
海皇紀, Kaikouki, Kaioki, Tale of the Sea King
The main character is Pan Gamma Vi Gen. He is the captain of the legendary black vessel. Pan Gamma Vi Gen is lazy and clumsy -- that is him when is resting. But once Pan decides to work, he is the best man available. Pan says things that normal people can hardly understand. And he doesn't say much, he only gives lots of clues.Everything starts when Captain Pan let Mia and Tuban Sanoo be aboard. Mia is a princess of a fallen country and Tuban is the best, people say, swordsman as well as strategist. Although Pan Gamma Vi Gen is the main character, it seems Pan, Mia and Tuban are the main characters as Mia and Tuban appear in all episodes. Mia is looking for science to restore her county, Ontana. Tuban is protecting Mia as the will of someone Tuban trusted. Pan Gamma Vi Gen agreed to take Mia to where she could locate the science in exchange of her virginity. (Don't get Pan wrong here, I believe he meant something else but at this moment, Mia's virginity is all I can guess.)
怪盗ジョーカー -  Mysterious Joker

Kaitou Kid

Mais qui est Kid, l'insaisissable ? Ceux qui ont déjà lu le manga "Détective Conan" l'ont sûrement déjà rencontré, cet incroyable voleur-magicien vêtu d'un costume blanc à la Arsène Lupin. Mais personne ne sait qui se cache derrière ce personnage portant plusieurs surnoms tels que Kid, l'insaisissable ou Kaitou Kid, Magic Kaito, voire Kid1412 ? Quelle est la vraie identité de ce voleur et ses intentions ? Un jour, Kaito découvre par hasard que son père, le grand magicien Touichi Kuroba, était en réalité Kid, l'insaisissable. C'est alors qu'il décide de revêtir l'ancien costume de son père en espérant pouvoir trouver des indices sur la disparition de celui-ci.
怪盗セイント・テール -  Kaitō Saint Tail -  Kaito Saint Tail -  Kaitou St. Tail -  Master Thief St. Tails -  Meimi bí ẩn -  Mysterious Thief Saint Tail -  Saint Tail -  St. Tai
From Tokyopop: An uncatchable thief is plaguing the city. No one knows her true identity and the police are unable to stop her. She is only known as Saint Tail. At St. Paulia Junior High, a young student named Asuka Jr. makes it his mission to find, stop, and apprehend the elusive Saint Tail. Little does he know that the nocturnal thief is really his friend, Meimi. Aided by a novice nun, Meimi steals to help the needy. Don't miss any of Saint Tail's magical exploits in the tale of this modern day Robin Hood.
怪盗!ポケモン7, The Mysterious Thief! Pokémon 7!
Pokemon Seven(a.k.a. Hiori) is a notorious theif. When his sister Lily is kidnapped by Team Galatic, Hiori goes on a mission to save Lily. Will Hiori and his partner, Lucario, be able to save to Lily? 
海賊姫, 海賊姫 ~キャプテン・ローズの冒険~, Kaizoku Hime, Kaizoku-Hime, Kaizoku-Hime - Captain Rose no Bouken, KaizokuHime, KaizokuHime - Captain Rose no Bouken, Pirate
"Pirates are the lowest~~!"Rose, a young girl who stubbornly believed herself to be such type of high-class princess. The one who came to “kidnap” that slightly restless girl some how ended up being a heinous pirate, a crew member of the "Phantom”…!? Blood will race, set sail on a love and romance adventure—Ahoy!!
Jill seeks freedom on the high seas! Jill wants to become a pirate!
Different World Slow Life Begun at the Smithy -  鍛冶屋ではじめる異世界スローライフ
Une nuit, Eizo, un malheureux esclave d'entreprise, sauve un chat et se fait renverser par un camion. Le chat qui semble être lié à un monde parallèle, en échange de son aide, accorde à Eizo une compétence de son souhait et le réincarne dans un autre monde. Eizo, qui a l'artisanat comme passe-temps et souhaite utiliser cette compétence pour gagner sa vie, choisit de se réincarner en forgeron. Il commence donc sa vie dans un autre monde en tant que forgeron, comme il le souhaite. Cependant, les créations d'Eizo se situent à un autre niveau qui va bouleverser ce nouveau monde.
花冠のマドンナ; 花冠安琪儿; คุณหญิงมงกุฎดอกไม้; มงกุฎมาดอนน่า; The Flower Crown Madonna; The Madonna of a Flowercrown
Des cheveux argentés et un talent indéniable à l´escrime, les deux meilleurs atouts de Leonora. Le premier va mettre sa vie en danger, le second la sauver dans bien des situations. Le célébrissime peintre Léonard de Vinci a réalisé le portrait de Leonora adulte dix ans auparavant, et là légende raconte que ce tableau détient le secret de l´emplacement d´une épée légendaire qui offrira le contrôle de toute l´Italie (divisée au XVI°s.) à son possesseur. Léonora ignore pourtant tout de cette épée, et part à la recherche de de Vinci pour en apprendre plus, sous les traits du jeune écuyer du trop séduisant prince de Naples en exil dont déjà elle se sent tomber amoureuse.
Boxer Carly • Boxer Kali • Boxer Kalli • Carly the Boxer • Prizefighter Kalri • Return of the Boxer • كالي البطل • 권투사 칼리

Kamen Byoutou

Alors qu'il est de garde dans un hôpital de repos, Hayami Shuugo est confronté à un criminel masqué et sa victime, blessée par balle. Le docteur Hayami va se voir contraint de sauver la jeune femme sur-le-champ, après quoi le criminel décide de prendre tout l'hôpital en otage ! La nuit risque d'être mouvementée... Série courte en 3 volumes.
仮面ライダー -  Masked Rider
The story took place in a world plagued by Shocker, a mysterious terrorist organization. To assist its plan in world domination, Shocker recruited its agents through kidnapping, turning them into mutant cyborgs and, ultimately, brainwashing them. However, one of the victims was rescued just before the final step, and his name was Takeshi Hongo. With his sanity and moral conscience remaining intact, Hongo assumed the identity of the grasshopper-looking altered human (改造人間, kaizō ningen?) superhero Kamen Rider and battled Shocker with his newly acquired powers.
仮面ライダー: ZO -  仮面ライダーZO -  Kamen Rider: ZO -  Masked Rider ZO -  Masked Rider: ZO
Based on the live action movie. Masaru Aso has gone missing from the public, due to being used as a genetic experiment by Doctor Mochizuki in order to create a perfect lifeform. Aso goes to hide in the forests before he was summoned to save Dr. Mochizuki's son, Hiroshi, from being targeted by monsters from Neo Organism.
A Different World Struggle Record of Mii-chan the God Cat and I -  the Cat Supplies Summoner -  Kamineko Mii-chan to Neko Youhin Shoukanshi no Isekai Funtouki -  Otherworldy Struggle of God Cat Miicyan and Cat Tool Summoner -  神猫ミーちゃんと猫用品召喚師の異世界奮闘記
Neji Renta, un garçon de dix-huit ans, sauve un chaton mais meurt juste après. Le dieu lui propose de le réincarner mais il choisit plutôt de vivre dans un autre monde. Avec son nouvel ami chaton, Mii, l'animal de compagnie du dieu, il fera de son mieux pour profiter de sa vie dans l'autre monde avec son pouvoir d'invoquer de la nourriture pour chat de haute qualité.
神の名は -  神の名は日の本神話異聞 -  Kami no Nawa: Hinomoto Shinwa Ibun -  Kami no Nawa: Ninomoto Shinwa Ibun
Sengoku was a period when Japan was in war, a period when humans were still able to communicate with Gods. Young Sarutahiko has died because of the struggle, but he will be resurrected and turn into an immortal thanks to a God's power in exchange of consuming his sister's life day by day. To save her, Sarutahiko will ask for help to the God of the Mountain, but instead, he meets a beautiful young girl... What is the true identity of this girl?! What kind of God is capable of granting wishes in exchange of souls, blood and death...?!
Kami no Techigai de Shindara Cheat Gun Zumi de Isekai ni Hourikomare Mashita -  If he died by the god's mistake, he was thrown into another world with a cheat gun -  Kami no Techigai de Shindara Chii Togan Zumi de Isekai ni Hourikomare Mashita -  神の手違いで死んだら
Sortant d'une épicerie, Tomoya Sadoshima meurt d'un grave accident. Après avoir repris conscience dans un monde de blanc pur, une femme d'une beauté divine est apparue, elle se présentait comme étant la "Déesse de la Création". La divinitée de la création prépare un remède pour sa malchance, elle lui propose de se réincarner dans un monde différent du sien. Hélas ce monde est en guerre contre le roi démon. Voici le début de l'histoire de Tomoya et son aventure pour vaincre le roi démon et recevoir le harem qu'il désire tant.
From zandy no Fansub: (Self-proclaimed) god-in-training struggling to achieve his goal?!A small child suddenly appears in front of Koutarou, a (genius) young potter.The child has fluffy ears and tail, and turns out, he is a fox who is a "god-in-training"?! The fox, Gin, stubbornly insists that he will stay with Koutarou for his training, and it seems he has taken a liking to the bowls Koutarou makes. Look forward to a lively and nature-filled comedy!
かみちゃまかりん Chu♥ -  Kami-chama Karin Chu♥ -  小女神花鈴 Chu ♥(Chinese) -  Little Goddess Karin Chu♥ -  Mini Déesse Karin Chu♥(French)
The sequel of Kamichama Karin. Karin is still adapting to a life without Kamika, but the peace in her world is short lived. A boy named Suzune gifts her a new Kamika ring and tells her that in order to save the future, she must find and unite the three honored gods. Follow Karin on her journey to fight her newest enemy, The Seeds Of Chaos, along with the three honored gods, Kazune, Micchi and the teen Idol, Jin.
神々の山嶺 -  Summit of the Gods
From Blackout: In a small Nepalese shop, Fukamachi stumbles across a camera which may well be that of George Mallory, the celebrated mountain climber who was the first to attempt to conquer Everest. Mallory disappeared along with Andrew Irvine, during the course of their ascent in 1924, without leaving any indication of whether they reached the summit or not. So what if it was only on their return trip that they had their fatal accident.
しもつまものがたり -  下妻物語 -  Divine Girls -  Himotsuma Monogatari -  Shimotsuma Monogatari
Momoko is a "Lolita" stranded in the boondocks of rural Ibaraki prefecture, although she'd much rather be living in the Palace of Versailles. Ichigo is an impulsive member of a girls-only biker gang who firmly believes in honor, loyalty, and fist fighting. Together this unlikeliest of duos strikes out on a journey to find a legendary embroiderer who might just be able to make their dreams come true.
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne -  Kamikaze Diebin Jeanne(German)
Kusakabe Maron has lived alone for a long time, since she was young and her parents left to travel abroad for their jobs. Her rent gets paid every month, and she always has money for food or whatever else she needs or wants, but her parents haven't even sent a single letter to her in all the years they've been gone. Even though right across the hall is Maron's best friend, and she always puts on a brave face, Maron always dreads the empty apartment at night and the time of day when she stops and checks her mail box, which never has anything in it. Then she meets Finn Fish, the tiny angel-in-training which tells her who she really is: Kaitou Jeanne, the reincarnation of Joan of Arc (known in the series as Jeanne d'Arc)! Now, as well as dealling with normal highschool and an empty mailbox, at night Maron must become Kaitou Jeanne, the amazing art thief who uses special divine tools given to her by the will of God to sneak into people's homes and other places to "steal" beautiful objects, normaly paintings, which have been inhabited by demons who control the beautiful souls of the people who love the art. These people become greedy and cruel, and will stop at nothing to save the art. And so Jeanne leaves a note card, designating the time she will arrive to steal the art. The process used to seal the demon, however, also causes the art to disappear, and where paintings were a beautiful angel now fills the empty canvas. However, the athorities cannot allow this to go on, and Maron's best friend, who dreams of becoming a detective and is the daughtor of a police chief, will stop at nothing to capture Jeanne and comes up with a new trap every night. Then the smooth-talking Chiaki moves in to the apartment next door to Maron, at the same time as Kaitou Sinbad appears and begins to seal demons as though he were in competition with Jeanne, and with his sidekick, another angel-in-training named Access Time, he is begining to thwart the police as well as Jeanne. Maron might have bitten off more than she can chew now, because the greatest obstacles still lies ahead: Falling in love with her worst enemy next to the devil himself. Reads this manga from right to left
I Received Blessings Meant For 2 People From God -  Kamisama ni Kago Futari-bun Moraimashita -  神様に加護2人分貰いました
As he was being transferred to a different world with his classmates, Fubuki Amasaka was pushed out of the teleportation circle by his class bully, Yushin. When he woke up, he was alone and deep in a forest. However God, who had saw the entire thing and already warned them to stay in the circle, took Yushi's cheat skill away and gave it to Fubuki as punishment.Can Fubuki, who got two divine blessings, live in a different world safely?Another World Monster Tamer Fantasy, the long-awaited comicalization!WN: [url=][/url]
By the Grace of the Gods / El hombre elegido por los dioses / Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko / Tanrılar Tarafından Seçilen Adam / Tanrıların Seçtiği Adam / The Man Picked up by the Gods / The Slime Rancher in the Other World / Человек -  выбранный бога
Ryouma Takuma, un esclave de bureau de 39 ans, se réveille dans une étrange pièce blanche. Les Dieux lui annoncent qu'il est mort et qu'ils vont envoyer son âme dans un autre monde, où la magie existe. Se réveillant dans le corps d'un jeune garçon avec l'expérience de sa vie passée et de nouvelles habilités données par les Dieux, Ryouma se découvre une affinité avec la capture de monstre, et tout particulièrement avec les slimes ! Suivez les aventures de Ryouma et de ses slimes, plus impressionnants qu'il n'y paraît, dans ce nouveau monde !
カムナガラ, Kamunagala, Kamunagara: Rebirth of the Demonslayer
Kugaya est un adolescent qui vit avec sa tante, Sakuri. L'entraîneur de kendo de son lycée, Narugami, lui demande de rejoindre l'équipe de kendo, mais lorsqu'il rencontre la nouvelle fille, Takemi, sa vie prend une tournure surnaturelle et il est propulsé dans une bataille épique contre les démoniaques "Intrus". "Himuka"... et le Clan des Epéistes... tout cela est trop lourd à porter pour un lycéen !


Histoire principale : Tokiwa Kitareri!!.Histoire dérivée : Haruka.Histoire dérivée : DEMIII.

Kanata Kara

來自遠方 -  彼方から -  異境奇緣 -  Dunia Mimpi -  From Far Away -  From The Other Side -  Vùng Đất Xa Xăm
Noriko est une jeune lycéenne ordinaire, qui vit paisiblement entourée par sa famille. Cependant, il lui arrive de faire des rêves étranges, peuplés de guerriers, de bêtes effrayantes, dans des paysages magnifiques. Un jours, alors qu'elle rentre chez elle, en compagnie de ses amies, elle se retrouve happée par le souffle d'une bombe qui explose. Là, elle voit défiler des images, identiques à son rêve. C'est alors qu'elle se réveille dans un monde bien étrange... et surtout... envahit par des créatures toutes plus effrayantes les unes que les autres. Son rêve est-il devenu réalité ?
Eleni lived quietly as a survivor of the witch clan after her hometown was destroyed. One day, she is attacked by a knight named Valfen. He was ordered to subdue the witch. However, he said he fell in love with her at first sight so he escaped with her from his fellow knights! While being oblivious to her surroundings, and no longer being able to return home, is Eleni supposed to live the life of a fugitive with him?! A slapstick escape love fantasy!
勘違いの工房主 英雄パーティの元雑用係が、実は戦闘以外がSSSランクだったというよくある話 -  The Unaware Atelier Meister -  The Unaware Atelier Master