
Baby Diary

마계 육아일기
Un Yonkoma sur l'histoire du fils du Roi Démon.

Baby Dragon

베이비 드래곤
Eileen de Shia s'est réincarnée en dragon avec les souvenirs de Na Hee-joo, une lycéenne de 19 ans victime d'intimidation. Je suis juste heureux parce que j'aime le pouvoir puis sant que personne qui a connu pour la première fois ne peut vaincre et l'amour et la gentillesse sans compromis de ceux qui m'entouent. Certains font des efforts désespérés pour l'avoir, d'autres pour s'en débarrasser.

Baby empress

아기 황후님
// Réservé par la Blue Flower//L'enfant d'une prophétie est né pour sauver le monde."Je dois me marier pour sauver les gens... ? Je vais faire le mariage !"L'empereur est un jeune garçon innocent.Mais..."Je ne peux pas te donner ma fille ! Elle ne deviendra pas impératrice."Mon père a interféré avec mon mariage !"Ma soeur n'est-elle qu'un jouet pour vous ?"Et mon frère aussi ! ?Serai-je capable de sauver le monde ?
Baby World End -  ベイビー・ワールドエンド -  베이비 월드엔드
Iijima Yuuko is a 16-year-old, introverted highschool girl having trouble making friends with her classmates. Her only friend is her dog, Pochi. One day, as she's taken Pochi for a walk, she encounters Yamada, the #1 handsome guy in the class that all the girls adore. He asks her to come watch his concert at the summer fest. Yuuko goes to the concert all excited, without knowing Yamada's ulterior motives. As she experiences first hand the incurable cruelty of man, she makes the world's most atrocious wish upon the innumerable stars that cover the summer night sky. Pochi, on the other hand, has only one innocent wish: "If I were human, I could tell you that you're not alone..."
배드 엔딩 메이커
Kazuki's had a 16 year grace-period of peace and relative normalcy; smuggled to Japan and raised by a kindly old woman he's grown up to be a bright and friendly boy. His childhood friendship to the girl next door is just beginning to blossom into romance and the death of his ward leaves him with enough character-building angst to set him up for just about any cliche shoujo adventure Yukari Ito has in mind. Unfortunately, Yukari Ito is TOTALLY insane and has decided to make him a vampiric kitten engaged from birth to a Nightmare. (from doki-doki)
Overbearing Loyal Dog Looking for Love -  The Bossy Wooer
Dans sa vie antérieure, il était son garde du corps le plus loyal, mais ils se manquaient à jamais dans cette vie-là à cause d'un malentendu. Dans cette vie, il cherche ses traces, se transforme en un beau garçon, et devient son "trouble" le plus intime ?! Le chemin de l'amour n'est jamais facile.... Qui était la princesse dans ses rêves...Liens:Web ComicOfficial English Translation

Bai He (Lily)

Lily; 百合
Si tu veux te marier, demande à quelqu'un d'autre que moi, ne m'épouse pas.
In the future world, technology runs the universe. An intelligent robot committed many mistakes as he did not fully trust human beings. As his punishment, he lost his job and was sent back into the ancient times. However, the device had accidentally brought him back to Ancient China, where he met a cold yet beautiful snake demon. A series of stories unfold as the two were brought together by fate...
Bai Ze's Bizarre Records, Bai Ze’s Bizarre Collection, 白泽异闻录


Su-Nam qui vivait sans savoir qu'il était une bête. Malheureusement il devient la cible d'une bête en fuite, Si-Yeol finit par le sauver. Mais la surprise est de courte durée, Su-Nam est amené aux anciens qui sont en charge des bêtes. Il est transformé en appât pour les bêtes. Il reçoit une proposition pour résoudre les cas des bêtes en fuite Su-Nam et Si-Yeol finissent par travailler ensemble...
Monster Tale -  MonStory
L'histoire de Bakemonogatari est centrée sur le personnage de Koyomi Araragi, un lycéen de terminale qui a été attaqué par un vampire (puis guéri) peu avant le début de l'histoire. Celui-ci rencontre d'autres personnages atteints de maux paranormaux divers et leur vient en aide.
Baki Side Story - Retsu Kaioh Doesn't Mind Even if it's in another World -  Retsu Kaioh Isekai -  烈海王は異世界転生しても一向にかまわんッッ
After the events of Baki-Dou, the famous Kenpo master Retsu Kaioh wakes up in a new world unknown to him.[b]Note:[/b] This is the official entry, not to be confused with the Doujinshi from Twitter user @sakuramankiti. As of now there is no official cover so the December 2020 issue of Monthly Shonen Champion is being used instead.
ばく, Baku Story
In this collection of paranormal short stories, Takeshi Uesugi finds out that he is the reincarnation of the "Baku," a spirit that devours people's nightmares, while Mephisto "helps" ghosts, demons, and other supernatural spirits. Everyone has a past or memory they can't forget in these terrifying tales of the supernatural!
A long time ago…there was a disease that would cause nightmares and kill people. Doctors and wizards threw in the towel, unable to find a cure. All of a sudden, mysterious magicians appeared. These magicians ate the nightmares of those who suffered from them. It was said that those who had their dreams eaten were able to sleep peacefully.This is the story of “Baku”.
ばく -  Baku -  my story
From Tokyopop: In this collection of paranormal short stories, Takeshi Uesugi finds out that he is the reincarnation of the "Baku," a spirit that devours people's nightmares, while Mephist 'helps' ghosts, demons, and other supernatural spirits. Everyone has a past or memory they can't forget in these terrifying tales of the supernatural!
爆転シュートベイブレード -  爆転SHOOTベイブレード  -  Bakuten Shoot Beblade -  BeyBlade
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade = Beigoma (a Japanese spinning top game) Takao Kinomiya dreams of becoming the best beyblader in the world. Along with his friends Kai, Max, Rei, and Kyoujou, they make the team known as the Bladebreakers. They strive to be the best but don't do it alone... because within each of their beyblades resides a Sacred Spirit that gives them even more power to reach their goals.
Sorcerer Hunters, 爆れつ ハンター,暴走猎人
From Tokyopop: In an age of magic and sorcery, the world is divided between those who have supernatural powers and those who don't. Fighting for justice and against black magic and evildoers everywhere are the Sorcerer Hunters: Gateau, Carrot, Chocolat, Mocha, and the rest of the gang. Their quest is to destroy each of the Platina stones- the objects the evil sorcerers use for creating their black magic - in an entertaining mix of farce and adventure. Read left to right.
Suite de série Bakuten Shoot Beyblade éditée en France chez Panini.
バンフォード侯爵家の執事, 班福德侯爵家的执事, The House Steward of the Bamford Marqis House
While Graham appears cold and stern on the outside, he has quite a salacious affair with one of the butlers, Alex. Is Alex just a toy or will the unflappable countenance crack when someone else threatens to claim Alex?
返魂師, 반혼사, Ban Hon Sa, The Spirit Returner
A series of fairytale-like stories, loosely connected by the ongoing adventures of the enigmatic Hwa Ryungang, a man with strange powers and a connection to the spirit world, and Moohwe, an irrepressible wanderer with a mysterious past.
バナナのナナ, 香蕉娜娜, Nana of Banana, Nana's Banana
On the world that consists of a single giant continent called Dokkanon, most people have some kind of special ability. Those who have a high-ranking ability, such as the ability to control water, are respected and granted much power. Those with low-ranking abilities, such as Nana, who controls bananas, and her best friend Ringo, who has super-powerful legs, have very little power in society. When Nana and Ringo were kids, they were awed by stories from Ringo's adventurer father about a land called Oz, where a god lived who could make any wish come true. Nana and Ringo swore that they would go adventuring together when they were adults. But as time went by, Ringo's father vanished while adventuring, and Ringo became much more aware of the social stigma associated with adventurers. Will the two of them find the strength and courage to follow through with their promise?


Bambi (KUJU Siam) -  バンビ (九重シャム)
Veuillez lire Momo puis Hachi avant de continuer.Mon homme inoubliable pour le reste de ma vie. Bambi est un être humain qui peut se "transformer en ours" lorsqu'il est en colère. Quand il était en primaire, il s'est empêché de se transformer après avoir connu le secret de l'espèce animale. Il a rencontré Ookuma qui était la raison pour laquelle il s'est transformé en ours pour la première fois ! Tourmenté par Ookuma, Bambi s'énerve et les émotions qu'il supprimait débordent."Je te déteste !"Bien qu'il le pensait, il a vu l'apparence d'Ookuma, qui riait d'un cœur brisé et les émotions de Bambi sont devenues celles d'un ours !Un homme qui ne s'habille pas bien x le tsundere homme-bête.Inclut également un extra de Momo.
Immortal and Martial Venerable Emperor
Ye Chen défendit au péril de sa vie l'élixir qu'on lui avait confié, ce dernier se le fit voler et son dantian fut détruit. Et tout ça pour quoi ? Pour finir banni de la secte à laquelle il était dévoué corps et âme... Sa vie prit un tout autre tournant lorsqu'une flamme tombée du ciel, atterit à ses pieds. Grâce à cette dernière, Ye chen pourra à nouveau reprendre le chemin de la culture.
은행의 공녀님
Pipe Wrench Boy
Several thousand years ago, a meteorite fell on Earth. The meteor fragments held a powerful energy, so they became highly sought after items. A war broke out! as a result of the desire of many to acquire the fragments. At the end of the war, the mechanics rebuilt the cities and became the protectors of its inhabitants.
In the Rose Garden -  バラの庭で
Une rose se réveille un jour pour trouver un invité inattendu et importun.