Japan is hit by a series of monumental natural disasters that leave the country fragmented and its people devastated. Follow the lives of its citizens as they deal with massive emigration to refugee camps on the Asian mainland and try to solve the political task of rebuilding their nation.A Spirit of the Sun is also a retelling and melding of two well-known stories in Japan. The setting is directly lifted from the early '70s disaster science-fiction book and movie "Nippon Chinbotsu," (Japan Sinks) while many of the characters are allegorical to the key players in the Eastern classic "Sangokushi" (The Three Kingdoms). Sangokushi aficionados may discover greater entertainment by watching the characters in A Spirit of the Sun closely to spot these resemblances.From Kaiji Kawaguchi, the author of Silent Service, Eagle and Zipang (as well as the artist for Confession).A Spirit of The Sun received the 2006 Shogakukan Manga Award for the seinen/general category along with Rainbow by Masasumi Kakizaki and George Abe.
Yamagami is a small hamlet in Kyuushuu, the mountainous region in the south of Japan. Today, this village is inhabited only by old people still living in the rhythm of tradition and communion with nature. The return of one of the village youths, pursued by yakuza, will overturn life in this little world, spared until now from modernization. These sinister gangsters intend to seize this enchanted spot and trash it. Will Yamagami come to experience the harshness of the modern world?
Kazura, un employé ordinaire remporte un jour à la loterie 4 mille millions de Yens. Pour fuir les demandeurs d'argent, il se réfugie dans une maison dans un coin reculé.
Early one New Year's morning, the rounin Senou Souichirou appears in Edo's Katagi tenements.Initially, the inhabitants regard him with fear and suspicion: Kankichi, the carpenter's son, thinks he may not be human; the neighbourhood cats remark that he reeks of blood. But soon Souichirou pawns his sword, and, with a bamboo replica at his waist, settles down to a quiet life as the neighborhood school-teacher.Months pass, and all appears to be well. But trouble will not leave the Katagi tenements alone ...
The exploits of Takeru Ichimonji, the summoner of Spirit Words, explode across the pages of this first-ever full-color, computer graphic comic! Written and illustrated by Buichi Terasawa, author of Cobra and a pioneer of digital comics.
- The synopsis is not the same as, the B.A.W version, I used the B.A.W synopsis because it was just easier than my TLer to translate it. - So please stop changing this descriptioin as they are actually not the same...
La présidente trop fière, la petite secrétaire timide, la princesse diamant noir sud-africaine, la garde du corps féminin des forces spéciales et un mangeur de carottes vous passionneront. Quel genre de passion ? Un coup du destin ou un coup de l'esprit, le maître de génie, vous amènera à apprécier la vie d'assistant différemment.
テイルズ オブデスティニーディレクターズカット-儚き刻のリオン- - テイルズオブデスティニー ディレクターズカット - -儚き刻のリオン- - Tales of Destiny - Hakanaki Koku no Lion - Tales of Destiny - Hakanakikoku no Lio
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game "Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut", which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
Terresia est un monde dont les habitants vivent paisiblement grâce à la bénédiction de l’Arbre Géant. Un jour, ce monde est attaqué par le Dévoreur (un démon venu d’un autre monde) qui en détruit la terre. Les habitants de Terresia vivent dans la peur de perdre leur monde.L’Arbre Géant qui protégeait Terresia et ses habitants du Dévoreur s’affaiblit et perd ses pouvoirs. Kanonno vit dans la petite ville d’Ailily et est une apprentie de la Guilde nommée Ad Libitum dont le but est d’aider les habitants et de faire régner la justice.
Tales of Xillia 2 is set one year after the events of Tales of Xillia, in Elenpios, which currently remains in harmony with Liese Maxia. However, due to the two world's differences in culture and terms of opinion, they also remain in opposition. Elenpios is a highly technological world where the residents live in prosperity. The residents of Elenpios continued to fear the people of Liese Maxia by calling them "monsters" due to their ability to use Spirit Artes, which are rare skills in Elenpios. After the events in Tales of Xillia, mana begins to decrease in both worlds, which causes the Liliale Orbs to lose their power, and they are later replaced by Arrowcell Orbs.We follow the story of a twenty-year-old man, Ludger Will Kresnik, currently living with his older brother in a city called Trigraph in Elenpios. He excels in cooking. During his first day of work, his brother, Julius, is nowhere to be found, which begins putting him in debt.Based on the role-playing game of the same name by Bandai Namco Games.
As a boy, Taishi saved a tiny chick being bullied by its brothers and sisters. And now it’s grown up into a hot girl who wants to do his every bidding! Did we mention she lays eggs, too?
Cette comédie manga "érotique" est centrée sur Ayane Kurozumi, une belle détective qui a des jambes qui peuvent tout faire tomber. Elle accepte divers emplois, à condition d'obtenir une compensation financière appropriée.
Tama and Aoi are friends from childhood. Tama is a shrine maiden that is not allowed to ever leave the village she grew up in because if she does, a terrible curse will unfold. Very much unlike Aoi, who's a normal girl and is free to do whatever she wants with her life. When Aoi's parents die, she has to move out of the village. To her dismay, Tama follows her in order to make sure Aoi fulfills a promise she made to her when they were younger...
Hayato est un lycéen qui pratique le kendô avec peu de ferveur, contrairement à sa voisine Sakura qui s’applique avec passion. Alors qu’ils découvrent un vieux sabre dans la remise de la maison de Hayato, les deux amis sont brusquement projetés dans le passé...Et plus précisément en 1864, une période agitée dans l’histoire japonaise où se heurtent les partisans de l’Empereur et ceux du Bakufu (le gouvernement militaire). Dans ce milieu hostile où ils sont poursuivis par des tueurs, Hayato découvre que le sabre qui était dans sa remise n’est pas ordinaire et que lui-même détient une force hors du commun. Heureusement, car il en aura bien besoin pour tenter de regagner son époque...
One day, Miwa's little brother came home late from playing by the Tama River with one of his friends and an adult man. He convinced Miwa to come meet the man, claiming he looked like Johnny Depp. Miwa and her friend Aya come to meet him after school and discover that was a total lie.However, Miwa finds herself drawn to the goofy young man, whose name is Haruo. To Aya's annoyance, Miwa develops a major crush on him and talks about him constantly. But could anything come of this crush, since Miwa is a first year high school student and Haruo is an adult? Miwa starts to get to know Haruo, meeting him day after day, there by the Tama River.
Basically, some humans have the ability to negate a sphere of reality, neatly removing it from existence. This gradually alters their appearance until they become a hideous alien, with a giant eye in their forehead.
Son corps a des capacités différentes, mais il n'a trouvé aucun moyen de les utiliser dans le monde réel. Tout ce qu'il peut faire est d'être un tueur professionnel. Après être allé dans un monde différent, où il n'y a que des combats ou la mort sur le champ de bataille, sa force apparaîtra différemment. Il s'appelle Tang Yin ...
L'histoire est centrée sur Minemori Kotoha, une femme à qui l'on a proposé un travail à la "Section antidétective" de la société de recherche Suma, et sur Sasaki Rena, son unique enquêteur. Cette section se concentre sur le déracinement des détectives corrompus et leur retrait de leurs postes. Alors que les deux femmes passent leurs journées à enquêter sur des flics véreux, un nouveau criminel commence à faire son apparition...
"C'est mieux que je ne le pensais professeur". Sung-min, qui est passé d'un paria tyrannique à l'école à un homme d'affaires prospère, rencontre par hasard son ancien professeur principal dans un club. Sung-min décide de profiter de l'occasion pour se venger de l'enseignant, qui est resté sans rien faire et a permis à Sung-min d'être intimidé...
Choi Ki-tae a rejoint son premier emploi après tous ses efforts. Lors de son premier jour de travail, une jeune et belle chef d'équipe l'a appelé "oppa" et... "Oppa, tu m'as vraiment manqué...". Que va-t-elle lui faire ?
C’est à la fin de son année scolaire que Fah découvrit qu’elle était enceinte de son petit ami. Malgré son jeune âge, elle décida de prendre ses responsabilités et de garder cet enfant sans en parler ni à sa famille ni au père du petit.
"The death of a 19 year old high school girl. This is the story of the men that surrounded her." In his last year of his teenager years, Ju Younghwa (19) was confronted with the death of his classmate and friend. Now he and others who held a connection to this girl must cope with her death and continue on with their lives.
Houdzuki Maika is a high school girl who, in a sense, is never alone. Her twin brother Maito, who could not survive birth, lives inside of her and shares her body. They switch between who gets to live each day and they share most of their memories. However, the only times they get to see and talk to each other is when they are both asleep, where they share the same dream. Perhaps as a result of this supernatural existence, they are to see ghosts. There will surely be many mysterious incidents ahead for these twins to face!
Notre maître de cérémonie découvre que son école l'oblige à se joindre à un club et qu'au cours de sa recherche hésitante, il tombe sur une femme de la classe supérieure qui tente des tours de magie dans sa salle de réunion. Mais Senpai a un énorme trac et maintenant qu'elle a un public, ses tentatives sont tout simplement comiques et aboutissent généralement à des situations sexuelles avec elle.Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator
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