
Bira est un enfant qui adore pécher, il vivait et vadrouillait dans la nature avec son grand-père nain.Un jour, son grand-père lui dit de l'attendre dans la partie nord de la forêt et disparaît.Bira attendit pendant de longues années en vivant dans la forêt et se lia d'amitié avec une famille d'ours tout en se tenant à l'écart des humains, tout comme son grand-père lui avait dit de faire.Par chance, il rencontre et sauve la vie de Tanyu avec qui il deviendra plus tard amis.En apprenant que son ami était en route pour une mission dangereuse, Bira quitte la forêt et se dirige vers le monde extérieur pour aider Tanyu.
Liu Feng, un jeune accro à Internet, a accidentellement voyagé à travers la dimension dans un monde d'épées et de magie.
Leo goes into an unknown place. Suddenly the demon beast attacked him. After defeating the demon beast, he became a hero! However, in order to get the money back, they will go in an effort to defeat the devil!
A história do rei sem memórias que não é um elfo começa! O que será que aconteceu com seu reino?
-  The Journey of Life -  Spring Horse -  Bahar Atı -  Harukoma -  The Girl Underwater -  水中国の娘 -  Mizu Chuugoku no Musume -  The Legend of the President's Glasses -  会長の眼鏡伝説 -  La leggenda degli occhiali del presidente -  Kaichou no Megane Densetsu -  Başkanın Gözlük Efsanesi
タブロウゲート -  タブロウ・ゲート
High school student Satsuki Hikawa lives alone in a mansion while his grandfather, who is his only other living family member and an art dealer, travels all over the country. One day Satsuki's grandfather sends him an art book that is called Tablet. Each page in the book seems to represent different tarot cards, but most of the symbols are missing. Soon after receiving the book a mysterious girl storms in to Satsuki's home and claims that she is the owner of the Tablet and tells Satsuki all of the missing symbols must be found and returned to the book before "they" make any mischief. In order to find and return the symbols, Satsuki must call out the right symbols to defeat the escaped ones. Any symbols that he returns to the book will become his servants. Will Satsuki be able to find and capture all of the symbols that ran away?
タクティクスオウガ, Ogre Battle Saga Episode VII Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together
Based on homonymous video game.
After Spending Hundreds of Years as a Common Undead, I’ve Become The Strongest Undead When I Woke up -  Hundreds Years After I Was Called [Just Corpse], I’ve Become Strongest Undead When I Woke Up -  Suicidal Undead -  Tada no Kabane no Yōda to Iwarete Ikusei
Zion, a solo adventurer, recklessly entered a dungeon beyond his ability. Alas, that was the last thing he did. Wandering inside a dungeon for hundreds of years, as an undead, he kept advancing into the dungeon. Slaying monster left and right until his undead body underwent "evolution" many times over. By the time he regained his ego, he had already become the strongest undead: "No Life King."The humankind, who was made aware of the appearance of a new world-class disaster monster, felt dread as they fell into the abyss of despair. "The world is... done for." Or so they thought. This was the tale of the humans who trembled in fear and him, an undead, who actually had no intention to destroy the world.
태백 : 튜토리얼 맨
Compétences de débutant Lv.999 ! L'aventure d'un PNJ Tutorial qui a un ego !Webtoon original
逮捕しちゃうぞ -  逮捕令 -  Taihou Shichauzo -  Taihoushichauzo -  You Are Under Arrest! -  You're Under Arrest!
It's babes and badges! Miyuki and Natsumi are two stunningly beautiful policewomen who are, at heart, a couple of girls who just wanna have fun! When they're not getting themselves into wacky situations, they're busy enforcing the law. They're part Cagney and Lacey, part Thelma and Louise, and part Barbie and Skipper!
月のしっぽ, 月亮的尾巴, 달의 꼬리, Promise of the Moon, Tail of the Moon
Sometimes it seems like Usagi is hopeless. Sure, she's good with healing herbs, but she's the granddaughter of the leader of a prestigious ninja village and she's such a klutz that she's never made it out of the kiddie class. Finally frustrated with Usagi's lack of progress, her ... 
Long ago, in the far reaches of space, there existed a world as pure and blue as the Earth. And on this world, there lived two "Queens" with the power to control it. When the world is thrown into chaos by one of those queens, a young boy and a young girl must stand up to challenge her for the sake of protecting all that they hold dear.
Kounosuke Ryuudo est un samouraï qui est coincé dans une pauvreté perpétuelle. La recherche d'un emploi est infructueuse, car il ne sait pas manier une lame. Un jour, après avoir été accosté par des criminels et ne voulant atteindre que la douce étreinte de la mort, il reçoit une demande en mariage d'une mystérieuse femme... Le dernier ouvrage en date de l'auteur de Kasane.
Kazura, un employé ordinaire remporte un jour à la loterie 4 mille millions de Yens. Pour fuir les demandeurs d'argent, il se réfugie dans une maison dans un coin reculé.
A TYPE-MOON staff member artist Takenashi Eri has created many side stories to most of the group's projects; 'Tsukihime' & 'Kagetsu Tohya', 'MELTY BLOOD', 'Fate/stay night' -- you'll find your favorite characters in various hilarious situations that weren't covered by any of the original products.
[ réserver par La Sainte union chapitre demain ]
A young boy with a terminal illness was caught up in an incident and obtained a system , that could cure him, but in exchange, he has to defeat the nine people with great superpowers.He accepts the task, and later found that the system has provided him with a skill [Domination] , which makes all his defeated enemies to listen to his commands no matter what !chinese身患顽疾,时日不多的高中生元吾,在遭遇意外,获得超自然系统后,了解到只要击败九个异能高手,就能让身体痊愈。男主毅然接下任务,并发现系统已赋予自身一个叫做“王权”的技能,那便是亲手打败的敌人,必须无条件听从自己一次命令!
Takeru -  Takeru - Susanoh ~ Mashou no Ken yori -  TAKERU:SUSANOH魔性の剣より -  TAKERU~SUSANOH~魔性の剣より~ -  Thần kiếm Takeru -  Thanh gươm ma thuật
From Snow Kiss Scanlations: Once there was a legend of a sword. It is said that the sword of a rune god was sealed up in "Jagara-Mogara". When the spirits of Light, Water, and Earth come together, the seal will break, then the sword will be immortalised. That is the sword of Susanoh. Izumo, Kumaso, and Oguna, upon pursuing the sword of Susanoh, came to the nation of Jagara ruled by an Empress and her army of women. They got involved in the wars between Jagara and Amamikado, but what awaits them isn't the clash between two nations, but the darkness involved with the sword of Susanoh that everyone is seeking.


Tamano Kako et Marunouchi Gaku étaient de très bons amis, mais Gaku a dû partir avec son père pour voyager à travers le monde. Cependant, Gaku a promis que si Kako l'attendait, il reviendrait dans 10 ans et ils sortiraient ensemble. Cependant, après que Gaku soit parti la loi de Takkoku fut créée : si vous avouez votre amour à quelqu'un, vous devrez la battre au ping-pong; si vous vous touchez avant que le jeu ne soit fini, cette personne sera punie. Si vous gagnez, indépendamment des sentiments de l'autre personne, vous sortez automatiquement avec. Cependant, Kako est appelé la numéro 1 du ping-pong au Japon et Gaku n'a jamais joué de ping-pong auparavant et il veut être celui qui avouera ses sentiments. Comment cet amour fleurira-t-il dans ces conditions ? Gaku ne pourra t-il jamais battre Kako au ping-pong ?
Un écrivain qui a échoué aux examens nationaux est recruté par un maître d'arts martiaux et chargé de consigner sa vie dans un livre. À travers leur voyage, Son Bin rencontre de nombreuses personnes formidables et se retrouve bientôt sur la même voie que le maître, pour devenir le roi des arts martiaux.
Les Maîtres de Murim sont chassés par des robots sortis de nulle part, et c'est lors d'un de ces combat qu'un des Grands Maîtres du Murim se voit dans l'obligation de transmettre toute l'énergie vitale des précédentes générations du Murim dans le corps d'un étudiant : Eun Aran. Il se rendra compte au fil du récit de la tâche qui lui incombe, et devra tout faire pour sauver la descendance du Murim.

Tale of Nezha

哪吒传(故事) -  Nezha Zhuan
Nezha, né sous la forme d'un garçon de 3 ans avec une puissance céleste, devient par inadvertance empêtré dans un complot mené par les mauvais esprits. Il est obligé de se suicider à un jeune âge. L'histoire est basée autour d'une divinité chinoise.
テイルズ オブ ジ アビス 追憶のジェイド, 憶のジェイド, Tale of the Abyss: Jade in My Memories, Tales of the Abyss: Tsuioku no Jade, Tales of the Abyss
 Tales of the Abyss side story that focuses on Jade Curtiss, also known as Jade the Necromancer.
Taketori Monogatari 竹取物語: 創業90周年企画
- The synopsis is not the same as, the B.A.W version, I used the B.A.W synopsis because it was just easier than my TLer to translate it. - So please stop changing this descriptioin as they are actually not the same...
女儿国传奇 - 胜男篇, Kingdom of Women: ShengNan Story, Nu'er Guo Chuanqi - ShengNan Pian, Nu'er Guo Chuanqi: ShengNan Pian, Woman Country Legend: ShengNan Cha
In Ancient China, there existed a legendary kingdom called the Land of Daughters. In this place, the traditional gender roles were reversed, as the women held the power while the men obediently served on the women's whims. ShengNan is an ordinary modern day girl, but she accidentally went through a time portal and arrived in the Land of Daughters! What's more, she looks exactly like the Duke! Of course the Duke switched places with ShengNan, only to lure out his enemies and strike them from behind. However, the Duke's wife fell in love with ShengNan and... ShengNan fell in love with the Duke's enemy?!
妖神记 -  Yaoshenji -  Yêu Thần Ký -  TODAG
Le monde qui entourait les Saintes Montagnes Ancestrales était occupé par les créatures du Blizzard et ceux qui y vivaient étaient isolés de l'extérieur depuis des centaines d'années. On disait que, quand l'humanité était à son apogée, elle était composée de puissants empires qui s'étaient depuis effondrés. Cependant, grâce à son emplacement bien dissimulé, une ville fut préservée de "l'Age Sombre" si bien que malgré les assauts incessants des créatures, elle survécut aux guerres dévastatrices et fut reconstruite encore et encore. Ses murs cent fois rebâtis s'élevaient tel un monument invincible ! Cette ville représentait l'espoir de l'humanité, on la nommait... La ville de la gloire !chaps supprimés au fur et à mesure des sorties en france des tomes
Stahn Aileron was just a simple country-boy who left in search of adventure. While a stowaway on a transport that got taken down by monsters, he found the sentient sword Dymlos, a relic of an ancient war. Now he's stuck with Rutee, a brazen bounty-hunter, Mary, a kind-hearted warrior, Philia, a naive priestess, and the stuck-up Leon as they pursue enemies who have stolen an object with the power to destroy the world!