ラスボス、やめてみた ~主人公に倒されたふりして自由に生きてみた~ - I Tried to Stop Being the Last Boss ~I Pretended to be Defeated by the Main Character and Tried to Live Freely~ - Last Boss, Yamete Mita ~Shujinkou ni Taosareta Furi Shite Jiyuu ni Ikite Mita~
Our 'Earth' is like the Coin have two sides 'HEADS' and 'TAILS', the two sides are seperated in different worlds with a Dividing Door between them, all the human lives in the HEADS and don't know about the existance of the other world except one...and Now that one want's to cross that Divider
This is the story of a world called Ivalice. It is a time when the existence of magick is still commonplace, and soaring airships cover the vast sky. Princess Ashe has vowed to restore her ruined country. Together with a few companions, she waits for an opportunity to strike back. A direct adaptation of the hit RPG!
Seo Moon Moo-hui, who had no choice but to look at the world with a different eye from his childhood, unfolds a new world from the tip of his brush, who unexpectedly went out to Kang-ho!
Taking place on the fictional continent of Elibe and stars Roy, the son of Fire Emblem protagonist Eliwood. Roy leads the League of Lycia's army against the forces of the militant country of Bern shortly after his father falls ill. The story begins when King Zephiel, ruler of the kingdom of Bern, finishes the brutal conquest of Ilia and Sacae and sets his sights on Lycia. With the war coming to his own country, Roy is sent home to lead Pherae's army to oppose Bern, but soon after he meets Guinevere, the princess of Bern and Zephiel's younger sister, who has escaped from her homeland to search for a way to stop the imminent war between Bern and Lycia. Upon the death of marquess Hector, Roy carries on the Lycian League and makes many promises: to protect Princess Guinevere and Hector's beloved daughter, the mage Lilina, and most importantly, to save the entire continent from Zephiel's mysterious thirst for world domination. But this story's hero is Al, son of a Bernian blacksmith. After turning 15 he left his home with his father's sword to go on an adventure in this continent bound for war. Side story of Fire Emblem ~ The Binding Blade (Gameboy Advance Videogame).
Taking place on the fictional continent of Elibe and stars Roy, the son of Fire Emblem protagonist Eliwood. Roy leads the League of Lycia's army against the forces of the militant country of Bern shortly after his father falls ill.The story begins when King Zephiel, ruler of the kingdom of Bern, finishes the brutal conquest of Ilia and Sacae and sets his sights on Lycia. With the war coming to his own country, Roy is sent home to lead Pherae's army to oppose Bern, but soon after he meets Guinevere, the princess of Bern and Zephiel's younger sister, who has escaped from her homeland to search for a way to stop the imminent war between Bern and Lycia.Upon the death of marquess Hector, Roy carries on the Lycian League and makes many promises: to protect Princess Guinevere and Hector's beloved daughter, the mage Lilina, and most importantly, to save the entire continent from Zephiel's mysterious thirst for world domination.But this story's hero is Al, son of a Bernian blacksmith. After turning 15 he left his home with his father's sword to go on an adventure in this continent bound for war.Side story of Fire Emblem ~ The Binding Blade (Gameboy Advance Videogame).
Fire Emblem - Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Ken - ファイアーエムブレム 暗黒竜と光の剣 - Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light - Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon and the
Marth is prince of Altea and a direct descendant of Anri, the warrior who slew the shadow dragon Medeus. However, after an attack from the neighbouring kingdom of Dolua, Marth is forced to become an exile in the neighboring nation of Talis. His sister Ellis is taken hostage after his father is killed battling the evil priest Garnef. With the help of the Altean knight Jeigan, the Talisian Princess Shiida, and others, Marth embarks on a quest to find the sacred sword known as Falchion and the Fire Emblem that will allow him to wield it. Only then will he be able to confront Garnef and the resurrected Medeus, win the kingdom of Altea back, and rescue his sister. from Wikipedia
Based on the Super Famicom strategy game, Fire Emblem 4 features the son of Lord Byron of Chalphy, Lord Sigurd. Bandits from Verdane made an attack while Grandbell's armies were away, and now Sigurd rallies the remaining forces to drive the bandits out so he can save his friend, Adean... Little does he know what he leads himself into will lead into a tragic turn of events in the face of Grandb.
Depuis plusieurs années, Homeland a disparu, laissant ses habitants sous un ciel gris encore jamais vu. Beaucoup de choses ont été détruites ou rendues inutilisables après cet évènement mondiale, si bien que les technologies se sont développées bien plus vite que prévues pour subvenir aux besoins urgents des gens. Kirishima Jiga, orphelin et vagabond, recherche des compagnons de voyage, en tentant de s'infiltrer dans plusieurs villages, sans jamais réussir à atteindre le centre ville. Cependant, Le Lion Dansant lui permet d'intégrer la ville de Damin, et il y rencontre Spica, une prostituée qu'il sauve de la Guilde des Mercenaires. Cette dernière l'aidera à retrouver Orochimaru, l'épée de son père, et son âme ! Après avoir récupéré Orochimaru, Jiga s'en va avec Shishi-My et Fay-Hound, alias Le Lion Dansant, un cyborg étonnement puissant, pour parcourir le monde et vaincre des ennemis pour améliorer ses techniques !
Il n'a pas de compétences particulières, mais il maîtrise le kung-fu. Le maître d'arts martiaux, Duan Yun, est venu dans une ville, puis a battu de riches personnes et punit des gangsters. Il donne aussi son affection à une fille de grande qualité, un flic chaud et fougueux, et une femme d'affaires froide.............
Vance voulait juste tirer le meilleur parti de son expérience universitaire sous un régime totalitaire. Et si cela impliquait de pirater l'université pour s'attribuer une colocataire sexy, alors qu'à cela ne tienne ! Mais la dernière choisissait à laquelle il s'attendait était probablement d'être entraîné dans une folle conspiration visant à renverser le gouvernement organisé par son colocataire qui est visiblement loin d'être une femme. L'université était censée être excitante, mais pas de cette manière... et c'est entre ses dates échoués, échecs scolaires et piratages informatique que Vance commencera lentement à remettre en question la moralité de ses actes et le véritable prix de la liberté.
Becoming a ninja is just a childhood dream for sixteen-year-old Recca, until a fateful encounter reveals he has inherited ninja powers, including the ability to wield fire! As Recca learns to master the ancient ways of his ancestors, he is drawn to protect a mysterious girl named Yanagi...
"Wake up" These are the words Sora Han hears right before her heart stops and then begins to beat again. The first and only person in the world to Successfully have a plant heart transplant, Sora has felt an inexplicable pull to go to outer space ever since her operation. At 25 years old, she finally gets the chance. But why does everything on the planet she travels to seem familiar? Sora learns more about herself on this journey than she could have ever imagined.
Les sorciers, bannis de ce monde parallèle par les magiciens se cachent parmi toutes les autres créatures. Chacun d'entre eux à une histoire palpitante à raconter, mais intéressons-nous qu'à une seule d'entre elle. Au continent d'Erijia habite une jeune sorcière âgée de 10 ans, fille dune magicienne et d'un sorcier infiltrés dans le gouvernement des magiciens. Notre héroïne va vivre d'incroyables aventures. Suivons l'histoire d'Izumi Kadawa...
La terre va bientôt disparaître en raison de la pollution de l'environnement.Cependant, elle se réveille de l'arme biologique qui ressemble à une fleur : les anciens "gardiens" endormis.Ces gardiens s'attaquent aux humains qui sont responsables de la pollution.La guerre des fleurs. La terre touche à sa fin en raison de la pollution de l'environnement dans un avenir proche, mais elle se réveille de l'arme biologique en forme de fleur : les anciens "gardiens" endormis. Ces gardiens attaquent l'humanité, le pollueur coupable, et tentent de détruire la civilisation. Les humains se battent contre les gardiens fondateurs en utilisant les défenses des robots à puissance humaine survivants. Kay, un nouveau pilote de robot né dans les bidonvilles, est affecté au Moonlight Fox et rencontre un autre type de gardien lors d'un combat contre eux.
うちの娘の為ならば、俺はもしかしたら魔王も倒せるかもしれない - Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Mao mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai - UchiMusume - Uchi no Musume no Tame