
Un ingénieur mâle a émigré dans un autre monde, et est devenu un prince. Cet endroit ressemble étrangement au Moyen Âge de l'Europe, mais en même temps, semble un peu différent ! Les sorcières existent vraiment, et elles possèdent même des pouvoirs magiques, et ce sont des forces productives ! Sauvez les sorcières, libérez les forces productives ! Ouvrez la carte, combattez les démons, brisez les complots, grimpez dans l'arbre de la science et de la technologie, et ouvrez la voie de l'agriculture hardcore !
리라이프 플레이어 -  Re: Life Player
리라이프 플레이어 -  Re: Life Player
Jaehon Hwanghu -  Second marriage of the Empress -  The Remarried Empress -  Второй брак императрицы -  Императрица вновь выходит замуж -  Императрица снова выходит замуж -  Повторное замужество императрицы -  재혼 황후
Navier was the perfect Empress and a masterful administrator and regent for the empire; however, she and the Emperor were not lovers, and the Emperor wanted a wife, not a colleague. And so, he sought a concubine and placed a secretly ambitious slave girl beside him. That was fine, as she was willing to allow him his concubine of choice... until Navier heard the Emperor promised the slave girl the Empress' position. After much agonizing, Navier decided to marry the king of the neighboring kingdom.A popular web novel adapted to webtoon.[hr]
At the Time When the Love Harem Game's End Announcement Arrives -  Harem Royale ~When the Game Ends -  Renai Harem Game Shuuryou no Oshirase ga kuru Koro ni -  When the End of the Love Harem Game is Announced -  When the Game Ends -  When the Harem Game Ends -  Когда
Kohinata Asunaro is your ordinary perverted high-school student who likes light novels and romance games. He has no interest in having a "3D" girlfriend and is content just fantasizing on the pretty girls of his school to create his own imaginary harem. But one day he accidentally releases Zepfur, a demon who promises to make his fantasies a reality.The day after, one of those girls, Furuwada Serika, is summoned by Zepfur and explained the rules of a game: the girls of Asunaro's "harem" must earn points by competing for his affection. The winner will be the one whom Asunaro chooses as his sole girlfriend… and the losers will experience an infinite loop of horrible deaths in Hell. For Asunaro, it's just a romcom fantasy coming true. For Serika and the others, it's a battle for survival. Published in Monthly Shonen Sirius.
恋愛おとぎ話~ローズ・プティクール -  Alice Love Fables - Rose Petit coeur -  Renai Otogibanashi - Rose Petit Cœur
"I have no interest in a hollow word like eternity. So even if this is to end someday... I'd rather live in the moment." A romance between the Hatter and Alice. He's a man who tends to find most things troublesome, always looking so weary of the world. His jealous streak is almost as strong as his selfishness. The chaotic romance with this mafia boss with his great dislike for boredom is full of twists and turns, an utter mayhem. Fraught with dangers yet laced with tender sweetness, their love story unfolds in the land of mysteries.
恋愛おとぎ話~Toy Box~ -  Renai Otogi Hanashi - Toy Box
A collection of stories featuring different characters from Quinrose's otome games—Arabians Lost, Heart no Kuni no Alice, Clover no Kuni no Alice, and Crimson Empire.
Pheromone Kata Chuuihou -  Renai Plus Alpha -  True Love Plus Extra -  フェロモン過多注意報 -  恋愛プラスα -  恋爱加分指数 -  親密接觸心疼心 -  親密接觸長相依
When the last night of the field trip comes around, teachers will throw a party and become less mindful of the students. Whilst students use the great opportunity to run off somewhere, the night becomes a time when everyone can kick off their shoes.Student Search Group Teacher, Natsukawa Hikaru, is in charge of finding delinquents truanting and is most commonly known to be dumb. However, on the hunt of such students, Natsukawa-sensei seems to have caught himself in trouble. Overseeing the innocent Natsukawa-sensei in trouble, illegal leave-taking student, Koga Takaya, comes to the rescue. Having finding an interest in the dumb-witted Natsukawa-sensei, Koga asks for a kiss in return. Not knowing Koga is actually one of the delinquents he is suppose to be looking for, due to his vacuity, Natsukawa-sensei is disturbed to the departed fact that Koga knows exactly who he is. Having become close throughout the story, will Natsukawa realize the fact that he is in love with Koga Takaya, or will his incompetency lead him to loneliness?Contains four oneshots:Side Effect (oneshot) [spoiler]When Itsuki met Washinomiya-sempai, he was a post-graduate, and Itsuki was in the university he attended. Two years later, Washinomiya graduated and got a job, whilst Itsuki was still a student... so they lost contact.Washinomiya found a job at the corporate headquarters of Tanzawa Pharmaceuticals. Wanting to be by his side, Itsuki becomes a guinea pig for Washinomiya-sempai by taking pills. Asking himself a question, Itsuki accidentally slips and awakens to him being shackled to Washinomiya-sempai's bed! In a story of desperation for each other, what will be the outcome, and what exactly are these pills Washinomiya-sempai is giving to Itsuki? Read and unravel the mysteries...[/spoiler]Sore Demo (oneshot) [spoiler]Satoshi Ichirou begins training to be a teacher in two days, so he had to borrow materials from his friend (Itsuki). However, accidentally eating one of the pills Washinomiya created, the pill completely changed Satoshi into a female, only to have a lasting effect of six hours. Looking and thinking like a female, Satoshi is seen to be leaning on a display glass of a female jacket. The store manager sees the suspicious Satoshi and invites him into the store. After trying on an outfit, Satoshi pulls out his wallet to see if he has any money, whilst at the same time a movie ticket floats out onto the ground. Satoshi crouches down to grab the ticket, but at the same time, a man with boxes blocking his view from below topples over Satoshi. Who is this charming man, and what will happen between the two? It is definitely a must read, that will encase your heart to what is known as love at first sight.[/spoiler]Cigar Boy (oneshot) [spoiler]Sugita Nobuyoshi (25 years old) is everyone's acknowledged lolicon, and he admits it himself. Going out and about from the office to fetch a carton of maisen, he is mistaken for an old man and is given a weird brand of cigarettes called 'Cigar Boy' from a mysterious kid who is a boy but happens to look too much like a girl. Not daring to smoke them, Sugita throws the packet away, but curiosity killed the cat and got the better of him. After taking a couple of puffs, a cigarette genie appeared from the smoke and announces that he will grant three wishes! Will Sugita wish for fame, wealth, and power, or will it be something that money can't buy, fame cannot get, and power cannot control: love? The intensity of the story will have every reader on the edge of surprise![/spoiler]Dr. Vamp (oneshot) [spoiler]Tanzawa Chemical Production Second Department new employee Okamoto, seems to be a bit lethargic at the moment. He and fellow colleagues discuss what might be wrong. Being scared of what might be the problem that they discussed, Okamoto takes a trip to the Hospital and for a curious reason too. When he is called to the doctors room, he is asked to take a blood test. Unsure of what this means, Okamoto jumps to conclusions, thinking he is going to die. However, he is gravely mistaken and his curiosity will soon establish into an entire different feeling that will want to give more blood.[/spoiler]
Pure Love Tripper -  Ren'ai Tripper -  恋愛☆トリッパー
Niina, jeune lycéene de 16 ans est propulsée dans le passé, et atterri à l’époque des Hakkuden (les 8 guerriers chiens).C’est là qu’elle rencontre le jeune maître du clan Satomi, takemasa.Selon lui, Niina est la réincarnation du dernier Hakkenshi, et doit l’aider avec son pouvoir, à vaincre un ennemi dangereux et puissant, Tamazusa.... Cependant, Takemasa est obscène et brutal ;Je ne veux pas coopérer avec lui !!Laissez-moi retourner dans mon époque !
煉獄のアーシェ -  Ashe of Purgatory
À une époque où l’Église incarne la loi et où la chasse aux sorcières sévit. Bel, un moine qui porte l’épée, visite la ville de Brokken Brook. Là, il rencontre une infirmière en apprentissage, Ashe, qui soigne ses blessures. Il ne sait presque rien d’elle jusqu’au jour où, par la force des choses, il apprend qui elle est vraiment.
Artisans of the Traitor's Gate -  煉獄のトリスアギオン - 
From MangaHelpers:A la fin des années 1800, Thomas Alva Edison est un inventeur célèbre, mais il est aussi un maître dans la lutte contre les anges déchus qui viennent dans le monde des humains. Ce rôle est appelé " exorciste " dans l'église, mais Edison, avec ses nouvelles armes, se qualifie d'" artisan ". Levi est le fils d'une maison noble, mais lorsqu'il est rendu orphelin par un ange, il décide de suivre Edison. Il est maintenant l'apprenti d'Edison et fait de son mieux pour que personne n'ait à souffrir comme lui.
I am an S ranked adventurer and for certain reasons am traveling with a certain alchemist. However, this alchemist is quite strange. In his spare time, he can make the highest grade potion called an elixir, and can complete a holy sword overnight. I want him to remember to be responsible. I want him to watch his health… stop drinking elixirs like they’re energy drinks!This is the story of the weird alchemist who doesn’t know restraint and the adventurer who tags along with him.
レンタルマギカ from SOLOMON, レンタルマギカfrom SOLOMON, Rentaru Magika from Solomon
Due to his father's disappearance, Itsuki Iba has to take over the family business: a magician dispatch service. Their family basically employs countless magicians and other supernatural beings in order to send them out to help those who need magical assistance. As a leader, Itsuki now has to be tough, commanding, and reliable, but there's one problem: he's a coward. Also, in order to run a successful business, he has to connect with his employees, which is more difficult than it seems, due to his personality. But not only does he have to deal with his own employees, he also has to deal with those who threaten the family business.
A guy named Al(?) goes around killing "rebel dolls", which were used as fighting machines in the war before, but their neglect over the years has made them become "rebels. One day while trying to look for some, a boy comes falling out of the sky in hand cuffs, and following him is some rebel dolls. This is a prize catch for a doll hunter, but why are they after the boy? And is that boy even human?? (summary by allyspy)
진혼기 -  Subdued Soul Chronicle -  SSC
Ant Tribe Restraining Order -  Shoujo Rebels
Trois filles faisant partie de la " Classe des Fourmis " se sont vues contraintes de quitter l'Institut de l'Art de la Rose Rouge à cause de l'ordonnance restrictive n°'66 du puissant et impitoyable Maire. Depuis le début de son mandat, les Fourmis doivent faire face à la persécution. Ce que ces filles ne savent pas, c'est que l'opportunité de regagner leur liberté va se présenter d'elle-même.......
萬能履歷表 -  이력서
Revive the Devil • 蘇りの魔王
Resurrection, I am Lu Bu -  Língqì Fùsū, Wǒ Jiào Lǚbù -  Qi Resurgence: Rising of the Strongest Hero -  Resurrection, I Am Lu Bu -  Resuscitation of Spirit
The past of one of the top five doll-makers in the world. Due to the evil act of those who envied his talent, “Sakura Iroha” is no able longer move his right hand to its full capacity.One day, Iroha learns of the existence of a VRMMORPG - a virtual world of dolls called 'Battle Fairies (Doll)'. It seemed that Iroha had regained his own existence, but his encounter with Sara led to a conflict between him and Zik, who was targeting her persistently, and a duel with no chance of victory ends up taking place. Seeing Iroha backed into a corner, his doll begins to develop its own ego.When the doll maker, whose only purpose was to make dolls, comes face to face with Battle Fairies for the first time, an "elaborate fairy tale" is spun!
Tuixiu de Yongzhemen -  Animen
Dans l'ère du royaume 408, le prince a mené cinq héros à la défaite du roi démon et est monté sur le trône. Huit ans plus tard, il est décédé des suites d'une maladie. Un jour, plusieurs années plus tard, Tifa a été séparée de son père Chris au marché, kidnappée par un groupe de trafiquants d'êtres humains composé de démons déguisés ! Pour protéger sa fille, Chris est contraint de révéler des pouvoirs qu'il cache depuis longtemps... Il semble y avoir un lien entre cet ancien noble et les héros ! A quoi ressemble la vie quotidienne des héros à la retraite ?
The Reincarnation of the Sorcerer with the Inferior Eyes: The Legend of the Orphan who became the Strongest Warrior in the World -  劣等眼の転生魔術師 ~虐げられた最強の孤児が異世界で無双する~
Abel, a boy abandoned by his family because of the fear his unparalleled talent for magic evoked on them, was taken to an orphanage and taught magic by a former great magician.Eventually, his ability far surpassed that of his teacher and after receiving an invitation from the magical society known as Chaos Raid he embarks on a journey with the fire hero, Maria and the water hero Daytona and later, the ash hero, Cain.This is the story of Abel's childhood and adolescence before his reincarnation.
The Reincarnated Inferior Magic Swordsman -  Inferior Magic Swordsman -  Inferior Magic Swordsman: Using the Skill Board as an Inferior Magic Swordsman to Become the Strongest -  Rettou Hito no Maken Tsukai -  Rettou Hito no Maken Tsukai: Skill Board wo Kush
Un employé de bureau normal, Toru Minasuki, a été englouti par une fissure dimensionnelle et réincarné dans un monde différent. Lors de sa réincarnation, Toru a reçu de Dieu un [tableau de compétences]. Profitez-en pour acquérir toutes les compétences nécessaires ! Même s'il est une "personne inférieure", il fera son chemin jusqu'au sommet !
Return of the World of the Celestials
Le grand empereur Xingxiu dans le monde immortel, dont le nom sur terre était Tang Xiu, est mort dans un désastre. Après sa mort, une partie de son âme revient à son corps sur la terre. À sa grande surprise, dix mille ans dans le monde immortel n'équivalent qu'à un an sur la terre.