
Saint Seiya THEN: Flores na Ruína
Dans la province de Saiunkoku, Kou Shuurei est une jeune fille issue d'une noble famille mais qui est assez pauvre. Elle vit dans une vaste demeure avec son père Shouka et Seiran, un jeune homme que ses parents ont recueilli alors qu'elle était encore enfant. Pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille, Shuurei cumule les petits boulots et ne recule devant rien. Elle est prête à tout pour gagner un peu d'argent. C'est pourquoi, le jour où le Grand Conseiller Shao Taishi se présente chez elle et lui propose un marché en échange d'une importante somme d'argent, celle-ci accepte sans réfléchir.Pour pouvoir bénéficier de cette somme, Shuurei devra intégrer le Gynécée impérial et incité l'empereur, Shi Riuuky, à accomplir son devoir de souverain. En effet, celui-ci ne semble pas très enclin à gouverner. Shuurei devra user de persévérance et d'habilité pour amener Riuuky à comprendre que le peuple a besoin de lui.
Gensomaden Saiyuki, Saiyuuki
Having been assigned by the human elders the mission of stopping a mystical plague that has afflicted the Youkai with madness, Genjyo Sanzo assembles his team of Youkai warriors, desperately hoping that the disease will not affect them. He sets up qualifying tests that will help him determine the loyalty and worth of Cho Hakkai, Son Goku and Sha Gojyo. The team then journeys west to rid the land of madness.

Saiyuki Ibun

最游记前传 -  最游记异闻
La jeunesse de Houmei, futur Komyo Sanzo alors sous l'autorité de Maître Jikaku à Taisouji. Dans ce temple, l'enseignement y est réputé comme étant le plus difficile, et ce afin d'atteindre le même but, devenir le successeur de Triptika. Ce titre très convoité confère à son porteur la tâche de protéger le "Tenchi Kaiken" qui permet de sauver le monde .
最遊記RELOAD, Saiyuuki Reload
The fearsome foursome continue their journey west towards Shangri-La, encountering new challenges and new adventures along the way. Their legend precedes them, but not always in the way one might expect. The Minus Wave that apparently drove all the youkai in the land mad looks like it might have missed one, as Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai and Goku meet a lone guardian and the band of children he cares for. Fear and misunderstanding run throughout this particular leg of the journey, including between the members of the Sanzo group!
坂道のアポロン, 坂道上的阿波罗
Nishimi Kaoru has moved from city to city and school to school because of his father’s job. So the first day at his new school was just routine for him. Being intellectual and the new transfer student, he has always been seen as an outcast and all Kaoru had to do was bare it until the next time he moved. But things were slightly different this time. First, he started to get close to the class president, Mukae Ritsuko, and, secondly, unlikely as it seemed, grew closer to Kawabuchi Sentaro. Sentaro was infamous for getting into fights, skipping class and was an overall bad boy. Strangely enough, the three of them find common ground in music, namely jazz, and Kaoru finds himself actually enjoying the new town.
鎖国恋愛 -  Love Story in the Isolated Island -  Sakoku Renai
Another dead body has washed ashore, and the adorably cute, pony-tailed doshin Aki wants to find the murderer. Instead he meets mysterious Kuga who seems to know more than he is willing or can say, but what else needs to be said as Kuga captures Aki's lips? Are Kuga's feelings real or is he trying to distract Aki from his investigation?
A collection of one-shots.• The Cherry Tree CorrespondenceA sweet story set in the Taisho period.• Snowflakes Fluttering Down Through the Clear SkyA love story about a princess and a knight.• Wishing on a StarTwo friends deal with grief.• The Cherry Tree Correspondence: Another StoryAnother pair of girls begins exchanging letters.• Goshujin-sama to IsshouA "PET" is a love animal, created for the express purpose of pleasing their master. This is a short story of how one PET became endeared to her master, and vice versa.
Cherry Blossom Hunting, The Hunt for Cherry Blossoms
Sakura Gari is gorgeous Taishou Era romantic story, ten years in the making. It centers around the 17 year old Tagami Masataka as he is aiming to find his place in life. While attempting to start prep school as a rounin he encounters Saiki Souma, the son of a distinguished noble of the Saiki Koushyaku family and becomes part of the Saiki household .It seems as though this will be the story of Tagami's life, taking us through both him growing up physically and emotionally. Be aware that there is sexual and yaoi (boy x boy) content within this story. The first chapter is only getting us started...
Sakura Hime Kaden, Sakura Princess Legend, Sakura-hime Kaden, Prinzessin Sakura (german), Princess Sakura Legend, The Legend Of Princess Sakura (loose
Sakura is a princess who lives alone with a few maids in a mansion deep in the mountains. She's been engaged to the prince of the country since she was born. She doesn't like that fact, as she wants to decide her fate on her own. However, one day, a messenger from the prince suddenly came to take her to the capital...
さくら十勇士, 樱的十勇士, Sakura Jūyūshi, Sakura Juyushi
傻女闯天关, 大正小町事件帖櫻の一番!, 櫻の一番!, Sakura's Best, Taisho Komachi Jikenchou Sakura no Ichiban!
A young girl named Hinomori Asami starts her studies at the Sakura Hill School for Girls in Tokyo, but the capital is a dangerous place, and mysteries abound.
桜雪, 桜雪 ichtys作品集, Sakura Snow
1) No One Can Do ItHajime is a wandering samurai, who carries a musori sword and is aiming for the top. His goal is to have a fight with the famous Muichi, but upon his arrival in a village his sword gets stolen. And to top it all Muichi turns out to be… 2) ShenziThe year is 2007 A.D. The advance of civilization has led to remarkable achievements. Those achievements have paved a way for a project which successfully used neural energy to evoke the latent abilities in humans. Those who gained powers beyond the average humans are called Shenzi. 3) Snow-like Cherry BlossomsOne day problem student Karukami gets off on the wrong train station. There he meets Sakura Kisaragi, a cheerful girl that is waiting for her lost dog. A heartwarming story about trust and life. 4) Tower of BabelIn the Tower of Babel people live while they are served by robots. But something goes wrong and the robots turn against humans, it is now up to violent princess Reiche and the swordsman Farose to make things right.
桜姫華伝 -  櫻華姬傳 -  Sakura Hime Kaden -  Sakura Princess Legend -  Sakura-hime Kaden -  Prinzessin Sakura (German) -  Princess Sakura Legend -  The Legend of Princess S
Mugen is a fierce animal-like warrior with a unique Bboying (break-dance) inspired fighting style. Jin has a more traditional style but this is no weakness because his skills are amazing. The two contrasting samurai warriors are far from friends, yet their separate paths seem to cross anyways. Mugen is wandering aimlessly through the city when he stumbles upon a teahouse where he meets Jin and Fuu (A ditzy waitress, but don't think she doesn't have anything hidden up her sleeves). Fuu convinces them both to come with her in search of a mysterious samurai that smells like sunflowers and their journey begins. This is a story about love, friendship and courage... NOT!
サムライディーパーキョウ, サムライディーパーKYO, 鬼眼狂刀, SDK
The story is set in the Edo period of feudal Japan. It revolves around Yamada Asaemon, nicknamed Kubikiri Asa (literally "Neck-chopper Asa", often transliterated as "Decapitator Asaemon"), a ronin who is responsible for testing new swords for the shogun. The character is based on a real-life line of sword-testers who served the Tokugawa Shogunate up to the early 19th century. -- Wikipedia
Crónicas del viento (Spanish) -  Kaze no shō -  Kniha větru -  Księga Wiatru -  O Livro do Vento - Os Manuscritos Secretos da Família Yagyu -  Yagyū hichō - Kaze no shō -  Yagyuu Hichou -  Yagyuu Hichou - Kaze no Shou -  柳生秘帖 風の抄 -  柳生秘帖・風の抄 -  柳生秘帖~柳生十兵衛 風の抄~
From the pages of history comes the legend of the Samurai Jubei and the book he was pledged to protect. Now that book has been stolen and Jubei must retrieve it before Japan descends into bloody civil war.
サムライうさぎ, 武士兔精神
The main character Udagawa Gosuke has received his father's dojo, mainly because his father and older brother were made to commit hara-kiri. He wasn't really supposed to get it simply because he's a second son. But due to the way his pops and brother died, he doesn't have a whole lot of self confidence, so he practices fencing day-by-day at a nearby dojo. However, because the people at that dojo are asses, he soon tries to invent a dojo and a style for people who just enjoy it.However what really sets this aside from most shounen is that the main male and female characters are actually married. (At age 15 no less!)The girl Utagawa Shino is the younger sister of his senpai, and is a bit...weird, to say the least. She makes rabbit masks to help bring in a bit of money, although to say that she's obsessed with rabbits would be an understatement. She claims it's because "the rabbits will someday reach the moon." When Gosuke invents his new dojo, he decides to make a style of swordsmanship known as "Rabbit Style Fencing."
サムライたちの明治維新 -  The Samurai of the Meiji Restoration
Ten Miles of peach blossoms
Au travers de coïncidences totalement improbables, un homme et une femme ne cessent de se rencontrer encore et encore, dans trois vies différentes.Qu'adviendra-t-il de leur amour dans le monde des immortels ?
Katsura -  Monster Prince Sequel -  Plastic Plasma -  Sound Masturbation -  サンビカ 本仁戻作品集 -  聖歌禮讚
1) Sanbika2) Killing Moon3) Vita Maquinicalis4) Monster Prince5) Farewell, Mizuhara6) AfterwordShort blurbs by the author on each of the works published in the collection.7) Secret of the BeehiveA youth decides to leave home once he was able to. What is he running away from? Or is he just pacing in circles?8) KatsuraSet during the period nearing the end of WWII, youths are still being educated to place their country above their own lives. In their solitude, they question the value of losing their lives for a war that they are losing.9) Plastic PlasmaGang wars are rife amongst the high schoolers, but a deeper struggle is brewing underneath all that false bravado.10) Author's InterviewShort Q & A with Motoni Modoru.11) Sound MasturbationStory on the contentious relationship between a right hand man and his master.From Nakama:In a future filled with despotic rulers, alternative science and questionable morals a young man named butterfly faces off with his ruler. Both are ruthless, cruel and more then a little uncaring of any other human life. Who will win in this oncoming showdown?12) Sequel, Monster PrinceThe king is on his death bed and his only wish is to see his beloved brother once again. And with a flash of light, an ethereal being appears... Alas! Whilst beautiful, it was not the face he knows.* The first 5 works were first published in Kaibutsu Ouji.


San Du
Puis-je te mordre ?
三国恋战记~少女的兵法~, 三国恋戦記~オトメの兵法!~, Heihou!, Sangoku Koi Senki, Sangoku Koi Senki - Otome no, Sangoku Rensenki, Sangoku Rensenki ~Otome no Heihou!~
Yamada Hana, a high school girl, woke up and found herself in a strange land after being enveloped by a bright light that came out from a mysterious book. There, Hana met a young man named Gentoku, and ended up staying with him and his army as "Koumei's disciple"…
三國志 (YOKOYAMA Mitsuteru), Records of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sangokushi (YOKOYAMA Mitsuteru), The Records of the Three King
A manga adaptation of the famous Chinese literary classic, Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


Ji-Hae est éperdument amoureux de son camarade de classe Seung-Hyu. Elle a fait tout ce qu'elle pouvait pour pouvoir gagner son affection, mais en vain. Lorsque son dernier régime franchit la ligne, Seung- Hyu décide qu'il en a assez ... et la pousse involontairement au bas d'un escalier ! Ji-Hae se réveille dans l'au-delà, pour apprendre que ce n'est pas son heure n'est pas venue. Mais pourquoi revenir en arrière quand l'amour de sa vie la déteste à mort ? La possibilité de voyager dans le passé pour réparer cette relation dans une vie antérieure est accordée à Ji-Hae. Pour se rapprocher de Seung-Hyu du passé de soi-même, Ji -Hae se déguise elle-même comme un garçon et se joint à la Hwa-Rang, une équipe Coréenne de tir à l'arc d'élite dont les membres sont tous des Bishonens !
I am Sarutobi! -  Ore wa Sarutobi da! -  おれは猿飛だ!


Morihei Ueshiba est un garçon chétif et peu doué pour les études sauf dans le domaine des arts martiaux. Revivez des moments historiques qui ont marqué le Japon au début du XXe siècle, la colonisation d’Hokkaido, l’élaboration du Mandchoukouo et enfin la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Suivez Morihei dans ces années d’errances et de pratiques martiales à travers ces bouleversements de l’histoire et assistez à la naissance de l’Aïkido avec l’aide de son élève Morihiro Saïto.

Savage Garden

새비지 가든
XVIIIème siècle en Angleterre, Gabriel , une fille orpheline d'une famille noble tombée se lie d'amitié avec un jeune homme nommé Jérémy, qui a été répandu pour être un enfant illégitime d'un noble.Après un incident survenu, Gabriel doit emprunter l'identité de son ami Jérémy, prenant sa place à l'académie de garçons nobles, un endroit qui peut sembler comme le paradis pour les autres, mais cette académie cache vraiment une rudesse qu'elle n'aurait jamais imaginée.
Guhaejuseyo -  Gongjunim -  구 해주세요 공주님 -  구해주세요 -  공주님 - 
La princesse gâtée s'apprête à sauver le royaume ! Claudia, la princesse gâtée du Royaume du Portugal, a vécu une vie paisible avec son ex-copain. Son frère aîné allait devenir roi, tandis qu'elle allait épouser un beau prince. Elle ne doutait pas qu'il n'y avait que des jours heureux, car une femme l'attendait lorsqu'elle a reçu une demande en mariage. Mais la nuit de la demande en mariage, le Roi Démon a attaqué et le château a explosé.Claudia, qui avait été choisie par l'esprit gardien comme héroïne pour sauver le royaume du danger, est devenue une princesse ruinée et est même larguée par son fiancé... Finalement, elle est partie en voyage pour sauver le royaume, mais pourquoi a-t-elle dû partir avec son ex !