
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Kujo Jotaro
SERIES 3: "Stardust Crusaders" The third arc of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders takes place 100 years after Jonathan Joestar defeats Dio Brando. Dio is back, and Jonathan's descendants must travel to Egypt to destroy their ancestral enemy once and for all. On one side: Joseph Joestar and Jotaro Kujo ("JoJo" for short)...a globetrotting martial artist and his delinquent Japanese-English grandson. On the other side: a vampire and an army of murderers possessed by evil spirits, the monstrous "Stands". But Jotaro and Joseph have "Stands" too...and the stage is set for a terrifying battle as the heroes fight their way around the world! Adapted into anime, action figures and video games, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the weirdest, most influential Jump manga ever!
Diamond Is Not Crash -  JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken: Diamond wa Kudakenai -  JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Diamond wa Kudakenai -  JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4 - Diamond is Unbreakable - Digital Colored Comics -  La extraña aventura de JoJo Parte 4: El diamante es inq
En 1999, Jotaro Kujo arrive dans la ville japonaise de Morioh pour deux raisons : rencontrer son oncle illégitime Josuke Higashikata et enquêter sur un utilisateur de Stand potentiellement dangereux. Quelques minutes seulement après son arrivée, il atteint son premier objectif. Cependant, Jotaro découvre que Josuke n'est pas seulement un lycéen beaucoup plus jeune, mais qu'il possède aussi son propre Stand appelé Crazy Diamond. Peu de temps après leur rencontre, les deux hommes font une découverte surprenante : quelqu'un utilise un arc et une flèche surnaturels pour créer des utilisateurs de Stand autour de Morioh.Lorsque Josuke est témoin de la menace que cela représente, il décide de protéger sa ville et d'arrêter la propagation des utilisateurs de Stand mortels. Trouvant à la fois des alliés et des ennemis parmi ces utilisateurs, Josuke apprend à quel point les intérêts personnels et les ambitions de chacun peuvent se refléter dans leurs Stands, et le mal ou la vertu qui en résulte. En poursuivant leur enquête, ils commencent à déterrer l'histoire choquante de Morioh, faisant apparaître des dangers cachés et un mystère des années passées.
SERIES 4: "Diamond is Unbreakable" The fourth arc of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable, follows Josuke Higashikata and his good friend Koichi Hirose as they protect their town from the influx of Stand users. Joseph Joestar and Jotaro Kujo arrive to warn Josuke about the Bow and Arrow one of Dio's henchmen uses to bring out a person's Stand abilities, but it is up to Josuke, Koichi and their allies to defeat those who would use their Stand abilities for evil, most notably Yoshikage Kira.
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険Part 6: ストーンオーシャン -  ストーンオーシャン -  Stone Ocean
SERIES 6: Stone Ocean Time: Early 21st Century -- Place: A Florida prison Set in and around the maximum-security Green Dolphin Street prison in Florida, surrounded by palm trees, swamps, and man-eating alligators, this storyline stars Jolyne Kujo (Stand: Stone Free), the daughter of Jotaro Kujo. After being falsely accused of a hit-and-run automobile accident, she is sentenced to 15 years in jail, a plot which may be orchestrated by some dark conspiracy, some unknown enemy. Series 6 is a weird prison story in which Jolyne discovers her own powers and other Stand Users while trying to escape the pen. Her dad Jotaro Kujo returns for a cameo in the first few volumes, and Dio, the ultra-villain of the JoJo series, also shows up in several flashbacks, with a fragment of his corpse playing a major plot point. This series appears to be an attempt for Araki to relaunch the series for new readers (the graphic novels are numbered starting with "Vol. 1" with "JoJo Vol. 64", and so forth, in small letters) by re-explaining the Stands and introducing a slinky, appealing female protagonist. And for the most part, it takes place within a literally confined environment -- Araki had previously done some short manga stories set in jail, so maybe that's where his current interests lie. Jolyne is the first American (specifically Japanese-American) JoJo protagonist. The sheer level of weirdness is also pretty mind-boggling, with all kinds of bizarre phenomena -- rains of frogs, time distortion, and some extremely odd, conceptual Stands. And the ending is probably one of the strangest things ever to happen in the series.
Blue Tusk Adventures -  JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken -  JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Steel Ball Run -  JoJo: SBR -  JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7 - Steel Ball Run - Digital Colored Comics -  JoJo的奇异冒险第7部分:钢球运行 -  La extraña aventura de JoJo Parte 7: La carrera de las bola
In the American Old West, the world's greatest race is about to begin. Thousands line up in San Diego to travel over six thousand kilometers for a chance to win the grand prize of fifty million dollars. With the era of the horse reaching its end, contestants are allowed to use any kind of vehicle they wish. Competitors will have to endure grueling conditions, traveling up to a hundred kilometers a day through uncharted wastelands. The Steel Ball Run is truly a one-of-a-kind event.The youthful Johnny Joestar, a crippled former horse racer, has come to San Diego to watch the start of the race. There he encounters Gyro Zeppeli, a racer with two steel balls at his waist instead of a gun. Johnny witnesses Gyro using one of his steel balls to unleash a fantastical power, compelling a man to fire his gun at himself during a duel. In the midst of the action, Johnny happens to touch the steel ball and feels a power surging through his legs, allowing him to stand up for the first time in two years. Vowing to find the secret of the steel balls, Johnny decides to compete in the race, and so begins his bizarre adventure across America on the Steel Ball Run.Italian summary:[Spoiler]Nel west americano, la gara più grande e importante del mondo sta per iniziare. Migliaia di persone sono pronte a partire da San Diego per viaggiare più di seimila chilometri incoraggiati da un premio enorme da cinquanta milioni di dollari. L'era dei cavalli sta per finire, i partecipanti allora possono usare il veicolo che preferiscono. I partecipanti devono superare situazioni estenuanti, viaggiando centinaia di chilometri al giorno passando per valli deserte inesplorate. La Steel Ball Run è unica nel suo genere.Il giovane Johnny Joestar, un ex corridore di cavalli disabile, è venuto a San Diego per vedere la partenza della gara. Lì incontra Gyro Zeppelli, un corridore con due sfere d'acciaio pendenti fino alla sua vita, al posto della pistola. Johnny vede la sfera di Gyro e capisce della sua potenzialità, riuscendo a far suicidare il nemico durante un duello. Nel mezzo dell'azione, Johnny tocca la sfera d'acciaio di Gyro e sente passare una potenza nelle sue gambe, questa potenza lo fa alzare in piedi per la prima volta dopo due anni. Dopo aver giurato di capire il segreto di quelle sfere, Johnny decide di partecipare alla gara, e qui iniziano le sue bizzarre avventure per tutta l'America nella Steel Ball Run.[/Spoiler]
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 9 - The JoJoLands -  ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Part9 The JOJOLands -  JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Parte 9 - Las JoJoLandias -  La Extraña Ave
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第9部 ザ・ジョジョランズ カラー版
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 クレイジー・D(ダイヤモンド)の悪霊的失恋 -  ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 クレイジー・Dの悪霊的失恋 -  ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 クレイジーDの悪霊的失恋 -  Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken: Crazy Diamond no Akuryou-teki Shitsuren -  Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken: Crazy D no Akuryou-teki Shitsuren -  Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Crazy Diamond no Akuryou-teki Shitsuren -  Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Crazy D no Akuryou-teki Shitsuren -  Crazy Diamond no Akuryou-teki Shitsuren -  Crazy D no Akuryou-teki Shitsuren
ジョジョリオン -  Four Ball Run -  Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - Jojolion -  JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Jojolion -  JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8: Jojolion -  JoJo's Bi
小丑丹尼 -  Xiao Chou Dan Ni
女王騎士物語, Queen's Knight Monogatari, Saga of Queen Knight
The Queen Knights are the appointed protectors of the queen (self-explanatory) and there is this dirty little village kid who fell in love with the princess and wants to be one. it would be a typical shounen story, but there is a dragon that wears sunglasses. Therefore, it is awesome.
西行纪 -  Xixing Ji -  Westbound -  Westbound Discipline -  Journey To The West
Seize ans après que Tang Sanzang et ses trois disciples eurent apporté le " Sutra extraordinaire " au Palais céleste, le monde ne fut pas plus harmonieux qu'auparavant. Puis vint ce jour tant redouté, les armées du Palais céleste attaquèrent le Mont Tianyu dans le but de récupérer le Sutra. Pendant la bataille, Bailang, le loup blanc aux pouvoirs surnaturels s'enfuit difficilement du Mont Tianyu à la recherche du bonze Tang et de ses disciples. Ensemble, la petite troupe prit la route avec pour mission de ramener le Sutra dans son monde d'origine.
西行纪 Westbound Westbound Discipline Xi Xing Ji
Judicial Duel 決闘裁判
Le juge Bao et sa troupe arrivent dans une préfecture du Nord-Est de l'Empire. Ils y découvrent une population sous le joug d'un groupe de notables corrompus, menés par un jeune homme à l'ambition dévorante. Ayant su s'attirer les bonnes grâces d'un préfet aveuglé par son rêve de construire une cité nouvelle, ce dernier est prêt à tout pour s'enrichir et accéder aux plus hautes sphères du pouvoir. Chantages, menaces et meurtres s'abattent sur les populations que le jeune loup et ses complices notables s'emploient à expulser des bas quartiers pour y spéculer et y réaliser des plusvalues astronomiques. Pour parfaire cette combine bien rôdée, ils bénéficient de la complicité du magistrat local qui emprisonne arbitrairement quiconque se met en travers de leur route. C'est dans un de ces cachots que croupit un autre jeune homme dont l'avenir brillant s'est brutalement obscurci trois ans plus tôt, et qui attend d'être mis à mort pour un crime qu'il dit n'avoir pas commis...
呪法解禁!!ハイド&クローサー, Hyde & Closer, Hyde & Crowther, Hyde and Closer, Hyde and Crowther, Juhou Kaikin!! Haido & Kuroosaa, Juhou Kaikin!! Hyde & Crowther,
Shunpei Closer's grandfather, Alsyd Closer, was an odd man. He traveled around the world always coming back to Japan to tell his grandson all the amazing adventures he would have. Before leaving to Africa on Shunpei's 7th birthday, he gives him a teddy bear named Hyde. Six years have passed and one day Shunpei receives a mysterious package that contains a deadly surprise. To survive, he will learn more about his grandfather than he ever dared to dream and learn what it takes to be a real man, and not the coward he always thought it was all right to be.
A Veterinarian in Another World -  獣医さんのお仕事 in異世界
Shingo Kazami a été invoqué dans un autre monde, le but étant de "rendre le territoire plus prospère".En effet, ne jamais sous-estimer un monde fantastique possédant des dragons, des monstres et de nombreuses autres espèces. La différence de langage, de magie, de nourriture, de religion, de bon sens et de nombreux autres aspects différents de la Terre est infinie.En tant que vétérinaire, notre jeune héros va effectuer diverses autopsies, de la médecine et même développer l'agriculture.
Sorcery Fight
Yuuji est un jeune étudiant qui excelle dans le sport, notamment dans l'athlétisme, mais qui a un immense poil dans la main. Du coup, au lieu de parfaire ses capacités physiques qui pourraient lui permettre de devenir le meilleur de l'établissement, il s'est inscrit au club de recherches occultes du lycée. Son petit train-train va changer du tout au tout lorsqu'un véritable esprit malfaiteur vient menacer son école...
The Reincarnated Adventurer with the Cursed Seals -  呪刻印の転生冒険者
The great sage, Grameos, tired of his current life as a famous mage, decided to reincarnate as a young boy 200 years in the future. Before reincarnating, he places two magic restraint seals on his hands, so that he can hide his enormous magical power after he is reborn.His motto for the next life is "Hide my powers, don't stand out, and be free".
The sequel to the Juuki Ningen Jumbor manga under the new name Jumbor. This manga takes place about 300 years in the future from the original series. Serialization begins in summer 2010.MIUE Yuma wrote the story for the first oneshot.MIKAMI Hiromasa helped with the manga for the second oneshot
鉄腕アトムクラブ [ジャングル大帝], Tetsuwan Atom kurabu [Jungle Taitei]
The Mighty Atom Club magazine was launched after the grand success of the 1963 anime, "Mighty Atom" (Astro Boy). It was a part of the official fan club: "Mushi Productions Tomo no Kai (Friends Association)". It disbanded after Mighty Atom's initial airing on TV in late 1966.Based on Tezuka Osamu's manga series "Jungle Emperor" from 1950, one-shots started to appear in the magazine in March of 1966 (Vol. 20-28). Drawn by Tezuka's associates, these eight stories would later air as episodes from the first and second anime series.The Jungle Emperor chapters were never re-printed and stay exclusive to the original magazines.
黒影のジャンク Junk the Black Shadow
Taku, the boy with a black cat. He uses medicine that cannot be obtained through ordinary means.He is a self-proclaimed Kusuri-ya (one who makes medicine).
Juuhime - Sincerely Night, Gun Princess, Juu Hime
Luca Athrason has been sentenced in 500 years of imprisonment – such is the price to pay for his sins. The only way for him to shorten his sentence is to accomplish his missions as the Church’s vanguard or as some might call it... The Church's Dog!
Hero Tales, Jyuushin Enbu - Hero Tales, Juushin Enbu, Jyuushin Enbu
It is the time of wars. In the chaotic Empire, a group of seven heroes of the stars, the Hokushin-Tenkun, rose to lead the common folk. Out of the seven a destiny of heated battle unfolds between the "Two Noble Spirits", Hagun and Tonrou. Originally the two should not exist in the same time but the gears of Fate have turned otherwise. In the current feeble state of the Ken Empire, the conflicting "Two Noble Spirits" - Taitou Shirei of Hagun and Keirou of Tonrou each fight for their view of justice and the peace of the countires and their home country. In the name of Fate, the justice of whom shall prevail...?
Legend of the Three Kingdom Crescent
a venir ...
It was 3002, and the human civilization had crumbled and rebuilt itself again and again over the thousand years, despite the destruction and challenge brought by the harsh nature. In this era of constant war against nature and havoc, construction teams were the star of economy system, the conquering force as well as a weapon themselves, because heavy robots were used in construction works to speed up efficiency. Jumbor was the leader of a famous construction team of a little country with a cute princess. One day, as their group was about to start a reconstruction work of a tunnel which was destroyed by an earthquake, a much more powerful construction team arrived and claimed the land in no time, killing Jumbor who tried to protect his teammates against the cruel opponents... Jumbor woke up in 3007, finding himself revived in his own clone body (memory transplanted) which has a physical age of 5 years old, and in addition to that, his body was partly mechanized. His robot arms are linked up to and directly controlled by his brain\'s signals. He was told that the country had gone and the princess and the king disappeared, and he discovered that his mechanized body is very powerful. He was also told he was last of the series