
파공검제 • Regressão da Espada Perfuradora • A Regressão da Espada Destruidora
회귀자 사용설명서
Un jour, Lee Ki-Young fut appelé dans ce monde et enfermé dans un espace non identifiable avec d'autres personnes. À ce moment troublant, il reçut un avertissement inquiétant.[Merci d'utiliser vos compétences et vos attributs afin de survivre.]Compétences ? Attributs ? Il ouvrit sa fenêtre de compétences pour vérifier ses capacités, mais...[Les valeurs des compétences du joueur sont les plus faibles].Alors qu'il désespérait, il aperçut le seul attribut qui lui était accordé. C'était la capacité de voir les compétences et les fenêtres de statut des autres personnes.Afin de survivre, Ki-Young décida d'exploiter les talents des autres, et c'est alors qu'il trouva un trésor : le régresseur, Kim Hyun-Sung.Ce dernier vivait cette vie une seconde fois, un homme au sommet qui avait vu la fin du monde.Nous le ferons ensemble, jusqu'à la fin.
麗怪美男 -  Ostentatious Mysterious Handsome Man (from the Netherworld) -  Rei Ken Bidan 4 -  Reikai Bidan
This is Kayono's first volumized collection of short stories, and all of them center on tales of strange worlds. 1) Ostentatious Mysterious Handsome Man (Rei Kai Bi Dan) - Momoe hates to go home, so she spends her nights wandering the streets. But what happens when she meets a man named Chen So, who's on a special mission!? 2) Ancient Osaka Masquerade Ball - Naniwa Masquerade: Frustrated that her childhood friend Yuan won't look at her like a woman, Ai goes to a host club, and there she finds what she's been waiting for...!? 3) This Love by Anonymous - Asuka is afraid that she'll be forced to become the lover of a man whose ideals are far from her own, so she runs away to Kyoto. There, she falls in love with Takuma, a high school student who's in Kyoto on a field trip. 4) Like a Beautiful Hellish Demon - Naoka is beaten so badly by her stepfather that she loses consciousness and has to be taken to the hospital. There, she meets and falls in love with a hellish demon who feeds upons the souls of humans...


Tout d'abord, ce n'est que dans les moments de gloire que vous devez prononcer le nom de Gunlimdan. Deuxièmement, la tâche est choisie de manière discrétionnaire par le haut responsable. Troisièmement, l'objectif de tout Gunlimdan est de faire régner Danju. Avec cela, l'objectif de Yong Yeon, qui venait de rejoindre Gunlimdan, a été fixé. Prenez le règne de Danju !
麗怪美男; Ostentatious Mysterious Handsome Man (from the Netherworld); Rei Ken Bidan 4; Reikai Bidan
1 - Momoe déteste rentrer à la maison, donc elle passe ses nuits à errer dans les rues. Mais qu'advient-il quand elle rencontre un homme nommé " Chen ", alors qu'il est en mission spéciale !?2 - Frustrée de voir que son ami d'enfance Yuan ne la voit pas comme une femme, Ai se rend à un club d'hôtes et elle y trouve ce qu'elle attend pour... ?!3 - Asuka a peur d'être forcée de devenir l'amante d'un homme dont les idéaux sont loin d'être les siennes si elle s'enfuit de Kyoto. Là, elle tombe amoureuse de Takuma, un élève du secondaire qui est à Kyoto lors d'un voyage sur le terrain.4 - Naoka est sauvagement battue par son beau-père, elle perd conscience et doit être transporté à l'hôpital. Là, elle rencontre et tombe amoureuse d'un démon infernal qui se nourrit de l'âme des humains...
Surviving As a Fish
Seorang bangsawan yang bereinkarnasi, bangkit dengan kemampuan analisis -  Tensei Kizoku, Kantei Skill de Nariagaru ~ Jakushou Ryouchi wo Uketsuida node, Yuushuu na Jinzai wo Fuyashiteitara, Saikyou Ryouchi ni Natteta ~ -  Terlahir kembali menjadi seor
Après avoir été réincarné, Ars Louvent est censé vivre en tant que simple aristocrate dans un autre monde. Sa force physique et son intelligence sont médiocres dans les deux mondes, mais ici il possède naturellement une compétence appelée "Évaluation" qui lui permet de voir le potentiel de toute personne. En rassemblant des personnes talentueuses à ses côtés, Ars utilise cette compétence "Évaluation" pour transformer son territoire vulnérable en un territoire plus fort ! Mais le chemin qui l'attend ne sera pas aussi simple.
Taidana Akuhazukashime Kizoku ni Tensei Shita Ore, Scenario wo Bukkowashitara Kikaku Gai No Maryoku de Saikyou ni Natta
Monogatari no Kuromaku ni Tensei shite -  物語の黒幕に転生して
Pride was the most beautiful omega in the whole kingdom and he was engaged with Ardor, the crown prince. Before marrying Ardor and becoming the Omega empress Pride was beheaded and killed by Ardor in front of the whole kingdom after it was discovered that he was planning a rebellion against Ardor. After dying, Pride reincarnated as a human and read his own novel, discovering the tragic ending of all the characters. Would Pride ever have a second chance?NOTE: THIS WEBTOON IS UPLOADED HERE WITH THE AUTHOR'S PERMISSION AND WITH THE MANGADEX STAFF PERMISSION.
Akuyaku Reijo To Shite Shikei Senkoku Sa Retara Dai Akuma Ni Mede Raremashita
黒幕一家に転生したけど原作無視して独立する -  I Was Reincarnated Into a Villainous Family, But I'll Ignore the Original Story and Live Independently. -  Kuromaku Ikka ni Tensei Shita Kedo Gensaku Mushishite Dokuritsu Suru
Mastering Magic in an Otome Game -  Reincarnated into an Otome Game? Who Cares! I’m Too Busy Mastering Magic! -  Tensei shitara Otome Game no Sekai? Ie, Majutsu wo Kiwameru no ni Isogashii no de sou iu no wa Kekkou desu -  転生したら乙女ゲーの世界? いえ、魔術を極めるのに忙しいのでそういうのは
When the Duke's Daughter Alice was five years old, she realized that her world is exactly like that of a particular otome game. As far as she's concerned, this world where magic and magical beasts are commonplace is paradise?! With good-looking boys and fluffy beasts all around, not to mention her cute school friends and dangerous rivals... what more of a dramatic isekai school life could Alice ask for?
Maou Iburogia ni Mi wo Sasageyo -  魔王イブロギアに身を捧げよ
"Like, make me your woman."The strongest couple appears to conquer another world!?Toshiaki Ushito (commonly known as Goz) is a socially stray person. One day he is shot dead and wakes up--wait what? He was reincarnated in a game world! Moreover, in front of him is the figure of that game's Last Boss, Demon King Ibrogia, who had been longing for a long time! He who was still young before awakening was trembling with loneliness."I fell in love with you... I'm dying to start courtship!?"The lonely demon king x demon king who is on the verge of darkness, the world conquest love (!?) Of such a terrible man, begins now!
Hui Dao Ming Chao Dang Wangye -  回到明朝当王爷(神漫) -  回到明朝当王爷(神漫版)
[La guilde la plus forte, Griffin !]
Un ingénieur mâle a émigré dans un autre monde, et est devenu un prince. Cet endroit ressemble étrangement au Moyen Âge de l'Europe, mais en même temps, semble un peu différent ! Les sorcières existent vraiment, et elles possèdent même des pouvoirs magiques, et ce sont des forces productives ! Sauvez les sorcières, libérez les forces productives ! Ouvrez la carte, combattez les démons, brisez les complots, grimpez dans l'arbre de la science et de la technologie, et ouvrez la voie de l'agriculture hardcore !
리라이프 플레이어 -  Re: Life Player
리라이프 플레이어 -  Re: Life Player
Jaehon Hwanghu -  Second marriage of the Empress -  The Remarried Empress -  Второй брак императрицы -  Императрица вновь выходит замуж -  Императрица снова выходит замуж -  Повторное замужество императрицы -  재혼 황후
Navier was the perfect Empress and a masterful administrator and regent for the empire; however, she and the Emperor were not lovers, and the Emperor wanted a wife, not a colleague. And so, he sought a concubine and placed a secretly ambitious slave girl beside him. That was fine, as she was willing to allow him his concubine of choice... until Navier heard the Emperor promised the slave girl the Empress' position. After much agonizing, Navier decided to marry the king of the neighboring kingdom.A popular web novel adapted to webtoon.[hr]
At the Time When the Love Harem Game's End Announcement Arrives -  Harem Royale ~When the Game Ends -  Renai Harem Game Shuuryou no Oshirase ga kuru Koro ni -  When the End of the Love Harem Game is Announced -  When the Game Ends -  When the Harem Game Ends -  Когда
Kohinata Asunaro is your ordinary perverted high-school student who likes light novels and romance games. He has no interest in having a "3D" girlfriend and is content just fantasizing on the pretty girls of his school to create his own imaginary harem. But one day he accidentally releases Zepfur, a demon who promises to make his fantasies a reality.The day after, one of those girls, Furuwada Serika, is summoned by Zepfur and explained the rules of a game: the girls of Asunaro's "harem" must earn points by competing for his affection. The winner will be the one whom Asunaro chooses as his sole girlfriend… and the losers will experience an infinite loop of horrible deaths in Hell. For Asunaro, it's just a romcom fantasy coming true. For Serika and the others, it's a battle for survival. Published in Monthly Shonen Sirius.
恋愛おとぎ話~ローズ・プティクール -  Alice Love Fables - Rose Petit coeur -  Renai Otogibanashi - Rose Petit Cœur
"I have no interest in a hollow word like eternity. So even if this is to end someday... I'd rather live in the moment." A romance between the Hatter and Alice. He's a man who tends to find most things troublesome, always looking so weary of the world. His jealous streak is almost as strong as his selfishness. The chaotic romance with this mafia boss with his great dislike for boredom is full of twists and turns, an utter mayhem. Fraught with dangers yet laced with tender sweetness, their love story unfolds in the land of mysteries.