
Magical War Chronicle Lyrical Nanoha Force
The story appears to be centered on the investigation of the Book of the Silver Cross, an ancient Belkan magical tome. Tohma Avenir, whilst travelling, discovers a girl named Lily Strosek trapped inside a construct. When rescuing her, she gives Tohma an amulet that gives him access to a new Device power. However, unbeknownst to them, there is another with a similar Device causing massive damage and injury, leading to an investigation by the Time Space Administration Bureau. 
魔法 先生 ネギま!, ネギま!, ネギま, Magical Teacher Negima!, Negima! Magister Negi Magi, Negima!, 마법선생 네기마!
魔法戦士リウイ, 魔法戦士リウイ 紅炎のバスタード, Louie the Rune Soldier, Mahou Senshi Riui, Rune Soldier Louie
Few would consider Louie to be a sorcerer - especially Melissa, Merrill, and Genie. (After all, what kind of "sorcerer" spends his time drinking at bars and beating the stuffing out of the local street toughs?) But much to the chagrin of these three gorgeous female adventurers, divine will has dictated that Louie, the enchanter-gone-street fighter, is in fact a prophesized hero--who they must pledge themselves to serve! Could this bad-boy possibly have what it takes to be a hero? Or has the war god Mylee made a mistake? With a bevy of babes at his side, Louie launches into a series of adventures that range from the harrowing to the bizarre. Get ready for swords, magic, and lots of black eyes and broken noses, because when Louie fights, it's no holds barred!
Magic Girls Academy Assistant Teacher -  Assistant Teacher In a Magical Girls School
Lou Brandel, un magicien de génie avec un talent millénaire. Un jour, il a aidé une belle fille aristocratique, Franc, et devait être affecté au "Magic Girls' Gakuen" où il joue le rôle de professeur ! Maintenant, la vie d'enseignant "hors normes" du plus fort des sorciers s'ouvre !
魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s -  魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s -  Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's
A manga adaptation of a thirteen episode sequel to Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, a magical girl alternate universe spinoff of the Triangle Heart series of games and OAVs
Magic? Muscle Is Stronger! 魔法?そんなことより筋肉だ!
魔法陣グルグル -  Knights of Kodai -  Magical Circle Guru Guru -  Mahōjin Guru Guru
魔法使いの猫, 魔法使的猫, Mahou Tsukai no Neko, The Wizard's Cat
Rio is a 14 year old boy with no particular special traits, except his burning love for books. He’s awkward and considered odd at best by his peers. Rio also has a twin brother, Mao. Although they look alike, they couldn’t be more different. Mao is good at everything, popular, and has future plans to have a big, happy family. Despite their differences, the brothers are close.One day, when Rio attempts to retrieve a cat that wandered into the street, he is hit by a car right in front of his brother’s eyes. Everything fades to black. In the darkness, a voice offers a choice: to live or to die. Fading rapidly, Rio gives the obvious answer: to live! Turns out this was quite the loaded proposition.Rio awakens in a world filled with foreigners and strange animals he’s never seen before. That’s not the only odd thing–Rio now has the form of a black cat! He quickly learns cats are revered in this world because of their special role as familiars of wizards.
Here's Come The Demon! Iruma KunIruma w szkole demonów (Polish)The Demon -  Iruma-kun -  Came and Enrolled!Welcome to Demon School -  Iruma-kunอิรุมะคุงกับโรงเรียนปิศาจ마에 들어갔습니다! 이루마 군入间同学入魔了魔入りました!入間くん
Nous suivons les péripéties de Suzuki Iruma, un adolescent toujours bienveillant auprès des gens qui a été vendu à un démon.Adopté comme petit-fils du démon, Suzuki intègre l'école du monde démoniaque dans laquelle il doit cacher qu'il est un simple humain à ses camarades de classe surnaturels.Ainsi commence pour le jeune garçon, une année scolaire qui n'est pas de tout repos.
Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Maître de donjon ga Damin wo Musaboru made -  Lazy Dungeon Master
Paresseux au possible, amoureux d’une bonne nuit de sommeil, me voilà invoqué dans un autre monde par une espèce de loli blonde. Et elle me demande d’aller affronter des bandits pour sauver son donjon. Et si jamais ces bandits détruisent le cœur du donjon, en tant que maître du donjon, je perdrai également la vie… Je n’ai aucune chance de survivre, ou quoi ? …Essayons de faire en sorte que je puisse de nouveau ne plus avoir à travailler !
El sirviente de la bruja y el cuerno del rey demonio The Witch's Servant and The Demon Lords Horns 魔女の下僕と魔王のツノ
Mysterious Paintings The Witch's Bloody Paintings The Witch's Monster Art Collection The Witch's Monstrous Paintings 魔女の怪画集
The Journey of Elaina -  Wandering Witch -  Странствия Ведьмы Элейны -  魔女の旅々 -  魔女之旅
Once upon a time, there was a witch named Elaina, who set off on a journey across the world. Along the way, she would meet all kinds of people, from a country full of witches to a giant in love with his own muscles—but with each meeting, Elaina would become a small part of their story, and her own world would get a little bit bigger.[hr]
魔女と猟犬 -  Majo to Ryōken -  Witch and Hound
Diplômé du prestigieux Institut de Sorcellerie, William Glenford peut désormais devenir tout ce qu'il veut. Mais au grand dam de son enseignante, il décide de poursuivre son rêve et choisit donc de devenir Aventurier. Le problème étant qu'il est, malgré lui, un chouïa trop fort pour ses compères...
魔界戦記ディスガイア -  Disgaea -  Disgaea ~Battle Chronicles Of The Netherworld
Le prince Laharl se réveille au bout de plusieurs années de sommeil. À son réveil il apprend que son père, le roi, est décédé et que de nombreuses disputes ont lieu pour savoir qui va monter sur le trône. Le prince décide alors de reconquérir son royaume.
魔拳のデイドリーマー -  Demon Fist Daydreamer
Tout commence par une résurrection dans un autre monde. Une série fantastique de combat et d'arts martiaux commence.
A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with a Missy, The Former Leader of His Enemies -  A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword Wants to Live with An Older Sister of a Former Enemy Executive -  Maken Tsukai no Moto Shōnen Hei wa
Seto is an ex-boy soldier who was expelled from the party of heroes on his journey because of his ruthless and incomparable fighting style. The former leader of the Demon King's army, Satis, was kicked out after a series of failures.The two "former" enemies decide to travel together to find a second life. Sometimes they go to hot springs, sometimes they sleep in the same bed, sometimes they are attacked by demons. But what do they find at the end of their journey when they lose their place in the world?The road story of the (former) brave boy soldier and (former) demon lord's army leader's "rebirth"![hr][/hr][b]Links:[/b][*][img][/img][url=]Author's Twitter[/url][*][img][/img][url=]Manga Artist's Twitter[/url][*][url=]Official LN (JP)[/url][*][img][/img][url=]Web Novel[/url]
The Cursed Sword Master’s Harem Life: By the Sword, For the Sword, Cursed Sword Master -  魔剣師の魔剣による魔剣のためのハーレムライフ
Fujinomiya Soujirou is transported to a fantasy world with only his Daisho (pair of samurai swords) in hand. The katana can talk and swiftly informs him that it is Hotarumaru, the legendary national treasure of Japan thought lost during World War II. The wakizashi is too young to have a voice, so Souji names it Sakura. This is the story of Souji and Hotarumaru's journey through a new world as he seeks to achieve ... a sword harem?
Makunouchi: Kubonouchi Eisaku Kessakushu is a collection of short stories that seinen author Kubonouchi Eisaku, known for notable titles such as Chocolat, Cherry and Watanabe, has written in his early days. The contents of this book include:LaplaceYocchore! Tosamaru-kunBellRobot High School Girl Kaoruko's "Heartbreak"Bizzare -- The Terror of the Salmon-ManRobot High School Boy Kawarazaki Ayumu's "Seishun-I-N-G"Help!Viva Eros AcademyOkappiki EijiDream of Pumping UpPresent"Makunouchi" is a kind of bentou, served during Kabuki in the olden days. It either got its name from the lunch the audience would eat during intermission, or perhaps from the lunch actors would eat during this time (seems plausible since the actors are also "behind the curtain", which is actually the literal translation of that phrase).
Malaise Creature : le résumé de l'éveil est en cours de mise à jour. Venez visiter pour lire le dernier chapitre de Malaise Créature : Awaken. Si vous avez des questions sur ce manga, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter ou à traduire l'équipe. J'espère que vous l'apprécierez.
マリシャスコード, 邪恶代号
It's the year 2034 and high school student Sasaki Hiro boards his bus just like any other day. Everything changes, though, when his bus is suddenly attacked by a mysterious girl with red eyes. When Hiro awakes, he finds himself in "Tokyo," a city which was supposed to have been permanently sealed off after the outbreak of the deadly Pandora Virus ten years ago. Not only that, but it also seems like all those being gathered in "Tokyo" are developing new inhuman abilities. Now, among the ruins of Shibuya, Hiro and his friends must discover why they are here and learn all they can about the terrible Malicious Code that is running wild in their bodies before it destroys them all!
魔々勇々 -  Mama Yuuyuu -  Демоны и герои
The Reincarnated Sage who Possesses the Mark of the Emperor that Commands Obedience from Monsters ~Quietly becoming the Strongest Adventurer with the Magic from his Previous Life alongside his Monster Subordinates~ -  魔物を従える“帝印”を持つ転生賢者 ~かつての魔法と従魔でひっそり最強
Emperor Ludis, Unfortunately passed away due to "Emperor's mark" (which subjugates "Magic Beasts"). 1000 years later , Ludis reincarnates into a person who should have died. Ludis, chained by rules in his previous life, will become an adventurer and travel around the world to live freely. He may appear to be an ordinary adventurer but behind the facade he is the strongest magic beast tamer. Together with his companions, he begins his wild journey in another fantasy world full of magic beasts.[hr][url=]Original Web Novel[/url] (JP)
A collection of eight Zombie related oneshots by several authors.And I Love Her by Katsuya TeradaDead and Fail to Die by Hitoshi KinoChildren Living with Corpses by Uguisu SachikoZombie by Shimada Toranosuke Forest of Spirits by Hokazono MasayaZombie Boy by Hiromoto ShinichiFight of of the Living Dead by Koizumi TomohiroOrganic Human Solution Organogel by Fukao AtsushiIncludes illustrations by Hiroe Rei (Black Lagoon), Samura Hiroaki (Blade of the Immortal) and Matsumoto Jiro (Freesia)
漫画生物学, Biology with Tezuka
Tezuka teaches about biology in short installments.
MangaHere Magazine is presented by the editors of MangaHere to provide readers with latest manga news, manga recommedations, manga spoilers, and trivia which is related to manga or Japanese culture.
When a Stupid FPS Player Falls to Another WorldマヌケなFPSプレイヤーが異世界へ落ちた場合憨厚FPS玩家到了异世界
Le protagoniste est un joueur d'un jeu VRMMOFPS qui finit par tomber de la carte et finit par être transporté dans un monde fantastique en conservant son équipement de jeu et son interface utilisateur.