El veterinario Choe Jeong finalmente hizo realidad su sueño al abrir su propio hospital para mascotas. En el primer día de apertura, Choe Jeong recogió un lagarto fuera de su puerta ... "Soy el hijo menor del Rey Dragón". El lagarto ... ¿se ha convertido en humano? ¿Y sigue diciendo que es el hijo del Rey Dragón? "¿Quieres ser mi príncipe?" ¿Qué le dirá Choe Jeong a este misterioso príncipe?
Renton is a 14-year-old boy who occasionally helps out his grandfather as a mechanic. But his feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration grow as his mundane and routine work cloud his visions for his future, and he dreams of flying around the world. It isn't until one day, a large human-like mech, a LFO (Light Finding Operation), falls from the sky in front of Renton, and appearing from the depths of the machine is a beautiful young girl named Eureka. And as she asks the dumbfounded Renton for repairs, the two will embark upon a fantastic journey into the unknown.
From Mobots: Renton is a 14-year-old boy who occasionally helps out his grandfather as a mechanic. But his feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration grows as his mundane and routine work clouds his visions for his future and he dreams of flying around the world. It isn't until one day, a large human-like mech, a LFO (Light Finding Operation), falls from the sky in front of Renton and appearing from the depths of the machine is a beautiful young girl named Eureka. And as she asks the dumbfounded Renton for repairs, the two will embark upon a fantastic journey into the unknown.
Min Ji Wook, un étudiant pris au piège de la pauvreté, parvient à être accepté au lycée Daehan qui est le premier lycée pour les enfants de familles riches et aisées. Son objectif principal ? Échapper à la pauvreté en obtenant un diplôme d'études secondaires avec le meilleur classement et en entrant dans une des meilleures universités.Pour y parvenir, il décide de se concentrer sur ses études mais ce n'est pas un chemin facile lorsqu'il rencontre : Joo Seung Eon, le plus jeune fils du plus grand conglomérat de Corée JS Group, qui blesse la fierté de Ji Wook à tout moment. Et Kwon Hyung Seo, le fils aîné d'Ilkang Group, qui traite Ji Wook avec une façade aimable mais montre parfois un vague mystérieux.Ji Wook qui est plongé dans le chaos quand les deux manifestent leur intérêt pour lui ... pourra-t-il vivre la vie qu'il veut ?
Isaac was kicked out of his girlfriend's house on a cold night and had nowhere to go. Her brother appeared in front of him and now Isaac's going to live with him?![url=https://www.bookcube.com/toon/detail.asp?webtoon_num=190106]Original Webtoon (All-age Ver)[/url][url=https://www.bookcube.com/toon/detail.asp?webtoon_num=190098]Original Webtoon (No-cut Ver)[/url][url=https://www.comico.jp/articleList.nhn?titleNo=30829]Official Japanese Translation[/url][url=https://ridibooks.com/v2/Detail?id=120033853]Original Novel[/url]
Malgré sa fâcheuse tendance à sécher les cours, Yoshimatsu Hotaka est très impliqué dans ses études et son club de manga. D’apparence ordinaire, c’est quelqu’un d’en réalité submergé par la mélancolie à cause d’un passé douloureux. Ainsi il se contente d’admirer à longueur de journée la gracieuse et joyeuse Awaya Nika, la vedette du club de natation. L’obligation de rattraper des cours de natation manqués en EPS va cependant contraindre le héros àentrer en contact avec la jolie demoiselle qui a bien plus en commun avec lui qu’il ne le pense. Va-t-il se jeter à l’eau ?
Having just started high school, Riku's set on making this an experience he'll never forget. He notices though, that for Wakamura, a quiet girl who is always listening to the radio during the breaks, her idea of a high school experience is a bit different. Can he open up her heart and make her realize there's more to life than spending her time alone?
On raconte qu'il y a bien longtemps, le monde était immortel.Mais un jour, le monde a changé. La mort est apparue.C'est l'histoire de deux frères nés de la Poussière et de la Lumière.Ces deux dieux immortels bien téméraires trahirent leur père, à leurs risques et périls.C'est l'histoire de deux frères qui doivent maintenant faire face à un choix lourd de conséquences....Cette histoire est un prélude qui permet de vous présenter l'univers d'Everfallen.
Yoshimatsu Hotaka is the president of the manga club and is always diligent with his studies and club responsibilities, even though he has a habit of skiping class activities. Although he looks like a regular honor student in reality he is overwhelmed by melancholy and haunted by his past misfortunes. Meanwhile, he makes sure to admire and watch Awaya Nika, the beautiful, bright, radiant, super cheerful swimming club's female ace.He's content to continue his high school days like this until the P.E. teacher makes him take a private swimming lesson to make up for all the other lessons he had missed; a development that would forever change the dynamic between him and Awaya.What's the cause of Hotaka's bitterness? What does he want to hide? How does Awaya Nika have more in common with him than he could ever imagine?
Megu is a shy girl and not really experienced when it comes to love, but when she hears Takeda talking about her and saying that she’s cute, she starts to get some hopes for her love life. Thanks to her friend, Akane-chan, she is able to ask him out and he agrees right away, but in the end it seems that Takeda is getting along better with her friend than with her. And Takeda’s friend seems to have his eyes on her. How will Megu decide to settle this love triangle?
nohara Minato is an only child who was raised single-handedly by his father since young, after (believing) his mother passed away. When he skipped club activities one day, an exact replica of himself showed up, claiming to be his twin brother who was separated from him when their parents divorced. Just what is going on between their parents? And as more obstacles come his way, what will Minato and his twin’s relationship blossom into?
It's been a year since Toki lost his twin sister in an accident. Toki is still dealing with the pain, but while his parents are away on a trip, he must now also take care of his orphaned nephew, who hasn’t spoken a word since losing both of his parents. While Toki struggles to raise a child, his friend’s younger brother Chihiro, starts giving a helping hand. How will these 3 people become a temporary family?
Sangwook et Soeun étaient en voyage de noces et ont accidentellement croisé Jonghoon et Juhee. Pendant le voyage, les 4 personnes ont une bonne opinion de leurs compagnons, mais lorsqu'ils boivent et s'amusent, l'atmosphère devient de plus en plus chaude, l'échelle des peines s'agrandit....
Duroa Valrose est réincarnée en méchante dans un livre qu'elle lisait juste avant sa mort. Afin d'éviter que son destin ne soit brûlé sur le bûcher, elle s'approche du futur chef masculin, Nocton Edgar. Nocton, cependant, semble déterminé à la harceler et à lui faire faire tout ce qu'il veut qu'elle fasse. "Reviens, Valrose", le mystérieux Nocton la cherche tous les jours à l'improviste. Puis un jour, son ami de 10 ans lui dit quelque chose d'incroyable : "En fait, j'ai eu une prémonition. Le Duc d'Edgar est un terrible méchant ! "Ce n'est pas le héros, mais le méchant ? Dès qu'elle se rend compte qu'elle a mal interprété son rôle, elle décide de quitter Nocton. "Ne nous rencontrons plus." Mais la réaction du méchant est étrange. "Ne pars pas. Tu as toujours été spécial pour moi." Elle se méfie de son changement d'attitude soudain. Pourra-t-elle se débarrasser de Nocton en toute sécurité ? traduit par LumiRim
Masaki Umeo is a middle schooler with a nasty temper. Because of his temper, he is causing all sorts of problems and is constantly involved in fights causing his sister to worry about his well-being. One day, he stumbles upon an Aikido class which he becomes interested in, but soon dismisses it until he meets Daniel- an english teacher from Canada. Daniel teaches Umeo about the way of Aikido in hopes of giving Umeo a different outlook in his life, but it isn't that simple because there is a dark reason behind Umeo's temper...
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