
Qui est-il ? Pourquoi est-il appelé le "Boss" ? Peut-être est-il le Maître intrépide de ce monde. Ou peut-être le pire ennemi de l'humanité, qui anéantira les mondes. Après sa résurrection dans un monde de chevaliers, Su Sin perdit toutes les compétences et aptitudes de sa vie antérieure. Cependant, un Système nouvellement implanté peut l'aider à les restaurer. Mon nom est Su Sin où Sin signifie Gardien des promesses.
Fang Haotian est un jeune garçon qui est profondément amoureux d'une fille appelée Ningyu, mais ses parents sont opposés à leur relation. Ningyu à un mariage arrangé avec un autre homme. Peut-il devenir assez fort pour reprendre sa bien-aimée Ningyu à cet homme ?
Thần thoại Hy Lạp phiên bản truyện tranh màu -  古希腊罗马神话 -  만화로 보는 그리스 로마 신화
A fantasy/learning manga drawn in cartoons for children with the theme of Greek-Roman mythology published by Ghana Publishing House.
Les êtres humains ont fait de leur planète un désert recouvert d’ordures. Le seul endroit habitable est la Mégapole, ville géante où s’entassent hommes et robots, ainsi que les mystérieux Ersatz, créatures monstrueuses pourchassées par la Milice. Dans ce monde en perdition survit Misha, jeune orpheline aux dons d’empathie surdéveloppés. Incapable de contrôler sa capacité à lire les émotions des autres, elle se tient à l’écart de ses semblables. C’est pourtant grâce à ce pouvoir qu’elle trouve Reborn, un robot morphing errant sans mémoire au milieu d’une décharge.


Camélia, une chevalière d’exception, a été condamnée à mort pour trahison. La veille de son exécution, le Roi lui propose un marché : mourir, ou escorter un jeune dragon, le dernier de son espèce, dans un lieu sûr en traversant de dangereuses contrées.Le voyage sera périlleux puisque les dragons ont disparu du Royaume depuis longtemps et ils ont une valeur inestimable.Voulant vivre à tout prix, elle accepte et entreprend un long périple avec son protégé, mais elle cache en elle un terrible secret : elle ressent la douleur des autres comme personne et chaque combat est une torture pour elle. Commence alors une quête extraordinaire où les dangers et les secrets seront au rendez-vous.Camélia pourra-t-elle mener son protégé à bon port ?
异邦人2061, GRINGO2061
28 July 2061 was an unlucky day for Raiji, in which he was falsely accused of being a groper on public transport. That evening, he joined his friends, Yuma and Osamu, to watch Halley's Comet. The comet appeared to arrive a few hours ahead of schedule, but it didn't just pass by in the night sky. Instead, there was a blinding flash, and all the people Raiji and his friends had been watching with vanished. Not only that, but the area around them was suddenly filled with nightmarish giant mushrooms and twisted human faces. In this new, violent world, the three of them will encounter dangers human and inhuman!
Tensei Shite High Elf ni Narimashitaga, Slow Life wa 120-nen de Akimashita -  I Was Reborn and Became a High Elf, but I Got Tired of My Slow Life after 120 Years -  転生してハイエルフになりましたが、スローライフは120年で飽きました
Aesir a déjà passé 120 ans de sa nouvelle vie de haut elfe à mener le style de vie nonchalant que l'on attend de lui. C'est à peu près tout ce qu'il peut supporter. Disposant de beaucoup plus de temps qu'il ne sait qu'en faire, il décide de partir explorer le monde dans lequel il a passé un siècle et dont il ne sait toujours rien.
Great Teacher Onizuka: Shonan 14 Days, GTO: Shonan 14 Days, 14 jours secrets du Grand Professeur Onizuka
This is a spin-off story of the manga GTO(Great Teacher Onizuka). This takes place directly after the Teshigawara arc[after he was shot by him]After Eikichi Onizuka was shot by the former teacher Teshigara, he was sent to the hospital. Shortly afterwards he escape... 
This Manga is Interactive and is hosted here on Mangafox courtesy of MangaDreamer, MarkaDaisy and Koiya A young lady named Alice Minault meets a mysterious man: Alain Della Rocca. Alain is the owner of the prestigious Vega Hotel Chain in France but, in reality, he is the last of the Guardian Angels, an ancient order of warriors. He has to fight a huge dark international criminal organization. Alice will join Alain in his adventure. Pure Power and Pure Adrenaline and an unforgettable Love story. Join the Adventure! Read all Volume 1 on Hikaru Kootei's website and you'll get great gifts! A Naruto step by step drawing lesson guide, a fantastic photoshop plugin and much more!!! Watch mangaka Hikaru drawing and partecipate to the Manga Drawing Contest, you can win a copy of Manga Studio software!!!! (Drawing competition coming soon!!!)
Translated by [url=]Isekai Scan Team[/url]It’s the year 2035. A System called Eden (Virtual reality) was developed which would engage all the 5 senses of a person to give a completely immersive experience.It has completely changed the lives of the people and was praised as the dream-like technology...but further development of this technology led the world to be connected with the Holy Sanctuary... And one day Ansei and his best friend entered that Holy Sanctuary...
The Guild's Cheat Receptionist -  ギルドのチートな受付嬢
One day, due to God's mistake, Tomoaki Akinoi's life was accidentally snatched away. Though he gratefully accepted the cheat offered as an apology and reincarnated, he was reborn as a female elf! Then time passed, and Tomoaki now works as the intelligent and beautiful receptionist named Ilya in the Luneville branch of the Guild Association. In a world of swords and magic, her job in the guild begins today.[url=]Alt raw[/url]

Guilty Axe

Si vous fermez les yeux sur l'injustice, vous deviendrez définitivement une personne misérable ". Un garçon nommé Dantae est mort après avoir essayé de sauver son ami, et au même moment un monstre appelé " Péché " est apparu. Une option a été donnée à Dantae, qui pensait qu'il était mort. Aller au paradis ou tuer les péchés et sauver d'autres personnes. C'est l'action fantastique de Dantae, une punition terrible.

Guilty Crown

ギルティクラウン -  罪恶王冠
Après l'épidémie d'un virus non identifié "Lost Christmas" en 2029, le Japon est sous le contrôle d'une organisation multinationale appelée GHQ. Ouhma Shu est un jeune garçon de 17 ans qui a un pouvoir surnaturel dans sa main droite. Il peut utiliser la "Faculté du Roi" pour extraire des armes du cœur de ses amis. Alors qu'il vivait en évitant les ennuis, sa vie va basculer le jour où il rencontre Yuzuriha Inori, membre du groupe terroriste appelé "Croques-Morts", qui pilote des robots pour combattre contre le gouvernement.
グインサーガ, グイン・サーガ, The Guin Saga
In ancient times, the King of Paroh is savagely murdered with his wife and servants in his castle by mercenaries from the Gohra army. Only his children, Prince Remus and his twin sister Princess Linda managed to escape during the massacre in the surrounding forest. Quickly caught up by bloodthirsty murderers, they are saved by a strange-warrior with the face of a leopard. Suffering from amnesia, the mysterious savior only remembers his name: Guin. Twins explain him their situation and decides to help Guin hoping to learn more about its origins. On their way, they meet some allies including a young girl from an ape-people, a mage and a mercenary by the name of Isht Van. The small group will rally the tribes Sem and legendary giants, the Lagons, to expel the invaders and to avenge the massacre committed by Gohra.


Une histoire qui suit un jeune orc nommé Gul. Comme un enfant ordinaire, il joue beaucoup et s'attire parfois des ennuis. Il n'a aucune compétence particulière si ce n'est qu'il est vraiment doué pour s'enfuir. Le destin va lui confier une mission qu'aucun orc ne pourrait imaginer accomplir. C'est ainsi que commence la rude aventure de Gul !
ガン ブレイズ ウエスト; 西漠枪火
La légende dit qu'il existe loin vers l'ouest une contrée mystérieuse du nom de Gun Blaze West. Elle dit aussi que seuls les plus forts sont capables d'y accéder. Viu Bannes est un garçon têtu qui veut tester sa force. Liant amitié avec un vagabond, Marcus Homer, ils décident tous les deux de tester leur force en partant vers l'ouest. Arriveront-ils à atteindre cette contrée légendaire ?
At the opening of space boundaries, a special force, made up of humans and extraterrestrials, is created to maintain peace between different peoples: the Dragons of Weapon. Agent Omega is not the same since his teammate Alpha lost his life in an attack on a Gun Dragon ship by the terrible witch Ashura and his right hand, Lucifer. Time does not erase her wounds and she takes refuge at work, multiplying her missions. When suddenly, during a hiding place in Himler, the famous arms dealer, Ashura appears again ...
ガン フロンティア, Gan Furontia
"There are men who, on coming to places that women find unlivable, are all the more determined to find there a reason for living. These men epitomize grandeur."
軍オタが魔法世界に転生したら、現代兵器で軍隊ハーレムを作っちゃい -  Gun-ota (Novel) -  Gunota Ga Mahou Sekai Ni Tensei Shitara -  Gendai Heiki De Guntai Harem O Tsukucchaimashita!?
Gun-Ota raconte l'histoire d'un Otaku (grand fan) des armes à feu, qui se réincarne dans un monde où la magie est prédominante. Plus elle est grande, plus votre statut social est important. Cependant notre héros renaît dans un corps avec très peu de magie...
This Immortal Isn't Your Slave
C'est moi ! Le beau et "beau joueur" Valdeus, alias Chu Ran, qui aide souvent les belles femmes à se débarrasser de leurs copains pour évacuer leur colère.
ガンダム EXA
Gundam EXA (ガンダム EXA) is a manga written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kōichi Tokita, published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Gundam Ace magazine in 2011. Being Gundam Ace's 10th Anniversary Project, it is tied in with the arcade and PS3 Game Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost.The story takes place in unnamed timeline, where humanity has highly advanced technology. However, the human population is decreasing and it seems that they're on their way to extinction.The protagonists are Leos Alloy, Sthesia Awar and their Haro. They work on a Jupiter base called "Jupiter X", using "General Answer" (or "GA") which contains a massive repository of data about the previous eras of humanity, Leos travels to the Earths' of the previous eras in an effort to collect data that might give them a hint for the evolution of mankind.
Quelques années après la grande guerre oposant Zaft à l'Alliance Terrestre, la reconstruction se fait lentement… Mais des robots de guerre géants, les Gundams, sont toujours produits en masse. Un jour, alors que les discussions en faveur de la paix vont bon train, trois unités Gundam sont dérobées… C'est le début d'une nouvelle guerre pour Asuran et ses amis.
Боевой Ангел Алита, 銃夢, 铳梦, 총몽, BAA, Battle Angel, Battle Angel Alita, Ganmu, Gun Dream, Tsutsu Yume
Alita is a powerful cyborg with a soft heart and a mysterious past. Her second lease on life isn't easy: her heart is broken, she gains and loses friends to the cruel world of the Scrapyard far below the Utopian city of Tiphares, and she serves many masters in her quest to protect the innocent and create a new life for herself. Related Series Gunnm Gaiden (Side Story)GUNNM: Last Order(Sequel)
ガンスミスキャッツ -  Gun Smith Cats
Girls, guns, and grenades! Meet Rally Vincent and Minnie May. By day, they work at the Chicago gun shop that they own. By night (or holidays or week-ends), they moonlight as a pair of bounty hunters called the Gunsmith Cats. Rally is an expert at firearms, being able to judge the condition of a gun with a glance, and being an expert marksman. Minnie May is younger and less disciplined; and has an absolute fascination with explosives. Lots of explosives. Especially big ones. Together, they form an unbeatable team; much to the consternation of the local ATF bureau. Set in the city of Chicago, this action-adventure series features a lot of gunfights, car chases, and general mayhem.
ぐるり -  四神退魔
The story revolves around four main characters - regular old 10th graders, until they are chosen by a slip of Tatsuki's tongue to be the human masters of the ancient Four Gods! Readers of Fushigi Yuugi ought to know the four gods mythology. ^_^ The four teens are chosen to battle and vanquish the servants of the Demon King, who has escaped from the celestial world to wreak havoc on Earth.
Planet of the Fools 愚者の星 우자의 별
Sho and his friend, Tetsuro, stumble upon a strange orb-like mechanism, the Guyver Unit, in the woods. It physically bonds with Sho and turns him into the alien soldier, Guyver. His mission is to protect the Guyver Unit from the Japanese corporation known as Chronos. They are after it and two other units just like it. To retrieve the object, they send out vicious monsters known as Zoanoids. So no one is safe in Sho s life; not even himself.
鬼 (ORBG), 귀, Demon, Ghost (KIM Young Oh), Gui
Mu-Sang’s has a quest... He must find and kill every “Gwi” that has ever existed. He is determined and won’t let anything get in his way, not even the imperial army!While traveling and searching for the remnants of Gwi, he meets a girl who also bears the same mark crossed out than he has. A fateful encounter? Were those two fated to meet? And why does he hold such a grudge against the “Gwi”? ...are all questions left to be answered!
逆襲のドラゴンライダー, Dragon Rider's Counter Attack, Dragon Rider's Counterattack
On the floating island of Lithos, war is ever-raging and there seems to be no end in sight as the three nations that live atop it vie for control. However, as the battles rage on, it is discovered that the crystal that makes the island's floating possible is diminishing in power and the risk of the island falling becoming ever closer to reality. Seeking to find another place to live, the three kingdoms appoint their own elite soldier, a "Dragon Rider" , to fly to the ground below in search for the utopia known as "Arcadia" where there is no such thing as war.