
爱情解除野兽的诅咒 -  獣の呪いは恋で解く
Wizard Iori and Werewolf Hanao. In order to find a solution to break the curse that transforms beasts during a full moon, the two have lived together for 10 years. Eventually, they found the link between transformation and sexual desire.Iori teaches the inexperienced Hanao how to relieve himself, demonstrating the solution to curbing the transformation. But after what happened, Hanao is starting to developing serious feelings for Iori.After noticing these feelings, Iori casts upon Hanao a magic that erases these romantic feelings--“If you are to live in the human world, you cannot have relations with a non-human like me.”
獣の呪いは恋で解く -  爱情解除野兽的诅咒
獣の奏者, Kemono no Sōja, Kemono no Sou-ja, Kemono no Soujya, Kemono no Sousha, The Beast Player
Centered around a girl who can control the greatest of beasts as if she was playing a musical instrument. However, she gets embroiled in a war for supremacy between kingdoms.
けものは奥まで鳴かされたい -  Kemono wa Okumade Nakasaretai
けんえん。 -  Kenen
Sommés par un esprit maléfique de sacrifier une jeune fille à la divinité du temple local, des villageois font appel à Hayate, un chasseur de démons. À leur grande surprise, ce dernier n’est autre qu’un superbe chien blanc, doté de grands pouvoirs. Grâce à son aide, ils ne tardent pas à découvrir que la créature à l’origine de leurs ennuis n’est autre que le kakuen Mashira, un être mi-homme mi-singe, ayant pour habitude d’enlever des humaines. Ce dernier, peu déstabilisé par sa rencontre avec le chien, décide de l’adopter... Ainsi commencent les relations tumultueuses, "comme chien et singe", de ces deux êtres surnaturels au gré des saisons du Japon légendaire !
Она представилась как ученик мудреца -  She Professed Herself the Pupil of the Wise Man -  賢者の弟子を名乗る賢者
Dans l'un des mondes qui existent dans la réalité virtuelle, Kagami détenait le titre d'un des Neuf Sages, une position qui le plaçait au sommet des magiciens. Un jour, il s'est endormi en jeu après une nuit blanche. Quand il a ouvert les yeux, il a découvert un monde différent de celui d'avant... Plus important que tout, c'est que le corps grizzli et digne de l'ancien combattant auquel il était habitué s'était maintenant transformé en celui d'une innocente petite fille. Si sa véritable identité était divulguée, honnêtement, il était très possible que l'image solennelle qu'il s'était construite jusqu'à présent soit détruite. Et pour faire face à ce problème, l'excuse qu'il a trouvée était...

kenja no mago

賢者の孫; 賢者之孫; 현자의 손자; Magi's Grandson
Un jeune homme qui est mort dans un accident s'est réincarné dans un autre monde dans la peau d'un bébé ! Après cela, il a été recueilli et élevé par le héros national "le Sage Merlin Walford" ("le magi Merlin Walford") qui l'a nommé Shin . Il a été élevé comme un petit-fils par merlin et a absorbé les enseignements de merlin ainsi gagnant un énorme pouvoir. Cependant, hoqué cependant à ses 15 ans, Merlin se rendit compte il avait oublié de lui enseigner le bon sens.
新城未明の宝石事件簿 賢者は眠る -  賢者は眠る―新城未明の宝石事件簿 -  A Wise Man Sleeps -  Kenja wa Nemuru - Shinjou Mimei no Houseki Jikenbo
Summary from Go! Comi: Miharu hasn't been having a good year. Her mother died, leaving her only a single ring to remember her by, and her father went bankrupt – leaving her with all his debts! Though she intended to sell the ring to pay off her debts, a run-in with a hot boy and a brush with alchemy leave her unable to part with it...literally!
La famille de Komachi Mizuno gère un sanctuaire et un dojo de combat à l'épée, mais elle n'aime pas beaucoup se battre et loupe souvent l'entraînement. Au 16e anniversaire de Komachi, elle est mystérieusement transportée dans un autre monde similaire au Japon classique.

Kenketsu Rush

Asahi est forcée de fournir en sang un adorable vampire du nom d'Hikato et devient temporairement sa "maman"......
剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!?, I applied as a swordsman, but my magic aptitude is 9999?!, Kenshi o Mezashite Nyuugaku Shitanoni Mahou Tekisei 9999 Nan
But My Magical Aptitude is 9999!? I Went to School to be a Swordswoman -  I Applied as a Swordsman, But My Magic Aptitude is 9999?! -  Kenshi o Mezashite Nyugaku Shitanoni Maho Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo!? -  Kenshi o Mezashite Nyuugaku shita no ni Mahou Tekise
Laura, who had learned special education to become a swordsman from her A-Rank adventurer father, enters the Royal Capital’s Adventurer’s School at 9-years old. Laura was filled with expectation in her heart, and at the day of the entrance ceremony, Laura’s sword aptitude value sprang out at 107. Between normal students with only 50-60 aptitude value, Laura was definitely a sword genius. But, the magic aptitude value that was measured after that was 9999! Laura was stunned, while she didn’t know what was happening she was transferred to the Magic Department. Contrary to Laura’s will, she exerts her super-genius, and instantly became stronger than the instructors.[b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url][*][url=]Web Novel[/url] (Raw)
From here: "Aoi was an ordinary boy until a wizard from the Land of Frogs, Makaeru, splashed magical water over him, turning Aoi into a frog. Makaeru then throws Aoi into a tree trunk, transporting him to the Land of Frogs. He is found by Princess Mimori, Makaeru's sister, and together they go on a quest to find the missing pages of the Magic Book that can remove Aoi's curse. For you see, when Aoi gets wet, he turns into a frog, and when he is dry, he turns back into a human..."
Meiou Hades
*Also included is a short story called Meiou Hades published in volume 1 of this manga: Amano Yuuichirou was hit by a car, and when he next opened his eyes he found himself in a dark world full of monsters. The only living thing there seems to be a miraculous young man with snow-white hair and jet-black eyes. A short story published in "Key Jack" Vol.01 by the same mangaka... - From Storm in Heaven

Ki & Hi

Ki & Hi : Une famille de fous !
Ki and Hi are two brothers completely loony who love play tricks on anyone the encounter in the smallest village of a panda head-shaped kingdom. The first brother is tall, chubby and loves to torment his little brother, small and fragile , but who is ready to do everything it'll cost him to get his revenge on his brother.
我被地球绑架了 -  Wǒ Bèi Dìqiú Bǎngjiàle -  Venerable Immortal Confined By Earth -  The Earth Has Abducted Me -  Wo Bei Diqiu Bangjiale
키덜틱 쇼타임
キーリ~死者たちは荒野に眠る~ -  Kieli~Shishatachi wa Kouya ni Neru~ -  Kiiri: Shisha-tachi wa Kouya ni Nemuru -  除靈少女
Kieli sees ghosts. It’s an odd ability for a 14-year-old girl, and it makes her a bit of an outcast at her boarding school. Her only friend, in fact, is the (semi-) departed spirit of a girl who used to inhabit her room. That is until the two encounter a young man who appears to share Kieli’s “gift.” It doesn’t take long to discover, though, Harvey is an altogether different sort of creature — one of the infamous Undying, the reanimated corpse of a dead soldier. Could it be that in this cursed fellow Kieli has finally found a kindred spirit? Throwing in her lot with this strange, soulless man and his possessed radio, she means to find out…
きぐるみプラネット -  布偶装行星 -  恋爱玩偶星球
One day, university student Narumi Daisuke meets a pink kigurumi rabbit in the street. This kigurumi, named Arita, falls in love at first sight Daisuke! But, no matter where the two meet, it seems that Arita won't take off his bodysuit. To Daisuke, who finds this strange, Arita makes a shocking confession! If he takes off his costume, he will die... "The truth is, I'm an Undergrounder!" Is he for real?!
黄色い海岸, The Yellow Beach, Window (TONO)
A compilation of supernatural-themed short stories.
As if having giant monsters and robots threatening to destroy it wasn't bad enough, Japan now faces another crisis: demons. Kijimutan tells the story of Yuna, a young samurai woman seeking to feed her own ambitions as well as to fulfill her own sense of self. As Yuna and her faithful friend, Musashi, go on their journey, they come face to face with the Shouki, the evil spirits seeking to destroy the very hearts of the people. Faced with the possibility that there might be an enemy within every person they encounter, the two warriors will have to struggle in order to succeed. The Shouki may be a great threat, but the greatest peril to their quest might lie within the heart of Yuna herself
Kijin Gentosho 鬼人幻燈抄
Механическaя Мэрдинa -  きかメル -  機械仕掛けのメルディーナ -  Mechanical Meldina -  Mechanical Merdina
Meldina hates humans, and wants nothing to do with them. Since her parents' deaths, she has desired to live surrounded by machines, and everyone in town thinks she's a weirdo. One day, she meets a big machine that she names Machina and treats it as a friend. Her meeting Machina, as well as meeting a potential friend in a girl named Alisa, kicks off a series of events that bring to light dangerous secrets about herself and about her parents' deaths.
奇怪とんち噺 花咲一休 -  A Mysterious Tale of Wits - Ikkyuu In Bloom -  Kikai Tonchibanashi - Hanasaka Ikkyuu
One-shot published in [2010-34]. Another oneshot from the world of Kikai Tonchibanashi - Hanasaka Ikkyuu. Long ago, there was an ayakashi who challenged his victims to a battle of wits. If the subject succeeded, the ayakashi would grant them one wish, but if they lost, he would devour their soul. Only one person has been able to consistently defeat this ayakashi and his tricks: the clever Hanasaka Ikkyuu. The ayakashi follows him, ever eager to eat his soul, but for Ikkyuu, using the ayakashi's power to help others is worth the risk! In this story, he's called on to use the ayakashi's power for healing a sick little boy who's friends with a red-haired goddess from a hanging scroll.
奇怪とんち噺 花咲一休 -  A Mysterious Tale of Wits - Ikkyuu in Bloom -  Kikai Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu -  Kikai Tonchi Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu -  Kikai Tonchibanashi - H
Description of the oneshot Kikai Tonchibanashi - Hanasaka Ikkyuu: One-shot published in Akamaru Jump. Long ago, there was an ayakashi who challenged his victims to a battle of wits. If the subject succeeded, the ayakashi would grant them one wish, but if they lost, he would devour their soul. Only one person has been able to consistently defeat this ayakashi and his tricks: the clever Hanasaka Ikkyuu. The ayakashi follows him, ever eager to eat his soul, but for Ikkyuu, using the ayakashi's power to help others is worth the risk! When he chances upon a Yukionna (snow fairy) desperately in need of his ayakashi-extracted help, will his cleverness finally run out? Description of the oneshot Kikai Tonchi Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu One-shot published in Weekly Shounen Jump. Long, long ago, there lived an eccentric spirit. One who ate the souls of humans and loved "riddles". He would ask anyone who crossed his path sadistic "questions", and if they returned a "stupid answer", they would have their souls eaten without a moment's delay. On the other hand, if they answered with "wit", the spirit would grant a single wish, regardless of what it was. There was a bald, witty genius of a boy who responded magnificently to the spirit's "question". His wish was for the spirit to possess him for the rest of his life! Description of the serialization Kikai Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu: There once was an ayakashi called Karma who challenged his victims to a battle of wits. If the subject succeeded, the ayakashi would grant them one wish, but if they lost, he would devour their soul. At the same time, there was a young monk called Hanasaku Ikkyuu, who was famed for his cleverness. He used to eagerly sharpen his mind, solving challenging riddles sent to him, until his mother fell ill. When he found that his cleverness was of no use in helping her, he gave it up. Karma seeks out Ikkyuu, eager to best him in a battle of wits and consume his soul. One day, Ikkyuu rescued a young beggar boy, only to see him fall ill with a mysterious illness. That same day, Karma finally finds Ikkyuu and offers him his dangerous bargain. Thanks to Karma, will Ikkyuu finally have a way to use his cleverness to help the people around him?
An Out of the Ordinary Magic Swordsman Brought up by a Nonstandard Hero -  被反常规的英雄养育大的、常识外的魔法剑士 -  規格外れの英雄に育てられた、常識外れの魔法剣士
A series of one-shots consisting of boys with horns, priests, etc.3) Picnic part 2Despite everything, Kaname seems to have found a bit of happiness with Kenichirou. But Kaname’s father doesn’t want to let Kaname go and is doing everything he can to keep them apart.4) In God’s HandsMasato used to be a delinquent that was so naughty he was called the "Legendary evil." However, he has reformed because of his love for Jouji, a priest. But pretty rich boy Kikunosuke has his eyes set on Jouji as well and isn’t about to let Masato have him!5) Dark Gray Heaven, Rainbow-colored ParadiseKotegawa Hajime has an automata made that is a perfect replica of himself, and plans to have this automata take his place as heir to his father’s company. Unfortunately, just after telling his father’s secretary about his plan, Hajime loses his memories in an accident. Now no one, including Hajime himself, is quite sure which is the real Hajime and which is the automata.