
بلاك كلوفر جايدين: رباعية الفرسان -  ブラッククローバー外伝 カルテットナイツ - 
Un spin-off de Black Clover de Shonen Jump + l'histoire basée sur le jeu Black Clover ps4 et pc Quartet Knights de Yumiya Tashiro, célèbre pour Night King et Dragon's Dogma Revives ! Yami Sukehiro, le capitaine de l'ordre des chevaliers d'Asta, les Black Bulls, rajeunit soudainement, au moment où un mystérieux mage lance une attaque sur le royaume de Clover. Rejoignez Asta et ses amis alors qu'ils s'embarquent dans une nouvelle aventure faite d'épreuves et de tribulations. Manga original
ブラッククローバーSD アスタくん魔法帝への道
This is a gag comedy spinoff of Black Clover serialized in the bimonthly magazine, Saikyo Jump. Translated from Saikyo Jump's website: Black Clover's spin-off series makes its entrance on stage! Don't miss the big adventures of a sillier than usual Asta and his friends!
Using Tezuka's characters, the very best artists were allowed to let loose and adapt his characters into short stories.
The seeds born of twisted desire take root deep in the heart, feeding on emotions and expanding non-stop. When all of life is sucked away, the seed receives the key to the world and the black monster is born quietly. They are called "evils".In order to liberate the souls bound by "evils", a group of resolutely determined people, with the strength of the will from the world, become the light to illuminate the world at the cost of their own life.

Black Torch

En tant que descendant d'une famille de shinobi, Jirou Azuma a appris des techniques de ninja toute sa vie. En plus de cela, il a aussi la capacité de parler aux animaux. Un jour, il sauve un étrange chat noir nommé Ragou et apprend que le monde est rempli d'esprits appelés Mononoke qui peuvent prendre la forme de personnes et d'animaux. Cependant, leur rencontre est interrompue par un Mononoke hostile qui en a après la puissance de Ragou.
Le périple vers Élysium d'une héroïne se dressant face aux démons qui menacent de plonger le monde dans les ténèbres.Tiré d'un jeu coréen nommé Blade 2.Série finie en 8 chapitres
Lors d'une recherche de sites/films porno sur Internet, Sudo Kansuke, un étudiant de 20 ans, est aspiré dans un monde RPG appelé Munberdia. Il est l'élu qui porte l'épée de lumière ! Mais l'épée de lumière n'est pas ce à quoi vous vous attendriez...
ブレイド三国志 -  武灵士三国志 -  Bureido Sangokushi -  Bureishi Sangokushi
Set in 2194 AD, China, which is now a prosperous, super-modern country. The characters are mostly reincarnations of warriors from the 3 Kingdoms period. The story begins in Shin Yokohama with main chara Todoroki Ranshirou driving around & causing a ruckus with his bousouzoku called Yokohama Road Stars, when he gets a mysterious package from his father. Soon after he's attacked by Blades and makes an astonishing self-discovery... that he's the reincarnation of Sun Ce!


iftira Блейм! ブラム!
Peut-être sur Terre... Peut-être dans le futur... Killy est un cyborg taciturne qui erre dans une gigantesque cité labyrinthique s'étendant sur des milliers de niveaux. Armé d'un révolver amplificateur de radiations et accompagné de Shibo, un scientifique, il part en quête du "net-gene", un programme qui aurait échappé à la contamination globale d'un virus informatique, et qui serait capable de gérer le monde...
ネットスフィアエンジニア -  BLAME! Net Sphere Engineer -  NSE: Netsphere Engineer
The much-awaited sequel to BLAME! follows a man, called a Dismantler, who is in charge of sub-dividing the nexus towers that incurr Safeguard interference upon its detection of humans without the net terminal genes. Although humans are once again able to reside in the Net sphere, the Safeguard are still a threat. The Dismantler or NSE, or Net sphere engineer, goes on a journey to aid mankind in their survival.
Blanca - The Ultimate Fighting Dog -  Blanco -  Cho Sento Inu Blanca -  Le chien Blanco -  ブランカ
Winter 1989, Alaska. Blanca has escaped from a secret training camp in the Soviet bloc, counting only on his instinct to pass the Bering Strait and reach Alaska, the land of wolves. Hounded by the secret services, the genetically altered dog is driven by call of nature and of his land to continue the endless journey, embodying an ancient Inuit legend because of his extraordinary fighting skills, speed and endurance. But in his journey he comes across very dangerous enemies.


Le monde est resté en paix depuis que le héros du clan Blavet a vaincu le Roi Démon, il y a cent cinquante ans... cependant, le Roi Démon réapparait une fois de plus, mais cette fois, en face de Yuushi, le descendant du clan Blavet ! Une nouvelle aventure est sur ​​le point de commencer !
Many years ago, humanity was on the verge of extinction from a creature called the "Black Beast." The world was saved by six heroes who wielded magic. They helped humanity create "Ars Magus", a fusion of magic and science, to defeat the Black Beast. This event would be later known as the First War of Magic.After the war, the Novus Orbis Librarium (also referred to as "The Library" or the "NOL") was created to govern the world with the use of Ars Magus. A great deal of dissent was caused by the Library, partly due to Ars Magus' use in nearly every facet of society, and the widening socioeconomic gap between those who could and couldn't use Ars Magus. This dissent would eventually form years later into the Second War of Magic or also known as the Ikaruga Civil War, when the city of Ikaruga openly rebelled against the NOL. Upon winning the war, the NOL imposed a harsher rule on the world, punishing any rebellion against the NOL with death.In December A.D. 2199, several years after the Second War of Magic, a branch of the NOL was utterly destroyed by an SS-class rebel named "Ragna" also known as the "Grim Reaper", in an attempt to destroy the Librarium. The NOL, hoping to stop him, immediately announced the largest bounty ever, available to anyone who could capture him. Interestingly, Ragna possesses a powerful form of Ars Magus known as the "Azure Grimoire." This led the NOL, as well as the other fighters, to hunt Ragna not just for his bounty, but also his Azure Grimoire.BlazBlue - Chimelical Complex, is the manga adaptation of BlazBlue - Calamity Trigger, the hit fighting game developed by Arc System Work.
BlazBlue - Continuum Shift -  BlazBlue - Time Shifter
" Ragna the Bloodedge. That man is nicknamed Grim Reaper and possesses the power of Azure Grimoire. Yet, he awakens in an unfamiliar land and has lost both the Azure's power and his memory. In this unknown world, he comes across Celica, a girl who is able to use healing magic, and a beastkin warrior named Mitsuyoshi. Their journey is closely related to the Black Beast, a being which drive humanity to devastation. However... The popular fighting game series BlazBlue's history, previously shrouded in history, is about to be laid bare. The official story leading to where it all begins has arrived! "
徽章戰役, ブレイザードライブ
In the near future, human technology becomes centered around Mystickers, or tattoo-like stickers which are placed on objects in order to use their abilities. But Mystickers can do much more than this, a secret only "Blazers" know. A secret Daichi, a good-humored teenager with an obsession for all things "cool," is destined to find out when he suddenly finds himself targeted by people who tell him he, too, is a Blazer... 
Awesome Bleach images and wallpapers collection.
"AF begins his second year of high school, depressed over the mundane nature of his life and his inability to find himself. The strange thing is, whenever he is depressed, AF always starts seeing three strange little things flying around him. No one else sees these oddities, and aside from their occasional presence, his life remains incredibly ordinary…That is until he meets Sane, a girl who suddenly asks him to teach her how to play guitar, and a strange middle aged man that speaks to AF about the difference between reality and dreams. From that day on, AF starts experiencing strangely real dreams, but they are still just dreams…right?” 
Bleckmossen Boyz
Long running manga series published in the kids and young adults' magazine "Kamratposten".Written by Oskar Ekman, drawn by Kwok-Hei Mak (2006-2007) and Carolina Ståhlberg (2007-Present).Has been collected in two books; "Samlade Äventyr 1" & "Samlade Äventyr 2".
Bleckmossen – Secret of the Seahorse
A standalone adventure set in the universe of "Bleckmossen".


Tombé du ciel, Yidun dispose de 90 jours pour trouver les 5 Trésors qui lui permettront de vaincre le Roi Démon. "Laaaaarge", pensa l'intéressé. "Bouge-toi quand même un peu", lui rappela son super pote Koopie le Panda. Le temps lui est compté (mais no stress) !
Dans la cité désertique de Johan, un esclave, appelé Zion, s'entraine pour devenir un grand nécromancien, capable de se battre d'égal à égal avec des chevaliers dans le but de prendre sa revanche sur ceux qui ont massacré les siens ? Mais le pouvoir qu'il obtiendra sera-t-il une bénédiction ? Ou une calamité ?
BLISS~极乐幻奇谭 -  Bliss~End Of Gods
Pendant dix longues années, les vivants et les morts se sont séparés. Faut-il oublier les morts et ne jamais s'en souvenir ?
Sangre Y Acero -  Wu Dao Kuang Zhi Shi -  武道狂之詩
The story begins with an eradication of Qingcheng by a group of martial art fanatic from Wudong, whose master and disciples only has one belief: to become the strongest. In order to maintain supremacy, it takes over all the other martial arts group and kill those refuse to yield themselves to it. Yan Heng, a young swordsman in Qingcheng, was saved by 'Wudang Hunter' Jing Lie, who also lost his fellows because of Wudong. Being the only remnant of their groups, the two allied and start their journey of revenge.
Gore fiend -  血魔
An ordinary college student, a scared gore fiend, when the two identities overlap, where should they go?

Blood Loop

Red ring
Venant d'endroit mystérieux, les créatures grises et pourpres entrent en collision sur terre. Ils réussissent à transformer autant d'humains qu'ils peuvent en leur propre espèce. Xiao Cheng et Zheng Yiren, meilleurs amis de l'enfance, ont été transformés en rouge et gris respectivement. Debout sur les idéaux opposés, face à ce monde en train de s'effondrer, quels choix feront les deux frères ?
Matools no Ketsuzoku
Commercialisation en France stoppée. Pour sauver sa soeur atteinte d’un mal étrange, Kai part à la recherche du Matools, une créature légendaire dont le sang guérirait toutes les maladies. Sur son chemin, il croise Sophy, une prêtresse elle aussi frappée par une maladie qui la prive petit à petit de son pouvoir guérisseur. Ensemble, ils partent à la recherche du Matools, mais Kai et Sophy sont loin d’être les seuls à pister cette redoutable créature.