Autrefois, le monde fut ravagé par des guerres incessantes menées dans l’ombre par les Ténèbres. Les divinités Utatai sont intervenues pour restaurer la paix sur Terre. Depuis lors, ces déesses surnommées les Utahime (divas) sont vénérées par les Hommes. L’histoire se déroule dans un monde asservi par les Ténèbres. Nous suivons les aventures sanglantes du guerrier Wan (One), capable de contrôler un Dragon, et Nero, un elfe archer redoutable.(Drag-On Dragoon est un manga inspiré par la série des Drakengard.)
Spinoff to Drag-on Dragoon 3 (localized as Drakengard). The story follows One, a former songstress, and Nero, an Elf practiced with the bow. It begins with the duo massacring their way toward a town's church for salvation...
Son Goku's adventure starts with Bulma crashing into to him while she is searching for the seven magical Dragon Balls, which can grant any wish. Together, they meet many people and many foes in their adventure chasing after the Dragon Balls.
The story covers the time period up to Goku being sent to Earth, and marks the first appearance of Goku's mother Gine in the Dragon Ball franchise.Bardock is out conquering a planet when Frieza decides to eradicate the Saiyans and orders all of them back to Planet Vegeta. Bardock returns home, suspicious of Frieza's actions. Vegeta is out conquering a planet with Raditz and decides to ignore the order. Bardock reunites with Gine, and begins to wonder about his 3-years-old son Kakarot (Goku). Worried that their planet might be met with a terrible fate, Bardock steals an Attack Ball and launches Kakarot out into space. One month later, Frieza arrives to destroy Planet Vegeta.
L'histoire prend place 20 ans après la fin de Dragon Ball. Des extraterrestres d'un autre univers ont trouvé le moyen de voyager entre les différents univers parallèles qui existent - cette théorie reprend donc la théorie des couches selon laquelle un univers différent se crée à chaque fois qu'une bifurcation se présente, pour simplifier - et décident donc d'organiser un gigantesque tournois réunissant les personnes les plus fortes de chaque univers
Adaptation comique des spéciaux par Toei Animation : Sur la planète Vegeta, un Saiyan nommé Kakarrot est né. Son père Bardock obtient bientôt la capacité de voir l'avenir et découvre que Freeza s'est retourné contre les Saiyans. Bardock l'affronte, mais Freeza détruit la planète Vegeta et les Saiyans lorsque Kakarrot est envoyé sur Terre. Ainsi, l'histoire de Dragon Ball commence....Les humains artificiels ont laissé l'avenir dans la confusion, tuant tous les Z Warriors sauf deux... Gohan et Trunks. Comme les deux bataille pour sauver l'avenir, Gohan est tué et Trunks obtient finalement le pouvoir du Super Saiyan. Cependant, même cela ne suffit pas pour vaincre un tel mal, alors le jeune garçon voyage dans le passé à la recherche de l'espoir.
Aussi loin que l'humanité se souvienne, ils ont été terrorisés par des créatures gigantesques et des monstres terrifiants. Au bord de l'extinction, ils se sont rassemblés sur le dernier continent encore sous leur contrôle et ont réussi à se stabiliser.Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque cet équilibre devient incontrôlable ?Une jeune membre du clan du vent se retrouve prise dans cette lutte pour la survie tout en essayant de trouver sa propre place dans ce monde. Sera-t-elle capable de se forger son propre destin ?
Arata was just your normal high schooler, until one day when things started to move. He gets entangled in a phone game called "Dragon Collection". With his only redeeming quality being lucky, what can he do about conquering the World?
Reiji Ozora thinks he's no good at anything--especially schoolwork! Then one day he's introducted to a game called Dragon Drive and gets his very own virtual dragon named Chibi. Small and weak, Chibi appears to be as big a loser as Reiji! But after their first battle, Reiji realizes there may be more to his tiny friend than meets the eyes.
MMORPG le plus populaire au monde, " Hidden Ego "... Un jour, le dragon nommé " Ignis ", qui n'était rien de plus qu'un monstre, prend conscience de lui-même. Et son frère " Tafras " est attaqué par la guilde la plus forte, composée de 6 personnes de haut rang. Après la défaite de Tafras, il est divisé en 6 éléments, qui sont pris par chacun des 6 membres de la guilde. Et Ignis doit tous les vaincre et unir ces objets pour ressusciter son frère ! C'est l'histoire de la vengeance d'un monstre de jeu - Dragon Ego ! genre : webtoon ; éditeur shounen : Groupe d'âge des lecteurs de FANSIA : All story & ; art par Takoongi
Dragon Fist follows the exploits of a young dragon that is exiled from his clan after committing a terrible crime. This particular manga has been published one volume per year for the past 12 years, so the artistic style changes rather drastically as you read further on. It's a kind of chronicle of Katayama Shuu's growth as an artist.
Summary by SnoopyCool: Dragon Fist follows the exploits of a young dragon that is exiled from his clan after committing a terrible crime. This particular manga has been published one volume per year for the past 12 years, so the artistic style changes rather drastically as you read further on. It's a kind of chronicle of Katayama Shuu's growth as an artist (sorry, but I think mangas like that are pretty cool... you know, no need to read a new manga to see the new style, just keep reading the old one).
An RPG-ish gag manga about a half-dragon-half-human girl whose love for a popular idol/dragon-slayer leads her on a quest to find a potion that will make her fully human. Which of course leads her and her friends in a quest to defeat the terrible Demon Lord Azatodeth.
From Tokyopop: Welcome to Kaya, a world where dragons shape people's lives. Some people, hunters, make a living by slaying them. Others, shamans, control them with incantations. Seur-Chong is a hunter with the Dragon's Curse, a condition which gives him incredible strength and stamina, but is slowly killing him. A mercenary, he cares only for money. But as he becomes enmeshed in the intrigue surrounding those who hire the hunters, he finds himself fighting for a cause more noble than anything he'd ever imagined. Of course if he's lucky, he just might come away with a profit and a cure to his curse, as well...
Eastern Europe, 1980s. A Japanese Art student finds a mysterious egg in her new house. Born from it is a small lizard-like creature that shrieks in a strange voice. A new life begins together.
By accidentally swallowing the "mint candy", he became the son-in-law of the Dragon King. The Dragon King is the big boss of the group, and his fiancee is a small pepper. The long tigers are watching, uh, this world is really dangerous...
If you think facing a man-eating witch is dangerous, imagine having to face the one-eyed monster that ate it. In a farcical tale of hijinks and swashbuckling adventures, Rath, Rune ,and Thatz become the Dragon Knights of Fire, Water, and Earth and scour a mystic landscape. Their quests? Fortune, love, and honor. And though they may have to work together, no one says they have to like it. The Dragon Knights are put to the ultimate test when their fighting involves more than just their enemies.
A collection of Dragon Kishidan oneshots and side stories: One Day, Another Day Set before the end of the series, it's basically a side story of a day in the Dragon Castle, kind of in Zoma's perspective. Juuji ni Hikaru Hoshi Takes place before the events of the actual series. This is a back story that shows how Lykouleon and Raselane met, introducing Lykouleon's uncle, Fieruto. Mamono no Mori no Kioku Another backstory that delves a little bit more into the relationship between Bierrez and Cesia before the series started. It also shows how Nadil became the demon lord. Happiest Children This actually has three little side stories in it. The first one is about Rune's dream about everyone dressed in drag, the second is about a little adventure that the three dragons go on, and then the third is like a day in the life of Alfeegi, Ri-ma, and Duma. Crescendo Backstory about how Lykouleon and Kaistern met and how Kaistern then became the Blue Dragon Officer. CONFESSION - Thats This is basically the backstory of Thatz and how he knew about Rath's little secret. CONFESSION - Rath Basically telling a lot about Rath, particularly his relationship with Kaister.
Rin, a girl fresh from the country, is discovered by Dragon Knight Grian to be the new Star Princess, whose job it is to bring good harvests to the kingdom through her prayers. Rin's powers awaken as she tries to bring the barren lands back to life in order to cure the curse that eats away at the Dragon Knights. However, more and more questions turn up!! Rin finds herself caught up in the mysterious murder case of the previous Star Princess Fionnuala! What does the future hold for this country girl?
Three Dragon Knights go on a quest to retreive Demon lord Nadil's head and return it back to their kingdom in Dragoon where the Dragon lord awaits their return. Each dragon knight has their own battle dragon in which they fight demons with. The dragon knight of fire: Rath, a boy with an obsession with killing demons and a mysterious past which has yet to be revealed; the dragon knight of earth: Thatz, a carefree fellow who hungers for food and treasure; the water dragon knight: Rune, a sensitive person to be around and never hesitates to put his fellow knights in their place. These three very different individuals have to work together as "dragon knights". As the story progresses the knights face various challenges that they've never even dreamed of! Preventing the demon lord's revival, saving their kingdom from hordes of demons, saving the faerie race from extinction, collecting three sacred treasures (as well as love) are just some of those making up their list! An awesome must-read series that will keep you entertained all the way!