incarcérée dans une prison quelque part en Bélier. Les différentes nations sont en paix les unes avec les autres et envisagent de tenir des S.O.L.L.T. (Strategic Otome Limitation Talks) pour discuter de la limitation du nombre d'Otome.Une mission de destruction d'un météore menaçant d'entrer en collision avec Earl déclenche une série d'événements qui aboutissent à l'attaque d'une mystérieuse silhouette obscure par Garderobe et plusieurs Otome ainsi qu'à une nouvelle version plus puissante de Slave qui apparaît sur la planète. Pour empirer les choses, la reine Mashiro disparaît suite à une dispute avec Arika. La série suit les recherches d'Arika sur Mashiro ainsi que les tentatives de Garderobe pour découvrir la vérité derrière ce personnage fantomatique.Traduit avec
女仆与万有引力 -  百合苑中二三事
Usually about messing around, infrequent updates. Translated with author permission for MD only.Author Weibo: // @楽弌_思慕Author Twitter: @Rakuichi_simu
Hacerte Feliz
Una historia de amor sana con una premisa escalofriante. *Hay alguien que te hará feliz. Te guste o no. Anna lo sabe todo sobre la felicidad. ¿Por qué no lo haría ella si pasa todos los días de su vida persiguiendo todo tipo de placeres? Un día, Anna se encuentra con un juego que parece un típico "Tamagotchi" (Mascota Virtual) en el que el jugador tiene que cuidar de una mascota. Pero resulta que esta mascota es una persona viva. Una mujer.
Yumi demande ce que Sachiko aime et n'aime pas...
Motoo no Sōshiki de Deatta Onna to Kekkon suru Hanashi -  元夫の葬式で出会った女と結婚する話
Jean Bart X Massachusetts Doujin Yuri series by 天月城(pixiv)/@amdkhtk(Twitter) (Follow The Pixiv artist for the raws and lewd pics of these two.)
Masked Love -  가면의 정사
AkogaLady wo Momi Time -  あこがレディをもみタイム
Maki Oota has just finished her training to work at a massage parlor by women for women. For her evaluation, she needs to pick a senior employee to massage like a real customer—so she chooses the senpai she admires, Yamada.
Osoroi -  お揃い
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
Enmusubi no Ki -  Pohon Perjodohan -  縁結びの木
[url=][img][/img] Author’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Author’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Author's Fanbox[/url]
A user of green magic and fragrance -  The wielder of green magic and scent -  緑の魔法と香りの使い手
Misuzu, a female college student who loves herbs, noticed one day in a lush forest. What a different world where magical power and monsters exist! It was the hunter Alex who helped her when she was about to be attacked by a monster. Misuzu offers to treat his injury in gratitude. When a compress is applied using herbs, his arm, which had been stuck due to a curse, immediately moves …!? A reincarnation fantasy that heals a different world with the magic of herbs given by the goddess, the long-awaited comicalization!
Mirumiru mi Rumi -  みるみるみるみ
Originally published on Twitter,a story of a girl that though herself independent, but was dependent.It may be a little unpleasant.
Everyone is Inside My Stomach -  みんな私のはらのなか -  大家都在我的肚子里
Moriyama Seiko seems to have it all. She’s pretty, she has a good job, and she has men lining up to ask for her hand in marriage. But she has two problems. One, she loves food, and most people are horrified by the amount she eats. Two, she’s in love with her roommate, Umino Nagisa, the only person who accepts her and her incredible appetite. Seiko's been in love with Nagisa since they were in high school, almost a decade, but hasn’t been able to tell her how she feels. This is a story about delicious food and disguising your feelings.
Shen Jing -  蜃景
I'm afraid that your smile is merely a boring lie, just like a mirage on a fine summer's day.[url=]Artist's Weibo[/url]
The Snail Girl -  田螺姑娘
Onna shujin to jochū-chan -  女主人と女中ちゃん
A Nagori Yu project, originally posted on twitter, compiled in pixiv
Mizuno-san Of The Waterside -  水辺の水野さん
Sagawa-san is a high school girl with a personality that can't abandon people in need.She goes to visit her classmate Mizuno-san, who was absent from school, but she sees her outrageous state...!?(It's a 3 parts one-shot, each 20 pages. It's unknown if this will get serialized)[*][url=]Author's Pixiv[/url][*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
Mob Ojisan desu ga Otome Game no Heroine ni Narimashita -  Mobu Ojisan desuga Otome Gemu no Hiroin ni Narimashita -  モブおじさんですが乙女ゲームのヒロインになりました
This is a story about a mob ojisan who, one day, suddenly becomes the heroine of an otome game.TL/N: Mob in this case means NPC instead of gangster