
Hero with Another Opinion -  Герой при своем мнении -  有自我想法的英雄
春秋战雄, Heroes of Spring and Autumn
The Prince of Qin sets sail for his 100th conquest; If he comes back victorious, the throne will be his and he will be able to marry his childhood sweetheart! Will he come back victorious? Or does fate have other plans for him?
Torneo de Heroes
Set in an unknown place, a group of historical Heroes from the world of manga are summoned by a sinister figure called Mr. Nobody to a battle royale to the death, in which only one of them will be able to get out alive, but these heroes have other plans to get out of this prison. Who will fool who? that's something you can only answer by looking at the conclusion of this fight of never before seen proportions.
Champion of the Three Continents Hero of the Three Continents San Tairiku Eiyuuki 三大陸英雄記
Champion of the Three Continents Hero of the Three Continents San Tairiku Eiyuuki 三大陸英雄記
ヒロインをめざせ!, Heroine wo Mezase!
The earth is in danger and is about to be invaded by aliens. Misao is a gymnast and a scout witnesses one of her amazing gymnastic routines and asks her if she wants to be a heroine. What did this scout mean by "heroine"?
Haasheriku Tensei Ouji no Eiyuutan -  ハーシェリク 転生王子の英雄譚
The day before 35-year old otaku lady Ryouko Hayakawa's birthday, she met her end by way of a traffic accident――――or at least, she was supposed to. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a fantasy world. What's more, she had reincarnated as the blond-haired, blue-eyed seventh prince, Herscherik! Fully enjoying a leisurely prince life free from worldly cares as a prince, Herscherik finds the king of this great country despised by retainers and officials alike, with corruption running rampant; quite the unpleasant state of affairs. Realizing this at a mere 3-years of age, in order to save the country Herscherik will have to rely on the "office worker" skills and "conman ability" from their previous life and take action!
Haasheriku R Tensei Ouji no Eiyuutan -  ハーシェリクR 転生王子の英雄譚
Reincarnated as the blond-haired, blue-eyed seventh prince?! Save the kingdom with "office worker" skills!(Please note there is a new artist for the sequel)
Heterogeneous Linguistics ~Introduction to heterogeneous linguistics ~ -  Heterogenia Linguistico ~Ishuzoku Gengogaku Nyuumon~ -  Heterogenia Linguistico: An Introduction to Interspecies Linguistics -  Heterogenia Linguistics -  Гетерогенная Лингвистика -  ヘテロゲニア リ
A linguist travels among the world of monsters, learning how each species communicates.
ヒのカグツチ -  Hi-no-Kagutsuchi
On a trip to look for his brother, a hungry Hachiya Rei stops at a shrine to pray. It is just his luck that he is accused of stealing money from the shrine and forced to work to pay off the amount stolen. However, the real thief turns out to be a daemon, or a god turned evil! An encounter with the daemon unleashes Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, concealed in Rei. As Kagutsuchi's proxy, Rei can use the god's holy fire to purify daemons, but there's a side effect...
ヒビキのマホウ -  Hibiki's Magic
From Tokyopop: Some of our most cherished manga characters are blessed with magical powers...others have an extraordinary combination superhuman strength and cunning intellect. But Hibiki? Her only real skill seems to be making a pot of delicious tea... Or is it?!
异世界冒险, 日帰りクエスト, Day-Trip Quest, One Day Quest
The adventure begins with a school girl named Eri getting magically summoned to a magical world. Eri has been summoned by a magician named Rex, intent on doing some scientific research observing people from different worlds. Rex is cute, with long dark hair and a rather pained expression at the trials Eri puts him through. Eri is not your average school girl. Instead of being terrified about her current situation, she manages to secure Rex’s promise to summon her again every week. Well OK, so the promise was rather reluctantly given due to a sneaky trick Eri plays involving the alarm on her digital watch. After all, being in a magical world is a lot more exciting than life as a school girl. The manga series chronicles Eri’s adventures in this magical world, as she travels around with Rex and the Prince of that world, a rather bishounen blond named Krueger. Unfortunately for Rex and Krueger, it is somewhat difficult to keep up with the very pushy Eri, and she manages to get them into quite a bit of mischief.
Higanjima Saigo no 47 Hiai ; 彼岸島 最後の47日間
Akira et la résistance humaine sont parvenus à conquérir le temple fortifié où résidait Miyabi. Alors que les derniers survivants profitent d'un repos de quelques jours bien mérité, un groupe d'étudiants échoue sur l'île d'Higanjima après avoir été attaqué par les démons marins. Ryosuke, Kasumi et Yamaoka vont très rapidement découvrir la cruauté sans limite des vampires.Miyabi, de son côté, ne compte pas en rester là et se prépare à attaquer le Japon directement grâce au nouveau moyen qu'il a trouvé pour vamprisier un maximum d'humain en un temps record. Son plan nécessite cependant 47 jours avant de pouvoir être mis en oeuvre.
Higanjima Saigo no 47 Hiai -  Higanjima - Saigo no 47 Hiai -  Higanjima - Plus que 47 jours -  彼岸島 最後の47日間


Où suis-je ? qui suis-je ? . . . Hilaktor ? c'est quoi ? Je m'appelle juste Hila moi.
暇人、魔王の姿で異世界へ (時々チートなぶらり旅)
A gaming hobbyist in-between jobs spent his free time playing his favorite online game. After enjoying the last day of service with his friends he awoke in an area that hadn’t existed in the game. Then he met a lone woman. It turns out his appearance had been overtaken by that of his character. In this world, he uses his new found power to enjoy complete freedom.
Darian-hime is the next in line to the throne, and she is constantly being made aware of it, but she’s not really the princess type. She wants to be strong and continually trains and pushes herself to be as strong a person as she can be. This does make her a bit reckless sometimes. Fortunately, she has a protector…
公主与三兽士 -  公主與三獸士 -  姫君と三匹の獣 -  The Princess and the three Beasts -  The Princess and Three Wild Beasts
The royal palace of the kingdom of Alba Forest received one letter of advance notice. That is, "We shall take the last treasure left behind by the late king to his beloved daughter, Violet." The sender of that letter was a group of robbers called the "Three Beasts." When Violet meets one of them by chance, the crow, her life changes greatly...!
A Classmate is a Princess Knight! -  姫騎士がクラスメート!
Après sa mort et celle de toute sa classe lors d'une sortie scolaire, Odamori accepte une offre d'emploi d'un homme mystérieux pour se réincarner. Cependant, son nouveau travail s'avère être celui d'un "esclavagiste", avec le pouvoir de dominer l'esprit des autres et de les transformer en ses jouets. Bientôt, cependant, ses actes malfaisants conduisent à l'envoi d'une princesse chevalier (qui s'avère être l'une de ses anciennes camarades de classe populaire) pour l'appréhender. Mais Odamori a bien sûr prévu quelque chose de différent pour leurs retrouvaillesAdaptation manga du Light Novel du même nom.
ヒミツの薔薇十字団, Himitsu no Rosen Kreuz, Himitsu no Rozen Kreuz
A Poor High-school girl meets a magician!One day, a suspicious Ikemen appears in front of Saga Honoka, a stingy highschool girl. He continuously tries to persuade Honoka that he is a magician of a secret organization, "Rosen Kreuz", realist Honoka refuses to believe him. A mean magician and a poor highschool girl; a magical romantic comedy begins!
Blue Eyes Sword (FR) Hinowa ga Crush! Hinowa ga Yuku! Завоевательница Хинова! ヒノワが征く!
Hiraesu wa Tabiji no Hate -  Hiraeth is the end of the journey -  Hiraeth Lies at the End of the Journey -  The End of the Journey. -  ヒラエスは旅路の果て
Mika is so desperate to see her dead friend again that she tries to kill herself. Before anything can happen, she is saved by two mysterious travelers...Together with her two companions, she embarks on a journey into an illusory world where hope and despair are intertwined!'Hiraeth' is [url=]a Welsh word for homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire, or a sense of regret.[/url]
秘身譚, Hishintan, Hishintan -Vita Arcana-
It's 217 AD, several decades after the end of the "Pax Romana," and the Roman Empire is still the most powerful empire in the world. However, between corruption in the government, increasing attacks from savage hordes, and continuing resource-draining foreign campaigns, the power of Rome is on the decline. With the recent assassination of the emperor Caracalla, many things are about to change...
Teacher Hisoka wakes up to find that he has died and is now inhabiting the body of the student he tried to save. This is due to the interference of a monk, who informs him that he cannot tell anyone who he really is or the bond between him and his "new" body will break and he will die for real. Hisoka chooses to retain his memories despite the monk's warning that it will cause trouble....No doubt it will, since Hisoka is the type who cannot pass someone in trouble without trying to help!
Certain Victory Dungeon Administration TechniqueThe Way to Absolute Dungeon Administration ? There Is No Reason To Meet With the Opponent!必勝ダンジョン運営方法필승 던전 운영 방법
Un jour, par une journée de loisir ensoleillée, une femme est venue chez moi et m'a demandé si j'étais intéressée à gérer un donjon avec le soutien d'une déesse. Mais bien sûr, j'ai refusé. Hein ? Je ne devrais pas ignorer une personne en difficulté, d'ailleurs si c'est une belle femme ? Pas question, c'est trop gênant et pourquoi je dois faire ça ? Je suis parfaitement satisfait de ma vie confortable maintenant, la jeter est tout simplement trop stupide....... Soupir, très bien.Alors je vais dans un autre monde, je deviens maître de donjon, je gère un donjon, et je m'occupe d'un problème de circulation de mana ? Compris, mais comment le faire ? Laissez-moi vous montrer comment.......


ヒストリエ -  历史之眼 -  歷史之眼
Suivez la vie d'Euménès de Cardia, secrétaire et compagnon d'Alexandre le Grand ; rencontrez avec lui tous les grands hommes de son temps que ce soit en Grèce, en Macédoine ou dans l'Empire Perse ; et revivez à ses côtés la grande histoire de l'épopée macédonienne dans ce seinen historique de toute beauté, multi-récompensé au Japon !
삼국지 여포전
Les trois royaumes. L'époque où les héros s'affluaient pour vaincre le monde. Les follicules les mieux armés se sont perdus dans l'histoire à cause d'une erreur momentanée. Les derniers moments de la vie... "Donnez-moi une autre chance, je promets que je vaincrai le monde !" Quand j'ai ouvert les yeux, le follicule avait une vingtaine d'années. Il avait remonté le temps, avec son esprit tumultueux qui commençait à se déployer !